Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 741 Promotion, promotion, fourth level and fourth level

[Cultivation of physical fitness to the extreme is the return of bloodline! 】

Wu Tao held the broken ancient book in his hand and turned to the middle page. All the ancient characters had been worn away by the years, but strangely, this sentence was completely preserved. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

He looked at this sentence quietly and pondered.

Immortal cultivators who practice to the extreme have only one goal, and that is to become an immortal.

Wu Tao feels that physical cultivation is also a type of immortal cultivator, and the ultimate goal is to become an immortal, live forever, and live forever. So, can the return of blood to the ancestors lead to immortality?

What does the atavism of bloodline mean? What is the ancestor of mankind?

The reason why Wu Tao is thinking about human beings is because immortal cultivators are actually human beings. When humans embark on the path of cultivating immortals, they are called immortal cultivators.

Even if a cultivator becomes an immortal, he or she is still a human being, just a person who can live forever, because immortals are still composed of humans.

This is Wu Tao's definition of immortality. Of course, Wu Tao has not yet cultivated to become an immortal and does not know how to define immortality.

The end of cultivation in these three realms is the realm of divine transformation. When you reach the realm of divine transformation in the future, you will only have a lifespan of 2,000 years. When the life span of 2000 years is over, the dust will return to the dust.

Therefore, after he reaches the realm of spiritual transformation, he must jump out of the cage of the three realms and go to a higher level of immortality to continue making breakthroughs.

It was like he jumped out of the Immortal Realm and came to the higher-level Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

The top immortal cultivator in the Immortal Yuan Realm at that time was only Yuanying Zhenjun, and there was no Divine Transformation Lord.

"However, there is still a long way to go before cultivating to the realm of divine transformation and jumping out of the cage of the three realms. Now we still have to break through to the realm of Yuanying." Thinking of this, Wu Tao continued to look through the ancient books to see if there was any connection with this sentence later. content.

He flipped through page after page, but basically there were only incomplete words that could not form words at all, and he had no idea of ​​the meaning. In the end, after flipping through this ancient book, Wu Tao actually gained nothing at all.

The only gain is this sentence.

"As the master said, this ancient book is actually a travelogue written by an immortal cultivator. He casually expounds his own opinions with a strong sense of subjectivity. Whether it can be believed and whether it can be fully believed depends on the future. To explore, to verify.”

Wu Tao solemnly put away this ancient book and handed it back to Master Wen Xingrui after he left the customs.

Although this kind of ancient book does not seem to be a secret cultivation book and cannot be obtained, no matter which sect it is, it attaches great importance to it, because having this kind of ancient book can explore the history of the world of immortality.

It can be regarded as having very profound historical significance. This type of ancient books is no less important than some sect-suppressing exercises. Generally, only the upper echelons of a sect can consult them.

Therefore, Wu Tao must return it completely to Master Wen Xingrui.

There is nothing gained from this ancient book. Wu Tao didn't bother to delve into what that sentence meant. Anyway, he just needed to practice the Zhoutian Xingchen body training technique all the way to the realm of the divine body.

"Now that the body cultivation level has broken through the Yuan Ti realm, I have also begun to understand the Yuan Ti realm of the Zhou Tianxing Body Cultivation Technique, so let's see how much progress I can make in a month."

From the True Body to the Yuan Body, a big realm has been crossed. The difficulty and time of cultivation will definitely increase exponentially, and it cannot be as fast as the cultivation speed in the True Body realm.

Wu Tao had already been mentally prepared for this, and he would not feel disappointed when his cultivation speed slowed down.

Then Wu Tao began to take out the star stones to practice the Zhoutian Xingxing Body Exercise in the Yuan Ti realm. This Zhoutianxing Body Exercise is good. No matter which realm it is, it is actually done with the Star Stone or the radiance of the stars. Practice.

But every time he breaks through a great realm, he is one step closer to becoming a star. Wu Tao has a feeling that when he cultivates this skill to the extreme, his physical strength will be no less than the energy of a star, and the energy of a star. It's hard to imagine how powerful the energy is, but it can definitely collapse mountains and seas.

After practicing the Zhou Tianxing Body Training Yuan Ti Chapter for two hours, Wu Tao felt a slight improvement in his Yuan Ti realm. Although it was very subtle, it could still be clearly felt.

Immortal cultivators are like this. They can feel their own progress. If they can't feel it on any day, it means they have reached the end and can no longer go further. They can only watch their lifespan decrease day by day, and eventually their cultivation will be reduced. Return to heaven and earth.

Wu Tao then began to practice the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique. Now that he has reached the perfection of the Golden elixir, the next step is to break through to the Yuanying realm. Before the opportunity to break through to the Yuanying realm comes, he must master this Nine-Xuan Tiangang method. After cultivating the Xinghuo Zangshen method to perfection, he gave birth to the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Xinghuo Nascent Soul.

He cannot wait for his breakthrough opportunity to come. He has not yet cultivated the perfect Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Nascent Soul, so he cannot break the elixir to become a baby. If he forcibly breaks the elixir to become a baby, he may fail.

“Time is still very tight!”

Wu Tao thought to himself and began to seize the time to practice the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique.

Time passed day by day, and Wen Xingrui fell into seclusion. He was preparing to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, so he could not be interfered by the outside world during this preparation.

Promoting to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner is by no means a trivial matter.

"With the master's talent for refining weapons and the soul secret technique he has practiced in the Tianyan God Refining Manual, it will be of great help to the refining of weapons. I believe that the master will be able to be promoted to the fifth level of weapon refining master in the future. The current level is fourth level. Intermediate level, just trivial.”

A top-level sect with a God-Transforming God Lord must also have a fifth-level weapon refiner, a fifth-level talisman master, a fifth-level alchemy master, and a fifth-level formation mage.

Only a fifth-level master of the four arts can raise the overall strength of the entire sect to a large level. Otherwise, only the top power of the God Transformation God Lord will be defeated by the other party. The immortal cultivators below will be a long way behind the opponent. There is no way to form a confrontation.

"The Lingxu Immortal Sect sits in the Immortal Yuan Realm. Although it is a small world, a fifth-level spiritual vein has been born. Given time, as long as it is given enough time to develop, it will surely grow into a world like the Star Immortal Palace, the Sun Immortal Palace, and the Hui Immortal Palace. Yuexian Palace, the three major stars in the Sea of ​​Stars, are as giant as the top immortal palaces in the Immortal Realm."

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, he realized that he had rested enough and continued to refine weapons. He was now refining weapons for Lingxu Immortal Sect in the weapon refining room of the Refining Hall. Of course, this kind of weapon refining task was assigned by the Lingxu Immortal Sect Weapon Refining Hall. , the Three Realm weapon refiners from their Xingchen Immortal Palace helped them refine some war boats and the like.

It is good for resisting demons and remnants of the demon world.

An hour later, Wu Tao had completed today's weapon refining task, and then left the weapon refining room, and went with Gu Xingyuan and the others to the weapon refining master exchange meeting held in the weapon refining hall.

After the Lingxu Immortal Sect merged with the Six Righteous Sects, it will hold an exchange conference for weapon refiners every five years. All weapon refiners, whether they are first-level, second-level, or third-level weapon refiners, can participate. This is a weapon refining exchange conference.

When the weapon refiners from Xingchen Immortal Palace came to support them, they were naturally invited by the Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refinement hall to participate in the weapon refiner exchange conference.

Wu Tao received the invitation and immediately accepted the invitation, because he could communicate with old friends through this exchange conference for weapon refiners.

Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng, Han Zhen, Jiang Lian, Meng Haoting, these weapon refiners born in Lingxu Sect all have a very good relationship with Wu Tao.

Through this exchange meeting for weapon refiners, you may be able to make friends with them. Although they are all second-level weapon refiners and Wu Tao is a third-level senior weapon refiner. There seems to be an imbalance in status. However, Wu Tao's willingness to make friends is also surprising. Can't find anything wrong with it.

This kind of exchange conference for weapon refiners is the largest exchange conference for weapon refiners in Lingxu Immortal Sect, so those weapon refiners from other domains came to Lingxu Immortal Sect as early as ten days and a half ago.

After the merger, the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall is considered their main hall, and the Weapon Refining Halls in other regions are all branch halls.

By coincidence, Wen Xingrui, as the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, is supposed to host this exchange meeting for weapon refiners, but he is in retreat preparing to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner. Master, therefore, Yang Kaiji, the former master of the Wuquan Mountain Artifact Refining Hall, temporarily came out of seclusion to preside over it.

After the merger of the six sects, due to the opening of the boundary wall portal of the Immortal Yuan Realm, they got in touch with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and received assistance from the weapon refining inheritance of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. Therefore, the original Wuquan Mountain Hall Masters Yang Kaiji and Zijindong Qiu Zuming , Liang Sidao and Wang Qingchun of the Qingling Sect, Yan Fu of the Beast Control Sect, brothers Xian Yao Gu Yao Wucheng and Yao Youcheng, these third-level weapon refiners have now become third-level advanced weapon refiners.

They are all in seclusion to comprehend the knowledge of the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method, and plan to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refining master.

If they all succeed in enlightenment, then the Lingxu Immortal Sect will suddenly have 7 more fourth-level low-level weapon refiners.

The number of fourth-level low-level weapon refiners will exceed that of any of the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

But it's impossible even if you think about it.

The Weapon Refiner Exchange Conference is held for a total of half a month. During this half month, all Weapon Refiners can communicate with each other and conduct transactions. Low-level Weapon Refiners can also ask for advice from high-level Weapon Refiners.

Therefore, this exchange meeting for weapon refiners is very important to all weapon refiners, and no one would want to miss it.

Wu Tao took Gu Xingyuan and the other twelve third-level weapon refiners to the place where the weapon refiner exchange meeting was held. Yang Kaiji, who was the host, saw Wu Tao and immediately came up to Wu Tao and saluted Wu Tao with a warm smile. Said: "Welcome Fellow Daoist Li to our Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refiner exchange conference, please come quickly."

"You're welcome, Elder Yang." Wu Tao looked at Yang Kaiji, the former master of the Wuquan Mountain Artifact Refining Hall, who has now become the elder of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Artifact Refining Hall, because after the merger of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, the original orthodox sects The masters of the weapon refining hall all came to the Lingxu Immortal Sect. There were too many hall masters, and it was impossible to have so many deputy hall masters. Therefore, all of them became elders, and there was only one hall master, and that was Wen Xingrui. .

And Wen Xingrui lived up to expectations and became a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner before them all. If Wen Xingrui had been slower than these people, he would have willingly given up the position of the hall master to them. Anyway, they were merged into the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and they were all weapon refiners of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Wu Tao took Gu Xingyuan and others and followed Yang Kaiji to the highest platform. The people on the highest platform were some famous weapon refiners from the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Currently, there are only 5 third-level weapon refiners from the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Now all of them are Attended.

Yang Kaiji is a third-level senior weapon refiner, and the other four are all third-level intermediate or third-level low-level weapon refiners, all from the original Zhengdao sect.

Wu Tao looked at the four third-level intermediate or third-level low-level weapon refiners and sighed in his heart: "Originally, the most promising third-level weapon refiner in Lingxu Sect was Senior Brother Gao Xing. Unfortunately, Senior Brother Gao Xing was promoted to Jindan. Realm failure.”

After he came to Lingxu Immortal Sect, he naturally paid attention to Gao Xing. Wu Tao is very grateful for Gao Xing's care for him in the past. After Gao Xing's water-fire alchemy elixir failed, his lifespan not only did not increase, but his foundation was damaged, his level dropped, and he finally fell into despair. After being comforted by Wu Tao and others, he continued to work in the weapon refining hall, but now his lifespan is running out.

This time Gao Xing did not attend the exchange meeting for weapon refiners. Wu Tao looked around and did not see Gao Xing. Instead, he saw Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Gu, fellow Taoists from Starry Immortal Palace, please take a seat quickly." There are seats on the high platform, and the seats in the middle are the names of Yang Kaiji and Wu Tao. Yang Kaiji politely invited Wu Tao and Wu Tao to the Weapon Refining Hall of Starry Fairy Palace. The weapon refiner sat down.

After taking his seat, Yang Kaiji began to host the exchange meeting for weapon refiners.

The Weapon Master Exchange Conference officially begins.

The Weapon Master Exchange Conference includes lectures, transactions, consultations, discussions, etc. Wu Tao was a third-level senior weapon refining master and held an important position in the Star Celestial Palace's weapon refining hall, so Yang Kaiji asked Wu Tao to give a lecture.

Wu Tao did not refuse and explained his understanding of the art of weapon refining to the weapon refiners of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"I admire Fellow Daoist Li's insights into the art of weapon refining." Yang Kaiji was extremely impressed after listening to Wu Tao's explanation of the art of weapon refining from deep to shallow, from shallow to deep.

He has been studying the low-level fourth-level weapon refining method for more than 30 years. After listening to Wu Tao's sermon, he found that the third-level senior weapon refiner Li Mo of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, Taoist Li Mo, was about to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon. A weapon refiner.

"He is worthy of being a weapon refiner from a top Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall with profound knowledge like Xingchen Immortal Palace. This kind of background is unmatched by a relatively new sect like our Lingxu Immortal Sect." A little thought flashed through Yang Kaiji's heart. He felt envious, but soon became firm again, because he felt that he was not far behind. In the past, he just didn't have the weapon-refining inheritance for promotion. Now that he has it, he will definitely be able to advance to the fourth-level weapon-refining master.

"We also admire Fellow Daoist Yang's weapon refining skills." Wu Tao was humble to Yang Kaiji. He had been to Wuquan Mountain in the past and met the master of Wuquan Mountain's weapon refining hall. At that time, he was still a person he looked up to.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao found an opportunity to make friends with Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and other weapon refiners. Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and others were also extremely happy to be close to Li Mo, the third-level senior weapon refiner of Xingchen Immortal Palace. They felt that Wu Tao was interested in them. The closeness may be due to the relationship between the hall leader Wen Xingrui.

After all, Li Mo of the Star Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall is the soon-to-be-immortal son-in-law of the hall master Wen Xingrui.

Wu Tao also took the opportunity to ask about Gao Xing, saying that he heard Hall Master Wen talk about Gao Xing, saying that Gao Xing was originally the most talented second-level advanced weapon refiner in Lingxu Sect.

When Wu Tao asked about Gao Xing, Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and others showed regret on their faces, saying that senior brother Gao Xing no longer worked in the weapon refining hall and was recuperating in his own cave, but his health in the past two years had It is getting worse and worse, and the cultivation base has begun to decline. Now it is only the cultivation period of Qi refining. When the cultivation base is completely dissipated, it will be the time to return to the path.

Wu Tao then proposed to go see Gao Xing when he had time. Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and others did not doubt it, but were happy and said that they would accompany their seniors to see him when the time came.

Half a month passed quickly, and Wen Xingrui was released from seclusion, preparing to be promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner.

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