After refining the Heavenly Flame Imperial Armor and wearing it on his body, Wu Tao planned to continue practicing.

But before practicing, he wanted to see his personal information.

So Wu Tao opened his personal information.

The main reason is that it has been a full month since he broke through the Yuan Ti realm, and he wanted to see what the progress of his Yuan Ti realm training was in one month.

Zhoutianxingchen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter First Level: (0%)

Seeing this unchanged progress, Wu Tao did not seem disappointed, because he knew that this was less than a complete progress, so it was not reflected in his personal information. However, he did make progress this month, although the progress was not big.

"Less than 1 progress in a month. Sure enough, the cultivation of Yuan Ti realm is slower. It may take more than ten years to break through a small realm."

Wu Tao thought.

Breaking through a small realm in more than ten years is actually not too slow. After all, Yuan-Ti body cultivation can increase your life span by 500 years. As long as you can break through to the next big realm within 500 years, you can continue to increase your life span. This is different from Yuanying. The same is true for those who are cultivating immortality.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao closed his personal information and began to practice the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique.

He wanted to practice the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique to perfection as soon as possible.

Therefore, the focus of his cultivation now is on the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method, and he spends the most time practicing it every day.

There is no need to practice the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji true skill now, so the time originally spent on practicing the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji true skill is put into practicing the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique.

Although it is said that there is no need to practice Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji's real skill, Wu Tao feels that his practice is still very urgent.

Every day, he must practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique, the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Hair, the Nine Luminous Divine Fire Technique, and understand the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method.

Perhaps this is the case for immortal cultivators. Before they become immortals, they will always be busy cultivating.

Wu Tao continued to practice until dusk, then he stopped practicing. Today's practice was considered completed, and he only had to wait until late at night to practice the Zhoutianxingchen physical exercise for two hours.

So he walked out of the training room and came to the living room, where he found that Chen Yao was feeding the golden-winged eagle.

Some weapon refiners or immortal cultivators have seen the Golden-winged Eagle in Lingxu Immortal Sect, because the Golden-winged Eagle accompanied Chen Yao during the 30 years that Chen Yao was in Lingxu Immortal Sect while he was away.

Also shown outside.

Therefore, this time they returned to the Lingxu Immortal Sect as the Star Immortal Palace. The golden-winged eagle could only be kept in Chen Yao's pouch, and would only be taken out to feed foundation-building ammunition when no one was around.

The Golden Winged Eagle is currently at the late second level, and I don’t know when it will be upgraded to the third level.

But now the golden-winged eagle is more of a pet.

Chen Yao saw Wu Tao coming out of the training room, but she saw that Wu Tao had changed into a robe, and asked: "Brother, have you changed into a robe?"

Wu Tao looked at the Heavenly Flame Royal Armor and nodded and said, "Yes, this Heavenly Flame Royal Armor was refined by the master who had just been promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, and was given to me for self-defense."

"Ah, so the master has been successfully promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner?" Chen Yao exclaimed with joy. Just now she saw that Wu Tao's robe had changed, and for a while she did not ask her master Wen Xingrui about yesterday's promotion.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Master is so powerful, he will definitely be promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner."

"Then I will find time to go and congratulate the master." Chen Yao said happily.

She looked down at the golden-winged eagle and saw that the golden-winged eagle had finished eating the foundation-building elixir, so she took out the pouch and put the golden-winged eagle back into the pouch.

Wu Tao looked at the sky and said to Chen Yao: "Let's go, Ayao, we haven't been to Waimenfang City for a long time. Senior brother is free to go shopping with you today."

Shopping is a woman's nature, even if Chen Yao is a perfect immortal cultivator. When Wu Tao said this, she immediately jumped up from the stool and said: "Okay, okay, let's buy some fresh food after shopping." Vegetables, and monster meat, I haven’t made monster meat for several months.”

"Okay, let's set off now." Wu Tao nodded, and then left the residence with Chen Yao and headed to Waimenfang City.

An hour later, as dusk fell, Wu Tao and Chen Yao returned to their residence. They went directly to the living room and started making dinner together.

After cooking dinner, Wu Tao and Chen Yao had a wonderful dinner.

Then he went back to his room to practice.

After practicing until they were dripping with sweat, the two of them returned to the training room. Wu Tao took out the star stone and began to practice Zhou Tianxing's physical skills.

After being promoted to the Yuan Ti realm, it is really slow to make progress using the Star Stone to practice the Zhoutian Xingxing Body Refining Technique, but if you practice the Western Zhouxing Guanghui, the cultivation speed is about the same.

In fact, it's not that his cultivation is slow, but that the speed of cultivation in the Yuan-Ti realm is like this. Maybe his cultivation speed is faster than that of other Yuan-Ti practitioners.

"When I break the elixir and become an infant, the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Nascent Soul that I gave birth to can enter the Tiangang layer and capture the stars' streamers to practice, then the speed of cultivation will inevitably accelerate."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao stopped thinking and began to refine the star stone leisurely.

More than ten days later, Wu Tao found an opportunity and followed Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng, Meng Haoting and others to visit Gao Xing.

On the way, Fan Zhifeng and Zhao Zhen talked about Gao Xing.

"Senior Brother Gao was originally going to take over the Wentang team, but he didn't expect that the Water and Fire Alchemy Pill failed. I heard that if it hadn't been for Master You Ning's intervention, Senior Brother Gao would have been dead.

"If Senior Brother Gao succeeds in advancing to the Golden Core realm, he will definitely be able to be promoted to a third-level weapon refiner. Maybe he is either a third-level intermediate weapon refiner or a third-level advanced weapon refiner now."

"But if it is the class that takes over from Hall Leader Wen, this is not necessarily true. After all, Senior Brother Han is still here. Senior Brother Han has taken over some tasks from the sect, but he has not returned to the sect for so many years."

"His Taoist companion was also taken away by him." Speaking of this, Fan Zhifeng missed that senior brother Han Fan.

When Meng Haoting heard about Wen Xingrui's close disciple Han Fan, he missed him very much. After all, he was brought up by Senior Han. Without Senior Han, Meng Haoting would not be where he is today.

"There should be a secret sect mission. We don't need to delve into this. Let's practice well and study the art of weapon refining. One day we will see Senior Brother Han again." Zhao Zhen said.

As he spoke, he returned to Gao Xing.

"After the merger of Lingxu Immortal Sect, Senior Brother Gao Xing also knew that the strength of Lingxu Immortal Sect's Artifact Refining Hall had greatly increased and that he was no longer needed. Moreover, he failed to break through the golden elixir and there was no possibility of progress, so he started Find a Taoist companion, give birth to an heir, and put your hope in future generations.”

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Gao Xing's son has a talent for refining weapons. Now Gao Hopeful is already a first-level senior weapon refiner. Junior Brother Meng, are you taking care of Gao Hopeless?"

When Fan Zhifeng said this, he looked at Meng Haoting.

Gao Wangwang is Gao Xing's sixth son, and he is the most talented in weapon refining among Gao Xing's sons.

Hearing this, Meng Haoting nodded and said: "Senior Brother Hui Fan, it is expected that he has reached level 1 and level 8, and he will definitely be promoted to level 2 weapon refiner within 10 years."

"It is hoped that the talent of weapon refining is strong, but senior brother Gao Xing places too much hope on him and is too harsh on him. Alas, I don't know whether it is good or bad." Zhao Zhen shook his head and sighed with emotion.

Wu Tao listened quietly and soon arrived at Gao Xing's cave.

As soon as they arrived at the Dongfu magic circle, it was already opened. A young man in his 20s came out to greet him. He was wearing a first-level senior weapon refiner's uniform magic weapon from the Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refining hall. His face could be seen as a high-level weapon. It looks like it works.

"I hope I've met all the masters and uncles." This person was Gao Xing's sixth son, Gao Hope, and when they were about to arrive at the cave, Meng Haoting had already sent a message to Gao Hope.

Meng Haoting looked at Gao Hope and then at Wu Tao next to him, and said quickly: "Hopefully, this is the third-level senior weapon refiner from Xingchen Immortal Palace who came to support our Lingxu Immortal Sect this time, Li Mo Li Zhenren, come and meet him. .”

Hearing the words, Gao Youwang immediately looked at Wu Tao and hurriedly came over to Wu Tao, bowed and saluted, and said in greeting: "Gao Youwang, the first-level senior weapon refiner in Lingxu Immortal Sect's Artifact Refining Hall, pays homage to Zhenren Li."

Wu Tao looked at Gao Hope, with an elder-like smile on his face, nodded and said: "No need to be polite, Hope, your name is good, it should be your father's hope."

After hearing this, Gao Hope stood up slowly and said seriously to Wu Tao: "Back to Master Li, yes, my father hopes that I can become a third-level weapon refiner."

Wu Tao reached out and patted Gao Hope's shoulder and said: "Okay, if you are ambitious, then I wish you to overcome obstacles on the road of weapon refining and become a third-level weapon refiner or even a fourth-level Qi refiner in the future."

Encouragement from a third-level senior weapon refiner, and Gao Youzhi has also heard that Li Mo, the weapon refiner of the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refinement hall, has the potential to become a fourth-level weapon refiner, so at this moment, Gao Youzhi is still in his heart Quite excited, he quickly said loudly: "This junior must work hard on the art of weapon refining and live up to Master Li's expectations."

Wu Tao smiled and nodded, but Meng Haoting said: "Okay, hopefully, take us in. We are here to visit your father, and we happened to meet Mr. Li on the road. Mr. Li said we would come together."

Hearing this, Gao Hope immediately stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation and said, "Master Li, all uncles and uncles, please come in."

Later, under the guidance of Gao Xingwang, Wu Tao and others entered Gao Xing's cave. Gao Xing's cave was quite large. They met some of Gao Xing's family members and descendants on the way, and they all saluted Wu Tao and others.

Not long after, Wu Tao and others saw Gao Xing.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Gao Xing. Gao Xing had become an old man at this time. He was in the middle stage of Qi refining while sensing the breath.

He had not seen Gao Xing in the past few years in Lingxu Sect. This time he found the opportunity to finally meet Gao Xing. His mind could not help but recall the scenes in Lingxu Sect in the past. At that time, Gao Xing was still Brother to all of them.

"Father, Uncle Zhao, Uncle Fan, and Uncle Meng, they are here to see you." Gao Hope came to Gao Xing's side and said respectfully.

"And this one is Zhenren Li from the Weapon Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, a third-level senior weapon refining master." Gao Youyang solemnly introduced Wu Tao.

Gao Xing's eyes first fell on Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and Meng Haoting, nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you all fellow Taoists for coming to visit me."

"No matter what Senior Brother Gao said, you will always be our Senior Brother Gao." Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng said repeatedly.

Indeed, in the past, when Lingxu Sect was not the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Gao Xing took great care of their weapon refiners and was a well-deserved senior brother.

After hearing this, Gao Xing looked at Wu Tao again. His old eyes fell on Wu Tao. He wanted to get up to pay his respects. Wu Tao quickly said: "Fellow Taoist Gao, there is no need for so many red tapes. I was just passing by, and I heard Hall Master Wen once say Yes, why don’t you come over for a visit.”

When Gao Xing heard this, he did not get up. Instead, he looked at Wu Tao and said, "Zhenren Li is interested. I hope you can go and get some good spiritual tea to make tea."

"It's father." Gao Hope bowed and retreated.

Next, Gao Xing entertained Fan Zhifeng, Zhao Zhen, Meng Haoting, Wu Tao and the others. They chatted for a full hour before Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and the others said goodbye.

Just as Wu Tao turned to leave with them, Gao Xing suddenly stopped Wu Tao: "Master Li, can we have a chat alone?"

When Wu Tao, Fan Zhifeng, Zhao Zhen, and Meng Haoting heard Gao Xing's words, they all turned to look at him. Fan Zhifeng, Zhao Zhen and Meng Haoting looked at Wu Tao and Gao Xing and felt a little strange.

"Perhaps Senior Brother Gao Xing wants to ask Mr. Li from the Star Immortal Palace's Artifact Refining Hall for something. After all, Mr. Li is a third-level advanced weapon refiner and has the potential to be promoted to a fourth-level weapon refiner." The three of them said. Just think of this possibility.

Wu Tao didn't know why Gao Xing stopped him, but he still smiled and said, "Of course."

"Then Senior Brother Gao Xing and I will leave."

"Hopefully, come with me to the weapon refining hall. Today's homework is not finished yet." Meng Haoting said to Gao Hopelessly.

So only Wu Tao and Gao Xing were left in the tea room. Gao Xing asked Wu Tao to sit down. After Wu Tao sat down, he said to Gao Xing: "Fellow Taoist Gao, why did you ask me to stay? Do you want me to teach Gao Youzhi?"

Wu Tao could only think of this possibility for the time being.

Hearing this, Gao Xing shook his head and said: "Zhenren Li, you are the third-level senior weapon refiner of Xingchen City's Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, and I, Gao Xing, am only a second-level weapon refiner. You must not call me a fellow Taoist." .”

After hearing what Gao Xing said, Wu Tao said: "You and I are on the same path to refining weapons, so it doesn't matter if we call you fellow Taoist."

Gao Xing fell silent when he heard what Wu Tao said. Then he raised his old eyes and looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Han, is it you?"

Gao Xing's words shocked Wu Tao, and then he calmed down. His current disguise could never be seen through by Gao Xing, a cultivator who had returned to the middle stage of Qi refining, so he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Gao, Are you missing Han Fan, the weapon refiner? I heard Hall Master Wen say that Han Fan, the weapon refiner, had a close relationship with Gao Dao."

"That's why they mistakenly identified me as Han Fan, the weapon refiner."

"Okay, Junior Brother Han, it's just you and me now. There's no need to hide your identity. Don't worry, I won't reveal your identity." Gao Xing looked at Wu Tao with a smile.

Wu Tao observed Gao Xing carefully and found that Gao Xing was not pretending to recognize the wrong person, but actually recognized him. He thought it was impossible. How could Gao Xing be able to use his secret technique of transformation and concealment? Can you tell by his aura?

"Junior Brother Han, don't be surprised. It was the hall master who told me your identity." Gao Xing couldn't help but laugh as he looked at Wu Tao's pensive look.

Hearing Gao Xing's explanation, Wu Tao suddenly understood and couldn't help but smile on his face and said: "Senior Brother Gao, I thought you recognized me. It turns out it was the master who told you my identity."

Today, Chinese Valentine's Day, no one wins a lottery of five million.

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