To be honest, Wu Tao was really shocked when Gao Xing suddenly exposed his identity just now.

But after hearing Gao Xing's explanation, he realized that it was his master Wen Xingrui who told Gao Xing his true identity.

Wu Tao had a clear mind, and after thinking about it, he realized why Master Wen Xingrui told Gao Xing his true identity, because when Wu Tao, Gao Xing, Fan Zhifeng, Zhao Zhen and other refiners were in the Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall, The craftsmen have a deep friendship.

Gao Xing also took great care of Wu Tao.

There is only one reason why Master Wen Xingrui only told Gao Xing his true identity but not Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and the others. Senior brother Gao Xing was about to die. If he didn't tell him, he might not have the chance to see Wu Tao again.

This is not only Gao Xing's regret, but also Wu Tao's regret.

"Master has really thought carefully about me. No matter if I tell Senior Brother Gao my true identity, Senior Brother Gao will not deliberately publicize my identity."

Wu Tao is still very relieved about Gao Xing's character.

Although he is now a third-level senior weapon refiner, Yuan Ti body cultivation is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Lord of Dharma cultivation, he will soon become a real Yuanying True Lord and a real fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

But when facing Gao Xing, Wu Tao still sincerely called Gao Xing senior brother. This is Wu Tao's principle as a person should not forget his roots.

Anyone who was kind to him when he was weak, Wu Tao remembered one by one in his heart. In the world of immortality, those who have achieved it are indeed the first, and the higher-level immortals are the seniors.

But after all, Wu Tao lived in a previous life, where the masters did not come first. The senior teachers were always the senior teachers. It was not said that the latecomers took over, and the senior teachers became the juniors.

Gao Xing looked at Wu Tao and said: "Hall Master Wen didn't want me to have any regrets, so he told me your identity, Junior Brother Han. By the way, you are now a third-level senior weapon refiner, but I remembered that you just entered Lingxu." During those days in the Zong Artifact Refining Hall, I still wanted to call you Junior Brother Han, maybe because I’m old and don’t miss the past, so I hope you don’t mind, Junior Brother Han.”

Wu Tao heard this and said quickly: "No, Senior Brother Gao, when I first came to Lingxu Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, Senior Brother Gao took good care of me. I like to hear Senior Brother Gao call me Junior Brother."

Hearing what Wu Tao said, Gao Xing showed a smile on his face and continued: "Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng and others don't know your true identity. Now only I know. Junior Brother Han, don't worry, I will not disclose your true identity." It was leaked.”

"I certainly believe in Senior Brother Gao." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Gao Xing always had a smile on his face at this time, and there was also a look of relief, because he saw that Junior Brother Han in the past had now become a third-level advanced weapon refiner. According to the hall master, he was about to be promoted to a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. He is a weapon master. Thinking of this, he said: "I don't know if I can see Junior Brother Han promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner in my lifetime!"

Wu Tao heard the words and said quickly: "You can definitely see it. Senior Brother Gao, you have only fallen back to the middle stage of Qi refining. You have not yet fallen back to the early stage of Qi refining or returned all your cultivation to the world. I have tried hard to understand the fourth-level weapon refining process. He said, as soon as he is promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, he will come immediately to report the good news to Senior Brother Gao."

Gao Xing smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for this day."

"There will be such a day." Wu Tao said.

Gao Xing thought for a while and suddenly said: "Junior Brother Han, since you have found an opportunity to get to know Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng, you can help them more when you have time. After all, we are all from the Lingxu Sect's Weapon Refining Hall."

"Hall Master Wen, as the master of the weapon refining hall, is in charge of the weapon refiners of all the righteous sects. He has complicated affairs and has to master the fourth-level weapon refining method. As his close disciple, you naturally have to help Hall Master Wen, please share your burden."

Gao Xing seemed to have returned to the days when Lingxu Immortal Sect was still Lingxu Sect, and he taught Wu Tao carefully.

Wu Tao listened to what Gao Xing said, and nodded frequently and said: "Senior Brother Gao, don't worry, as soon as I find the opportunity, I will explain the art of weapon refining to Taoist Zhao Zhen, Taoist Fan Zhifeng, and others. I will open a small stove for them."

"If there is a chance, I will also give more advice to this child."

Hearing Wu Tao's last words, Gao Xing shook his head and said: "Wouldn't it be a waste of time for your third-level senior weapon refiner to teach a promising first-level and eighth-level weapon refiner? Let Junior Brother Meng teach you. It's enough. After all, Meng Junior brother, it was you who suggested it."

"Sigh, I don't know if I can hope to be promoted to the second-level weapon refiner in my lifetime."

Gao Xing's sigh at the end was obviously his last regret. If Gao Xing was expected to be promoted to the second-level senior weapon refiner before his death, Gao Xing would have no regrets.

"Hopefully, this kid is fine. I'm a good judge of people. Believe me, Senior Brother Gao." Wu Tao comforted him with a smile.

Gao Xing was extremely happy after hearing this and said: "Yes, you are a great monk, so you can naturally judge people accurately."

In the time that followed, Wu Tao and Gao Xing talked about the past and the days they spent in Lingxu Sect.

Finally, Gao Xing said: "The Xianyuan world is developing better and better, and it is getting stronger and stronger. A fifth-level spiritual vein has been born, and there is also Headmaster Ning, the God-Transforming God Lord, who is in charge. In the Xianyuan world that will be more powerful in the future, I am can not see."

Wu Tao could tell that Gao Xing's last words were a little bit unwilling. In fact, this is human nature. Any cultivator of immortality is not willing to return to the path, but there is no way. The road to immortality is so cruel. , if you cannot make any progress, you can only wait to return.

Wu Tao looked at Gao Xing and said softly: "Senior Brother Gao, I hope that I can see the Immortal Realm on your behalf and see that the Lingxu Immortal Sect is developing better and better."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Gao Xing's face suddenly showed a look of relief. He nodded heavily and said, "Yes, hopefully he will watch it for me."

"Okay, Junior Brother Han, I won't disturb you anymore. You can go back." Gao Xing turned to Wu Tao and said.

Wu Tao estimated the time and spent more than an hour reminiscing with Gao Xing. He really had to deal with his own affairs. Cultivation was very urgent, so he bowed to Gao Xing and said, "Senior Brother Gao, let me go first. I’m sorry, I’ll come visit you again when I have time.”

"No need, wait until you are promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner before you come to see me." Gao Xing said seriously.

There was a tone that did not allow Wu Tao to refuse, so Wu Tao could only nod and said: "Okay, Senior Brother Gao, I will come to see you after I am promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner."

Wu Tao then left Gao Xing's cave and returned to his residence.

As soon as he returned to his residence, Wu Tao received a summons from Li Jingxing.

Regarding the summons from this late Nascent Soul cultivator, as soon as Wu Tao stepped into his own residence, he went to Li Jingxing's cultivation residence to pay homage to Li Jingxing without any hesitation.

"Uncle Li, I'm here." Wu Tao bowed his hands to Li Jingxing.

Li Jingxing nodded, put his hand on his waist, and a photo-taking jade pendant appeared in his hand. He handed it to Wu Tao and said, "This is the photo-taking jade pendant given to you by Master Nephew Su Sanxian of the Weapon Refining Hall."

"You took it aside and looked at it."

"Yes, Master Li." Wu Tao took the jade pendant of Liu Ying, then came to the side, put the jade pendant of Liu Ying on his forehead, and looked at it with his mind.

There are two ways to view the shadow jade pendant. One is to use spiritual thoughts to watch the flowing shadow inside, and the other is to activate the flowing shadow jade pendant and watch it with your eyes.

Because Li Jingxing was standing nearby, and the jade pendant with which the photo was taken was specially left for him by Su Sanxian, so Wu Tao used his spiritual mind to look at the photo inside.

In his mind, Su Sanxian's photo was inspired.

After a while, Wu Tao finished watching Su Sanxian's photos. In the photo, Su Sanxian told him that he was going to be ready to break through to the Nascent Soul stage. He would be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in two or three years at the latest. After the breakthrough, he would be promoted to the lower level of the fourth level after a year and a half of preparation. Weapon refiner.

Su Sanxian asked him if he wanted to come back to watch his Nascent Soul stage breakthrough process in order to gain experience.

Then he was also going to watch his promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. This was a promise Su Sanxian had made to Wu Tao, and he said that he had not forgotten it.

"After I get started with the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique, I will be able to ignite the fire of the soul. Maybe I will be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner faster than Fellow Daoist Su. As for breaking through the Nascent Soul stage, I may also be able to break through faster than Fellow Daoist Su."

"Therefore, I will not go back until the mission here at Lingxu Immortal Sect is completed. In this way, I will leave a shadow in this jade pendant for Master Li to take back with him when he returns to Xingchen Immortal Palace."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately reached into the photo-taking jade pendant with his spiritual mind and started taking pictures with his spiritual mind.

After taking the photo, Wu Tao took the photo jade pendant and came to Li Jingxing. He said respectfully: "Master Li, this is the photo pendant I gave to fellow Taoist Su Sanxian. Master Li will help me bring it to him when he returns to Xingchen Immortal Palace."

As he spoke, he respectfully handed over the photo-taking jade pendant with both hands.

Li Jingxing took it with one hand, put it back into his storage bag, and said to Wu Tao, "Brother Li, do you have anything else to do?"

Wu Tao bowed his hands and said with a salute: "No more, Master Li, my nephew is leaving."

After leaving Li Jingxing's training residence, Wu Tao returned to his own residence. Chen Yao had finished practicing and was drinking spiritual tea in the living room. When Wu Tao came back just now, Chen Yao was practicing in the training room.

Although Chen Yao has completed his foundation building and is now sensing the opportunity to break through the golden elixir, he still has to maintain his daily practice.

Being too lax will make it more difficult for breakthrough opportunities to come.

"Senior brother, you are back!" Chen Yao shouted immediately when she saw Wu Tao.

Wu Tao came to sit next to him, picked up the spiritual tea cup that Chen Yao drank from, took a sip of the spiritual tea inside and said, "How was your practice today?"

Chen Yao shook her head and said: "I still can't sense the opportunity to break through the golden elixir."

"Don't worry, I will take you around when I have time. Breaking through to a big realm cannot be achieved behind closed doors. You must go around and relax," Wu Tao said.

When he broke through from the foundation building stage to the golden elixir stage, he also traveled to many places, almost all of the twenty-seven islands, and finally sensed the opportunity to break through and successfully broke through from the foundation building stage to the golden elixir stage.

"Okay, senior brother." Chen Yao shouted happily after hearing this.

After the two chatted for a while, Wu Tao went to the training room to practice, while Chen Yao stayed in the living room to feed the golden-winged eagle.

Time passed by slowly again.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

On this day, Wu Tao opened his personal information in the training room of his residence.

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training Yuan Ti chapter·First level: (1%)

Seeing this progress data, Wu Tao thought to himself: "It took two months to reach the first level of the Zhou Tianxing Body Training Yuan Ti realm this week. Based on this calculation, it will take 16 years to break through. Level 2 realm.”

"The progress of cultivation becomes slower as you go later, so there are nine levels of Yuan Ti realm, and it will take about 150 years to reach Yuan Ti perfection."

Cultivating from the first level of Yuan Ti to the ninth level of Yuan Ti in 150 years is actually very fast. After all, if you break through to the Yuan Ti realm, your life span has been increased by 500 years.

But 150 years is still too long for Wu Tao. His ideal time is to improve to a small level in 10 years.

Breaking through the divine body realm in 100 years is his ideal goal.

"When I break through the Nascent Soul stage, the Nascent Soul conceived using the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method can enter the Tiangang layer to capture the streamers of stars and practice. I will definitely be able to break through to the realm of the divine body in 100 years!"

Wu Tao was full of confidence.

Then he looked at the weapon refining column.

Beginner of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (1%)

"Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique, the insights gained during this period have been successfully entered into personal information. As long as you practice to the entry level, you can ignite the fire of the soul."

"Once the fire of the soul is ignited, I can start preparing to be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner."

With this in mind, Wu Tao closed his personal information and continued practicing.

He first started to practice the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God Technique.

one year later.

Introduction to Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique: (50%)

On this day, at dawn, Wu Tao completed a night of practice and opened his personal information to see the progress of Jiuyao Divine Fire Jue.

Looking at the 50% progress of getting started, Wu Tao was very confident. He could have tried to ignite the fire of the soul when he first started, but he thought that he was not really in the Nascent Soul stage. Although his mana had transformed and reached a new level. At the level of the Jin Yuanying Stage, the Divine Sense has also been reached, but to be on the safe side, he still cultivated it to 50% of the entry level.

Anyway, it’s only a year.

"After taking a rest, go to the refining hall and ask the master to protect me and ignite the fire of the soul."

After all, igniting the fire of the soul is a big deal, and it is accompanied by dangers. Therefore, when Wu Tao ignites the fire of the soul, he still needs his master, Wen Xingrui, to protect him.

After resting for a few minutes, Wu Tao spoke to Chen Yao, left the residence, and went to the weapon refining hall to find Wen Xingrui.

"Master, I have practiced the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique to the point where I can ignite the fire of the soul. I also ask the master to help me protect the law." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui was not surprised that Wu Tao had mastered the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique to the point of igniting the fire of the soul in just one year. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the weapon refining hall now."

Wen Xingrui took Wu Tao to the weapon refining hall and asked Wu Tao to start preparations.

In fact, there was no need to prepare anything. Wu Tao's mentality had already been adjusted. He sat cross-legged on the futon and nodded to Wen Xingrui.

"Master, I'm ready."

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said, "Then you can start. Don't worry, I'm here, master, and I will absolutely guarantee that you are safe and sound."

"Of course I trust the master."

As Wu Tao spoke, he stopped talking and let out a long breath.

To ignite the fire of the soul is to use the mana at the Yuanying level as a flame, enter the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, ignite your own divine thoughts, and turn the spiritual thoughts into fire and turn into the fire of the soul.

Whether it is mana or spiritual thoughts, they are the most important things for immortal cultivators.

If you lose one of them, you cannot be called an immortal cultivator.

Therefore, in the process of igniting the fire of the soul, one must be very careful and must not make any mistakes. Once a mistake is made, the consequences will be unimaginable.

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