Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 746 A slightly different fire of the soul

Two months later.

The day before Wu Tao was going to be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner.

He came to Wen Xingrui's main hall and met Wen Xingrui.

The master and apprentice sat opposite each other in the tea room.

Wen Xingrui reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist, and streams of light flew out and floated in front of Wu Tao. It was the fourth-level low-level spiritual materials he had prepared for Wu Tao during this period, and was used by Wu Tao to refine the fourth-level low-level spiritual materials. Magic weapon, used to advance to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner.

"There are a total of two spiritual materials here. I originally planned to prepare three, but there is one spiritual material that has not been collected yet. But I believe that one spiritual material is enough for you, disciple." Wen Xingrui said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at these fourth-level low-level spiritual materials suspended in front of him. They were exactly what he needed to refine the fourth-level low-level fire-attribute flying sword. He waved his hand, and the spiritual materials turned into streams of light and flew in. In his storage bag.

He thanked his master Wen Xingrui and said, "Please excuse me, master. These two spiritual materials are enough for me to be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner."

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "Tomorrow is the day when you will officially refine the fourth-level low-level magic weapon and be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. There is only one day, and I won't ask you if you are ready, because I know your Character must be ready for everything.”

"I have also written the Immortal Dao Contract. Please take a look at the contents of the contract. You will sign this contract with Yang Kaiji and the elders of the Weapon Refining Hall."

Wen Xingrui said as he reached out and flipped through his hands, two immortal contracts appeared in his palm and floated towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao reached out to take it, unfolded the two pages of the contract, and carefully read the contents of the two pages of the Immortal Dao Contract. After reading, he returned the two pages of the Immortal Dao Contract to Wen Xingrui and said: "Master is doing something, and the disciple can rest assured. of."

Wen Xingrui put away the two pages of the Immortal Dao Contract and said to Wu Tao: "Okay, then you can go back and rest first. Just come to the Weapon Refining Hall tomorrow to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level Weapon Refiner."

"Yes, Master. That disciple will leave first." Wu Tao stood up from the futon, bowed to Wen Xingrui and left.

After leaving the main hall, Wu Tao returned directly to his residence.

After returning to his residence, he found that Chen Yao was waiting for his return. She was naturally very concerned about his promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner tomorrow.

"Senior brother, you are back." Chen Yao stepped forward and said.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao and asked, "Have you gone to pay homage to Master?"

Chen Yao shook her head when she heard this and said, "I plan to wait for you to come back, senior brother, and then go to worship my father with my senior brother."

No matter where he is, Wu Tao will arrange Chen Shan's memorial tablet, and then offer incense and worship to Chen Shan every month. Although the days are not fixed, because immortal cultivators sometimes retreat to practice, as soon as they come out of seclusion, they will still be there. I will burn incense and worship Chen Shan’s tablet.

Wu Tao held Chen Yao's hand and said, "Let's go, then we will go to worship together.

With that said, Wu Tao led Chen Yao to the mourning hall where Chen Shan's tablet was placed. It is said to be a mourning hall, but it is actually a slightly modified room. The accommodation arranged for them by Lingxu Immortal Sect has two rooms and two training rooms.

They only lived in one room, so they asked the other room to be converted into a mourning hall for Chen Shan's tablet.

When they arrived at the mourning hall, they stood in front of the altar table and looked at Chen Shan's ranking.

Wu Tao took a handful of incense candles from the altar table, lit them, and gave one to Chen Yao. The two of them held the incense candles with both hands and bowed three times to Chen Shan's tablet.

Then Wu Tao first inserted the incense candle in his hand into the incense burner in front of the tablet.

After wiping, he stepped aside and let Chen Yao step forward to insert the incense candle. Chen Yao took a step forward. Before inserting the incense candle, he prayed in a low voice to Chen Shan's tablet: "Father, senior brother will be promoted to the fourth grade tomorrow." As a low-level weapon refiner, you must bless your senior brother in heaven that he will succeed tomorrow."

After praying, Chen Yao inserted the incense candle in her hand into the incense burner.

Wu Tao listened to Chen Yao's prayer. He smiled and said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, don't worry, I will be able to successfully advance to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner."

"Well, I believe in senior brother." Chen Yao nodded heavily, then his eyes fell on Chen Shan's tablet and said, "Father, he also believes in senior brother."

"Master, I will tell you the good news after I am promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner." Wu Tao looked at Chen Shan's tablet, and then looked at another tablet next to Chen Shan's tablet. This tablet had Chen Shun's name on it.

He is Chen Yao's brother.

Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "Give your brother a stick of incense too."

"Yes." Chen Yao nodded, took a new incense candle, lit it, gave half to Wu Tao, and the two of them worshiped Chen Shun.

In the past, when Wu Tao was alone, he could only place the spiritual tablet of his master Chen Shan, but since he and Chen Yao came together, he pitied Chen Yao for losing his brother when he was young, so he set up a spiritual tablet for Chen Shun and worshiped together.

This behavior naturally moved Chen Yao to tears.

Wu Tao still remembered that Chen Yao was particularly charming that night.

The next day, Wu Tao came to the Weapon Refining Hall early in the morning when the sun had just risen among the hundreds of immortal peaks of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

When he arrived at the Weapon Refining Hall, he went directly to the hall master's hall to see Wen Xingrui.

When Wen Xingrui saw Wu Tao's arrival, he didn't say much and said directly: "Let's go, let's go to the Weapon Refining Hall. The elders from the Weapon Refining Hall are already waiting there."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately followed Wen Xingrui's footsteps and headed to the Weapon Refining Hall.

The two masters and apprentices came to the Weapon Refining Hall. As soon as they entered, sure enough, Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Weapon Refining Hall were all sitting in the Weapon Refining Hall.

When they heard the footsteps of the two of them, they all turned around to see Wen Xingrui. Naturally, they were not surprised, but when they saw Wu Tao's face, they were even more surprised.

"Yes, this fellow Taoist Li Mo from the Starry Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall is also a third-level senior weapon refiner. Hall Master Wen invited the third-level senior weapon refiner from the Starry Fairy Palace's Weapon Refining Hall to come over. Fellow Taoist Li Mo As the weapon refiner of the Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, how could I not come to watch the ceremony?"

"Why is that fellow Taoist Gu Xingyuan, who is also a third-level senior weapon refiner, not here?"

Yang Kaiji and others all knew that Wu Tao was only at the Golden Core stage and had not been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, so after they were surprised, they all withdrew their surprise.

As we all know, immortal cultivators at the Golden Core stage cannot ignite the fire of the soul. Only cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage can ignite the fire of the soul and be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiners.

Later, there was doubt that Gu Xingyuan did not come to watch. It was doubtful, and Yang Kaiji and others did not go into it. After all, it was enough for them to come to watch.

"Greetings to the Hall Master, I've met Fellow Daoist Li." Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Artifact Refining Hall immediately bowed to Wen Xingrui and Li Mo.

Wen Xingrui just nodded slightly, but Wu Tao bowed his hand and said, "I have met all the elders."

After seeing the ceremony, Yang Kaiji and others' eyes fell on Wen Xingrui. They saw that Wen Xingrui was calm and composed, but he hesitated to say which weapon refiner from the Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall was invited to come and be promoted to the fourth level. He was a low-level weapon refiner, so Yang Kaiji, as the mouthpiece of the elders of the weapon refining hall, asked Wen Xingrui: "Master, why haven't you seen the third-level high-level weapon refiner you invited?"

"Although we have been in seclusion during this period to learn about the fourth-level low-level weapon refining methods, we have not heard that any weapon refiner from the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall has come here. Could it be the other two major immortal palaces, Sun Immortal Palace and Hui Xiangong? The weapon refiner of Yuexian Palace's weapon refining hall?"

Wen Xingrui looked at the confused eyes of Yang Kaiji and others. He coughed slightly, looked at Wu Tao next to him and said, "Elders, the person next to me who is going to be promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner is the Xingchen Immortal Palace refiner next to me. Li Mo, the third-level senior weapon refiner of the Qi Hall."


"It's him?"

"Is it Fellow Daoist Li?"

When Wen Xingrui said these words, it was like a stone raising a thousand layers, making Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Weapon Refining Hall shout in surprise.

They all looked at Wu Tao at the same time.

"Master, are you kidding me? Fellow Taoist Li Mo is a golden elixir cultivator..."

"How can a golden elixir cultivator be promoted to a low-level weapon refiner in the world?"

"Yes, Hall Master, please stop joking with us!"

Wen Xingrui looked at the passers-by and said with a smile: "Who told you that Li Mo is a golden elixir cultivator?"

"Li Xiansu, show your aura." Wen Xingrui turned to look at Wu Tao and said.

"Yes, master." As Wen Xingrui's virtuous son-in-law, it is very normal for Wu Tao to call Wen Xingrui master, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

His eyes fell on Yang Kaiji and the other elders of the Weapon Refining Hall, and the 3200-mile divine will was suddenly released and fell on Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Weapon Refining Hall.

The spiritual power of 3,200 miles, which was more powerful than the new Nascent Soul Lord, fell on Yang Kaiji and others, and they suddenly felt a powerful oppression.

"This is Nascent Soul Soul?"

Yang Kaiji and others have naturally experienced this kind of powerful spiritual pressure. That is, the spiritual power of Nascent Soul Lord is so powerful that it can give them this sense of oppression.

"It turns out that Fellow Taoist Li Mo has already advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage."

At this moment, they understood. It turned out that Li Mo, the third-level senior weapon refiner in the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, had hidden himself so deeply that he had been promoted to the Nascent Soul realm long ago.

So in the Nascent Soul stage, it is generally recognized that it is normal to ignite the fire of the soul and be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner.

Seeing the expressions of Yang Kaiji and the others, Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao looked at each other. This was also agreed upon by their master and apprentice. With the strength of Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, once released, as long as they are golden elixir cultivators or new Nascent Soul stage , will all think that Wu Tao is a Nascent Soul Lord, rather than a golden elixir perfect cultivator.

Who would believe it if a golden elixir perfect immortal cultivator said that he had three thousand miles of spiritual thoughts? Even if he practiced the secret technique of the divine soul, he would not be able to reach this point.

So it makes sense.

Being promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner at the Nascent Soul stage, even if he signed an immortal contract, Yang Kaiji and others would not be too surprised, and it would not make Wu Tao's reputation even greater.

Wen Xingrui looked at them and said: "Elders, Master Li is the weapon refiner of Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refinement hall. This time he has been promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner. He needs the elders to keep it a secret and not to promote him. The story of the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner has been leaked, so for insurance purposes, I asked all the elders to sign this immortal contract."

After Wen Xingrui finished speaking, he waved his hand, and two copies of the Xiandao Contract appeared in front of Yang Kaiji and others.

After hearing this, Yang Kaiji and the others immediately looked at the immortal contract in front of them and found that as long as they did not leak out the fact that Wu Tao was promoted to a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner today, it was already a big deal for them to watch a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner being promoted. If the opportunity comes, it can only follow Wu Tao's wishes.

So Yang Kaiji and others signed this immortal contract.

As soon as the Immortal Contract was signed and the aura of the seal was imprinted, Wu Tao, Yang Kaiji and others sensed that there was an invisible constraint that existed in the dark. As long as they violated the Immortal Contract, they would be punished.

Immortal cultivators believe in this mysterious mystery more, so they generally will not violate it.

After signing the immortal contract, Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said, "Go, we can start."

Wu Tao nodded to Wen Xingrui, then came to the refining seat in the center of the weapon refining hall and sat cross-legged on the futon.

Then Wu Tao stretched out his hand and wiped it on his waist, and various fourth-level low-level spiritual materials appeared on the spiritual material shelf on the left.

After that, it’s time to adjust your breath, restore it to its best condition, and carve out the divine ban of the fourth-level fire-attribute low-level flying sword again before refining it.

The reason why Wu Tao chose the fourth-level fire attribute flying sword is because he practiced the red flame divine fire shield method, which is also a fire attribute spell. It is helpful to choose to refine the fourth-level fire attribute flying sword when he is promoted.

After a moment, Wu Tao reached out and waved, and the complete divine prohibition carved in front of him turned into light and dissipated. He put his fingertips on the spiritual material shelf on the left hand side, and the fourth-level low-level spiritual materials flew up. suspended in front of him.

Immediately after he rotated the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique, the Yuan Shen Fire in the Divine Mind Sea appeared in front of him. Looking at the Yuan Shen Fire beating in front of him, Wu Tao seemed to feel something different, but what exactly was different? , and can’t see it.

"Forget it, the important thing now is to be promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner."

Thinking like this, under his command, the fire of the soul directly wrapped these fourth-level low-level spiritual materials and began to refine them.

He had only practiced the Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique to the entry level, so he was even more cautious in refining this fourth-level low-level flying sword magic weapon.

When he was promoted to the third-level weapon refiner in the past, the True Fire Techniques he practiced had been refined to an extremely sophisticated level, and he could control the True Fire very accurately. But now, the control of the Soul Fire can only be said to be inexperienced. to mastery.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to proceed step by step carefully and steadily, and not to take it lightly.

Wen Xingrui is sitting on the side to protect the Dharma. As long as Wu Tao makes any mistakes, he can promptly guide Wu Tao through spiritual messages and return to the correct steps.

But he felt that based on his disciple's experience, he shouldn't need to guide him.

Moreover, his disciple's control over the Soul Fire seems to be only at the entry level. He feels that it is better this way, so that the viewing experience of third-level advanced weapon refiners like Yang Kaiji can be improved to a higher level. If it is too subtle, they will I can’t even understand it anymore.

Wu Tao used the entry-level Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique to control the soul's fire to process some low-level spiritual materials. He found that the fourth-level low-level spiritual materials were indeed extremely difficult to process. Even though his soul's fire was extremely powerful, the refining process still felt A little tough.

If real fire is used to process fourth-level low-level spiritual materials, it will not be smelted at all.

Wu Tao steadily operated the Jiu Yao Divine Fire Technique, controlling the fire of the soul to process spiritual materials.

It took him two hours just to process the spiritual materials.

It usually only takes him more than an hour to refine a third-level high-level real weapon, but Wu Tao knows that the refining time of a fourth-level magic weapon is so long. Master Wen Xingrui sometimes takes a whole day to refine a single magic weapon. One night, he had only been processing the spiritual materials for two hours, and the subsequent refining process would be even longer.

So don’t be too hasty and have a calm mind.

With such a calm mind and single-minded focus, Wu Tao continued to refine the fourth-level low-level magic weapon.

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