Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 747: Fourth level flying sword, old friends are gone


The eyes of Yang Kaiji and the other elders of the Artifact Refining Hall fell on the figure sitting cross-legged in the center. Li Mo, the third-level senior weapon refiner of Xingchen Immortal Palace, started refining the fourth-level low-level magic weapon in the morning, and was promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. He has been refining until now, and the prototype of the magic weapon embryo has finally come out.

It is the embryo of a flying sword magic weapon.

They, the elders of the weapon refining hall, have been focused on Wu Tao refining the fourth-level low-level flying sword since morning until dusk. Fortunately, they are all ninth-level golden elixir or perfect golden elixir cultivators. Otherwise, such high-intensity exertion would already be exhausting.

Wen Xingrui's eyes were on Wu Tao's refining process all the time, and he never left it for a moment. As the guardian of Wu Tao's promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refining master, he had to focus even more.

Although Wen Xingrui believed that his disciple had no problem and could refine the fourth-level low-level flying sword in one go, he still had to do what he should do.

"The embryo of the magic weapon has taken shape, and the most critical moment is next." Wu Tao was running the Jiuyao Divine Fire Jue at all times, controlling the fire of the soul to melt the embryo of the magic weapon.

The embryo has taken shape, and it is time to smelt the divine forbidden and magic weapon embryos into one body.

He estimated the time in his mind and estimated that it would take until tomorrow to successfully refine the fourth-level low-level magic weapon Huoyi Sword.

Therefore, Wu Tao was not in a hurry and refined it calmly. After all, his golden elixir mana and divine will are slightly stronger than those of the new Nascent Soul Lord.

Not afraid of consumption.

Half an hour after using the fire of the soul to smelt the Huoyijian embryo again, the Huoyijian embryo had reached a perfect embryonic state, and Wu Tao was ready to portray the divine ban.

When a third-level weapon refiner carves the fusion of the True Forbidden and the True Weapon embryo, he first carves it in the void, then imprints the True Forbidden into the True Weapon embryo and smelts it into one body.

But when you reach the level of fourth-level weapon refiner, things are different.

The fourth-level weapon refiner integrates the divine taboo into the magic weapon embryo in order to carve it inside the magic weapon embryo. Therefore, only in this way can the divine thoughts enter the inside of the magic weapon embryo, cooperate with the magic power, the magic and the gods become one, and depict the divine spirit. Forbidden to come.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao's magic power and spiritual thoughts immediately entered the inside of the magic weapon embryo and began to carve out the divine forbidden power of Huoyi Sword.

In the embryonic magic weapon refined from fourth-level low-level spiritual materials, carving out the Divine Forbidden Spirit consumes a lot of mana and spiritual energy. Wu Tao felt a huge drain on every bit of mana and spiritual energy used to carve out the Divine Forbidden City.

But fortunately, this kind of consumption is bearable for him.

It was also enough for him to portray the complete Fire Sword God Forbidden.

Time passed little by little, and in a blink of an eye, the sun set in the west, night fell, stars were distributed in the night sky, and the first quarter moon slowly rose higher.

By the time of the fifth watch, Wu Tao finally perfectly carved the divine ban inside the magic weapon embryo. Then he controlled the fire of the soul and completely refined the divine forbidden and magic weapon embryo into one. As long as the Divine Forbidden City and the magic weapon embryo are refined into one, then more than half of the success is achieved. The next step is to completely refine the magic weapon embryo into a complete flying sword.

As a fourth-level intermediate weapon refining master, Wen Xingrui naturally knew how far Wu Tao had reached in refining the weapon. When he saw that Wu Tao had begun to refine the divine forbidden weapon and the magic weapon embryo into one, he nodded in his heart, feeling very satisfied.

This disciple of mine is truly a genius in terms of talent in weapon refining.

Although he is still one step ahead of his disciples, one day, Wen Xingrui knows that his disciple will surpass him, whether it is in cultivation or in the way of refining weapons.

"That's fine. From now on, I will follow my apprentice and gain glory. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to let my apprentice teach me how to practice and how to refine weapons?" Wen Xingrui thought of this and felt happy in his heart.

At dawn.

Wu Tao finally completely refined the Fire Sword's Divine Forbidden and the Embryo Magic Weapon into a whole.

At this point, he could finally relax a little, but Wu Tao was still in a stable state and did not deliberately relax, and began to use the fire of the soul to refine.

Now Wu Tao feels that more than half of his mana and spiritual energy have been consumed. Sure enough, it is not an easy task for a fourth-level weapon refiner to refine a magic weapon. No wonder that after a fourth-level weapon refiner refines a magic weapon, It would take a month or even several months before refining the next magic weapon.

It is conceivable that it may take more time for a fifth-level weapon refiner to refine a magic weapon used by the God-Transforming Lord.

Wu Tao calmed his mind and continued to complete the final refining.

Two more hours passed in this way, and at noon, the embryo of the magic weapon wrapped in the fire of the soul in front of Wu Tao had changed drastically and turned into an exquisite flying sword.

"The last step!"

Wu Tao muttered quietly in his heart, and then the fire of the soul shined brightly.

"At the final finishing stage, I have already sensed the breath of the fourth-level earth-level magic weapon." Wen Xingrui looked at the Yuan Shen Fire floating in front of Wu Tao and could sense the breath of the fourth-level low-level magic weapon in the Yuan Shen Fire. Sensing the breath means that it has reached the final stage, and it also means that the fourth-level low-level magic weapon has been successfully refined.

On the other side, Yang Kaiji and other elders of the weapon refining hall who were watching did not sense the breath of the fourth-level low-level magic weapon Huoyi Sword in the Fire of the Soul, because after all, they were only third-level high-level weapon refining masters, and they did not have the cultivation level of golden elixir. Such high sensitivity.

Only when the Huoyijian showed its aura could they feel it intuitively.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao used the Jiu Yao Divine Fire Technique to withdraw the Yuan Shen's fire. The Yuan Shen's fire had returned to the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and landed next to the coffin nails.

And as he put away the fire of the soul, a fiery red light immediately bloomed, engulfing Wu Tao's figure. This light was exactly the light emitted by the Huoyijian.

As the light bloomed, Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Refining Hall finally intuitively felt the aura of the fourth-level low-level magic weapon of Huoyijian.

"It works, it works the first time."

"As expected, I came from the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and my background is profound. If this is the first time for us to refine it, we will definitely have to do it again or again before we can successfully refine it."

Yang Kaiji, the elders of the Weapon Refining Hall, were talking to themselves.

The fiery red light of Huoyi Sword bloomed for only ten breaths, and then it was restrained. A flying sword floated in front of Wu Tao. Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the hilt of the Fire Sword fell into Wu Tao's palm.

Looking at the successfully refined fourth-level low-level flying sword Huoyijian in his hand, Wu Tao had a smile on his face. He stood up from the futon and turned to face Wen Xingrui, Yang Kaiji and others.

"Master, I have successfully been promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui with a smile.

"Congratulations, disciple." Wen Xingrui also looked very happy.

We are not afraid that the disciple will surpass the master, but we are afraid that the disciple will be inferior to the master.

"Congratulations to Senior Li for being promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner." Yang Kaiji and other elders of the weapon refinement hall all bowed to Wu Tao to express their congratulations.

If Wu Tao had not been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refining master, and they were just referring to the way of weapon refining, they could still call Wu Tao a fellow Taoist. Although Wu Tao had been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, Wu Tao was now also promoted in the way of weapon refining. He became a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, so he was the senior of Yang Kaiji and other elders of the weapon refinement hall.

His status is no less than that of their hall leader Wen Xingrui.

"Thank you all elders for coming to watch the ceremony." Wu Tao returned the salute to Yang Kaiji and other elders of the Refining Hall.

This is the humility from our predecessors.

"It is our honor to be able to watch Senior Li advance to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner. Senior Li's kindness to us will never be forgotten for the rest of our lives." Yang Kaiji and others said repeatedly.

Wu Tao then gave the Huoyijian to Wen Xingrui for inspection. Wen Xingrui inspected it once and returned it to Wu Tao, saying that the Huoyijian was of good quality.

Wu Tao put away the Huoyijian and said to Wen Xingrui: "My Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique has only reached the entry-level level. If I become more proficient in it, the quality of the Huoyijian can be improved even further."

Wen Xingrui smiled and said: "Don't be anxious, take your time, your soul's fire will be ignited. Being able to refine the Huoyi Sword to this quality is already considered very good."

After finishing speaking, Wen Xingrui also knew that Wu Tao had been refining this fourth-level low-level magic weapon for a whole day and morning, and that his mana and spiritual energy had been consumed greatly, so he dismissed Yang Kaiji and other elders of the weapon refining hall, and said to Wu Tao: " Disciple, please go back to your residence to recover, Ayao is also waiting for your good news."

"Yes, master, that disciple will leave first." Wu Tao bowed to Wen Xingrui, bowed and left.

Back at her residence, Wu Tao just opened the courtyard door and found Chen Yao sitting on a deck chair in the courtyard. When she saw Wu Tao come in, she immediately stood up to welcome her. Her eyes fell on Wu Tao's face. When she saw a faint smile on the corner of Wu Tao's mouth, she felt I know that my senior brother has successfully been promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner.

"Senior brother, is it done?"

"It's done." Wu Tao smiled and opened his hands.

Chen Yao also immediately smiled, opened his hands, and the two hugged each other tightly. After a moment, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "Let's go and tell the master this good news."

The master Wu Tao refers to here is naturally Chen Yao's father, Chen Shan.

"Yeah, father will be very happy to know!" Chen Yao nodded repeatedly.

The two came to Chen Shan's mourning hall, offered Chen Shan a stick of incense, and told Chen Shan that Wu Tao had been promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner.

"The master's wish at that time was that I would be promoted to the second-level weapon refiner. Now I have been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. If the master is still alive, how happy he would be!" Wu Tao sighed, with some regrets in his heart. .

But this is the way of cultivating immortality. As his cultivation level gets higher and higher, the people around him will not be able to keep up, and they will leave him one by one.

Even Chen Yao next to him would eventually leave him if she couldn't keep up with him one day.

Becoming an immortal is a lonely road, which Wu Tao has slowly come to understand.

The next day, Wu Tao went to Gao Xing's cave and told Gao Xing about his promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

"Well, as expected of Junior Brother Han, one day you will surpass your master, Hall Master Wen." The old Gao Xing's face was full of smiles.

Seeing the happy Gao Xing, Wu Tao was also very happy. After talking to Gao Xing for a while, Wu Tao left.

The days after that were as usual.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 112/1359】

[Realm: Nine levels of golden elixir]

[Exercise method: Ninth level of Jiu Yao Fusion Anode True Skill (100%)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the Golden elixir (100%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the Master of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), the Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (100%), the second level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique (100%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Techniques: Introduction to the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (99%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition·(100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (20%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutianxingchen body training·Yuanti chapter: first level (6%), shamanic combat method breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

In the training room, Wu Tao opened his personal information. It had been a year since he broke through the Yuan Ti realm.

It has been half a year since he was promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner.

In this year, his Yuan Ti first-level cultivation level has only reached 6% progress, but Wu Tao does not feel disappointed about this progress. The most important thing in cultivation is to stabilize his mentality.

In the past six months, his cultivation has not been as urgent as before. He mainly focused on the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God Technique. Then take the time to practice the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield at the Nascent Soul level. This Divine Fire Shield has been perfected to the second level and can display two Red Flame Divine Fire Shields.

The Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique has also made 49% progress in the past six months, and is still 1% short of reaching the mastery level.

Wu Tao is still very satisfied with this. As for the fact that he has been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refining master and can start to get in touch with the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, Wu Tao feels that he needs to settle for a while and there is no need to rush into it.

As early as half a year ago, Wu Tao was promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner and said that he would take Wu Chenyao to travel to the Xianyuan world. But at that time, Li Jingxing returned to the Xianyuan world from Xingchen Immortal Palace and told him that soon he would be After being transferred back to Xingchen Immortal Palace, there is no need to be at Lingxu Immortal Sect.

That's why Wu Tao put aside his travel plan and planned to take Chen Yao to travel to the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm after returning to the Xingchen Immortal Palace. After all, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is the bigger stage.

But he has been waiting for the news of being transferred back to the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace until half a year later.

Wu Tao closed his personal information.

After he walked out of the training room, he wanted to see Li Jingxing and ask when the order from the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace would arrive. Waiting forever is not an option.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the training room, Wu Tao received a message from his master Wen Xingrui, asking him to go to the weapon refining hall.

Wu Tao planned to go to the Weapon Refining Hall to meet his master Wen Xingrui first, and then to meet Li Jingxing.

Chen Yao was practicing spells in the training room at this time, so Wu Tao went directly to the weapon refining hall and met Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui saw Wu Tao coming, stretched out his hand, and a jade pendant imprinted with his breath and a letter floated towards Wu Tao.

No need to look, he came from Lingxu Xiuxian City.

Since the last time Wu Tao and Chen Yao accompanied Yu Hai, Gu Mingsheng, Li Feiyao and the others to reminisce about Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City, they have not had any contact with each other for so many years.

Thinking that Yu Hai, Gu Mingsheng, Li Feiyao and others, who had returned their lifelong cultivation to heaven and earth, would receive such a letter again, Wu Tao couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart as he thought of that guess.

He took the jade pendant and the letter and unfolded the letter to read. Sure enough, the letter said that Gu Mingsheng and Li Feiyao had already gone.

The day after Gu Mingsheng returned home, Li Feiyao followed suit.

You can see the love between this couple.

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