Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 752 The opportunity comes and the pill is broken to become a baby

"Fellow Daoist Li, is he the True Lord Yuanying?"

Fang Wuyou and others' eyes fell on Wu Tao in mid-air. Their eyes were extremely complicated. They didn't expect that Li Mo, the foundation-building perfect immortal cultivator who had been hunting sea monsters with them in the South Star Sea for the past six months, actually hid the cultivator. Because, he is a Nascent Soul True Lord.

"No wonder in the past six months, with fellow Taoist Li Mo and fellow Taoist Chen Yao as husband and wife, we have been able to avert danger every time." Fang Wuyou thought to himself.

"Do you want this true elixir?" Wu Tao's eyes fell on Chishui Xiezhen.

Chishui Xiezhen opened his mouth hard, with a look of fear in his eyes, and wanted to say no, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"That's all, a waste of time." Wu Tao muttered to himself, waved his sleeves towards Chishui Xezhen, and a huge amount of mana fell on Chishui Xezhen.

Immediately, Chishui Xiezhen exploded into a ball of blood mist, leaving only a storage bag, which turned into a stream of light and fell into Wu Tao's hands.

The blood mist dispersed and was blown away by Wu Tao gently, dissipating in mid-air.

Watching Chishui Xiezhen turn into blood mist with just a wave of Wu Tao's sleeves, his body died and his body was not even left behind, which shocked the surrounding immortal cultivators.

"Is this the Nascent Soul True Monarch? Chishui Xie Zhen, who is at the seventh level of the Golden Core, didn't even have the strength to resist. He was killed with just one swing. One level of realm and one level of heaven, it's terrible!"

"The Nascent Soul Lord is so terrifying."

The onlookers of immortal cultivators, except for Chen Rui and other five Jindan masters, the rest are all foundation-building immortal cultivators. They have never seen the Nascent Soul Master. The Nascent Soul Master of the Nanxing Islands has been in seclusion all year round, and he is not These ordinary foundation-building immortal cultivators can see it.

Therefore, they don’t know how powerful Nascent Soul Lord is.

However, they have seen the actions of Jindan immortal cultivators, and the aftermath of those Jindan immortal cultivators is not something that they, the Foundation-building immortal cultivators, can get close to.

In their hearts, Jindan Zhenren is so powerful, and he is still in the late Jindan stage among Jindan Zhenren. But with a gentle wave of his hand from the Nascent Soul Lord, it turned into blood mist all over the sky.

Both the golden elixir and the divine thoughts were annihilated at this moment.

"It's too strong, even stronger than the True Lord from my Nanxing Islands." The four Jindan Masters from Nanjiu Islands behind Chen Rui were extremely shocked, and they all took out their Nascent Soul True Lord from the Nanxing Islands. Compare with Wu Tao.

It was concluded that Wu Tao was more powerful than the Nascent Soul Lord from their southbound archipelago.

They didn't dare to express their anger and stood quietly, but out of the corner of their eyes they kept looking at Chen Rui, the island owner of Nanjiu Island.

Everyone knows that Chen Rui loves his younger brother very much. Chen Rui will definitely snatch this true elixir. This is why they don't snatch it, because no one is Chen Rui's opponent, and their attempts are in vain. Will be at odds with Chen Rui.

It's not worth turning against Chen Rui for a true elixir.

However, he didn't expect that Chishui Xezhen would take the lead. Chishui Xezhen's seventh-level golden elixir realm overwhelmed Chen Rui, causing Chen Rui to be unable to obtain the true elixir fruit.

But the fate of this world is so strange. Just because Chishui Xiezhen took action, Chen Rui did not dare to snatch the true elixir fruit, and therefore spared his life.

Otherwise, it would have been Chen Rui who was transformed into blood mist by the Nascent Soul Lord just now.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. If Chen Rui dies, I will be the owner of Nanjiu Island." One of the golden elixir cultivators secretly said in his heart. This person's fourth level of golden elixir cultivation is named Zhang Hua. Apart from Chen Rui, Jin Dan is the most powerful person in Nanjiu Island.

"Chen Rui is still lucky."

"Chen Rui should not die."

The Jin Dan people around Chen Rui have different thoughts.

But Chen Rui only felt his scalp was numb and his heart was trembling. For no other reason, Wu Tao did not hesitate to kill Chishui Xiezhen into a bloody mist, which made him feel fear and fear in his heart.

Although he did not take action to snatch the true elixir fruit, he had this idea, and this idea was discovered by the Nascent Soul Lord. That is, he took the preemptive action and used his spiritual thoughts to detect the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Lord.

"The foundation building is perfect, but it is for the hidden Nascent Soul Lord. I only hope that this Lord Yuanying Lord will be there in large numbers. I just begged for them in front of Chishui Xiezhen." Chen Rui could only say no in his heart. Stop praying.

I pray that Wu Tao is not a murderer.

Otherwise, his end will not be any better than Chishui Xiezhen.

"So strong, Li Mo Daoyou is strong... No, it's Li Zhenjun." Fang Wuyou looked at Wu Tao above the roof, and was shocked in his heart.

Not only Fang Wuyou, but also the foundation-building immortal cultivators around Fang Wuyou were all shocked. Originally, they thought they could make friends with a golden elixir cultivator after fellow Taoist Chen Yao was promoted to the golden elixir. Who knew that the surprise would come so quickly? Fellow Taoist Chen Yao's husband, Fellow Taoist Li Mo, turned out to be a hidden Nascent Soul Lord.

"Friend Li Mo, no, Li Zhenjun is actually Yuanying Zhenjun. I don't know how to behave in front of Li Zhenjun again?" What many people think about is how they should behave when they meet Wu Tao again, mainly when facing a Yuan Ying Zhenjun. Ying Zhenjun is two realms higher than theirs, so I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up.

After Wu Tao killed Chishui Xiezhen, he glanced around. Wherever his gaze fell, the foundation-building immortal cultivators quickly bowed and saluted, very cautiously.

When his eyes fell on Fang Wuyou and others, the serious-faced Wu Tao smiled, which made Fang Wuyou and other foundation-building immortal cultivators look stunned. Then they all bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison: "I Waiting to meet Mr. Li Zhen."

When Wu Tao heard this, Fang Wuyou and others nodded slightly as a response.

This response surprised Fang Wuyou and other foundation-building immortal cultivators. A Yuanying boss responded to him and others. It seemed that Li Zhenjun still remembered their friendship when they went to Xingnan Sea together to hunt sea monsters.

Finally, Wu Tao's eyes fell on Chen Rui and other five golden elixir cultivators from Nanjiu Island.

His eyes were calm and gentle, but they fell on the five golden elixir cultivators in the city. The five people immediately bent their bodies, bowed and saluted: "Chen Rui, the owner of Nanjiu Island, pays homage to Mr. Li Zhen."

"Nanjiu Island Zhang Hua, Wang Shun... pay homage to Li Zhenjun."

Just now, Fang Wuyou and others called Wu Tao Li Zhenjun, and Wu Tao responded with a smile. Fang Wuyou was standing on the roof. If it weren't for his own roof, who would dare to stand on it? Plus next door, the five people in Nanjiu Island A golden elixir cultivator suddenly knew that this Nascent Soul Lord was acquainted with Fang Wuyou and other foundation-building immortal cultivators.

"Hiding his cultivation until the foundation is perfect, it is not surprising to meet these foundation-building immortals."

Combined with the fact that Chen Yao, who was absorbing the true elixir fruit at this time and had already broken through to the golden elixir realm, it is not difficult to guess that this Nascent Soul True Lord traveled here to give this breakthrough person a chance to find a breakthrough.

Chen Rui's greeting was trembling. Wu Tao's eyes fell on Chen Rui and said: "Chen Rui, the owner of Nanjiu Island, is on the sixth level of Golden Core. I have lived in Nanjiu Island for half a year and I have heard of your reputation."

"It's just a little name, not worth mentioning." Chen Rui was flattered and bent a little again.

"I've heard your names too." Wu Tao's eyes fell on the other four golden elixir cultivators.

"It's an honor for us, Lord True Lord, to have heard of our name." The four golden elixir cultivators said hurriedly and respectfully.

"Chen Rui." Wu Tao suddenly called Chen Rui's name.

At this sound, Chen Rui's body suddenly trembled and he knelt down on the ground. He said in panic: "Li Zhenjun, this junior confesses his guilt. This junior really did something wrong. He used his spiritual sense to detect the senior. I also asked the senior to have a lot of help and spare this junior." For once, this junior is willing to apologize."

Chen Rui confessed and only said that he used his spiritual sense to detect it, but he did not dare to say that he coveted the real elixir fruit. This was also his cleverness.

Wu Tao naturally understood Chen Rui's thoughts. If he really committed the crime of detection, the crime would not lead to death. So Wu Tao thought for a moment, then took out a token from his storage bag. This token was not his identity token, but the token of the Star Palace. He imprinted his breath on the token, left a message, and then With a wave of his hand, the token turned into a stream of light and flew to Chen Rui, floating quietly.

"Nowadays, the danger of the twelve restricted sea areas in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has not been eliminated. Missing you is just a spiritual detection, and it will not cause death. However, spiritual detection is also taboo, so I will punish you with the task of conquest in the restricted sea area of ​​​​the Lost Sea. Ten years, are you convinced?"

Wu Tao's voice fell.

Chen Rui looked at the token floating in front of him. It had the symbol of the Star Immortal Palace on it. He was suddenly startled and looked at Wu Tao out of the corner of his eye. He had long guessed that Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul Lord, was from the Nine Immortals. Zong, but I didn’t expect that it actually came from the Xingchen Immortal Palace among the three major Immortal Palaces.

The four golden elixir cultivators behind Chen Rui also saw the token clearly.

The Nascent Soul Lord who came out of the three major immortal palaces, the Star Palace, is much more noble than the Yuanying True Lords from the Nine Immortal Sects.

"Chen Rui is willing to lead the mission of conquering the restricted sea area of ​​​​the Lost Sea, but he also asks Li Zhenjun to give Chen Rui ten days to arrange everything on the island." Chen Rui reached out and took the token in front of him, and said sincerely.

"Yes!" Wu Tao nodded, and then in a flash, he had returned to the practice room.

As soon as his figure disappeared in mid-air, the originally solid atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and other foundation-building immortal cultivators also began to whisper freely, undoubtedly discussing Chen Rui's punishment and the matter of the Nascent Soul Lord of the Star Immortal Palace.

"Island Master Chen, this senior Nascent Soul of the Star Immortal Palace has the heart of the Star Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm. He did not directly kill you, but punished you to go on a conquest mission in the restricted area of ​​the Lost Sea. Although it is dangerous, it is not entirely dangerous. A dead end." Zhang Hua looked at Chen Rui and said.

Chen Rui sighed, but he still wanted to thank Wu Tao, because Wu Tao could kill him directly, and no one dared to say anything, but he sent him to the restricted sea to carry out an expedition mission, which was considered to have given him a way out.

"I just blame myself for being too greedy. But the mission of conquering the forbidden sea is not a dead end. I must come back alive from the forbidden sea, for my brother." Chen Rui was determined in his heart, and the decadent mood on his face suddenly dissipated. He looked at Zhang Hua and said:

"Zhang Daoyou, please promise me one thing. I will give you the position of island master of Nanjiu Island!"

When Zhang Hua heard this, he was overjoyed and said quickly: "Island Master Chen, please speak."

"In 10 days, I will leave Nanjiu Island and go to the lost sea area for a conquest mission. However, my brother has only completed the foundation construction and cannot go with me. Before I come back, I also ask fellow Daoist Zhang to help me take care of my brother and protect him. Safety." Chen Rui looked at Zhang Hua seriously and said.

Zhang Hua immediately promised: "Yes, as long as your brother listens to my words, I will protect his life until you return from the forbidden sea to complete the expedition mission."

"Okay, fellow Taoists, Chen has something to do, so please leave first."

Chen Rui nodded, then handed over to Zhang Hua and the other four people and left. He had to prepare other things and also send a message to ask his brother to come back to Nanjiu Island to explain some things.

Zhang Hua and others watched Chen Rui leave, and then the three of them congratulated Zhang Hua. Zhang Hua looked happy and then waited with the three of them.

Congratulations awaiting Chen Yao's breakthrough.

Two days later, Chen Yao completely refined the true elixir fruit. Her golden elixir became more and more concentrated, and the magic power in the golden elixir was completely pushed to the peak of the first level of the golden elixir.

At this moment, you can begin to evolve the true magic into the golden elixir, turning it into the true magic of the golden elixir.

With his senior brother Wu Tao standing guard, Chen Yao felt safe and began to evolve the true magic of the golden elixir.

She has been taught this true technique by her masters Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao since she was practicing it. Therefore, she has practiced this true technique very profoundly. She practiced it into the golden elixir and turned it into the golden elixir's natal true technique. , is not a difficult task.

After only three days, Chen Yao evolved the true technique into the golden elixir and became his own golden elixir natal true technique. Then he saw a golden elixir rising up, blooming with golden light, causing This caused a burst of envy from the surrounding cultivators.

The golden elixir rose to a high altitude, fell quickly, and fell into the practice room. It was swallowed by Chen Yao in one gulp, and fell into the Dantian, where it floated quietly.

At this moment, Chen Yao's aura suddenly turned into the peak golden elixir level aura.

"Brother, I have broken through the golden elixir." Chen Yao stood up from the futon with a joyful expression, jumped up to Wu Tao, and said extremely happily.

"Well, as expected of Ayao, now that you have used the true elixir fruit, I believe that after a year or two of settling down, you will be able to break through to the second level of the golden elixir." Wu Tao stretched out his hands and patted Chen Yao's shoulders and said.

"Yeah, senior brother, I will definitely work hard to practice." Chen Yao nodded heavily. After breaking through the golden elixir realm, she realized how strong the golden elixir realm was. Her spiritual thoughts suddenly increased by a thousand miles, and her magic power was also different from the previous ones. In the past, the foundation building was complete.

She feels that she can beat 100 times her former self.

The most important thing is that the golden elixir has a lifespan of five hundred years and can accompany the senior brother on the road to immortality.

"Okay, get ready and get ready to receive the gift." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao with a smile.

Chen Yao was stunned when he heard this and said, "Senior brother, what gift do you want to reward me with?"

"It's not me. It's Fang Wuyou and the others, as well as those Jindan masters from Nanjiu Island." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there were calls of visiting people at the door.

Wu Tao led Chen Yao to open the door and saw Zhang Hua and other Jindan masters standing at the door. Chen Rui also came, accompanied by a foundation-building perfect immortal cultivator. His face was similar to Chen Rui's, so he should be his younger brother.

There are also foundation-building immortal cultivators such as Fang Wuyou who have known each other in the past.

"Congratulations to Senior Chen for being promoted to the Golden Core Realm." Fang Wuyou and other foundation-building immortal cultivators quickly congratulated Chen Yao.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chen for being promoted to Jindan." Chen Rui, Zhang Hua and other Jindan masters also expressed their congratulations to Chen Yao.

Moreover, everyone sent congratulatory gifts, and Chen Yao responded with a smile on her face and accepted them one by one.

After an hour, everyone left one by one.

Although these congratulatory gifts were just a little thought and not very valuable, Chen Yao was still very happy to be congratulated. She looked at Wu Tao and suddenly noticed that her senior brother Wu Tao had a strange expression on his face.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you?" Chen Yao suddenly asked with concern.

Wu Tao showed a smile on his face and said: "The opportunity for my Nascent Soul breakthrough has also arrived!"

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