In Wu Tao's mysterious induction, a little inspiration suddenly appeared.

This little bit of inspiration is the opportunity to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. This inspiration is getting stronger and clearer.

"Fortunately, as early as half a year ago, I had perfected the practice of the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique, and the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Nascent Soul in the golden elixir had been completely conceived. Otherwise, when this opportunity came to break through the realm of Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul would not be conceived. Complete, I can only watch this opportunity for breakthrough pass by with endless regret."

"I have revealed my identity as True Lord Yuanying here, and I have also punished Chen Rui slightly, revealing my identity as True Lord Yuanying of Star Immortal Palace. Everyone knows that my name is Li Mo. In the future, I The name will definitely shock the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm... Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is better not to make a breakthrough here."

Wu Tao knew that breaking through the realm of Nascent Soul would inevitably cause great commotion. At that time, not only the immortal cultivators from Nanjiu Island would sense it and come to watch, but also other surrounding islands and even the Nascent Soul Lord in the Xingnan Sea. They were all able to sense the movement caused by him breaking through the Nascent Soul realm and came to investigate.

"Brother, prepare to break through, I will protect you." Chen Yao said with a serious face.

When she broke through to the Golden Core realm, her senior brother was there to protect her. Now that her senior brother is about to break through to the Nascent Soul realm, Chen Yao can only stand by and protect her.

Although the first-level golden elixir she had just broken through could not have any effect, her senior brother had just revealed the cultivation of True Monarch Nascent Soul, which shocked the immortal cultivators in the entire South Nine Islands. No one dared to come over and disturb the senior brother's breakthrough.

Regarding safety issues, there is still no need to worry too much.

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Don't rush to break through here. I need to find a place to break through. The opportunity for breakthrough at this time is just a little inspiration and has not reached the peak."

"Pack up and prepare to leave Nanjiu Island."

When Chen Yao heard this, it was natural that her senior brother would do whatever she said. She immediately nodded heavily and started to pack. It was easy to pack, just put the things you wanted to pack on the storage bag, and leave the things you didn't need here.

After just a moment, everything was packed up, so Wu Tao launched the Feilang Boat in the courtyard.

"Ayao, come up!" Wu Tao turned to Chen Yao and said.

Chen Yao nodded and moved, standing behind Wu Tao on the Feilang Boat.

The Feilang Boat instantly turned into a stream of light, flew over the South Nine Islands, and soon turned into a point of light and disappeared.

The aura of Feilangzhou emanated and then disappeared, naturally allowing Fang Wuyou and other immortal cultivators next door to sense it. The moment they sensed it, they had already come out in a flash, but it was too late and they only saw A point of light disappears.

The appearance of a flying boat can be vaguely seen, and there seems to be a pair of figures on the flying boat.

"They're gone."

Fang Wuyou whispered, and the people he meant were naturally Wu Tao and Chen Yao.

"Think about it. Master Chen Yao and Li Zhenjun came to Nanjiu Island to hide their names in order for Master Chen to break through the golden elixir realm. Once Master Chen Yao breaks through the golden elixir realm, he will follow Li Zhenjun and leave." Fang Wuyou changed his mind and thought. Figure it out in your mind.

"They left so soon, will they come back?"

"I originally thought about finding an opportunity to meet him, but I didn't expect that I ended up having no chance to make friends with a True Lord Jin Dan and True Lord Nascent Soul."

Next to Fang Wuyou, there were sounds of regret.

Although it was a pity, Fang Wuyou actually felt regretful because he lived next door to Wu Tao and Chen Yao and usually moved around more. They had the best relationship, but this relationship only lasted until now.

We meet each other in the mountains and rivers, but in the world of immortal cultivation, the other party is also a high-level figure in the Xingchen Palace. I am just a small casual cultivator, not even the golden elixir realm, so there should be no chance to see him again, right?

Except for Fang Wuyou and the others next door, other immortal cultivators could not sense the departure of Wu Tao and Chen Yao.

Even the Jindan Daoist people in Nanjiu Island did not sense that Wu Tao had left, because the Yuanying Zhenjun had hidden his cultivation, which caused a chain reaction, that is, the Jindan Daoist people in Nanjiu Island did not The cultivators who will release their spiritual thoughts at will to detect the Southern Nine Islands.

What if another Nascent Soul True Lord is detected?

And since he already knows that Wu Tao is the True Lord of the Nascent Soul, he will not detect it at will with his spiritual thoughts, for fear of offending Wu Tao, the True Lord of the Nascent Soul.

On the 5th day.

Chen Rui, the island owner of Nanjiu Island, brought his younger brother Chen Chuan here.

Today is the day when Chen Rui goes to the Lost Sea Area to carry out the mission of conquering the forbidden sea. He wants to tell Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul Lord, that he will obey this order sincerely.

However, when Chen Rui came with his brother, he found that the house was empty.

Chen Rui went next door to ask Fang Wuyou. Fang Wuyou was practicing at home at this time. When he learned that someone was visiting, he saw Chen Rui when he went out. Although Chen Rui was no longer the island owner of Nanjiu Island at this time, he was also Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul Lord, was sent to the lost sea area on a mission to conquer the forbidden sea.

But after all, the other party was a sixth-level golden elixir cultivator, so Fang Wuyou still answered Chen Rui's questions respectfully and honestly.

After Chen Rui asked the question, he wanted to reach out and wave away Fang Wuyou as a habit, but when he thought that Fang Wuyou lived next door to Li Zhenjun in the Starry Palace, and thought that they had friendship in the past, a smile appeared on his face. He took out some pills from his storage bag and gave them to Fang Wuyou, saying he was grateful for his answer.

Fang Wuyou anxiously took the elixir and went back to the house to practice.

Therefore, only Chen Rui and his younger brother Chen Tong were left outside Wu Tao's original residence.

"Brother, Li Zhenjun from the Star Palace has left Nanjiu Island five days ago. He should have returned to the Star Palace at this time. When Chen Tong said this, he rolled his eyes and seemed to have some idea. He whispered to Chen Rui: "Brother, why don't you go on an expedition mission to the Lost Sea Area? Although going to the Lost Sea Area is not a life-threatening situation, it is still dangerous. "

"That Li Zhenjun has left. Even if you don't go, he doesn't know."

"Shut up." Hearing Chen Tong's words, Chen Rui was startled and yelled angrily.

Then he said in a serious tone: "You must not underestimate the True Lord Yuanying, and this True Lord Yuanying comes from the Starry Palace, one of the top three fairy palaces in the Starry Sea Immortal Realm."

"If I don't carry out the mission of conquering the forbidden sea, I will definitely die without a chance to survive."

"Furthermore, I don't know what information was recorded in the token that Mr. Li Zhen gave me, and what taboos there were. If he didn't go, if he accidentally remembered it and asked casually, he would know that I didn't go. With the power of Xingchen Immortal Palace, even if I hide in any corner of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, I will be picked out by the Xingchen Immortal Palace cultivators."

Hearing Chen Rui's sincere words, Chen Tong also felt scared, but he quickly calmed down and said: "Okay, brother, you can go, but you have to promise me one thing, you must come back alive from the Lost Sea."

Looking at this younger brother who had been dependent on him since childhood, Chen Rui felt soft. He reached out and patted Chen Tong on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, 10 years will pass quickly. During these 10 years, you will stay in Nanjiu Island to practice hard. I have asked fellow Taoist Association Zhang Hua to protect your safety."

"Brother, when you come back, I will definitely break through the golden elixir realm."


The words were divided into two parts. In 5 days, Wu Tao commanded the flying boat and had left the Xingnan Sea.

At this time, the little bit of inspiration in his heart is expanding, and it is estimated that it will reach its peak in another 10 days, and then he can officially break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Therefore, within these 10 days, he must find a suitable breakthrough location for him to break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

It is best if there are no immortal cultivators in this location, and it does not matter whether it is a spiritual island, because he can set up a spiritual gathering array to create sufficient spiritual energy for breakthrough.

Furthermore, to break through the Nascent Soul realm, the most important thing is other things, and spiritual energy is actually secondary.

Finally on the sixth day, Wu Tao took Chen Yao to the Southern Wilderness Sea.

The Southern Wilderness Sea Area, as the name suggests, is relatively deserted. There are basically no spiritual islands here, and the spiritual energy is relatively thin.

Wu Tao found an ordinary island. There was no spiritual energy on the island, so naturally there were no immortal cultivators and no monsters. The most important thing was that there were no mortals on this island. This made him feel that it was an excellent breakthrough. place.

Putting down Chen Yao and putting away the flying boat, Wu Tao said to her: "Ayao, please rest aside first, I'm going to start setting up the formation."

"Okay, senior brother." Chen Yao nodded obediently.

Wu Tao no longer hesitated, first setting up a third-level advanced spirit-gathering formation, and then a third-level advanced gathering defense and attack formation.

Countless high-grade spiritual stones were refined into spiritual energy by the third-level advanced spirit gathering array. In a short time, the spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array was very abundant, forming a vast mist that could obscure a person's figure.

"Ayao, come into the formation." Wu Tao asked Chen Yao to enter the double formation.

Because when he broke through, he no longer cared about Chen Yao's safety. If a passing immortal cultivator arrived, thinking that the heaven and earth spiritual treasure was born, and came to interfere, it would be a troublesome matter, but as long as Chen Yao is here You can stay safe and sound in the third-level advanced defense and attack array.

Of course, allowing Chen Yao to enter the double magic circle, he also touched the beast control token on his waist and released the white-haired tiger with snow. Although the white-haired tiger with blood was only an early stage third-order monster, it was still worthy of the A second-level cultivator of the Golden Pill.

It's not much of a help to myself, but it's a good help to Chen Yao.

Wu Tao then sat cross-legged in the center of the spirit-gathering array, his body covered by the mist of abundant spiritual energy.

By this time, the opportunity for breakthrough in his heart had been infinitely magnified, filling his entire mind.

With a wave of his hand, jade bottles flew out one after another. In these jade bottles were the five evil spirits and various elixirs needed for breakthroughs.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Wu Tao silently operated the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill.

Three days later, Wu Tao suddenly felt that he could make a breakthrough, so he immediately took out the five evil spirits and began to hone the golden elixir.

To break the elixir and become a baby, one needs to use the evil energy of the five elements to continuously hone the golden elixir. The golden elixir is tempered until it is thin enough to reveal cracks, and the Nascent Soul bred inside can be broken out of the elixir.

There is something similar to the birth of egg-laying creatures.

The five elements of evil spirits are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Wu Tao first used the evil spirits of metal elements to hone the golden elixir. The golden evil spirits fell on the golden elixir, and suddenly sparks burst out like metal cutting.

As soon as he tempered the golden elixir with the evil spirit of the five elements, Wu Tao was surprised. His golden elixir was too hard. The evil energy of the five elements fell on the golden elixir, leaving only white marks.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved, because his golden elixir magic power is too powerful. Just the perfect state of the golden elixir is already comparable to the level of Nascent Soul transformation that has been promoted to the Nascent Soul True Monarch. With such a level of magic power, the golden elixir is Naturally stronger.

"Fortunately, I have prepared ten copies of the five elements' evil spirits. I hope that with the training of these ten copies of the five elements' evil spirits, I can successfully break the elixir and become a baby."

If the golden elixir is too strong and the evil energy of the five elements cannot be tempered to create cracks, so that the Nascent Soul bred in it cannot successfully break through the elixir and come out, wouldn't it become a big joke in the world of immortality?

Wu Tao stopped thinking about it and focused on using the evil spirit of gold to hone the golden elixir.

After tempering for a moment, he realized that this golden elixir was really strong, and the evil energy from the golden elements could only leave white marks. Then he moved in his heart, and dropped the other four elements of evil energy on the golden elixir, and tempered the five elements of evil energy together.

The evil spirits of these five elements are tempered together, and the various reactions of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth fall on the golden elixir. As expected, the tempering speed is greatly accelerated.

If an ordinary golden elixir cultivator breaks through to the realm of the Nascent Soul, he must hone one evil spirit at a time, because the five evil spirits must be tempered together. The power of the five elements of evil spirit is too great. If the Nascent Soul inside is accidentally destroyed, If it's hurt, it's over.

Time passes day by day under the tempering golden elixir of the Five Elements Evil Spirit.

In the blink of an eye, 15 days passed, and Wu Tao finally saw the effect. The extremely strong golden elixir had turned into a thin layer, and the Nascent Soul bred inside was clearly visible. At this time, he had consumed three copies of the Five Elements evil energy.

At this point, you can no longer directly temper the evil spirits of the five elements together, but it is prudent to temper them one by one.

"Practice the golden elixir, it is actually a kind of physical work." Wu Tao dropped a portion of the golden evil energy on the golden elixir, feeling quite dumbfounded in his heart.

But the more this happens, the stronger the Nascent Soul will be.

Another month passed like this, and two more copies of the Five Elements Evil Qi were consumed. Finally, there was a sound like an egg breaking, and the golden elixir as thin as a film shattered. Jumping out of the broken golden elixir eggshell, he sat firmly in the middle of the Dantian.

At the moment when Nascent Soul successfully broke through the elixir and came out, Wu Tao's aura instantly changed from the aura of perfect golden elixir to the aura of Nascent Soul.

"Senior brother has successfully broken through the elixir and turned into an infant!" Chen Yao, who was at the edge of the formation, naturally felt the Nascent Soul aura on Wu Tao's body for the first time. She was extremely happy, but she also knew that it was not a complete success at this time. It's just the first step. Next, you have to temper the Nascent Soul with the evil spirit of the Five Elements, and there are two levels: day tour and night tour.

Wu Tao looked inside his dantian and saw the little Yuanying figure sitting cross-legged in the center of his dantian. The little Yuanying figure was only the size of a palm, but it could be seen that his body was extremely condensed, and a powerful aura emanated from his body. This aura It is even more powerful than the new Nascent Soul recently.

At the moment when the Nascent Soul villain came out, Wu Tao's mana and spiritual thoughts began to grow.

The Yuanying villain looks exactly like Wu Tao, but because it is about the size of a palm, it looks quite cute.

Wu Tao didn't have time to appreciate the cuteness of the Nascent Soul villain at this time. He immediately took out a portion of the Five Elements evil spirit and absorbed it into his Dantian. He then surrounded the Nascent Soul villain with the Five Elements evil spirit and began to temper the Nascent Soul.

This step is to refine the Yuanying into a more condensed form, so that it will not be afraid of the evil spirits of the five elements.

Only the Nascent Soul that has been tempered with the evil spirit of the Five Elements can travel day and night. Otherwise, the Nascent Soul has not seen the heaven and earth and is extremely fragile. Once you rashly travel by day, the power of the sun's divine light cannot be underestimated.

"There are still 5 pieces of Five Elements evil energy left, which should be enough to temper this Nascent Soul."

Wu Tao began to concentrate on tempering the Nascent Soul.

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