Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 755: Shou Yuan comparable to the transformed god

Wu Tao stood above the island, facing the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Behind them is a fourth-level low-level airship.

With a brief moment of induction, Wu Tao had already sensed the specific cultivation levels of the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. He had just told him that he could break through to the Nascent Soul realm with peace of mind, and that the one who was helping him protect the law was at the second level of the Nascent Soul realm. , the other person next to him is at the first level of Nascent Soul.

Although he has just broken through to the realm of Nascent Soul, his mana and spiritual thoughts have already undergone transformation when he reached the realm of Golden Core Perfection. He is no different from the new True Lord of Nascent Soul, or even slightly better.

Now that he has truly broken through the realm of Yuanying, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts and magic power have undergone another transformation and become more powerful. He feels that his current cultivation should be better than the second-level immortal cultivators of Yuanying, but if he wants to fight against Yuanying The words of a third-level immortal cultivator, however, seem insufficient unless you add physical cultivation.

While Wu Tao was sizing up the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce were also sizing up Wu Tao.

I saw Wu Tao wearing an ordinary robe. In fact, Wu Tao's robe was a fourth-level intermediate magic weapon called Tianyan Royal Armor, which was refined by master Wen Xingrui. At the level of the fourth-level intermediate magic weapon, as long as the defensive effect of the robe is not stimulated, the fourth-level intermediate level will not be revealed, so in the eyes of the two of them, it is an ordinary robe.

When combined with Wu Tao's breakthrough, there were no elders around to protect him. There was actually a female cultivator at the golden elixir stage protecting him, and a tamed third-level early-stage monster. In this way, the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce concluded that Wu Tao was a helpless casual cultivator.

In order not to be disturbed by others, I came to this deserted island to make a breakthrough.

This is why the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce came to help drive away the early fourth-order flying monsters. Even if Wu Tao is judged to be a helpless casual cultivator, and after helping him expel the fourth-order early-stage flying monsters, he will definitely be grateful. Even if he will not join their Tianheng Chamber of Commerce for life, after a little persuasion, he will come to Tianheng Chamber of Commerce to become a member. A matter of ten or twenty years.

As the Nascent Soul Lord of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, he naturally has the responsibility to strengthen the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"If we, the casual cultivators, do not join any chamber of commerce or the camp of casual cultivators, we will be like this fellow Taoist in front of us. No one will be there to protect us when we break through, so we can only come to this deserted island with no spiritual veins to make a breakthrough."

"I really envy the cultivators of the Nine Immortal Sects and the Three Immortal Palaces. For their breakthroughs, they will inevitably choose the highest level of spiritual veins, the best elixirs, and the most powerful elders to protect them."

This is what these two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce thought in their hearts.

"Fellow Taoist, there's no need to be polite, we're just doing it with a little help." Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Chen from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce said with a smile.

Wu Tao said: "Your little effort is of great help to me. If my breakthrough is interrupted by that beast, I can only swim for half a day, and I will not be able to fully achieve the power of a day swim. After I break through the Nascent Soul, my cultivation will also be Take some discounts.”

"I will remember the kindness of these two fellow Taoists in my heart and will definitely repay them."

"My name is Li Mo. I wonder if you two Taoist friends?"

Wu Tao asked.

"Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, Chen Cunli." The second-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce announced his name.

"Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, Wu Hongjun."

"How did Fellow Daoist Li come to this deserted island with no spiritual veins to make a breakthrough?" Chen Cunli asked Wu Tao.

Wu Tao said: "It's a long story... Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Wu, where are you escorting the goods to?" He looked at the fourth-level low-level flying boat behind the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Li, our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is escorting the goods to the Sea of ​​Stars this time." Chen Cunli said, and continued: "Fellow Daoist Li, why don't we get on our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce's flying boat and have a nice chat?"

Regarding Chen Cunli's invitation, Wu Tao naturally nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem. I will go downstairs to clean up first."

Now that he has broken through the Nascent Soul, Wu Tao naturally wants to return to the Star Immortal Palace. Unexpectedly, Chen Cunli and the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce are heading to the Star Sea Area, so they can go together.

Moreover, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun helped him, and they must repay the favor.

Although Wu Tao was able to solve the disaster of the early fourth-level flying monsters without the help of the two, the other party had already helped, and he had to repay the favor.

"Okay, then let's wait for Fellow Daoist Li here." Chen Cunli said with a smile.

Wu Tao bowed his hands and turned into a stream of light and landed on the island.

Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun stood in the void waiting for Wu Tao.

Chen Yao was still standing on the inner edge of the double formation at this moment. When the flying monsters of the early stage of the fourth level attacked, Chen Yao was worried, but just between the lightning and flint, two Nascent Soul cultivators passed by to help, and the senior brother The Nascent Soul also came back in time.

The problem of flying monsters in the early stage of the fourth level was finally solved, and seeing her senior brother complete the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage, she was finally completely relieved.

After the senior brother broke through the Nascent Soul stage, he naturally wanted to thank the two Nascent Soul stage cultivators who helped him immediately, so Chen Yao waited here obediently for the senior brother's return.

Seeing Wu Tao coming back, Chen Yao immediately stepped forward: "Brother, you are back."

Seeing that there was still a trace of worry on Chen Yao's face, Wu Tao smiled and said, "I made you worry."

"It's okay, senior brother. I believe that senior brother's auspicious person has his own destiny. Fortunately, all this has passed, and senior brother, you have broken through to the Nascent Soul realm safely and safely." Chen Yao said.

"Well, let's clean up, and then stay with the two Taoist friends from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao was stunned when he heard this and asked: "Senior brother, aren't we going back to the Star Palace?"

When she first came out to travel to the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Wu Tao told her that after the two of them broke through, they would immediately return to the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Why did they join the immortal cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce?

Wu Tao said with a smile: "What a coincidence, the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce's fourth-level low-level airship is going to the Star Sea. If possible, take their airship back to the Stars Immortal Palace."

"So that's it!" Chen Yao heard this and started to pack it up. She had not taken back the Soul-Eating Insect yet.

Wu Tao took out the beast control token, first put the Tongxue White-haired Tiger into the beast control token, and then took out two array disks to put away the spirit gathering array and the third-level advanced defense attack and killing array.

After collecting them, Wu Tao flew up with Chen Yao, and soon stood in front of Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun, introducing: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Wu, this is Li's Taoist companion, Han Yao."

"It turns out to be Junior Sister Han." Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun smiled at Han Yao. As Taoist companions of Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivators, even if they were only in the Golden Core stage, they could be called Junior Sister by the Nascent Soul Lord.

"I have met these two seniors, so I would like to thank them for their help." Chen Yao bowed to Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun and thanked them.

"Junior Sister Chen, you don't have to be polite. Fellow Daoist Li already thanked you just now." Wu Hongjun said with a smile.

Chen Cunli said: "Fellow Daoist Li, Junior Sister Tang, without further ado, let's go back to Feizhou first."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Chen, I have delayed you for half a day, Fellow Daoist Chen." Wu Tao thanked Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun for flying into the fourth-level low-level airship of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Because they helped him protect the law, the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce was indeed delayed for half a day.

Entering the fourth-level low-level flying boat of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, the two hosts, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun, immediately invited Wu Tao and Chen Yao into a tea room inside the flying boat.

After sitting down, Wu Tao sensed that the fourth-level low-level flying boat was fully activated and flew towards the direction of the Star Palace.

In the tea room, a female cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce was boiling water and making tea. The aroma of tea soon filled the entire tea room.

Chen Cunli looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Li for being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. From now on, he will live for a thousand years and can also take charge of the Immortal World in the Sea of ​​Stars."

Chen Cunli's words are true. In the world of Xingchen Sea, the Nascent Soul stage is already a figure who can take charge, because only the three major immortal palaces have the God Transformation stage.

In addition to the nine sea areas divided by the nine immortal sects, there are more sea areas actually occupied by casual cultivators. When the casual cultivators reach the Nascent Soul stage, they can indeed dominate one side.

For example, the entire Xingnan sea area is controlled by a first-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

Enjoy the immortal cultivation resources in the entire Xingnan Sea.

But the fact that a Xingnan sea area can be occupied by a Nascent Soul cultivator of the first level also shows that the resources for cultivating immortals in the Xingnan sea area are indeed not enough, otherwise the more powerful casual cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage would occupy the seat.

"Thank you Daoyou Chen, but when it comes to being in charge, I have just broken through to the Nascent Soul realm, and I don't have the strength yet." Wu Tao said modestly.

As for the Yuan Ying True Lord's lifespan of a thousand years, Wu Tao thought to himself: Fellow Daoist Chen, you are wrong. My lifespan is not just a thousand years. After breaking through the Yuan Ti realm, it has reached more than 1,300 years. Fan broke through the Nascent Soul realm and increased his life span by 500 years, reaching a life span of more than 1,800 years.

Another two hundred years of life will be comparable to the Transformation God Lord.

But the God-Transforming God Lord has vast magical powers and unpredictable methods. They can not only live for 2,000 years. They have various means to isolate themselves from the invasion of time.

Similar to the reason why the three major immortal palaces have been able to rule the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm for 100,000 years, it is not that they have not experienced any faults in the Transformation God Lord during these 100,000 years, but because they have the magical power to isolate the Soul Transformation Lord from the years. They fear each other and form a three-legged check and balance situation.

As a cultivator of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Wu Tao naturally has a little understanding of this.

Chen Cunli looked at Wu Tao, and then asked: "Fellow Daoist Li didn't tell you just now, why did you choose an island like this in the Southern Wilderness Sea that has no spiritual veins to break through?"

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Originally, we were in the Xingnan Sea. When we were close to breaking through, we searched for a place to break through, and finally chose the Southern Wilderness Sea."

"I also took a fancy to the fact that there are no immortal cultivators or monsters in the Southern Wilderness Sea, so they will not disturb the breakthrough. But who knew that we would actually be attacked by the fourth-order flying monsters in the early stages."

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Chen and Fellow Daoist Wu."

After hearing Wu Tao's explanation, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun had already made up their mind that Wu Tao should have offended the Nascent Soul cultivator in the Xingnan Sea area, so they did not dare to break through there, and there was no one to protect the law, so they came A breakthrough in a sea area without spiritual veins such as the Southern Wilderness Sea.

They have 100% concluded in their hearts that Wu Tao is a homeless cultivator who has no one to rely on.

"When we took action, we saw that the fourth-level early-stage flying monster had many scars on its body and its breath was low. It seems that it had a fight with other monsters and fled to the southern wilderness sea area." Chen Cunli said.

"That's it." Wu Tao said suddenly.

At this time, the female foundation-building cultivator had already brewed the spiritual tea and added a cup of spiritual tea to the four of them.

"Fellow Taoist, please have some tea." Chen Cunli picked up the tea cup and motioned to Wu Tao, then continued: "Fellow Taoist Li, do you have any plans after breaking through the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Plan?" When Wu Tao heard this, he didn't know that Chen Cunli had wanted to invite him to join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, so he said: "I want to follow your flying boat to the Sea of ​​Stars, Fellow Daoist Chen and Wu Daoyou, is it possible?"

"Of course, I'll have someone arrange a room for you fellow Taoists." Chen Cunli said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Hongjun beside him. Wu Hongjun read his eyes and understood clearly in his heart.

After chatting for a while, Chen Cunli asked a golden elixir cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce to lead Wu Tao and Chen Yao to the prepared room to rest.

Only Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun were left in the tea room.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, why didn't you invite Friend Daoist Li to join our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce?" Wu Hongjun asked Chen Cunli next to him. Chen Cunli just used his eyes to signal him not to invite Wu Tao.

Chen Cunli said: "Fellow Daoist Wu, what does our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce rely on to stand in the Xingchenhaixiu Immortal Realm for 30,000 years?"

"It's integrity." Wu Hongjun said it almost without thinking: "Because our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is honest, it has grown bigger and bigger. There is already one Immortal cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage and eight other Immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage in the Chamber of Commerce."

"We have even opened up some business relationships with Xingchen Immortal Palace. Although it is only a small channel, it will one day become bigger and bigger."

Chen Cunli nodded and said: "Yes, it is because of integrity that our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce has achieved such success. At this time, we have just met that fellow Daoist Li, and we don't know what his character is. If he has a bad character, he will join our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Let our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce encounter foreign enemies for no reason."

"Isn't he going to follow us to the Sea of ​​Stars? There is still a month and a half before we reach the Sea of ​​Stars. I have been in contact with him for more than a month and a half and know his character. If his character is good, we will not invite him to join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Late."

After hearing what Chen Cunli said, Wu Hongjun was immediately convinced and said with his hands in hand: "Fellow Daoist Chen is still thoughtful, and Wu admires it."

The room arranged by Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is more like a small residential courtyard than a room.

"Ayao, you need to rest for a while or practice while I learn about my own cultivation." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

"Okay, senior brother!" Chen Yao nodded upon hearing this and immediately entered a room.

Wu Tao also entered another room and opened his personal information immediately.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 113/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The ninth level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Kung Fu (100%), Nascent Soul Kung Fu (none)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the Golden elixir (100%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the Master of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), the Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (100%), the third level of Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique (100%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Proficiency in Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (15%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (95%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutianxingchen body training·Yuanti chapter: first level (12%), shamanic combat method breaking the god·grandmaster (100%), omitted]

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