Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 756 Fighting and killing the fourth-level monster

Wu Tao's eyes immediately fell on the life span column.

When he saw the number '1859', although he had already known that breaking through the Nascent Soul realm would increase his life span by five hundred years, he still couldn't help but feel happy at this moment.

"In 1859, I am now 113 years old, and I still have 1,746 years left. This terrifying lifespan is so surprising, it is almost comparable to the Transformation God Lord."

Wu Tao was delighted and his eyes continued to move downwards. Now that he had broken through to the realm of Yuanying, he needed to find a Yuanying technique.

So after he broke through the Nascent Soul realm, he thought about returning to the Star Immortal Palace immediately.

His Nine-Yao Fusion Yang-pole true skill was obtained in Xingchen Immortal Palace. It is very simple to find a Nascent Soul technique that is suitable for the Nine-Yao Fusion Yang-pole true skill. After all, Xingchen Immortal Palace is one of the three top fairy palaces in the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World. He believes that Xingchen Immortal Palace has this strength.

His eyes continued to move downwards, looking at the spell column.

"You can also practice the seventh level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual. The seventh to ninth levels are the Nascent Soul stage. According to the master, each level of cultivation can increase the spiritual consciousness by a thousand miles, which is equivalent to a breakthrough. A small realm.”

"After practicing the third level of the Nascent Soul stage, you can increase your spiritual thoughts by three thousand miles. A Nascent Soul cultivator can reach twelve thousand miles of spiritual thoughts after cultivating to the perfection of the Nascent Soul. At that time, I have finished practicing the Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra. At the Nascent Soul stage, one can reach 15,000 miles of spiritual thoughts, and my physical cultivation realm will also increase my spiritual thoughts to a greater or lesser extent."

"I wonder if after cultivating to the perfection of Yuanying and Yuan Ti, I can achieve a great level like now when I reach the perfection of Jin Dan and True Body?"

"It feels impossible. The Transformation God Lord is simply too powerful."

Wu Tao still doesn't understand the realm of becoming gods. What kind of scenery is this realm like?

Without thinking too much, he continued to summarize.

"I have now reached the 6th level of the secret technique of transformation and concealment. Even if I have reached the level of perfection in the Yuan Ti realm, I am not afraid of being detected as a body cultivator. After I have reached the middle level of the Yuan Ti realm, I can then proceed to the 7th level. Let’s practice at the next level.”

Wu Tao planned this in his mind, because now that he has broken through to the Nascent Soul realm, he still needs to practice the Nascent Soul level spells and various accompanying practices, so there is no need to be so eager to practice the 7th level of the Secret of Transformation.

Over the past year, he has practiced the Red Flame Divine Fire Barrier Technique to the third level, and has already refined three Red Flame Divine Fire Barriers. When the three Red Flame Divine Fire Barriers are released, they form a triangle and are very powerful.

Wu Tao then looked at the profession of weapon refiner. He had reached the proficiency level in Jiuyao Shenhuo Jue, and was more proficient in refining fourth-level low-level magic weapons. In the past year, he had refined three fourth-level low-level flying swords, and two fourth-level flying swords. Low-level defensive magic weapon.

It's a pity that the weapon refining and fighting method is only a golden elixir level method, which only allows him to use third-level real weapons to fight, but he cannot use fourth-level low-level magic weapons.

"The master is now in the middle stage of Yuanying. He said that he has begun to study the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuanying level. He already has some ideas, so we will wait a moment.

"Now that we are unable to control a large number of fourth-level low-level magic weapons, facing the siege, we can only place our hope on the money."

Wu Tao looked at Luobao Money. He was still 5% short of progress in deducing the true prohibition of Luobao Money, a real weapon, to the fourth low-level level.

At that time, the refined treasure money will be a fourth-level low-level magic weapon, which can defeat all fourth-level low-level magic weapons, regardless of the siege of Nascent Soul cultivators.

Finally, Wu Tao set his sights on the column of physical cultivation. It has been two years since he broke through the Yuan Ti realm, and it took two years to reach 12% of the first level of cultivation.

But now he is not worried that the cultivation speed of the Yuan Ti realm is slow, because he has broken through the Yuan Ying realm. The Yuan Ying born with the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method can enter the Tiangang layer to collect the stars and streamers to practice the Yuan Ti chapter. Tianxingchen does physical exercises.

As long as he returns to the Star Palace, he can start collecting star streamers.

"By the way, Senior Wang Jing gave me the Zhou Tian Xingchen physical training method, and it also comes with the witchcraft combat method, a method of a great realm. The God-breaking method of the true body realm has been perfected, and the name of the method of the Yuan Ti realm is In order to explode the stars, this method can also start to be understood."

With this plan in mind, Wu Tao closed his personal information.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao practiced on the fourth-level low-level flying boat of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Occasionally, he was invited to the tea room for tea by two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Wu Tao also went happily. After all, he still had a good impression of Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun.

With the gradual contact, the three of them became more and more familiar with each other. However, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun did not ask about Wu Tao's origin and identity, and Wu Tao did not tell them. Anyway, they would know it when they arrived in the Star Sea.

But in fact, Wu Tao still practices in his room most of the time. Currently, there are no techniques for the Yuan Ying stage, and he cannot perform any of the exercises for the Yuan Ying stage, but he can practice the Zhou Tianxing body training technique in the Yuan Ti realm.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Wu Tao was invited by Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun to chat in the teahouse again.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please have some tea. This spiritual tea is the unique spiritual tea of ​​our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce." This time, there was no female cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce in the tearoom who specialized in boiling water and making tea. Instead, Chen Cunli personally boiled water and made tea, and poured it for Wu Tao. After a drink, he said.

"Oh, then I have to have a taste." Wu Tao said with a smile, then picked up the Lingcha cup and took a sip. This Lingcha is indeed good, better than ordinary Lingcha, but it is still not as good as Xingchenxian. The spiritual tea provided by the palace to their weapon refiners is good, but think about it, the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is just a chamber of commerce composed of casual cultivators.

So Wu Tao said: "It's really good tea."

"Then have a few more drinks." Chen Cunli was very happy with Wu Tao's reaction and said with a smile.

After drinking a few cups of spiritual tea, Chen Cunli looked at Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, you have just broken through the Nascent Soul stage. I wonder if there are any follow-up cultivation techniques for the Nascent Soul stage?"

Wu Tao shook his head when he heard this and said: "Not yet.

Chen Cunli was not surprised by Wu Tao's answer, because he had already concluded in his mind that Wu Tao was a casual cultivator. It was normal for a casual cultivator to just break through the Nascent Soul stage and not have Nascent Soul skills.

He smiled and said: "Oh, our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce does have some techniques for practicing in the Nascent Soul stage."

Wu Tao didn't think much about his answer and said with a smile: "I have heard the name of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce for a long time. It is a big chamber of commerce."

"Of course, our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is also ranked among the top 10 among the casual cultivator chambers of commerce." Chen Cunli said proudly.

Wu Hongjun on the side was also very proud.

"This time I invited Fellow Daoist Li to come here because I want to have some exchanges. You must know that communication is very important for us immortal cultivators, and transactions are also extremely important." Chen Cunli said with a smile.

When he heard the word "trade", Wu Tao was a little stunned and asked: "Trade meeting? Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Wu, just the three of us?"

Wu Hongjun smiled and said: "It's okay for three people, even if it's a small trade fair."

"Okay, but Fellow Daoist Chen and Fellow Daoist Wu, I have just broken through to the Nascent Soul realm, and the treasures on my body may not be appreciated by these two fellow Daoists," Wu Tao said.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay if you like our treasures." Chen Cunli said with a smile.

Then the three-person trading meeting began. As expected, Wu Tao did not bring out any fourth-level treasures. Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun did bring out one or two items, but Wu Tao didn't really want them.

In the end, the transaction ended in a flirtatious manner, but the three of them didn't mind at all.

Just as this small gathering was about to end, suddenly, a golden elixir cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce came over to report.

"Chen Zhenjun, Wu Zhenjun, a fourth-order early-stage flying monster appeared. It has been hovering over the flying boat and seems to be hostile to us."

"Fourth level monster? Oh, let's go and have a look. Fellow Daoist Li?" Hearing this, Chen Cunli immediately said and looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Of course, if Li needs to take action, the two fellow Taoists can just say it."

"Okay, thank you Taoist friend Li!" Chen Cunli said and walked out of the tea room.

The three of them came to the bow deck of the fourth-level low-level flying boat together. They heard the sound of flapping wings in the sky without having to use their spiritual thoughts at all.

When he looked up, he saw the figure of the monster. It was an early stage fourth-level flying monster, which seemed quite familiar.

"It's actually the fourth-order early-stage flying monster that attacked Fellow Daoist Li. It seems that this evil beast has recovered from his injuries and is here to take revenge!" Chen Cunli recognized the fourth-order early-stage flying monster in the air on the fourth-order low-level flying boat at a glance. The beast was the one that attacked Wu Tao's formation in the Southern Wilderness Sea.

At this time, all the injuries on this early-level fourth-level flying monster have healed, and it exudes a powerful aura, comparable to that of a second-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Quite vindictive." Wu Hongjun said.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Friend Daoist Wu, it seems that this flying monster in the early stage of the fourth level is targeting us. This monster arises because of me, so let me lead it away." Wu Tao said to Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun.

Hearing this, Chen Cunli shook his head and said: "No, Fellow Daoist Li, you have just broken through the Nascent Soul stage. This fourth-level early-stage flying monster feels its monster aura, which is comparable to the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator. It is risky for you to lure it away. .”

"It's better for the three of us to work together to drive it away. It would be better if we can kill it. These early fourth-level flying monsters are full of treasures and can be sold to get resources for cultivating immortals."

After listening to Chen Cunli's words, Wu Tao was quite moved.

In fact, he had long sensed that the monster aura of this fourth-level primary flying monster was extremely strong, equivalent to that of a cultivator at the second level of Yuanying. Wu Tao's current spiritual consciousness is 4,700 miles, which is 700 miles more than a second-level immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage. The Nascent Soul's mana has also undergone two transformations. He feels that he is more than enough to deal with this fourth-level flying monster in the early stage. of.

The purpose of leading him away was to fight these early-stage fourth-level flying monsters alone, to experience how far his cultivation strength had reached after breaking through to the True Lord Nascent Soul.

But since Chen Cunli said so, Wu Tao also nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, I will follow what Fellow Taoist Chen said!"

"Then Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Wu, the three of us will go all out to try to keep these fourth-order early-stage flying monsters." Chen Cunli said as the aura of the second level of Nascent Soul emitted from his body.

Then, with a movement of his body, he flew out of the protective formation of the fourth-level low-level flying boat and faced the early-level fourth-level flying monster.

The fourth-level junior flying monsters have long noticed that there is a fourth-level low-level protective formation on this fourth-level low-level flying boat. Although it is only a fourth-level low-level one, it cannot be broken through, so the best way is to put it inside The immortal cultivators were brought out.

Therefore, when Chen Cunli took the initiative to fly out of the fourth-level low-level protective formation of the flying boat, the fourth-level early-stage flying monster spread its wings and shot towards Chen Cunli.

Wu Tao and Wu Hongjun looked at each other, and in a flash, they emitted all the Nascent Soul aura from their bodies, flew high into the sky, and formed a triangle to besiege the fourth-level early-stage flying monster.

Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun both used a fourth-level low-level flying sword and used Yuanying-level sword-controlling spells to kill the early-level fourth-level flying monster.

Wu Tao also sacrificed a fourth-level low-level flying sword with fire attributes, which was the one he refined when he was promoted to a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

The three flying swords, carrying the offensive of the Nascent Soul stage, attacked and killed the flying monsters in the early stage of the fourth level.

These early-stage fourth-level flying monsters were extremely ferocious. Faced with the siege of three people, they fought more and more fiercely.

By accident, Wu Hongjun's body was scratched with blood grooves by its sharp claws, and the third-level advanced defense robes on his body were damaged.

Wu Tao also discovered that Wu Hongjun only had a fourth-level low-level flying sword, and the defensive robes he wore were still high-level three. Obviously, as a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, he might not have earned enough to buy a fourth-level low-level defensive robe. of spiritual stones.

Chen Cunli actually had a fourth-level low-level defensive robe on him.

Seeing how ferocious the beast was, Wu Tao immediately used Yin Shen Zhen with 4,700 miles of Nascent Soul power!

Although the Yin Shen Zhen is not even a golden elixir spell, Wu Tao cast it with 4,700 miles of spiritual energy. How could this flying monster be able to withstand it? Chen Cunli had already seized the opportunity and passed through it with a flying sword. The head, this early stage fourth-level flying monster, was filled with hatred and blood.

The corpse of the flying monster was huge and was about to fall to the ground, but was held up by Chen Cunli with the power of Nascent Soul.

"Finally, I killed this beast. It hurts so much!" Wu Hongjun put away his fourth-level low-level flying sword and looked at the bone-deep scratch on his shoulder.

"The third-level advanced defensive robe is also damaged." Wu Hongjun murmured, but he was not heartbroken. After all, he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, so it was easy to buy a third-level advanced defensive robe.

But easy comes easy. He is currently saving money to buy a fourth-level low-level defensive robe. If he is wearing a fourth-level low-level defensive robe at this time, it is absolutely impossible to scratch him just now.

Wu Tao also came forward and put away his fourth-level low-level flying sword. He looked at Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun and said to himself: "These two people are helping me. I am a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. It just so happens that this Wu Daoyou doesn't have a fourth-level low-level weapon." As for the defensive robe, I will refine one for him when he returns to the Star Palace."

"And Fellow Daoist Chen should also refine one for him. Although he already has one, it would be better to have one as a backup."

For Wu Tao, two fourth-level low-level defensive robes were easily refined, and with his status, the spiritual materials for refining the defensive robes were also very easy to obtain.

"Chen Dao is so friendly that he can kill this beast with one sword!" Wu Tao said to Chen Cunli with a smile.

Chen Cunli looked at the corpse of the early-stage fourth-order flying monster and said: "The three of us killed the corpse of the early-stage fourth-stage flying monster together. How about transporting it to the Star Sea and selling it equally among the three of us?" !”

"Okay, let's follow what Fellow Taoist Chen said." Wu Hongjun said.

Wu Tao originally wanted to refuse. He didn't care about this harvest, but he had decided to use the fourth-level low-level protective clothing to thank them for expelling the fourth-level flying monsters before. The proceeds from the corpses of the early-level fourth-level flying monsters It can be divided equally.

After all, without the interference of his Yin Shen Zhen, Chen Cunli would not have been able to find this wonderful opportunity.


"Everyone is tired after the battle. I will put away the body of this flying monster first. Fellow Daoist Wu, you can go heal your wounds. Fellow Daoist Li, you can also go and take a rest." Chen Cunli said.


Then the three of them returned to the flying boat, and the flying boat continued towards the sea of ​​stars.

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