Wu Tao returned to Feizhou's room. Feizhou stopped and encountered a fourth-level monster. Chen Yao was also very concerned about this matter. Seeing that his senior brother had returned safely, he quickly asked: "Senior brother, are you okay?"

Wu Tao said: "It's okay, it was just the fourth-level early stage flying monster that attacked the formation when I broke through before. It came to seek revenge, and was killed by me and the two Taoist friends from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"It's okay. I thought I encountered a higher-level flying monster." Chen Yao was completely relieved.

Then the days were spent on the flying boat day by day.

In the blink of an eye.

"We will be able to reach the Sea of ​​Stars tomorrow, and then we can return to the Palace of Stars."

"It's been a year. Fellow Daoist Su Sanxian also said that he will be officially promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner in one year. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Su has been promoted after I go back."

Wu Tao finished today's practice and thought in his heart.

Then he came out of the living room and found that Chen Yao had also arrived in the living room. When he saw Wu Tao coming out, his eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Brother, the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce's fourth-level low-level flying boat will be able to reach the sea of ​​​​stars tomorrow."

During the year outside, Wu Tao also took her to travel to many places in the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World, but Chen Yao knew that Wu Tao still preferred to practice within the sect.

Chen Yao doesn't care, she can be anywhere, as long as her senior brother is by her side.

Hearing Chen Yao's words, Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, we will be able to reach the Sea of ​​Stars tomorrow!"

During this period, Wu Tao communicated with Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun, two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, and learned that the cultivation resources on their flying boat were transported to the Star Palace.

Being able to do business with a top sect like Xingchen Immortal Palace, no wonder Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun felt proud when they talked about their Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

After killing the early-stage fourth-level flying monster, Wu Tao gradually discovered that Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun seemed to want to recruit him into the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

But it has never been revealed, and I don’t know what the two people’s plans are.

Seeing that they had not formally invited them, Wu Tao did not expose them.

He is already the weapon refiner of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and as he breaks through to the Nascent Soul realm this time, he is also a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. Once he returns to the Xingchen Xingchen Palace, he is The deputy head of the Weapon Refining Hall of Xing Palace has a high position of authority.

The Tianheng Chamber of Commerce does not have the ability to win over him. Even if the entire Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is given to him, it will not be enough.

With his status, he can easily establish 10 chambers of commerce the size of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Even the new Nascent Soul Lord of the Star Immortal Palace would not think of joining a casual cultivating organization like the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Let alone the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, as long as the foundation-building immortal cultivators join the Star Immortal Palace, they will not leave the Star Immortal Palace and enter the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

Wu Tao waited for Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun to invite him, and then revealed his identity as a cultivator of Xingchen Immortal Palace. If there is no verbal invitation, then after arriving in the Sea of ​​Stars, buy the spiritual materials for refining the fourth-level low-level defensive magic weapon, refine it for the two of them, and then leave and see each other again.

"The flying boats of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce are not qualified to enter the Star Immortal Palace Sect. They and the people from the Star Immortal Palace Resource Hall are probably conducting transactions on the spiritual island closest to the Star Immortal Palace Sect." Wu Tao knew this.

The three major Immortal Palaces, or the Nine Immortal Sects, have very strict regulations for foreign immortal cultivators to enter their sects. Not everyone can enter. What if an enemy sneaks into the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce? Some bad consequences are brewing.

Just when Wu Tao and Chen Yao were talking about being able to reach the Sea of ​​Stars tomorrow, someone came to visit them outside the door.

Wu Tao opened the door and saw a golden elixir cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

When the golden elixir cultivator from Tianheng Chamber of Commerce saw Wu Tao opening the door, he immediately bowed and saluted: "Li Zhenjun, Chen Zhenjun and Wu Zhenjun are waiting for you in the tea room."

In the morning, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun told Wu Tao that after arriving at the Sea of ​​Stars tomorrow, they would negotiate with the cultivators of the Resource Hall of Star Palace. Wu Tao might be ignored by then, so we decided to get together for the last time in the evening to chat.

Wu Tao looked at the golden elixir cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be there right away."

"Li Zhenjun, please come with this junior!" Upon hearing this, the golden elixir cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce immediately led the way.

Not long after, Wu Tao followed the golden elixir cultivator from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce into the tea room and saw Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun, the two Nascent Soul Lords from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Friend Daoist Wu, I'm late." Wu Tao said with a smile and cupped his hands to Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun.

Chen Cunli lifted the teapot in his hand and said with a smile: "It's not too late, it's not too late. Fellow Taoist Li came just in time, and the spiritual tea has just been brewed."

"Fellow Daoist Li, please take a seat." Wu Hongjun smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Wu Tao to take a seat.

Wu Taoru sat down. Wu Hongjun nodded and signaled the golden elixir cultivator to go out of the tea room. The golden elixir cultivator bowed slightly and exited the tea room, and gently closed the door of the tea room.

Chen Cunli held the teapot and poured a cup of spiritual tea for Wu Tao and Wu Hongjun. He looked at Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, we will arrive at the Sea of ​​Stars tomorrow."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, time flies so fast. During this period of time, I have been getting along very well with fellow Taoist Chen and fellow Taoist Wu. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world, and we will meet again in the future."

"There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever, and mountains and rivers meet again..." Chen Cunli laughed and then changed the topic, his eyes fell on Wu Tao and said: "But, Chen has a way to make this The banquet will not be dispersed, it depends on Fellow Daoist Li’s wishes.”

Coming, coming, finally coming... Wu Tao thought that Chen Cunli would eventually invite him to join on behalf of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

So he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, how do you say this?"

Chen Cunli looked at Wu Tao and did not extend the invitation directly, but asked: "Fellow Daoist Li, what do you think of our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"The Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is indeed a huge chamber of commerce. It pays great attention to integrity. Its strength is considered tyrannical among casual cultivators. And the most important thing is that it can be on the line with top immortal palaces like Xingchen Immortal Palace. Its future development is unlimited." Wu Tao After pondering for a moment, he gave this evaluation very solemnly.

Hearing Wu Tao's high evaluation, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun both had smiles on their faces and looked at each other. They felt that Wu Tao would agree to the invitation as long as Wu Tao gave such a high evaluation.

So Chen Cunli didn't make many twists and turns, and solemnly said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, after getting along with each other for this period of time, I have learned that your character, honesty and kindness, is suitable for joining our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, I, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun , I solemnly invite Fellow Daoist Li to join our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. After Fellow Daoist Li joins the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, he will directly become an elder of the Chamber of Commerce, just like us, and the skills at the Nascent Soul stage can be chosen by Fellow Daoist Li."

Wu Hongjun also nodded in agreement.

To be honest, the conditions given by Chen Cunli were very sincere. If any casual cultivator had just been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage and heard such conditions, he would probably join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

But they didn't know that Wu Tao was not a casual cultivator.

Wu Tao looked at the two of them with a very solemn expression, and he said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Wu, thank you for your respect, but I probably won't be able to join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce."

"Why?" Chen Cunli became a little anxious when he heard this, and interrupted Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, you have to know how many hardships we have experienced in cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage. Now there is such a good opportunity, so that Friend Li can Wouldn’t it be nice to take less detours and experience less difficulties? And Fellow Daoist Li also recognizes our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, don't be anxious." Wu Tao stretched out his hand helplessly to stop Chen Cunli from talking.

Chen Cunli naturally knew that he had lost his temper just now, which meant that he really wanted Wu Tao to join their Tianheng Chamber of Commerce and strengthen the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. But he also knew at this moment that the other party was a Nascent Soul cultivator like him, and he could not force others to do anything.

Tianheng Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce and never acts overbearingly.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Li, everyone has his own ambitions. Maybe Fellow Daoist Li will have a better place to go, but if there is no better place to go in the future, please give priority to our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. The door of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce will always be open to Fellow Daoist Li." Chen Cunli said.

"Fellow Daoist Chen misunderstood. It's not that I have a better place to go, it's that I'm not a casual cultivator." Wu Tao was a little dumbfounded.

"Ah... Fellow Daoist Li is not a casual cultivator?" Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun were both shocked when they heard Wu Tao's words.

"Ah, no, Fellow Daoist Li... You are not a casual cultivator, how come you can break through the Nascent Soul stage by yourself? And..." Chen Cunli looked puzzled.

Wu Tao knew that the most powerful evidence at this time was to directly take out his identity token from the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Thinking of this, he reached out to the storage bag on his waist and took out an identity token and placed it on the tea table. , said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Friend Daoist Wu, look, this is my identity token."

The two of them were shocked when they saw Wu Tao's identity token. There were four characters on the token, Xingchen Immortal Palace, and the sect logo of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

This identity token is genuine and can be replaced if it is fake. No one else dares to casually fabricate their identity as a cultivator of the Star Immortal Palace.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Li is an immortal cultivator from Xingchen Immortal Palace. We were presumptuous and disrespectful. I hope Fellow Daoist Li can forgive me." Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun had already given up the idea of ​​inviting Wu Tao to join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Just kidding, what about the Nascent Soul from Xingchen Immortal Palace? Maybe join a small chamber of commerce among their casual cultivators.

The two stood up and bowed their hands to Wu Tao in a low profile.

Seeing the postures of the two people, Wu Tao also understood that this was the normal posture for casual cultivators to see cultivators from the Nine Immortal Sects and the Three Immortal Palaces. Even if they were at a higher level, they would still make a humble posture.

This is a symbol of the great power behind it.

"Two fellow Taoists, there is no need to be polite. It's my fault for not revealing my identity in time." Wu Tao also stood up and asked the two of them to sit down and talk.

Next, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun never talked about inviting Wu Tao to join the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. Instead, they were a little reserved. After all, they were facing immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Although they were both Nascent Soul cultivators, and even Chen Chuanli He is still a small level higher than Wu Tao, but as a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Star Palace, his cultivation resources and secrets of techniques will be far superior to them, and he will definitely surpass them in time.

Seeing that Chen Chuanli and Wu Hongjun were no longer as comfortable as they were with him in the past, Wu Tao sighed slightly in his heart, and soon ended the conversation with Chen Chuanli and Wu Hongjun, returned to the room, and continued to practice.

In the afternoon of the second day, the fourth-level low-level flying boat of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce finally arrived in the Star Sea, and it went deep into the Star Sea, the closest spiritual island to the Immortal Palace Sect in Star City.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Wu, thank you two for sending us to the Sea of ​​Stars." Wu Tao and Chen Yao bowed their hands to Chen Chuanli and Wu Hongjun and thanked them.

"You are so polite, Fellow Daoist Li. It is our honor to send you, Fellow Daoist Li, here." Chen Chuanli and Wu Hongjun were polite.

"Two fellow Taoists, you should go about your business first, and we will take our leave first."

"Fellow Daoist Li, Junior Sister Chen, please walk slowly."

Knowing that after the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce arrived at the Spiritual Vein Island, they would immediately go to negotiate with the people from the Resources Hall of the Star Immortal Palace, so Wu Tao did not disturb their work. After all, he was from the Weapon Refining Hall, not the Resource Hall.

This spiritual island is close to the Star Immortal Palace sect, so there is a station of the Star Immortal Palace here. Wu Tao brought Chen Yao to the station and learned that it was the weapon refiner from the weapon refining hall who had arrived, and it was also a war boat. The person in charge of the department and the resident Xingchen Immortal Palace cultivator enthusiastically arranged a place for them to rest.

Wu Tao planned to see if there was a fourth-level flying boat at the station to return to the Star Celestial Palace. If there was one, he would take the fourth-level flying ship from the Star Celestial Palace and buy some fourth-level low-level spiritual materials to refine two low-level driver's defensive robes and give them to Chen Cunli. and Wu Hongjun, to repay the favor of their own breakthrough.

As a weapon refiner in Xingchen Immortal Palace, these things are not a problem.

Five days later, a fourth-level intermediate spaceship from the Starry Palace returned to the Starry Palace.

These five days were enough for him to refine two fourth-level low-level defensive robes.

On the fourth day, Wu Tao had refined two low-level defensive robes.

After asking the immortal cultivators stationed in the Xingchen Immortal Palace, he found out that the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce was stationed on this spiritual island, so he immediately went there.

This Lingmai Island is not only home to the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, but also has other chambers of commerce. The Star Immortal Palace needs a lot of resources from the Star Sea Cultivation World, so it does not only have business dealings with the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm here to see your True Lord Chen Cunli and True Lord Wu Hongjun from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce!" Wu Tao exuded the aura of True Lord Nascent Soul from his body and said to the cultivators stationed at the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

The immortal cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce saw that it was a Nascent Soul True Lord, and they quickly and respectfully invited Wu Tao in, telling Wu Tao that he would immediately invite Chen Zhenjun and Wu Zhenjun.

After a while, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun arrived, walking quickly. Wu Tao looked at them and saw that there seemed to be a little sadness on their faces, but they disappeared in an instant. He held his hands in front of him and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Li, I thought you were going back to the Starry Palace. I didn’t expect it to still be on this island.”

Wu Tao stood up and said to the two of them: "Tomorrow we will take my fourth-level intermediate flying boat back from the Immortal Palace."

The three of them sat down.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Li, this is the harvest from the sale of the fourth-order early-stage flying monster. It was agreed that the three of you will share it equally. This is your share, Fellow Daoist Li." Chen Cunli took out a storage bag and placed it in front of Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at it, but he also took it and said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, you misunderstood. I didn't come to you for this."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand from the storage bag, and two streams of light fell in front of Chen Cunli and Wu Honghongjun, manifesting two fourth-level low-level defensive robes.

Feeling the breath of the fourth-level low-level defensive robes in front of them, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun looked at each other, but the next second, they heard Wu Tao say: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Li, these fourth-level low-level defensive robes are my thanks to these two fellow Taoists for helping me break through." Help when you are in the Nascent Soul Realm.”

I have been having problems with my eyes these past few days. Now that I have resumed updating, it is still not cured. I still need to go to the hospital, but the updates will not be interrupted.

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