Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 766 Difficulty of Cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm

Chen Wanshan was very puzzled by the sudden departure of Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun.

He knew why Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun came to the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce, just to find out whether he had reached a cooperation with Deacon Liu of Xingchen Xiangong Resource Hall and monopolized business dealings with Xingchen Xiangong Resource Hall.

But no one inquired, so Chen Cunli took Wu Hongjun and left.

"There won't be any changes, right?" Regarding this, Chen Wanshan frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Deacon Liu will not come back from the Xingchen Palace in a few days. Then I will go to see Deacon Liu to finalize the matter completely." Thinking like this, Chen Wanshan got rid of the uneasiness in his heart.

What the 900 million Chamber of Commerce can pay, the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce will definitely not pay. This is why their 900 million Chamber of Commerce can reach the same size as the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce in a short period of time.

"If things change, we still have to discuss it with other true kings from the Chamber of Commerce and make two preparations."

Chen Wanshan's heart started to change again, and then he began to deal with the affairs of the Jiuyi Chamber of Commerce.

This time the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce sent him, and he couldn't mess things up, otherwise the share of resources in the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce would be greatly reduced.

If the resources for cultivating immortals are divided less, his cultivation will slow down.

As a cultivator, your own cultivation is fundamental at all times, and everything else provides assistance and help for cultivation.

Chen Wanshan also understands this very well.

And the other side.

Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun walked out of the gate of the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce and merged into the street.

The two began to communicate with each other through spiritual thoughts.

"Did you hear what Chen Wanshan said just now?" Chen Cunli sent a message to Wu Hongjun with his spiritual thoughts.

Wu Hongjun's spiritual mind responded: "I heard it. Chen Wanshan said that Deacon Liu returned to Xingchen Immortal Palace to attend the ceremony of the two new deputy hall masters of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. One of the new deputy hall masters is named Li silent!"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you don't think that Li Mo, the new deputy master of the Weapon Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, is the same Daoist Li Mo we know, right?"

Chen Cunli did not answer Wu Hongjun immediately, but replied: "Go back to the Chamber of Commerce's headquarters first, and then discuss this matter in detail."

Seeing this, Wu Hongjun did not continue to ask questions, and followed Chen Cunli quickly back to the headquarters of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. After returning to the headquarters, the two came to the meeting place and sat opposite each other.

"Chen Wanshan's face is really disgusting. He deliberately ignored us for an hour." After Wu Hongjun sat down, he remembered Chen Wanshan's face at the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce, and his face showed anger again.

"Let's not talk about Chen Wanshan. Chen Wanshan is in such a posture. There is no need to inquire. He must have reached some kind of deal with Deacon Liu of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Resource Hall." Chen Cunli said with a sure tone. The reason why it is said to be a deal and not a collusion is Because the Star Celestial Palace is one of the three top Celestial Palaces, you cannot use words indiscriminately to avoid getting into trouble.

"Okay, let's not talk about Chen Wanshan, but talk about fellow Taoist Li Mo." Wu Hongjun looked at Chen Cunli. This was the answer he wanted to know most now.

Chen Cunli pondered for a moment and said: "I think Li Mo, one of the two new deputy hall masters of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall this time, may really be the fellow Taoist Li Mo we know?"

Wu Hongjun asked back: "Fellow Daoist Chen, I think your idea is too absurd. We must know that Friend Li Mo, whom we know, only broke through the Nascent Soul realm a few months ago. How could he become a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner in a short period of time? Although We casual cultivators don’t have many contacts with fourth-level low-level weapon refiners, but we also know that it will take a year from breaking through the Nascent Soul realm to being promoted to a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.”

"Fellow Daoist Wu, please listen to my analysis." Chen Cunli looked at Wu Hongjun and began to analyze: "What you said does make sense, but my guess is also well-founded. Do you think that after we came here with Friend Li Mo, A few days later, fellow Taoist Li Mo gave each of us a fourth-level low-level defensive robe."

"You must know that the value of each of the fourth-level low-level defensive robes is much higher than that of the fourth-level low-level offensive magic weapon. But these two fourth-level low-level defensive robes are of such high value. Fellow Daoist Li gave them away as soon as he said they would."

"If Fellow Daoist Li is really just an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator in Xingchen Immortal Palace, then do you think he might take these two fourth-level low-level defensive robes so lightly? And with our help, he can give some training Pills and the like are enough."

"If there are any immortal cultivators who can give away two fourth-level low-level defensive robes as if they were a trivial matter with little value, then there are only weapon refiners, because for weapon refiners, it is cheaper for them to purchase spiritual materials. , it only takes a little time and cost to refine the magic weapon."

"So based on these two low-level defensive robes, I guessed the two newly promoted deputy hall masters of the Star Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall that Chen Wanshan just mentioned. One of them is the fellow Taoist Li Mo we know."

After listening to Chen Cunli's analysis, Wu Hongjun felt that it was very reasonable, and he gradually came to believe that the Nascent Soul Master of the Starry Palace that he knew was one of the new deputy hall masters of the Starry Palace's weapon refining hall, with a high position.

"According to Fellow Daoist Chen's speculation, Fellow Daoist Li Mo may really be the new deputy hall master of the Star Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall." Wu Hongjun's eyes were slightly excited, and he continued: "In this case, shall we We can go to the Xingchen Immortal Palace to visit fellow Taoist Li Mo and ask fellow Taoist Li Mo to lead us to meet Deacon Liu."

"At first we thought that fellow Taoist Li Mo was just an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator in Xingchen Immortal Palace, but now he is the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace. Deacon Liu, whose status is much higher than that of the resource leader, Deacon Liu should understand Are you selling fellow Taoist Li Mo to save face?"

"Let's not rush to Xingchen Immortal Palace to meet fellow Taoist Li Mo. This is just my speculation. As for whether it is true or not, I need to find out and confirm it." Chen Cunli said.

"Fellow Daoist Chen is right, but I am a little too impatient. I really should go find out and confirm that Friend Li Mo is the deputy master of the Refining Hall before I go to see him, so as not to cause trouble and put Friend Li into a dilemma." Wu Hongjun nodded. said.

Later, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun sent cultivators from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce to contact the cultivators from the Resource Hall of Star Immortal Palace. They could not see Deacon Liu from the Resource Hall, but they could still see the other cultivators from the Resource Hall. Some benefits, and soon, they found out the information they needed.

"Chen Zhenjun, Wu Zhenjun, this is the approximate face of Deputy Hall Master Li that we learned from the immortal cultivators of Ziyuan Hall. We have already asked the painter to draw it. Please take a look at it." A Jindan cultivator from Tianheng Chamber of Commerce The reporter presented a scroll and said.

Chen Cunli took the scroll and glanced at Wu Houjun. Both of them were a little nervous in their eyes, because if it was in the scroll, it was not the Taoist friend Li Mo they knew.

Then they will not be able to rely on fellow Taoist Li Mo to solve their current predicament.

"Open it, Fellow Daoist Chen!" Wu Houjun whispered.

Chen Cunli didn't say much. He opened the button on the scroll, reached out and pushed it, and the scroll unfolded directly, and a portrait appeared in their eyes.

The figure is an immortal cultivator wearing a gray robe. He looks in his early twenties and has a free and easy temperament. However, there is no sign of overlooking all living beings between his eyebrows. Instead, he looks a bit friendly.

"This is really Fellow Taoist Li Mo, hahaha!" Seeing the figure in the portrait, Wu Houjun couldn't help but laugh, because although the figure in the portrait could not be said to be 100% like the fellow Taoist Li Mo they knew, it was More than 90% are like it, but the remaining 10% are not, but it’s the painter’s problem.

More than 90% are enough to prove that the Taoist friend Li Mo they know is one of the new deputy hall masters of the Star Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall.

"That's great. I didn't expect that the two of us randomly helping out would end up helping such a powerful figure in Xingchen Immortal Palace." Chen Cunli was also very excited.

The two of them looked at the portrait carefully several times, and became more and more certain that Fellow Taoist Li Mo was the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

After a moment of excitement, Chen Cunli put away the portrait, dismissed the golden elixir cultivator, and sat down with Wu Hongjun. He said: "Deacon Liu of the Resource Hall is here to receive the resource goods sent by the Rogue Cultivator Chamber of Commerce, but he At such an important time, I returned to Xingchen Immortal Palace to congratulate fellow Taoist Li Mo on his promotion to deputy hall master. It shows that Deacon Liu of the Resource Hall really hopes to make friends with fellow Taoist Li Mo."

"Yes, although Deacon Liu Liu is a third-level Immortal Cultivator of Yuan Ying, he is only a deacon of the Resource Hall and not the deputy hall master. Fellow Taoist Li Mo is the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall and a fourth-level low-level cultivator. The weapon refiner has a brighter future than him, so it is normal for him to make friends with him." Wu Hongjun said and continued:

"Then, Deacon Liu from the Resource Hall will be back tomorrow, and he will probably start dealing with the affairs of the Loose Cultivators Chamber of Commerce. We don't have much time left. How about we set off to the Xingchen Immortal Palace to visit fellow Taoist Li Mo now."

Hearing Wu Hongjun's words, Chen Cunli did not answer immediately, but thought in his heart. After a moment, he looked at Wu Hongjun and said: "If we are going to visit Deputy Hall Master Li like this, please ask Deputy Hall Master Li to help us introduce Deacon Liu of the Resource Hall. Although on the surface it seems It sounds like it's just a recommendation, but in reality it's us using our position as deputy hall leader Li to bully Deacon Liu."

"If this continues, Deacon Liu will lose face. Even if Deacon Liu sells out the face of Deputy Hall Master Li and continues business cooperation with our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, do you think that our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce will continue to deal with Deacon Liu in the future... Li Mo said Friends are willing to help us for a while, but they cannot help us forever."

"this is not good!"

"Besides, we are casual cultivators, and we did help Deputy Hall Master Li at critical moments, but two fourth-level low-level defensive robes are enough to repay our help. Deputy Hall Master Li and Deacon Liu are both immortal cultivators of Xingchen Immortal Palace. , they are one."

"So this matter needs to be considered in the long term."

After hearing Chen Cunli's words, Wu Hongjun also fell silent and began to think. After some thinking, it was indeed what Chen Cunli said.

Now they have confirmed that the fellow Taoist Li Mo they know is the new deputy hall master of the Star Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. They should have been happy, but now they are cautious.

Because if this matter is not done well, it is likely to put Tianheng Chamber of Commerce into a more difficult situation.

"Then what should we do?" Wu Hongjun thought hard and couldn't think of a better way.

They couldn't see Deacon Liu, so nothing could be solved.

Chen Cunli was silent for a while again, then raised his head and said, "In this case, tomorrow we will ask to see Deacon Liu again. If we can't see him, we will go to Xingchen Immortal Palace to visit Deputy Hall Master Li and ask Deputy Hall Master Li to introduce him to us."

"If we successfully meet Deacon Liu, we can reveal that we also know Deputy Hall Master Li. Deacon Liu knows that we know Deputy Hall Master Li, and he should reconsider the cooperation with our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay, I'll just listen to you, Fellow Daoist Chen." Wu Hongjun nodded.

The next afternoon.

Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun learned that Deacon Liu had returned, and they immediately went to the Resource Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace to ask for a meeting.

At this time, in the Xingchen Immortal Palace Resource Hall, Deacon Liu had just finished handling some matters when he heard a report from his Immortal Cultivator that Chen Wanshan from the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce was seeking an audience, as well as Wu Hongjun and Chen Cunli from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"You are really perseverant. Just meet them and let them give up." Deacon Liu whispered, and then said to the immortal cultivator who came to report: "Bring Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun over here, and let Chen Wanshan from the 900 Million Chamber of Commerce be there. Waiting in the guest hall."

Not long after, Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun were brought to Deacon Liu.

"Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce met with Deacon Liu." Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun both bowed to Deacon Liu.

Deacon Liu reached out his hand casually and said, "Sit down."

After Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun handed over their hands, they sat down. Chen Cunli said with a smile on his face: "I heard that Deacon Liu returned to Xingchen Xingxing Palace to participate in the promotion ceremony of the two deputy hall masters of Xingchen Xingxian Palace Artifact Refining Hall. Xingchen Xingxian Palace is The ceremony held by the Deputy Hall Master of the Weapon Refining Hall in the top Immortal Palace in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm should be unprecedentedly grand. Unfortunately, although Daoist Wu and I know Deputy Hall Master Li, we are only casual cultivators and are not qualified to attend."

Having said this, Chen Cunli showed a look of yearning on his face.

Hearing Chen Cunli's words, Deacon Liu looked up at him with squinted eyes and said, "Do you know Deputy Hall Master Li?"

Chen Cunli answered honestly: "Back to Deacon Liu, we do know Deputy Hall Master Li. We met Deputy Hall Master Li in the Southern Wilderness Sea, and we even came here on our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce's flying boat."

"By the way, this is the identity talisman that Deputy Hall Master Li left for us. He said that if we have the opportunity to go to the Star Palace, we can use this talisman to visit him."

With that said, Chen Cunli took out the talisman that Wu Tao left for him and handed it to Deacon Liu.

Deacon Liu took the talisman, sensed the breath left by the talisman, nodded and said: "It is indeed the identity talisman of Deputy Hall Master Li. Take good care of it and make Tianheng Chamber of Commerce bigger and stronger. When the time comes, I will take you to Xingchen Fairy Go to the palace to see Deputy Hall Master Li."

"Ah, thank you so much, Deacon Liu." When Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun heard this, they were immediately overjoyed and stood up to bow to Deacon Liu to thank them.

Chen Cunli also respectfully took Wu Tao's identity talisman with both hands.

"Are the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce's goods resources ready this year?" Deacon Liu asked.

"Go back to Deacon Liu, it's ready and can be handed over to you at any time, Deacon Liu." Chen Cunli nodded quickly and replied.

"Okay, then you go back and prepare." Deacon Liu waved his hand.

"Yes, Deacon Liu, let's get ready now." Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun bowed to Deacon Liu, and they left the Resource Hall with joy in their hearts.

After coming out, Chen Cunli sighed: "Deputy Hall Master Li's face is greater than we imagined. Before we even asked Deacon Liu, Deacon Liu has already given away Deputy Hall Master Li's face."

"Fellow Daoist Chen, let's go back and get ready!" Wu Hongjun also looked very happy.

Star Palace, Nascent Soul Sea Area, and Bixing Island.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the training hall and looked at the personal information in front of him.

Jiuyao Tiandu's divine magic·First level: (0%)

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter·First Level: (19%)

"I have been practicing Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun Divine Law for a month, and the progress is still 0, which means that the progress of practice in one month is less than 1%. As expected, it is more difficult to practice at the level of Nascent Soul."

"This month, the number of star streamers collected is not as much as the previous month. The progress is only 2%, but it is equivalent to the progress of practicing with star stones for 4 months."

Wu Tao concluded, closed his personal information, and left the training hall.

Just after drinking a cup of spiritual tea, Chen Juan, the Immortal Attendant, came to report and handed over a letter: "Island Master, this is a letter to you from the Deacon Liu Xiangming of the Resource Hall."

"Deacon Liu of Zizi Hall." Wu Tao accepted the letter with some confusion. Wu Tao had not had any dealings with Deacon Liu of Zizi Hall, but for his deputy hall master's ceremony, Deacon Liu Xiangming of Zizi Hall also came to attend. Said a few words.

Let’s call it acquaintance.

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