Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 767 Cultivation is the main thing, weapon refining is the auxiliary

"You go out first. Before opening the letter, Wu Tao sent Chen Juan away.

Chen Juan bowed and saluted: "It's the island owner." Then she exited the main hall.

After Chen Juan left, Wu Tao opened the letter. In the letter, Liu Xiangming first said hello to Wu Tao, then wrote some words that seemed like chatting, and finally clicked, talking about Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

But the sentence he clicked on only said that Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun of the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce said they knew him. This was the only sentence in the entire letter, and the rest were chats and greetings.

Liu Xiangming did not say that he betrayed Wu Tao to save face, so naturally Wu Tao would not know about it. He also replied to Liu Xiangming with a letter and greeted Liu Xiangming politely.

Although Liu Xiangming is only the deacon of the Resource Hall, and his position is indeed not as high as that of the deputy head of the Artifact Refining Hall, Liu Xiangming is a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator, and his level of magic power is higher than his.

Therefore, Wu Tao was very polite to Liu Xiangming, saying that they would interact with each other when Liu Xiangming returned to the Palace of Stars next time. Finally, Wu Tao also wrote in the letter that he did know Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, but he also asked Deacon Liu not to give them special treatment just because he knew Chen Cunli and Wu Hongjun.

After writing the letter, Hutao called Chen Juan and asked Chen Juan to find an opportunity to send it out.

Wu Tao then took a rest in the main hall. After half an hour, he got up and left the main hall and came to the square outside the main hall.

As soon as they arrived at the square outside the main hall, monster beasts such as Tongxue White-haired Tiger and Golden-winged Eagle were naturally attracted.

The main square of Bixing Island on Yuanying Island is larger than the main square of Bixing Island in Jindan Sea where Wu Tao is located.

"I didn't airdrop to feed you. I'll feed you after Ayao finishes her training." Wu Tao waved his hand and drove away the four monster beasts, the bloody white-haired tiger and the golden-winged eagle, that surrounded him.

Then he looked at the sky above the island. There was a large formation running in the sky. This was a third-level advanced island protection formation he had personally arranged. It was brought from the Jindan Sea Area.

"It is true that I have accumulated a lot of merits before, but once I reached the level of the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, the price of spiritual materials increased. I exchanged for Nascent Soul cultivation techniques, replaced the fourth-level low-level flying boat magic weapon, and refined it. A few flying swords and meritorious deeds cost nothing."

"However, after becoming the deputy hall master of the Refining Hall, the salary has become extremely high. During this time, I have accumulated enough merits to replace the island protection formation."

"I just happened to be going to the Formation Hall today to communicate with the Hall Master of the War Formation Hall. I happened to buy a fourth-level low-level island protection formation from Hall Master Li in the afternoon. I heard that Fellow Daoist Duanmu and Fellow Daoist Su also purchased it from Hall Master Li. "

Thinking like this, Wu Tao immediately used the Xuanguang Boat and turned it into a stream of light out of Bixing Island and headed to the Weapon Refining Hall.

After arriving at the weapon refining hall, Wu Tao went directly to his weapon hall. Before arriving at the weapon hall, he sent a message to the heads of the three departments below and asked them to come and wait for departure.

Today he was going to the Formation Hall and the Formation Hall for a docking mission, so he had to bring Lin Qijun, Gu Xingyuan, and Geng Xiangshu with him.

When they arrived at the War Weapon Hall, Lin Qijun, Gu Xingyuan, and Geng Xiangshu were already waiting in the main hall of the hall. When they saw Wu Tao coming in, they immediately bowed and saluted: "Meet the hall master."

Wu Tao nodded, looked at them and said, "Are the documents for mission docking ready?"

"Back to the palace master, everything is ready." Lin Qijun, Gu Xingyuan, and Geng Xiangshu all replied.

"Okay, then come with me to the Formation Hall." Wu Tao said to them.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao brought the heads of the three departments of the War Weapon Hall to the War Formation Hall.

The War Formation Hall was also divided into three departments. Wu Tao and Hall Master Li of the War Formation Hall asked the departments below to track the progress of the tasks one by one. The two hall masters came to the tea room of the War Formation Hall and sat opposite each other in the main hall. , talk to each other.

"I will need to take more care of you from Palace Master Li in the future." Wu Tao looked at Palace Master Li sitting opposite and said with a smile.

The Master Li of the Battle Formation Hall is named Li Tongxing. He is a fourth-level low-level formation master, but he is a fourth-level low-level veteran formation master. He is already preparing to break through to the fourth-level intermediate formation master.

When Xiong Zhentian handed over the War Weapon Palace to him, he took him to meet Li Tongxing once. However, Xiong Zhentian was there at that time, so he did not need to face Li Tongxing all the time. But now he has a formal one-on-one meeting with Li Tongxing. Access docking mission.

Hearing this, Li Tongxing also had a smile on his face and said, "Dianzhu Li, you and I are from the same family, so naturally we must make everything convenient."

"Thank you so much, Palace Master Li." Wu Tao expressed his gratitude with a cupped hand, and then said: "In addition to meeting the sect's mission with Palace Master Li this time, there is one more thing I want to ask of Palace Master Li."

Li Tongxing heard this and said, "What's the matter with Fellow Daoist Li? Please tell me!"

Wu Tao said: "Master Li, you also know that I have just broken through the Nascent Soul stage and been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner not long ago. The Nascent Soul island I assigned has not yet been equipped with the fourth-level low-level island protection formation."

"I heard from Fellow Daoist Duanmu and Fellow Daoist Su before that, when it comes to the entire formation hall in our Xingchen Immortal Palace, it is the fourth-level low-level island protection formation that you have refined, Palace Master Li, which is of the highest quality."

"So I came here this time to ask Palace Master Li to help me refine a fourth-level low-level island protection formation."

Li Tongxing smiled when he heard this and said: "It turns out it's about refining the formation. I'll take care of this. I will definitely satisfy you, fellow Taoist."

"Then please leave it to Palace Master Li." Wu Tao thanked him.

As for the merits and rewards of a fourth-level low-level island protection formation, both of them are the masters of the same hall and the deputy hall masters of their own halls. Naturally, they are rich and will not be entangled in this, and Li Tongxing will not, either. To commit blackmail.

So Wu Tao and Li Tongxing were just chatting next.

"The demons in the demon world have stabilized. They are no longer affected by the invasion and pollution of the restricted area, and they are starting to make trouble again." As he said that, Li Tongxing suddenly talked about the demons in the demon world.

Wu Tao naturally heard the news from the demon clan in the demon world. After he became the deputy master of the weapon refining hall, he entered the circle of the True Monarch Nascent Soul of the Star Immortal Palace and received news faster and through more channels.

So when he heard Li Tongxing's words, he nodded in agreement and said: "The demons in the demon world are aggressive by nature. Previously, it was because they wanted to prevent the invasion and pollution of the restricted area. Now the Emperor Shenjun has taught us the methods of preventing the invasion and pollution of the restricted area. Dharma door.”

"Now that the situation is becoming more and more stable, the forbidden areas in both worlds have become silent. Naturally, the demons in the demon world can't hold it any longer."

"But I speculate that they may not immediately focus on our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but may take advantage of the weaker Lingxu Immortal Sect."

Wu Tao is now the deputy hall leader, Nascent Soul Lord, and unlike before he seldom expresses his opinions. He will also express his opinions more actively when talking to others.

After listening to Wu Tao's analysis, Li Tongxing nodded in agreement: "Fellow Taoist, your analysis is good, but even if the demons in the demon world target the smaller Immortal Realm Lingxu Immortal Sect, our Xingchen Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm and Immortal Realm The Yuan Realm Lingxu Immortal Sect is unified in a strategic sense. The demons in the Demon Realm are targeting the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and when the time comes, we, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, will not ignore it."

"So after this batch of flying boats, magic ships and war boats are updated, it is estimated that another batch of flying boats, magic ships and war boats will have to be refined to prepare for the war between the demons in the demon world."

"Yes, it's been such an eventful time. Everything has happened to us!" Wu Tao sighed.

Li Tongxing also sighed after hearing this: "Yes, our generation of immortal cultivators has really encountered an era of great changes in the world of immortality. After the three realms merge, I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse."

Wu Tao was silent for a moment and said: "It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided. Although we are in an era of great changes in the world of immortality, each sect is working harder than ever to cultivate its own immortal cultivators and increase their strength, so we must In this era of great changes, strengthening one’s own cultivation is the top priority.”

"If you don't become a god, you will end up just like an ant, unable to control your own destiny in this era of great changes."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Li Tongxing also fell silent. Although he was also the True Monarch of Nascent Soul and had a high status in the Star Palace, he also understood that what Wu Tao said was the truth. He could not truly become a god without transforming into a god. Save your life in this time of great change.

"The realm of transformation into gods is so difficult. If the gods of transformation agree, there will not be only so many gods of transformation in the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm." Li Tongxing had a bitter expression on his face, obviously he was not sure whether his cultivation talent could make a breakthrough. There is no confidence in the realm of transformation into gods.

"No matter how difficult it is, you still have to give it a try. The journey of cultivation is to go against nature." Wu Tao said firmly.

Li Tongxing stopped answering this time, as if he felt that the topic was too heavy. He finally said with a smile: "Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Perhaps the integration of the three realms will push the entire world of immortality into a more prosperous era. "

"Yes, the future is always full of changes. Who knows what will happen in the next 10 years or the next hundred years." Wu Tao nodded to acknowledge Li Tongxing's words.

Next, the two of them no longer talked about the demons in the demon world, nor about cultivation matters, but casually chatted about trivial matters or gossip between the Nascent Soul Lord.

An hour later.

An array master from the Zhan Array Palace came over to tell Li Tongxing that the mission had been completed.

Now that the mission has been completed, Wu Tao returned to the War Weapon Hall with the heads of the three departments.

After returning to the War Weapon Hall, Wu Tao dismissed Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu, and then handled the daily tasks of the War Weapon Hall by himself.

In fact, as the master of the War Weapon Hall, he spends about an hour dealing with daily affairs every day. After that, he can spend the rest of his time practicing on his own or studying the art of refining weapons. The Master of the War Weapon Hall has also configured it for him. The training room, the weapon refining hall, the lounge and the tea room for receiving guests.

Of course the places Wu Tao went to the most were the training room and the weapon refining hall.

When he came to the training room, Wu Tao did not immediately practice the Jiuyaotian Dushen magic method, but instead deduced the treasure money.

Now the master Wen Xingrui has not deduced the Nascent Soul stage of the weapon refining and fighting method, so Wu Tao needs to deduct the fourth-level treasure money more quickly to become his most important magic weapon in the current realm.

In the battle, the treasure money is really important.

"In the past month, I have been to Senior Brother Qi four times to ask for his advice. I also asked him for advice on the difficult problems of deducing Luobao Money. He helped me solve several problems. As a result, the derivation of Luobao Money has been greatly accelerated. Today Let’s go to Sanxing Island again in the afternoon.”

With this in mind, Wu Tao immediately began to deduce the fourth stage of Luobao Money.

Two hours later, Wu Tao stopped deducing the fourth stage of Luobao Money.

He is about to start practicing. Now, in addition to the daily practice of the Jiu Yao Tian Du Shen Shen Dharma and the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti chapter, he also has to practice the Nascent Soul level spells, as well as the Yuan Ying stage of Tian Yan Shen Refining. Scripture.

"After deducing the fourth-level treasure money, we will go to the Kung Fu Hall to choose an escape method at the Nascent Soul level."

With the decision made in his mind, Wu Tao began to practice Jiu Yaotian's divine method.

After practicing the Jiuyaotian Dushen Divine Law, he left the War Weapon Palace and flew the Xuanguangzhou into the Yuanying Sea. He entered the Yuanying Sea and sent a message to Chen Yao, saying that he was going to Sanxing Island. He arrived very late. Come back, so the human-creation plan may not be possible today.

When they were about to arrive at Sanxing Island, Chen Yao sent him a message back, saying that it was okay. She said that she felt that her senior brother's supply had decreased a lot in the past two days and asked him to save more. If the supply was not enough, the probability of giving birth to an heir would be higher. Low.

Seeing Chen Yao's reply, Wu Tao's face darkened, and he cursed and put the summons token back into his storage bag.

After a while, Wu Tao arrived at Sanxing Island, which was the island where Deputy Hall Master Qi was located.

This was not the first time he came to Sanxing Island. For convenience, he came to ask for advice on how to refine weapons. The deputy hall master even gave him a formation token to enter Sanxing Island.

This kind of trust made Wu Tao feel extremely warm in his heart. At the same time, I also admire the importance that the Immortal Dao Sect places on fellow practitioners and inheritance.

Moreover, after he entered the sect from practicing as a casual cultivator, he found that there were very few intrigues among the cultivators among the sects, but there were often intrigues among the casual cultivators. He also understands that the sect is a community of interests, so it is natural to work together to safeguard the interests of the sect. Among casual cultivators, it is easy for individual interests to infringe upon each other, so naturally there will be frequent intrigues and fights.

The immortal cultivators in the sects have the same interests, and only two sects will have interests infringed upon, thus forming a struggle between sects.

Therefore, it is quite comfortable to practice in the sect. Not only do you have better resources for practicing techniques and cultivating immortals, but you also have a safe cultivation environment.

Entering Sanxing Island with ease, Wu Tao quickly met Deputy Hall Master Qi.

He bowed his hands to Vice Hall Master Qi: "Senior Brother Qi."

"Come with me." Deputy Hall Master Qi led Wu Tao to the Artifact Refining Hall of Sanxing Island.

Sitting across from each other in the weapon refining hall of Sanxing Island, Deputy Hall Master Qi's eyes fell on Wu Tao and said: "Junior Brother Li, I really saw it right. Your talent for weapon refining is indeed higher than that of Junior Brother Duanmu and the other three. .”

"Even higher than Junior Brother Luo and Junior Brother Xiong's weapon refining talent. It is very likely that you will be in charge of our weapon refining hall in the future."

"Senior Brother Qi flatters me. Without Senior Brother Qi's careful teaching during this period, my weapon refining skills would not have progressed so fast." Wu Tao thanked him sincerely.

Over the past month, Wu Tao found that Deputy Hall Master Qi taught him very carefully. Sometimes when facing Vice Hall Master Qi’s teachings, he felt like he was facing his master Wen Xingrui, and so did his master Wen Xingrui. In that way, he guided him on the art of weapon refining without any reservation.

"Besides, Senior Brother Qi. Now that Master Hall Master is in his prime, he can still be in charge of the Weapon Refining Hall for hundreds of years." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Deputy Hall Master Qi shook his head and said, "If you are really promoted to the fifth-level weapon refiner, then Hall Master Shi will withdraw from the position of Hall Master and concentrate on practicing in seclusion, trying to break through."

"As a senior brother, let me tell you that although we are weapon refiners and it is important to study the art of weapon refinement, we are also cultivators. Our ultimate goal is to pursue a longer life. The art of weapon refinement is only to assist us. Cultivation allows us to have more cultivation resources."

"So if your weapon refining method hinders your progress in cultivation, the most correct choice is to give up the weapon refining method."

The old voice of Deputy Hall Master Qi was full of sincere advice from a senior to his juniors, and Wu Tao naturally knew that the other party was doing it for his own good.

He humbly accepted the teaching and said, "Senior Brother Qi, I understand, cultivation is the foundation of everything."

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