Hearing Gao Hongyu's words, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai were stunned.

"Senior Brother Gao, are you saying that Fellow Daoist Li has been promoted to the True Monarch of the Nascent Soul and moved into the Nascent Soul Sea?"

"What, Fellow Daoist Li has been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage? You didn't even notify us."

Upon hearing this, Gao Hongyu immediately made a stern statement and said: "Junior Brother Tang, Junior Brother Pi, please do not disrespect Master Li. Master Li is already the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall, a fourth-level low-level Artifact Refiner with a distinguished status."

"Okay, you have been fighting in the Lost Sea for many years. You should not know that Uncle Li has become Yuanying and has become a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner."

"Senior Brother Gao, stop talking. Let's take a step first. I'm sorry to disturb you." Tang Jingquan suppressed the shock in his heart, pulled Pi Baibai and left.

When Gao Hongyu saw them disappearing into a stream of light, he shook his head slightly and returned to the island.

Tang Jingquan took Pi Baibai and flew in the Golden Core Sea. He took out the summons token and said, "I didn't expect that we were in the Lost Sea and didn't pay attention to the affairs of the Immortal Palace. We didn't receive Fellow Daoist Li. No, we should call him Uncle Li now." Already..."

"It's too fast. I was promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner so quickly."

At this point, Tang Jingquan was about to use the summons token to summon Wu Tao.

Pi Baibai stretched out his hand, covered the summons token in Tang Jingquan's hand, and asked: "Senior Brother Tang, you want to summon fellow Daoist Li, no, it's Senior Uncle Li?"

For a while, Pi Baibai had not yet changed his identity.

Tang Jingquan nodded and said: "Master Uncle Li is now a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner and a Nascent Soul cultivator. Naturally, he lives in the Yuanying Sea. If we want to visit him in the Yuanying Sea, we must say hello to him first and get permission before we can Enter the Nascent Soul Sea.”

"No, you didn't notify us of such a big thing. You don't treat us as fellow Taoists." Pi Baibai said, rolled his eyes, had an idea, and immediately said to Tang Jingquan: "Let's send a message to other uncles." , let us enter the Nascent Soul Sea, secretly go to Uncle Li’s Nascent Soul Island, and give him a surprise.”

Tang Jingquan saw that Pi Baibai was like this. Although he had always been calm, he thought it looked pretty good, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

After that, Tang Jingquan immediately summoned a Yuanying Master Uncle and obtained the right to visit the Yuanying Sea. The two immediately flew to the Nascent Soul Sea.

Entering the Nascent Soul Sea Territory, they encountered a patrol on the road. When the patrol saw the two golden elixir cultivators, they naturally stepped forward to interrogate them. When they learned that it was Nascent Soul True Lord who asked them to enter the Nascent Soul Sea Territory, they let them go.

Before Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai entered the Nascent Soul Sea, they found out the location of Wu Tao's island.

"This is the Nascent Soul Island of Deputy Hall Master Duan Mulei of the Artifact Refining Hall, and further ahead is Uncle Li's Nascent Soul Island!" Tang Jingquan passed by a Nascent Soul Island and continued to fly forward.

Pi Baibai followed closely behind him.

Not long after, the two of them had stopped at Bixing Island.

Tang Jingquan used the magic power of the golden elixir to contact the island protection formation of Bixing Island. Because the two of them did not send a message to Wu Tao, Wu Tao did not know that someone would come to visit. Generally, Wu Tao would not come out to greet such a visit in person, but would be greeted by the immortal steward Wang Sheng or the immortal attendant Chen Juan.

Because some juniors usually come to visit, Wu Tao, as the Nascent Soul Lord, naturally cannot greet some juniors.

The juniors didn't dare to really let a Nascent Soul Lord come out to greet them.

Not long after, the island protection formation appeared through the portal, and Wang Sheng's figure walked out of the portal. When he saw Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai, he immediately bowed and saluted: "Greetings to Master Tang and Master Pi."

Tang Jingquan looked at Wang Sheng, nodded and said, "We have just returned to the Star Palace. Come and visit your island owner."

As the immortal guide of Bixing Island, Wang Sheng naturally knows which immortal cultivators his island owner has the deepest feelings and the deepest contacts with. The two real people in front of him are excellent Taoist friends with his island owner, so Wang Sheng immediately respectfully asked They enter.

"Two great masters, please come with this junior."

Wang Sheng led the way, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai followed, and soon they arrived at the main hall. After arriving at the main hall, Wang Sheng called the immortal attendant Chen Juan to entertain them.

Wang Sheng then sent a message to Wu Tao, saying that someone was coming to visit.

Wu Tao was in the training room at this time and had just finished studying the Taoist language. When he saw Wang Sheng's message, he immediately came to the main hall.

When he saw Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan sitting in the main hall, a smile appeared on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Tang, Friend Pi, long time no see."

Seeing Wu Tao come in, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai didn't get up and seemed to be angry. Seeing this, Wu Tao quickly asked: "What's wrong with you two? Who are you angry with?"

Pi Baibai snorted and said with a bit of yin and yang: "Don't dare, Uncle Li, you are now the True Monarch of Yuanying, a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, the deputy master of the weapon refinement hall, with a high position, how dare we give birth to you, Master Uncle Li?" gas."

Regarding Pi Baibai's words, Wu Tao quickly apologized: "Friend Taoist Pi, Taoist Tang, I'm sorry. It's really a special period. I didn't inform the two Taoists of the good news that I broke through the Nascent Soul stage and was promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. Friend, it was my negligence."

A dignified Nascent Soul Lord apologized to two golden elixir cultivators, which shows that Wu Tao values ​​their friendship very seriously.

Tang Jingquan understood this, and his behavior was just to cooperate with Pi Baibai and play a game with Pi Baibai.

Therefore, the angry expression on his face instantly dissipated, he stood up, and congratulated Wu Tao with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to Master Li for being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner, and became the deputy hall master of the weapon refiner hall."

"Congratulations, Uncle Li..." Pi Baibai stopped pretending to be angry and stood up to congratulate Wu Tao.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists." Wu Tao smiled and stretched out his hand to ask them to sit down again.

When Tang Jingquan heard that his title had not changed, he quickly shook his head and said: "Uncle Li, you should follow the sect's rules and change the title. Otherwise, if word spreads, it will appear that Junior Brother Pi and I have no rules. I also know that Uncle Li, you value relationships. But the sect’s rules are the sect’s rules, and within the sect’s rules, our friendship with Master Uncle Li remains the same.”

Wu Tao heard this, nodded and said: "Okay, my two nephews, how long do you plan to stay when you come back from the Lost Sea this time?"

"You are still two nephews. After returning this time, you will concentrate on training and prepare for the true inheritance competition in 10 years' time?"

Wu Tao briefly sensed the cultivation levels of Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai, and both of them had entered the late stage of the Golden Core. 6̾̾Obviously, conquering the Lost Seas over the years has been of great help to them.

When Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai heard Wu Tao's words, they both shook their heads: "We will naturally participate in the True Inheritance Competition in 10 years' time, but we will not stay in the Star Palace to practice in seclusion. Retreat is not what Junior Brother Pi and I are doing, or is it? Rest for a while and then return to the lost sea area, where you can improve your cultivation as quickly as possible."

"That's right. Only by taking risks and experiencing death battles can you quickly improve your cultivation level. In this true inheritance competition, even if you can't make the top 10, you still have to rank higher. This way the rewards will be more generous." Pi Baibai said excitedly.

Wu Tao was surprised when he heard Pi Baibai's words. He said: "I thought that with Pi Daoyou's character, I had already set my sights on the top 10 true legends. I didn't expect that I gave up on entering the top ten true legends."

Hearing this, Pi Baibai said: "Uncle Li is joking. I, Pi, do have great ambitions, but whoever can enter the top 10 of the true biography is not the 9th level of the Golden Core. In 10 years, I may not be able to step into the 9th floor of the Golden Core." , so try your best."

Tang Jingquan answered: "In this true inheritance competition, the top spot will probably belong to Ying Xuandao and the others."

Wu Tao nodded and agreed: "Yes, Ying Xuandao has broken through to the realm of Yuanying." Wu Tao, as the True Monarch of Yuanying, knew that Ying Xuandao was at the top of the list.

"By the way, where is your brother? Has he broken through to the Nascent Soul realm?"

Tang Jingquan shook his head and said: "It's still a little bit far away. Therefore, my brother will withdraw from the True Succession Competition this time and give the place to others, so that he can break through to the Nascent Soul realm with peace of mind."

"Wise choice." Wu Tao said.

Tang Jingquan suddenly remembered something and said: "Uncle Li, there is a Jindan cultivator from the Xingnan Sea. He brought your command talisman and came to Lost Sea to do the conquest mission."

After hearing Tang Jingquan mention it, Wu Tao said: "There is indeed such a thing. When I was in the Xingnan Sea, this person offended me. I could have killed him, but I thought that now the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is facing twelve restricted areas. Due to the danger of the sea, all cultivators who could be united must be united, so he was punished to the lost sea area and fought for ten years."

"For him, if he does not die, it is also an opportunity. By the way, is he dead?"

Before Tang Jingquan could answer, Pi Baibai said: "He's still jumping around now, and his cultivation level has broken through a level."

"It seems like this is his chance." Wu Tao smiled and didn't care.

To him, it was just a small thing.

The three of them then continued to reminisce about old times. After reminiscing for half an hour, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai left Wu Tao's Bixing Island.

They came back to Star Palace this time to replenish resources. Once the resources were replenished, they would immediately head back to the Lost Sea to continue their expedition.

After Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai left, Wu Tao continued to return to the training hall to practice.

At night.

Bang bang bang.

Wu Tao felt that he had successfully lost 200 grams, so he came out immediately and said to Chen Yao who raised his feet: "Ayao, I'm going to rest first!"

Chen Yao hesitated and said: "Okay, senior brother, you go and rest first, I will keep it up for a few more minutes."

Seeing this, Wu Tao said no more and immediately came to the training hall.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, he adjusted his breath for a moment and restored his condition to its peak.

Then he began to practice the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Refining Kung Fu Yuan Ti Chapter.

It is late at night, and it is more suitable to practice this week's star exercise.

A streak of starry light floated quietly in front of Wu Tao. His spiritual thoughts wrapped around the starry streamer, slowly refining it and integrating it into his own star yuan-ti. The aura of the star yuan-ti was strengthening little by little.

Two hours later, Wu Tao stopped practicing Zhoutian Xingchen's physical skills, took the completely consumed star streamer back into the jade bottle, and sealed it away for the next training session.

"There are still two star streams in the jade bottle, which is enough for me to practice for a week, so I will not enter the Tiangang layer tonight to push the progress of the last bit of treasure money to perfection."

The fourth low-level stage of Luobao Money: (99%)

As early as a month ago, the progress had stopped at 99%. After this month of deduction, Wu Tao felt that he was only one step away from deducing the fourth low-level treasure money.

Immediately thinking about it, Wu Tao no longer hesitated, closed his personal information, and began to deduce the treasure money.

Time passed slowly, and finally at a certain moment, Wu Tao deduced the fourth-level low-level treasure money.

"It's really not easy. It's finally been performed."

A smile appeared on his face and he opened his personal message.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 114/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (3%)]

[Spells: Brief, Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing Nascent Soul Stage·Seventh level (5%), Transformation Hidden Secret Technique sixth level (100%), Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique fourth level (35%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Proficiency in the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (34%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-career·Physical Training: Zhoutianxingchen Body Training·Yuanti Chapter: First Level (27%), Witchcraft and War Techniques of Breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

"Waiting for tomorrow, we will prepare to refine the fourth-level low-level treasure money. We need to refine two pieces, and one will be sent to the master through the channels of the Star Palace." Wu Tao has not forgotten that he promised his master Wen Xing Rui, after he deduces the fourth-level low-level treasure money, he will also refine one for his master Wen Xingrui.

After briefly taking a look at his personal information, Wu Tao looked at the progress of the Yuanying Realm, then looked at the progress of the Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training Yuan Ti chapter, and then closed his personal information.

Cultivation at the Nascent Soul realm is indeed like a turtle crawling.

It has been half a year since I broke through the Nascent Soul Stage, and I have only made less than three progresses.

Fortunately, he made the right choice when he chose the Hidden God method. The Nascent Soul bred with the energy of the Nine Mysterious Tiangang can enter the Tiangang layer and collect the light from the stars for cultivation, allowing him to enter the realm of the divine body as quickly as possible.

Entering the realm of the divine body is equivalent to transforming into a divine king.

You can also stand on the top of the three realms.

"But I heard from Senior Wang that someone is preventing the physical practitioners of the Yuan Ti realm from breaking through to the divine body realm. No, to be more precise, they do not allow the immortal cultivators who cultivate both legal and physical bodies to break through to the divine body realm. But why is the entire Star Sea Have you ever heard of a divine king with a divine body in the world of immortality cultivation?”

Those who cultivate the realm of the divine body are also called divine kings.

"Could it be that you would rather kill the wrong person than let him go?"

Wu Tao's face became solemn, and he decided that when he was ready to break through to the realm of the divine body, he must ask a few more gods to protect him.

"By the time I break through to the divine body realm, Senior Wang should also have broken through to the realm of spirit transformation. I can ask him to protect me. I can also ask him to protect the law. Yuanding Shenjun can also be invited. As for the leader Ning?"

Thinking of Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao's figure emerged in Wu Tao's mind, but this figure soon split into two Ning Qiudao. He quickly shook his head to dispel this thought.

It would be too risky to ask Ning Qiudao to sit in and protect the Dharma.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. After the three realms merge, I may not be able to break through to the realm of the divine body. The future is far away." Thinking of this, Wu Tao stopped thinking about it.

After noon.

Wu Tao has already finished handling the daily affairs of the War Weapon Palace, and also completed the daily practice of the Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun Divine Law.

He even took the time to go outside and buy back the spiritual materials needed to refine the fourth-level low-level treasure money.

Arriving at the weapon refining hall set up by the palace master, Wu Tao officially began to refine the fourth-level low-level treasure money.

After being promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, Wu Tao refined no less than ten pieces of fourth-level low-level magic weapons. However, the money for the fourth-level low-level magic weapons is different from other fourth-level low-level magic weapons. It would be very difficult to refine it for others. , but he is the weapon refiner who created Luobao's money. Therefore, the difficulty of refining it is actually lower than that of refining other fourth-level low-level magic weapons.

Although the refining difficulty is lower, Wu Tao will not take it lightly. Steadiness and sophistication are the basic qualities of every weapon refiner.

Refining a fourth-level low-level magic weapon cannot be done in a few hours. It may take several days, so Wu Tao told Chen Yao that he would not return to Bixing Island in the next few days.

Chen Yao didn't pay much attention when she heard this, she just said that it was just right for Wu Tao to save more.

As for what to save, Wu Tao naturally knows.


7 days later.

Wu Tao looked at the two shining golden pieces of treasure money suspended in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "The fourth-level low-level treasure money is indeed more difficult to refine. It actually took me three days to refine these two pieces. time."

As Wu Tao said this, he stretched out his hand, and two pieces of fourth-level low-level treasure money fell into his palm.

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