Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 770 Emperor Shenjun is not in the Three Realms, Ning Qiudao is seriously injured

Wu Tao solemnly put a piece of treasure money into his storage bag.

The remaining piece of treasure money was floating quietly in front of him. He had just refined two pieces of treasure money, one of which was for his master Wen Xingrui. One is for himself, so he plans to restore his mana and divine will to the best state, and then refine the treasured money in front of him.

With a thought in his mind, Wu Tao immediately activated Jiu Yaotian's Divine Dharma, which began to restore Yuanying's mana and Yuanying's spiritual thoughts.

It took half a day to recover before all the mana and spiritual energy consumed in refining two treasure coins in the past seven days were recovered.


Wu Tao whispered, and the Nascent Soul mind and Nascent Soul magic power that had returned to their best condition swept out, wrapped around the treasured money suspended in front of him, and began to refine it.

An hour later, Wu Tao completely refined the treasured money.

"From now on, this treasured money will be my trump card." Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the treasured money fell into his hand, then turned into light and disappeared.

He turned around and looked at the time. It was almost dusk.

Including the time to refine two pieces of fallen treasure money, it was almost the eighth day.

"In the past few days of refining treasure money, the War Weapon Palace has probably accumulated a lot of unprocessed affairs." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately walked out of the training hall and went to deal with the daily affairs that had accumulated over the past eight days.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out, he had to start dealing with the matters submitted from the three departments.

When Wu Tao wanted to refine the treasure money, he had already sent a message to the three departments. If there was nothing important, don't disturb him.

What a refiner fears most is being disturbed during the refining process. Once disturbed and the refining process is interrupted, all previous refining work will be nullified.

Wu Tao is the master of the War Weapon Hall and a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. The heads of the three departments know that he is refining a fourth-level low-level magic weapon and cannot be disturbed.

Simply speaking, during his refining process, there was no matter that was so important that he, the master of the palace, had to step in to handle it.

Wu Tao speeded up the processing of matters, and after an hour, he finally finished all the matters.

After processing, the day after tomorrow was completely dark.

He reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist, and a summons token appeared in his hand. He sent a message to Chen Yao that he would return to Bixing Island now.

Then he put the summons token back into his storage bag, walked out of the War Weapon Palace, took out the Xuanguang Boat, and flew to the Nascent Soul Sea.

The Refining Hall is in the central sea, and the Nascent Soul Sea is close to the central sea, closer than before when Bixing Island was in the Jindan Sea. Now that he is in the Nascent Soul realm again, he is driving a fourth-level low-level Xuanguang boat at a faster speed.

Not long after, Wu Tao had returned to Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea.

As soon as she returned to Bixing Island, Chen Yao had been waiting for a long time. Wu Tao did not return to Bixing Island for 8 days, so he should have gained another 200 grams.

So Chen Yao waited for a long time just to help Wu Tao lose weight.

When Wu Tao saw Chen Yao's look, he knew what she was thinking?

In the past six months, Wu Tao has had weight loss exchanges with Chen Yao at least 10 times a month. Each time Wu Tao lost 200 grams, Chen Yao gained 200 grams.

However, despite such frequent exchanges in the past six months, Chen Yao still remained silent.

Golden elixir cultivators like Chen Yao, once the breath of life is born in their bodies, do not need to wait for several months to detect it like ordinary people.

It only takes a dozen days to sense the breath of life in the body.

But for half a year, Chen Yao still didn't feel any breath of life in her body.

"A Yao." Wu Tao just wanted to talk to A Yao and told Chen Yao that the stronger the immortal cultivator, the longer it would take and asked her not to be too anxious. In the past six months, he could feel that Chen Yao was a little anxious.

Chen Yao interrupted him and said, "Senior brother, I'm ready, come on."

When Wu Tao heard this, he said no more and planned to tell her in the future so that she could put her mind at ease.

An hour later.

Wu Tao successfully lost half a catty, and Chen Yao gained half a catty.

"Ayao, don't be impatient. It's only been half a year. Take your time." Wu Tao touched Chen Yao's milk bag and said gently.

Chen Yao looked slightly anxious and said, "How long will it take? I have been looking forward to his arrival. At that time, after sister Feiyao and brother Gu decided to have a child, they already had it in a month or two."

Wu Tao said: "You have to know that they were both in the Qi refining stage at that time, but now you are the True Lord of Jindan and I am the True Lord of Nascent Soul, so naturally it will take longer."

"You have also read relevant books. There are many golden elixir cultivators or Nascent Soul cultivators who persisted for 10 years before giving birth to an heir. Moreover, the longer the time, the better the cultivation talent of the offspring will be, and they will be on the road to immortality. Farther!”

"If we give birth to a child in a month and a half, doesn't it mean that the child's talent for cultivating immortality is not very good? If the talent for cultivating immortality is not very good, it will be the end when he reaches the foundation, so don't we have to send a person with white hair to a person with black hair? ?”

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Chen Yao felt that it was very reasonable. The anxiety on her face disappeared instantly, and she nodded and said: "Brother is right, why didn't I think of it? Then I won't be in a hurry, take my time, and hope to give birth to a child." Our cultivation talents are superior to those of you and me, and we can go further than you and me.”

Regarding Chen Yao's words, Wu Tao smiled slightly, and then he said: "I have deduced the fourth-level Luobao money. Tomorrow I plan to use the channels in Xingchen Immortal Palace to deliver the Luobao money to the master. You If you have anything to say to the master, I will prepare the jade pendant for taking pictures tonight, and I will go and give it to the master together tomorrow."

"Of course, then call me before you leave for the Refining Hall tomorrow morning." Chen Yao nodded.

Wu Tao nodded lightly, and then Chen Yao went to prepare the jade pendant to take a picture of Master Wen Xingrui. He also returned to his training hall, took out the jade pendant to take a picture of Master Wen Xingrui, and told Master Wen Xingrui what he had done. The current situation of time, and the matter of having a child with Chen Yao, and asked the master Wen Xingrui in the photo jade pendant if he had deduced the fourth-level fighting method at the Nascent Soul level.

After leaving an image on the jade pendant, Wu Tao used the secret technique of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual to seal the jade pendant. Only Wen Xingrui, who also knew the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual, could unlock the jade pendant.

If other people want to spy on the content of the photo in the photo jade pendant, the ban will self-destruct, destroying the photo inside.

After doing this, Wu Tao put away the Liuying Jade Pendant and began to practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti Chapter. During the few days of refining Luobao Money, he did not perform any training.

This is the case for the weapon refiner. During the process of refining the magic weapon, he cannot perform other training. Therefore, the weapon refiner will not train the magic weapon for others day and night, but will also set aside enough time for himself to practice.

Only when there is a shortage of training resources will more orders for weapon refining be accepted.

The whole night was spent practicing.

The next day, before Wu Tao left for the weapon refining hall, he stopped Chen Yao who was practicing in the training hall.

Chen Yao handed over a photo-taking jade pendant and said, "Senior brother, this is what I want to say to the master. It's all in it."

"Okay, I'll go first!" Wu Tao put the photo-taking jade pendant handed over by Chen Yao into the storage bag and said to Chen Yao.

"Go ahead, senior brother, I want to continue practicing." Chen Yao nodded.

Wu Tao left Bixing Island and headed to the Central Sea Weapon Refining Hall.

He wanted to send the treasured money and the two jade pendants with the photo to the hands of Wen Xingrui of the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm through the channels of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, but he had to wait until today's affairs in the War Weapon Palace were finished before going.

Standing on the Xuanguang Boat, Wu Tao reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist, and a photo jade pendant appeared in his hand. This photo jade pendant was exactly what Chen Yao had just handed to him.

This photo-taking jade pendant also has a golden elixir-level ban on it.

It was Chen Yao who set it up himself.

In Wu Tao's eyes, the golden elixir-level seal on this jade pendant is too weak and can be easily unlocked, so Wu Tao once again used the sealing technique of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture to seal the jade pendant. Another ban was imposed.

This time, only Master Wen Xingrui's secret technique of refining the Divine Sutra of Tianyan can unlock it.

After finishing, Wu Tao accelerated the flight speed of the Xuanguang Boat and headed to the Weapon Refining Hall.

After arriving at the Weapon Refining Hall, Wu Tao went directly to the War Weapon Hall.

As soon as he arrived at the War Weapon Hall, he began to prepare to deal with today's affairs, but unexpectedly, before he could sit down, he received a summons from the Deputy Hall Master Qi.

Pray to the deputy hall master to let him leave the War Weapon Hall later today, and he will come over to assign him a new task.

Deputy Hall Master Luo and Xiong Zhentian have been learning the art of weapon refining from Shi Yuanxin during this period. Therefore, the tasks of the deputy hall masters of the Weapon Refining Hall are arranged by Deputy Hall Master Qi.

Wu Tao received the summons from Deputy Hall Master Qi and waited while handling the daily affairs of the War Weapon Hall.

Anyway, I pray that the deputy hall master will not come over until the afternoon to arrange new tasks.

In the past six months, he and Li Tongxing of the Battle Array Hall had completed the task of upgrading the war boat, the dharma ship, and the flying boat that had been assigned by the sect.

I thought the new mission would be coming soon, but I didn't expect it to come right after, leaving no gaps.

In the afternoon, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the training room. There was a jade box in front of him. The jade box was covered with bans. This ban was exactly what he had set. Inside the jade box was the fourth-level low-level treasure money. As well as two photo jade pendants that he and Chen Yao gave to their master Wen Xingrui.

After Deputy Hall Master Qi came over and assigned a new task, he went to deliver the jade box to Wen Xingrui of the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm through the channels of the Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Putting the jade box into his storage bag, Wu Tao came out of the training room and went to the main hall to quietly wait for the arrival of the deputy hall master.

After a while, instead of waiting for the arrival of Deputy Hall Master Qi, Li Tongxing, the master of the Zhan Formation Hall, arrived.

"Palace Master Li, why are you here?" Wu Tao was slightly surprised to see Li Tongxing, but then he thought of the possibility.

"Palace Master Li, are you also called here by Senior Brother Qi?"

Li Tongxing nodded and said: "Exactly, our hall master asked me to come over and listen to Senior Brother Qi's arrangement of new tasks."

Sure enough, the new mission of their War Weapon Hall was consistent with the new mission of the War Array Hall.

"Master Li, please take a seat!" Now that Li Tongxing came to the War Weapon Hall, Wu Tao, as the host, naturally entertained him warmly.

Just as the spiritual tea was brewed, Deputy Hall Master Qi arrived.

"I've met Senior Brother Qi!" Wu Tao and Li Tongxing immediately stood up and bowed to Deputy Hall Master Qi.

Deputy Hall Master Qi looked at the two of them, waved his hands and said, "No need to be polite, just sit down!"

Then the three of them sat down, and Wu Tao poured spiritual tea for Deputy Hall Master Qi and Li Tongxing: "Brother Qi, I wonder what tasks the sect has arranged for us?"

Vice Hall Master Qi picked up the spiritual tea in front of him and took a sip. Then he looked at Wu Tao and Li Tongxing and said, "We have received news that the demons in the demon world are going to tear up the agreement on peaceful coexistence of the three worlds and attack the Xianyuan world in a large scale."

"What?" Wu Tao was shocked when he heard the words of Vice Hall Master Qi, but what was the quality of Lord Zhou Yuanying? He quickly calmed down. Said: "The demons in the demon world are not afraid that our Xingchenhai Immortal World will interfere?"

"The devil's nature is such that he is not afraid of interference from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm." Li Tongxing said calmly.

But Wu Tao always felt that he had omitted something. Soon, he thought of what he had omitted. He asked Deputy Hall Master Qi: "Now the boundary wall of the three realms has not been completely integrated, and only the boundary wall leads to the Immortal Realm." At the boundary wall portal, the demon world demon clan can only send the original god demon clan to enter. No matter how they attack the Xianyuan world in a large scale, no matter how much they enter, they will be ruthlessly suppressed by the two heads Ning and Di Shenjun of the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Xianyuan world. "

"Indeed!" Li Tongxing also nodded.

Deputy Hall Master Qi said: "But you have forgotten one thing. The power of the Three Realm Wall is weakening. According to the intelligence detected by our insiders installed in the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm Demon Clan has found a boundary wall that connects to the Immortal Realm. In an extremely weak state, they can break through the weak boundary wall in a maximum of ten years and a minimum of three years, and according to their calculations, that weak boundary wall can allow the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm to enter."

"Senior Brother Qi, is the news true?" Wu Tao suddenly became worried because there was his master Wen Xingrui in the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm.

If it is true as Deputy Hall Master Qi said, then with so many demons from the Demon Realm, once they attack the Immortal Realm, except for Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun who can protect themselves, the other immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm will have no choice but to let it go. Demonic slaughter.

He has also heard about the power of Emperor Shenjun, but no matter how powerful he is, he is only as powerful as himself. If leader Ning is added to the mix, then only two people are powerful. How can they stop all the demons in the demon world?

Once a large demon king frees up his hands, the Xianyuan world will only be suppressed.

"The information cannot be wrong." Vice Hall Master Qi nodded in confirmation, obviously believing in the news coming back from the insider planted in the demon world.

"No, Senior Brother Qi, the demons in the demon world are fundamentally different from us human immortal cultivators. How can we human immortal cultivators be placed in the demon world and find out such top-secret information." Wu Tao still raised his own question.

Deputy Hall Master Qi looked at Wu Tao and Li Tongxing, pondered for a moment, and said: "You are both Deputy Hall Masters, senior officials of the Immortal Palace. There are some things I can let you know."

"The three major immortal palaces all have secret techniques to transform humans into demons."

Wu Tao and Li Tongxing were both shocked when they heard Deputy Hall Master Qi's words.

Human race transformed into demon race?

This incident sounded really shocking to the two of them. You must know that since the birth of the three realms, demons have been demons and humans have been humans. Have you never heard that humans can transform into demons?

"You must keep this matter deep in your heart and never reveal even a hint of it." Deputy Hall Master Qi solemnly warned.

"Yes, Senior Brother Qi, we will not dare to reveal even half of it." Wu Tao and Li Tongxing solemnly assured Deputy Hall Master Qi.

"Senior Brother Qi, the Ning Shenjun of the Immortal Realm is extremely powerful, and the Emperor Shenjun is even more powerful, coming from a higher realm of cultivating immortals. With the two of them here, how can the Demon Realm dare to take action against the Immortal Realm?"

"Moreover, the Emperor Shenjun is the method for the Demon Realm to block the restricted area. They are not afraid of the Emperor Shenjun taking action to make the Demon Realm fall into a restricted area."

Li Tongxing asked the question Wu Tao wanted to ask.

Vice Hall Master Qi sighed and said, "Emperor Shenjun is no longer in the Three Realms."

"And the leader of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Ning, entered the forbidden sea and was seriously injured by the beings in the forbidden sea. Now he doesn't know where to hide to heal his injuries. This gives the demons of the demon world an opportunity to take advantage of."

"What? Leader Ning was seriously injured by the presence of Juehai in the restricted area?" Wu Tao was surprised.

Well done, why did Ning Qiudao go to the restricted area of ​​Juehai and provoke the beings inside?

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