Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 771 Meeting the God of Transformation at the Tiangang Level

Wu Tao frowned slightly.

The situation described by Deputy Hall Master Qi was something he was unwilling to face.

Emperor Shenjun, left the Three Realms?

Wu Tao has always had a complicated feeling about Emperor Shenjun, because every time he faced Emperor Shenjun, his emotions would always be strange and uncontrollable.

He has also heard many rumors about Emperor Shenjun. It is said that Emperor Shenjun is not an immortal cultivator in the Three Realms, but comes from outside the Three Realms.

Immortal cultivators throughout the Three Realms tend to believe this kind of rumor, and Wu Tao is no exception.

The main reason is that the Emperor God Lord is so powerful that he can be evenly matched with ten Demon Lords by himself.

Which god-turned-god king in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can do this?

"Why did the Emperor Shenjun leave the Three Realms? No, the Three Realms are a prison for the immortal cultivators. The Divine Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm have been looking for a way out of the Three Realms, but they have never been able to find it?"

"Could it be that the Emperor Shenjun has been found?"

"By the way, there is a cooperative relationship between the big boss in Master Ning's body and the Emperor God Lord, as well as Master Ding in my mind. If the Emperor God Lord finds a way out of the three realms, then Master Ning must also know about it?"

"Then why did Master Ning go to the restricted area Juehai and be injured by the presence of the restricted area Juehai?"

The head Ning that Wu Tao was thinking about was not the head Ning of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, but the big boss in Ning Qiudao's body.

Wu Tao's mind was spinning and he kept thinking, but he couldn't figure it out.

His level is still too low.

There is no way to reach the level of transformation into gods.

Then I heard Deputy Hall Master Qi nod and say: "Yes, Ning Shenjun of Lingxu Immortal Sect was seriously injured. This news was notified by the gods above."

"Senior Brother Qi, is this too coincidental? Just after Emperor Shenjun left the Three Realms, Ning Shenjun was injured in the forbidden sea, and the demons in the Demon Realm just happened to find the weak spot in the wall leading to the Immortal Realm?" Wu Tao asked a series of questions.

Li Tongxing was also puzzled.

Deputy Hall Master Qi said: "Ever since the Three Realms boundary wall was weakening, the demons of the Demon Realm have been exploring the boundary wall, but they have only found it now. As for the Emperor Shenjun, he is not from the Three Realms. If he wants to leave, who will It can be stopped."

"As for why Ning Shenjun wanted to explore the forbidden sea, I don't know. After all, he is a god, and no one can control his behavior."

Li Tongxing said: "Senior Brother Qi, if you say so, the Emperor God Lord has mastered the way to leave the Three Realms, why didn't he tell the God Transformation God Lord and the Demon Realm Demon Lord in the Three Realms?"

You must know that both the Demon Lord of the Demon World and the God-Transforming Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm want to leave the Three Realms and go to the larger Immortal Realm to continue their path of cultivation.

And staying in the Three Realms, the realm of Demon Lord and the realm of transformation into gods have come to an end.

Deputy Hall Master Qi shook his head and said: "How can we, the immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul level, know this?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. The Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm is at loggerheads with us. Before Ning Shenjun hid in hiding to heal his injuries, he asked us, the three major Immortal Palaces in the Xingchen Sea Xiu Immortal Realm, to let us send people to reinforce the Immortal Realm. "

Li Tongxing frowned and said: "If it is true as his senior brother said, after the weak point of the boundary wall is broken, the demon king can pass through, then we can only send Nascent Soul level people through the boundary wall portal of the boundary wall battlefield. The cultivators went in to support, but it was completely useless.”

Wu Tao also nodded, expressing his agreement with Li Tongxing's question.

Deputy Hall Master Qi explained: "It will take 3 to 10 years to completely break through the weak point of the boundary wall. Therefore, in these 3 to 10 years, we must enhance the strength of the Immortal Realm to be able to resist the original force. The fighting power of the gods and demons, as for those demons, Ning Shenjun will stop them."

"And the God Transformation Lord on our side will also try his best to find the weak spot in the boundary wall found by the demons in the demon world, and occupy it as much as possible, or delay it."

"So the mission given to you two by the sect is to take half of the power to the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm and help them build a fourth-level warship and magic ship to resist the original gods and demons in the demon world. "

"Yes, Senior Brother Qi." Li Tongxing accepted the order.

Wu Tao also accepted the order.

But his face was not very good. Deputy Hall Master Qi also understood that Wu Tao was after all the half-disciple of Wen Xingrui, the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, and he and Wen Xingrui were also in a relationship. If you encounter this crisis, you must be worried.

Therefore, he looked at Wu Tao and said, "Don't worry too much. Lord Ning Shen should have a backup plan."

Wu Tao was silent for a moment and said: "I also believe in Mr. Ning Shen."

What he said about believing in Ning Qiu Dao was not belief in the real Ning Qiu Dao, but belief in the great power that occupies Ning Qiu Dao's body.

However, he was still very worried in his heart, because Ning Qiudao had deep feelings for the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the Immortal Realm. Naturally, he did not want to see the Immortal Realm being occupied by the demons from the Demon Realm, but the one in Ning Qiudao's body Although he exists, he has no feelings for the Immortal Yuanjie Sword and Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"I thought I could practice quietly until the three realms merged, but I didn't expect that the three realms would start to be in chaos so quickly!" Wu Tao was speechless, but until now, it was not something he could decide. The only thing he could do was to obey the sect. task order.

"Then you two will start selecting people and set off for the Immortal Realm early tomorrow morning." After Deputy Hall Master Qi finished speaking, he added: "This time it is not just our Xingchen Immortal Palace that supports the Immortal Realm. There are also immortal cultivators from Huiyue Immortal Palace and Sun Immortal Palace.”

"Yes, Senior Brother Qi, let's get ready now." Wu Tao and Li Tongxing both held their hands.

After Deputy Hall Master Qi finished assigning tasks, he left directly.

Li Tongxing also knew that the mission was urgent, so he surrendered to Wu Taogong, then left the War Weapon Hall and returned to his own Battle Formation Hall to prepare.

After the two left, Wu Tao sighed: "The treasure money no longer needs to go through the channels of Xingchen Immortal Palace.'6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o' 'm'"

With this in mind, he immediately sent a message to the heads of the three departments under War Arms Highness and asked them to come over.

Not long after, Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu came to him, and they all bowed to him and saluted: "I have met the palace master."

Wu Tao waved his hand and said: "Everyone sit down and talk, the sect has a mission."

Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu immediately straightened their expressions upon hearing this.

Wu Tao explained the mission.

Gu Xingyuan, the three of them all looked shocked.

"Have the demons lost their minds? Even if they capture the Immortal Realm, when the Emperor God comes back, will they not be afraid that the Emperor God will be angry and directly attack the formation that blocks the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Realm, so that the Demon Realm becomes a forbidden area?" Gu Xingyuan asked.

Geng Xiangshu shook his head and said, "The demons in the demon world have always done things this way. I don't think it's strange at all."

Lin Qijun agreed with Geng Xiangshu's statement and nodded.

Wu Tao said: "It doesn't make any sense to talk about this now. Let's get ready quickly without further ado."

"Yes, Palace Master." Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu stood up, bowed their hands to Wu Tao, and left the Palace Master's hall to select the weapon refiners of their respective departments.

This time Wu Tao plans to take all three persons in charge to Lingxu Immortal Sect.

When he talked about the mission just now, Wu Tao only said that the demons were attacking the Lingxu Immortal Sect, but did not reveal some more important information. For example, their three top celestial palaces had secret techniques to transform human cultivators into demons from the demon world.

Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu are not qualified to know these deeper secrets.

"Perhaps the Demon Realm's attack on the Immortal Realm is not to occupy the Immortal Realm?" Wu Tao sat on the throne of the palace master, and he also had many questions in his mind.

It was as if Gu Xingyuan and the others felt that the demons were crazy when they heard it, and they were not afraid of the Emperor Shenjun.

If the true Emperor God Lord comes back and really cares about the Immortal Realm, once he gets angry, the demons in the Demon Realm will not be able to bear it.

"Yes, we can think of it, why can't the demons of the demon world think of it!"

Wu Tao murmured to himself, thinking of Emperor Shenjun.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and blurted out: "Emperor Shenjun, yes, they are going towards Emperor Shenjun."

Wu Tao finally figured it out.

The Demon Lords in the Demon Realm do not want to capture the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm at all, but they want to leave the Three Realms and wait for the Emperor Shenjun to return. There is no other reason. Emperor Shenjun has mastered the way to leave the Three Realms.

The Demon Lords in the Demon Realm have reached the end of their cultivation. In order to break through the Demon Lord's realm and step into a stronger realm, they do not hesitate to break through the path to the gods. Now that they have the hope of the Emperor Shenjun to escape from the prison of the Three Realms, how can they do it? Why don't you give it a try?

"The God-Transforming Lords of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, do they know the intentions of the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm?"

Wu Tao frowned, but soon felt relieved: "Yes, I can think of it, how could they not think of those gods who have great magical powers?"

"The Nascent Soul realm is still too weak." Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh again.

"Keep your heart and become stronger along the way!" Wu Tao thought to himself.

Then his mind changed, and he remembered what Deputy Hall Master Qi had just said about the secrets of transforming human cultivators into demons in the demon world in the three major immortal palaces.

A little bit of fragmentary information quickly flashed through Wu Tao's mind, and he soon thought of it.

"Devil-Suppressing Island!"

"As far as I know, the three major immortal palaces have Demon Shock Island. The Demon Realm Demons imprisoned on Demon Suppression Island should have been built for the purpose of studying demons."

He felt he had found the right answer.

But these are obviously not what he should care about now. The most important thing now is to become stronger.

After dispelling these thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao no longer thought about it and went directly out of the War Weapon Hall and headed to the Kung Fu Hall.

Tomorrow we will go to the Immortal Realm. This time, we will support the Immortal Realm. It may be as short as three years or as slow as ten years. Naturally, the spell collection of Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm is not as deep as that of the Hundred Thousand Years Immortal Palace like Star Immortal Palace, so he went to the Kung Fu Hall to exchange for a few Nascent Soul level spells.

The most important thing is the escape method at the Nascent Soul level.

Wu Tao soon arrived at the Kung Fu Hall and met Yuan Jun, the deputy hall master. He raised his hands to Yuan Jun and said, "Senior Brother Yuan, we are going to be in trouble again this time!"

Since he had to return to the War Weapon Hall later and time was tight, Wu Tao directly explained his purpose of coming without saying anything more to Yuan Jun.

Yuan Jun smiled and said: "No trouble, Junior Brother Li, wait a moment!"

Yuan Jun also knew that Wu Tao was short of time. Soon Yuan Jun came over with the jade slips of the Yuan Ying level spell catalog and accompanied Wu Tao. As soon as Wu Tao finished selecting, he took Wu Tao to collect the jade slips of spells.

Wu Tao looked at the three jade slips in his hand and said to Yuan Jun: "Brother Yuan, I need to take these three jade slips out of the Immortal Palace because I need to go to the Immortal Realm to do a sect mission, which may take 3 to 10 years. .”

Yuan Jun looked at Wu Tao and said: "Your current identity and authority can take the jade slips out of the Immortal Palace, but you still need to impose a ban."

"Excuse me, Senior Brother Yuan." Wu Tao handed the jade slip in his hand to Yuan Jun's hand.

Yuan Jun took it and immediately went to seal it. He quickly finished it and handed the jade slip back to Wu Tao's hands.

"Let's go to the Xianyuan world. I wish Junior Brother Li a safe journey and a safe return." Yuan Jun said with his hands raised to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, Senior Brother Yuan, for your good words. That Junior Brother will take his leave now, and we will talk about it later when we return to the Immortal Palace."

"Junior Brother Li, walk slowly!"

Wu Tao left the Kung Fu Hall and returned to the War Weapon Hall. He put these three jade slips in his storage bag and waited until he had time to understand them in the Immortal Realm.

There is no time to realize it now.

At night, the War Weapon Hall finally selected the candidates for the weapon refiners who would go to the Immortal Realm to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect tomorrow, and they could only wait until tomorrow to set off.

Therefore, Wu Tao returned directly to Bixing Island.

Return to Bixing Island with Chen Yao. Chen Yao asked: "Senior brother, has the photo-taking jade pendant been sent to the Immortal Realm?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said, "No, I will send it to you personally tomorrow."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Chen Yao's eyes lit up and she said: "So, senior brother has a sect mission to go to the Immortal Realm. That's great, I will go with senior brother!"

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately said: "No, it is dangerous to go to the Immortal Realm this time."

"Is there danger?" When Chen Yao heard that there was danger, a look of worry immediately appeared on her face. She grabbed Wu Tao's arm and said, "If there is danger, I will go with you, senior brother. I don't want to leave senior brother again."

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao and thought in his mind. According to the information given by Senior Brother Qi, the demons in the Demon Realm can break through the weak point in the boundary wall in three years at the earliest. Therefore, the Xianyuan World is still safe until the boundary wall is broken through.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "You can go to the Immortal Realm with me, but if there is danger, you should return to the Star Immortal Palace immediately."

As he said this, Wu Tao told Chen Yao about the Demon Realm's massive attack on the Xianyuan Realm, and told Chen Yao that Ming Ming was powerful.

Chen Yao nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to my senior brother."

"Then prepare what you want to bring tonight. We will set off early tomorrow morning." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yao immediately turned around to prepare.

Wu Tao returned to the training hall and sat cross-legged on the futon. He was about to practice Zhou Tianxing's physical exercise, but he stopped after thinking about it.

"We are going to the Immortal Realm now. We can also practice on the flying boat. However, my current Star Streaming Light is only enough to practice for 7 days. Therefore, I will not practice Zhoutian Star Body Training Kung Fu tonight and go to Tiangang Layer City to collect Star Streaming Light."

If he is on a flying boat, if his Nascent Soul flies out, his body will also follow the flying boat. When the time comes, his Nascent Soul will have to come back to find his body, which will be very troublesome.

And if you are not in the Star Palace, you may encounter danger.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul moved and flew out of Bixing Island, out of the sect-protecting formation of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and flew towards the Tiangang layer.

It has been more than half a year since he broke through the Nascent Soul stage. Wu Tao is already familiar with the Tiangang layer. In the past six months, although the progress of the Yuanying realm seems to be very little, the Yuanying has indeed become stronger, but those who are stranded in the Tiangang layer More time too.

"I hope I can gain something today!" Wu Tao's Nascent Soul moved and immediately wandered around the Tiangang layer.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao finally collected a stream of star light and put it into a jade bottle. A smile appeared on the face of Wu Tao's Nascent Soul figurine: "It seems that I was lucky tonight. I collected a stream of light in such a short time." Star stream, this star stream can support my cultivation for five days!"

Putting the jade bottle away, Wu Tao was about to continue searching for the stars and streams of light. Suddenly, his Nascent Soul sensed a powerful aura behind him.

He immediately turned around and saw a cultivator wearing a star robe, with a three-legged cauldron on his head. Starlight seemed to pour into the three-legged cauldron.

This person is none other than the Divine Lord Yuanding.

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