Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 772 Reward from the gods, happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Only the God-Transforming God Lord can enter the Tiangang layer, or Nascent Souls like Wu Tao who have practiced the special God-hiding method can enter. Other immortal cultivators cannot enter the Tiangang layer.

Wu Tao once thought that one day he would meet the God of Transformation in the Tiangang layer or a Nascent Soul cultivator like him who had practiced the special God-hiding method.

Unexpectedly, he met the Yuanding Divine Lord within half a year.

The magic weapon of Lord Yuanding, the Star Yuanding, is driven by the light of the stars. Wu Tao looked at the three-legged cauldron on the head of Lord Yuanding and knew that Lord Yuanding should have the same purpose as him when he entered the Tiangang layer this time. It is to collect the light from the stars.

Wu Tao is the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and Shenjun Yuanding is the God-Transforming God of Xingchen Immortal Palace. They are both from the same Immortal Palace. Wu Tao would not think that Shenjun Yuanding would do anything to him.

Besides, he didn't feel any malice from Yuanding Shenjun.

After entering the Nascent Soul realm, Yuan Ding has an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and can feel murderous intent and malice.

What Yuanding Shenjun releases is goodwill.

"Li Mo of the Artifact Refining Hall, pay your respects to the Lord of God!" As he thought, Wu Tao's three-inch Nascent Soul figure immediately bowed to the Lord of Yuanding.

Wu Tao's three-inch Nascent Soul minifigure looks exactly like Wu Tao himself, and the clothes worn by the Nascent Soul minifigure are also transformed by the power of the Nascent Soul. Divine Lord Yuanding naturally recognizes Wu Tao, and he has also met Wu Tao.

Moreover... Yuan Ding Shenjun's mind was spinning, and he thought a lot about Wu Tao. He smiled on his face and said to Wu Tao: "You can enter Tiangang City with Yuanying. It seems that you have practiced the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hide. Is it legal?"

Very few immortal cultivators who are able to enter the Tiangang layer at the Nascent Soul realm have practiced special God-hiding methods, and each of the three major Immortal Palaces only has one or two of these God-hiding methods. As the divine king of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Divine Lord Yuanding was naturally familiar with many treasures and could see through at a glance what kind of divine hiding method Wu Tao was practicing.

Wu Tao was not surprised that Yuan Yuanding Shenjun could tell at a glance that he was practicing the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique. After all, he was a God-Transforming Shenjun with vast magical powers. Furthermore, the aura exuding from his Yuanying body It is the aura that contains the Jiuxuan Tiangang, the aura of the true fire for refining weapons, and the aura of the brilliance of the stars.

Therefore, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul immediately bowed and said: "Returning to Lord Bingshen, what this junior is practicing is the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique."

Lord Yuanding nodded in appreciation and said: "Yes, this method of hiding gods is extremely difficult to practice. I didn't expect you to succeed in practicing it. Now in the sect, you should be the only one who has practiced this method of hiding gods!"

Wu Tao said modestly: "This junior succeeded by luck."

"You came to this Tiangang layer to collect the light from the stars and strengthen your Nascent Soul, right?" God Lord Yuanding said, because he also understands the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God Method, and knows that he has practiced this method. The Nascent Soul bred by the Menzang Shenfa must absorb the light of stars to be strengthened, and the light of stars is an even more powerful treasure.

"Hui Zhenjun, that's right." Wu Tao replied respectfully.

Yuanding Shenjun said: "Then you can collect it in the Tiangang layer at the bottom. With your current Nascent Soul strength, it will be dangerous to go deeper. Don't try to advance rashly."

"Yes, Lord Shen, I will not go to the higher Tiangang layer." Wu Tao handed over his Nascent Soul.

"Okay, then you can collect it here, I won't disturb you anymore!" After the Lord Yuan Ding said that, he flew upwards with his three-legged cauldron, and flew to the higher Tiangang layer.

After the figure of Yuanding Shenjun disappeared in the higher Tiangang layer, Wu Tao continued to wander at the bottom of the Tiangang layer to see if he could collect a few more star streams tonight?

After wandering for two hours, Wu Tao's luck seemed to have run out.

Except for the stream of stars he just collected, he has found nothing until now, and his Nascent Soul is also a little tired and needs to return to his body to recover.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao gave up collecting the star streamers and planned to return the Nascent Soul to his body.

At this moment, Wu Tao sensed the breath of Lord Yuanding again, and the breath fell from above. He immediately stopped. Sure enough, when he saw the three-legged cauldron above Lord Yuanding falling in front of him, he immediately bowed and saluted. : "Meet the Lord God."

Yuan Ding Shenjun glanced at Wu Tao's Yuan Ying in surprise, and also saw that Wu Tao's Yuan Ying aura was slightly sluggish at the moment, obviously consuming a lot of Yuan Ying's power, but he was still quite appreciative in his heart and said: "Not bad, you can Staying in the Tiangang layer for such a long time."

"Hui Shenjun, I feel like I can't hold on anymore, and I'm planning to return now." Wu Tao replied respectfully.

"Have you collected the star streamers?" God Lord Yuanding asked.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul showed a bitter smile and said: "Back to Shenjun, there are really too few star streams at the bottom of the Tiangang layer. We only collect a star stream the size of a hair. It is really difficult to collect."

Hearing this, Lord Yuan Ding had a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and the three-legged cauldron above his head fell into his palm. He then slapped the cauldron with his other hand, and stars immediately flew out from the cauldron. streamer.

Wu Tao looked at the streaks of light flying out, suspended on the three-legged cauldron. At a glance, there were actually 30 streaks upwards. The big ones were as big as water snakes, and the small ones were as big as chopsticks.

But this chopstick-sized star stream was much larger than the hair-thin star stream he collected tonight.

"Shenjun Yuanding is worthy of being the god of transformation. He went deep into the upper levels of the Tiangang layer and collected so many star streamers in a short period of time. Even the smallest star streamer is probably enough for me to practice for a month."

"When my Nascent Soul becomes stronger and reaches a higher level, I hope to be able to collect so many star streams."

Wu Tao was thinking enviously, and then he heard Lord Yuanding laugh and say: "It is indeed difficult to collect star streamers. I have only collected so many star streamers in the past two hours."

Wu Tao felt that Yuanding Shenjun was showing off to him, and he was speechless. A God-Transforming Shenjun actually showed off like a Yuanying junior like him, but he did not dare to say it clearly, so he could only compliment: "Shenjun is really powerful. If he is Juniors may not be able to collect so much star streamer in decades."

For Wu Tao's words, Yuanding Shenjun seemed to be very helpful. He looked at the more than 30 star streams suspended on the three-legged cauldron, and with a flick of his finger, two of the smallest star streamers were as big as chopsticks, and said: "These two stars are The stream of light is too small and is dispensable to me. It is fate that you and I can meet at the Tiangang level, so I will give these two star streams to you."

Seeing the two stars flying towards him, Wu Tao was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He immediately took out the jade bottle to catch it, put it away, and bowed to Lord Yuanding: "Thank you Lord Lord for the reward."

"Okay, go back, I have to leave too!" After saying that, the Yuan Ding Shenjun put the star stream into the three-legged cauldron, turned around, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Wu Tao's Yuan Ying.

Wu Tao was rewarded by Lord Yuanding with two streams of stars, and he was in a very good mood. His Nascent Soul also smiled, turned into streams of light, and flew towards the earth.

Nascent Soul Sea Area, Bixing Island, Wu Tao's training hall.

The body sitting cross-legged on the futon suddenly opened his eyes. Wu Tao couldn't help but smile. He stretched out his hand to grab a jade bottle and floated it in front of him.

He opened the jade bottle and channeled his magic power. Three streams of stars flew out of the jade bottle and floated above the mouth of the jade bottle.

These three star streams, two are as thick as chopsticks, and one is as thin as hair.

"That's great. These two star streams given by Lord Yuanding are enough for me to practice for two months!" Wu Tao was ecstatic in his heart. Now on the way to the Immortal Yuan Realm, he can practice the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise every night. Now, enhance Yuan Ti’s cultivation.

"This is the most primitive star streamer. The star streamers given by the Lord Yuan Ding before were uniform in size and were refined by his magic weapon, the Star Yuanding." Wu Tao thought to himself.

He remembered again the stream of stars that appeared like water snakes that God Lord Yuan Ding showed him at the Tiangang level just now, and he was extremely envious. If it were that kind of star stream, one should be enough for him to practice for half a year.

After putting the star streamer into the jade bottle and sealing it, Wu Tao started practicing again.

The entire night passed in cultivation.

Early in the morning of the second day, Wu Tao came out of the training hall, found Chen Yao and said, "A Yao, are you ready? We are about to leave."

Chen Yao nodded and said: "Ready, senior brother."

When Chen Yao was on Bixing Island in the Jindan Sea, she would manage the Immortal Guan Wang Sheng and the Immortal Attendant Chen Juan, both of whom would report to her some important matters about Bixing Island.

Therefore, Chen Yao had already told Wang Sheng and Chen Juan last night that she was going to the Xianyuan Realm with Wu Tao.

Everything has been explained.

"Okay, let's go to the weapon refining hall to gather!" Wu Tao said, taking Chen Yao to the square outside the main hall, reaching out and touching the storage bag on his waist, and Xuan Guangzhou immediately appeared at his feet.

Wu Tao stepped on the Xuanguang Boat, and Chen Yao immediately stepped on it. At this moment, a sharp scream sounded in the air, and a flash of golden light shot toward the two of them.

It is the golden-winged eagle.

Wu Tao looked at the golden-winged eagle that landed on Chen Yao's shoulder and said, "Aren't you going to bring the golden-winged eagle with you this time?"

Chen Yao shook her head and said: "If I don't take it anymore, let it practice peacefully on Bixing Island."

The current Golden-winged Eagle is not of much help to Chen Yao. It is better to let the Golden-winged Eagle practice on Bixing Island. Moreover, the elixirs for the Golden-winged Eagle and their monster beasts have also been handed over to Chen Juan. Chen Juan feeds her on time every day.

"Okay!" Wu Tao said and immediately inspired Xuan Guangzhou. Chen Yao also sent his thoughts to the golden-winged eagle. After receiving Chen Yao's thoughts, the golden-winged eagle immediately spread its wings, left Chen Yao's shoulders, and watched Xuan Guangzhou transform. It flew out of Bixing Island in a stream of light.

Wu Tao used Xuan Guang Zhou and brought Chen Yao to the weapon refining hall soon.

Arriving at the Weapon Refining Hall, there was already a fourth-order advanced flying boat floating in the sky above the Weapon Refining Hall.

He controlled the Xuanguang Zhou and fell under the flying boat. Gu Xingyuan, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu, the heads of the three departments under his War Weapon Palace, were already waiting with some third-level intermediate weapon refiners from the War Weapon Palace.

Next to him, Li Tongxing was waiting with some formation masters from the Battle Formation Hall.

Vice Hall Master Qi is also here, and there are several Nascent Soul True Monarchs beside him. They should be the accompanying Nascent Soul cultivators heading to the Immortal Realm this time to protect the safety of these weapon refiners and formation masters.

"Senior Brother Qi." Wu Tao asked Chen Yao to go to Gu Xingchen, and he came to Vice Hall Master Qi.

Vice Hall Master Qi nodded, and then introduced the Nascent Soul Lords around him to Wu Tao.

These Nascent Soul cultivators were all in the late Nascent Soul stage, so Wu Tao paid homage to them one by one. Li Tongxing came over at this time to also pay homage to these Nascent Soul cultivators.

Then it’s time to set off.

The fourth-level advanced flying boat was activated, left the Star Immortal Palace, and flew to the Boundary Wall Battlefield. It wanted to go to the Xianyuan Realm through the Boundary Wall Portal of the Boundary Wall Battlefield.

In a room in the fourth-level high-end flying boat, Wu Tao and Chen Yao were sitting cross-legged on the futon.

"It will take more than a month to go to the Immortal Realm. Let's practice hard in the flying boat during this month." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao naturally understood the meaning of Wu Tao's words, which meant that there would be no more weight loss exchanges in the flying boat. She nodded and said: "Okay, senior brother!" She was also about to discuss this issue with her senior brother. After all, she was in The level 4 advanced flying boat is not as secretive as Bixing Island.

Although the other Nascent Soul Lords on the flying boat would not pry, Chen Yao still felt that she was not used to doing that kind of thing on the flying boat.

Then Chen Yao began to practice, and Wu Tao also began to practice Jiu Yaotian's divine method.

During this month in the fourth-level advanced flying boat, he could practice many things without having to deal with some matters in the War Weapon Hall.

Time passes day by day.

Wu Tao has to practice the Jiu Yaotian Presence Divine Technique and the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise every day. Thanks to the two star streamers rewarded by the Lord Yuanding, Wu Tao only has the star streamer on the flying boat to practice the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise.

Wu Tao can feel that his Yuan Ti realm is constantly increasing by practicing with Star Flowing Light. This month, he has been practicing with Star Flowing Light every night. It is estimated that he can gain three progress this month.

One night, Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Zhoutianxingchen physical exercise when he suddenly felt something. He looked at Chen Yao who was still practicing, and quietly left the room and came to the deck of the flying boat.

The flying boat sailed through the silent night sky, and a cool breeze blew in, blowing Wu Tao's hair. He looked up and saw the moon above his head, as bright as a white jade plate, big and round.

Looking at the bright and round moon, Wu Tao seemed to be a little touched in his heart. He stared at the moon in a daze.

He remembered his past life.

If in the previous life, such a round moon would have been the Mid-Autumn Festival. But after he traveled through time and came to the world of immortality, there was no mention of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Although he had a bad life in his previous life, he still had an ordinary family and was able to reunite with them during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As he watched, some scenes buried deep in his memory were played out in Wu Tao's mind unconsciously.

"Nung, moon and new moon."

Wu Tao couldn't help but read this verse.

At this moment, he felt a very familiar breath behind him, and before he could turn around, a warm and cold little hand grabbed his.

"Senior brother." Chen Yao quietly grabbed Wu Tao's hand and stood beside him.

She felt that her senior brother seemed to be missing something tonight.

Wu Tao's heart felt very peaceful the moment Chen Yao arrived, and all the incomplete regrets and longings that had grown up seemed to be fulfilled. He looked sideways at Chen Yao, with a happy smile on his lips: "A Yao, you Look how round the moon is."

"I think it means reunion. It's so nice to have you by my side."

Chen Yao grabbed Wu Tao's hand and turned it gently, interlocking their fingers. She leaned her head on Wu Tao's shoulder and whispered as softly as the wind: "Senior brother, as long as you are by my side, I will also very good."

"Then we will be together forever!"

The fourth-order advanced airship sailed through the silent night sky. The moon, as bright as a jade plate, emitted cool moonlight and poured down. A pair of figures leaning on each other spread out on the deck of the airship. They were also bright in the night and in the time. engraved in it.

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