Half a month later.

Lingxu Immortal Gate, Weapon Refining Hall, Hall Master’s Hall.

Chen Yao sat cross-legged on the futon and gently opened her mouth. At the same time, the golden elixir mana and the golden elixir spiritual thoughts were mobilized, and a mysterious Taoist syllable came out of her mouth, forming ripples of sound towards Wen who was sitting cross-legged in front of him. Xing Rui and Wu Tao brushed it off.

Immediately, Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao felt their magic power and spiritual thoughts tremble slightly, and fell into a mysterious feeling.

As the sound wave formed by the Taoist language dissipated, Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao felt that a sense of mystery also dissipated, just like a dream.

"Senior brother, I succeeded. I finally learned the first Taoist language." Chen Yao was so excited that she stretched out her hand to grab Wu Tao's palm in front of her, as happy as a child.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Ayao is really amazing."

Wen Xingrui also smiled like a loving father and said: "Ayao is so amazing, almost even more powerful than the master."

Chen Yao heard this and said to Wen Xingrui: "Master will make fun of me."

"Haha!" Wen Xingrui laughed a few times, and then said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, you have now become a golden elixir cultivator, and your senior brother has taught you Taoism. It will be very helpful to your cultivation in the future. It is also very helpful to understand other cultivation techniques, so I decided to teach you my soul secret technique, Tian Yan Shen Lian Zhen Sutra."

"Ah, master..." Upon hearing Wen Xingrui's words, Chen Yao was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Chen Yao also knew that the secret technique of the soul mentioned by the master - the Tianyan God Refining Manual, was a secret that was not passed down by the master. It was only passed down to his direct disciple, senior brother. No, he should be the only closed disciple.

Why did you say it was passed on to me when it was such a secret that was not passed down?

As a native of the world of immortality, Chen Yao naturally has native values, so she felt that it was Master's behavior that surprised her.

Wu Tao also looked at his master Wen Xingrui. He didn't know that Wen Xingrui would suddenly pass the Divine Soul Secret Technique Tian Yan Shen Refining Manual to Chen Yao, and his master Wen Xingrui had not ventilated him before.

But after Wu Tao thought about it, he understood that it was not just because of his relationship. Over the years, his master Wen Xingrui had regarded Chen Yao as his apprentice, even as a daughter.

Therefore, no matter how precious the Divine Soul Secret Technique Tian Yan Shen Refining Manual was, Wen Xingrui would not be stingy in passing it on to Chen Yao.

Wen Xingrui said to Chen Yao: "Why, the master taught you the secret technique of the soul, but you don't want it?"

Chen Yao nodded immediately after hearing this, like a chicken pecking at rice, and said: "Of course. Of course. I really want the master's secret skill of the soul, Tian Yan, refining the soul, and I am waiting for this day."

"Okay, then I will teach you the secret art of the soul, the Tianyan God Refining Manual, now. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask me or your senior brother. A strong soul is also very important for breaking through the Nascent Soul realm. Please help." Wen Xingrui took out a jade slip and handed it to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao quickly took the jade slip of the Tianyan God-Refining Manual with both hands: "Thank you, Master, for teaching me this method. I will definitely practice this Tianyan God-Refining Manual well and never let down Master's expectations."

Having said this, Chen Yao looked at Wu Tao and said, "I will not let down my senior brother's expectations, and I will definitely learn the Taoist language well."

Chen Yao knew in her heart that her senior brother taught her Taoism in order to help her have a better chance of breaking through to the realm of Yuanying. Master Wen Xingrui had the same idea. The Tianyan God Refining Manual is a secret technique of the soul. When the soul is strong, it gives birth to a child. It is also helpful when you are in Nascent Soul.

She felt warm in her heart. Originally, after her father Chen Shan left, she had only her senior brother Wu Tao to rely on. Later, her senior brother Wu Tao became a disciple of Wen Xingrui, the master of the Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall. After gradual contact, she discovered that Master Wen Xingrui also gradually treated her as his daughter.

However, Chen Yao is also a person who appreciates kindness and respects Wen Xingrui as much as he respects his father.

"Okay, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Keep a calm mind when practicing and practice step by step, and you will always break through the realm of Nascent Soul." Wu Tao said softly to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao nodded heavily and said, "Yeah, I understand, senior brother."

Afterwards, Wu Tao took Chen Yao back to his residence.

After returning to his residence, Chen Yao couldn't wait to learn the secret technique of divine soul, Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra. The Tianyan God Refining Manual taught to her by Wen Xingrui was from the golden elixir stage to the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing how impatient she was, Wu Tao returned to the practice room and started today's practice lessons.

Four hours later, it was already midnight, and Wu Tao had completed the daily practice of the Jiuyao Tiandu Cun Divine Technique and the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti Chapter.

Tonight he was going to enter the Tiangang layer with his Nascent Soul.

The star streamer he has left now is only enough for him to practice for more than half a month. If he does not enter the Tiangang layer early to collect the star streamer, what if the star streamer light is exhausted. If there is no good luck and no collected star streamers, the progress of Yuan Ti's cultivation will be greatly reduced.

"The three realms of Xingchen Sea, Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, and Immortal Origin Realm all have the Tiangang layer. I don't know if there are many stars in the Tiangang layer of the Immortal Origin Realm."

Wu Tao thought like this, and as soon as Yuanying moved, he flew out of his body, turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect, flying all the way to the Tiangang layer.

Nascent Soul is extremely fast.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Wu Tao’s Nascent Soul finally arrived at the Tiangang Layer. The Nascent Soul was quietly suspended in the Tiangang Layer, feeling everything around the Tiangang Layer.

"It seems to be no different from the Tiangang layer in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Could it be that the boundary wall of the three realms does not cover the Tiangang layer at all?" Wu Tao's Nascent Soul flashed this question.

But in the next moment, he abandoned this question, because Nascent Soul is very simple. If the Three Realm Wall does not cover Tiangang City, wouldn't it be that the Demon Lord from the Demon Realm can enter the Immortal Realm through the Tiangang layer, so there is no need to break through the weak points of the boundary wall. What about entering the Immortal Realm?

"The territory of the Immortal Yuan Realm is not as big as that of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. I wonder if I can find the boundary wall in the Tiangang layer with my Nascent Soul?"

Wu Tao's mind was spinning, but he did not deliberately look for the Xianyuan Realm boundary wall in the Tiangang layer. His main purpose of coming to the Tiangang layer was to collect the light from the stars.

No longer lingering, because the power of the Nascent Soul is consumed every moment in the Tiangang layer. Once the power of the Nascent Soul is exhausted and leaves the Tiangang layer, it must return to the body.

Nascent Soul wanders around the Tiangang layer.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul saw a stream of light flying in front.

"I haven't been to the Tiangang level for several months. It turns out that I have accumulated all my luck." Wu Tao's Nascent Soul was overjoyed and immediately chased the stars in front of him.

After a moment, Wu Tao captured the star streamer, put it into a jade bottle, and carefully sealed it.

The movement of star streamers in the Tiangang layer is like fishes moving in water. If they are not properly sealed, once they escape, it will take a lot of effort to recapture them.

"This star stream is estimated to be enough for me to practice for eight days."

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul was very happy and continued to wander in the Tiangang layer.

An hour and a half later, Wu Tao felt that a lot of his Nascent Soul power had been consumed. If he stayed at the Tiangang level any longer, the remaining Nascent Soul power would not be able to support his return to the lower realm.

"I was very lucky this time. I caught three star streams, which can probably support my practice for twenty days."

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul is still very satisfied with this harvest.

It was also because catching these three star streamers consumed too much power of the Nascent Soul, otherwise, he could continue to stay in the Tiangang layer.

In the next moment, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul immediately turned into a stream of light and left the Tiangang layer.

Wu Tao's figure flew into the sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect, and instantly rushed into his body.

As soon as the Nascent Soul entered the body, Wu Tao's eyes opened, a smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand, opening the seal and drawing out the three star streams inside.

"Okay, okay, there is no need to enter the Tiangang layer in the next few days!"

This can save some time to practice other things.

If he practices with the star stream every day and does not fall for one day, then it will take him about two and a half years to break through to the second level of the Yuan Ti.

"I hope so. We need to break through to the second level of the Yuan Ti as soon as possible to promote the cultivation of Jiu Yaotian's divine magic. The magic power in the Yuanying realm is growing too slowly."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao looked at the sky and saw that it would be dawn in about an hour.

"Let's practice Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape this hour."

Wu Tao thought of this, and in a flash, he had already left his residence and turned into a stream of light to reach an uninhabited mountain peak at Lingxu Immortal Sect.

He reached out and touched the storage bag, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand. The jade bottle shattered with a bang, and the Yuan Magnetic Aurora inside appeared. He immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape.

The magnetic aurora in front of him immediately wrapped around his body, and then his figure suddenly appeared like a magnetic laser, and the next moment he appeared on another mountain peak.

"Stab, stab, stab!"

Like an electric current, every time the dimensional magnetic aurora reappears in the blink of an eye, Wu Tao's figure appears in another direction.

After practicing the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape for an hour, Wu Tao suddenly appeared for the last time. Wu Tao stopped because the Yuan Magnetic Aurora around him had been used up and absorbed into his body.

"Okay, this Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape is really amazing. Moreover, after the Nascent Soul leaves the body, you can also use this escape technique!"

After reaching the realm of Nascent Soul, any Nascent Soul spells practiced can be used out of the body of the Nascent Soul. However, ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators will not directly cast spells out of the Nascent Soul until their bodies are broken.

The escape technique at the Yuanying level can not only be used as an escape technique to chase down the enemy, but also can be used as an escape technique to escape. If someone breaks the body, the Yuanying can leave the body and use the escape technique to escape.

Wu Tao looked at the sky and saw that it was already bright. He did not go back to his residence directly, but came to the weapon refining hall to start today's weapon refining task.

In the following days, Wu Tao, in addition to practicing the Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun Shen Dharma and the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti chapter, he also learned to comprehend new Taoist sayings and practiced Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and Tian Yan Shen Refining. The seventh level of the Nascent Soul stage of the True Scripture.

Although Chen Yao is not a weapon refiner, after Wen Xingrui taught her the secret technique of Tian Yan to refine the Shen Sutra, she was very pressed for time to practice every day because she had to learn Taoism and her talent was not very good. So she needs to spend more time studying.

In order to achieve that diligence can make up for weakness.

Half a year later, Chen Yao broke through to the second level of Jindan. This time he broke through from the first level of Jindan to the second level so quickly because when he was refining the water and fire elixir, he swallowed a true elixir fruit, which directly raised his cultivation to the peak of the first level of Jindan. He only needed to settle it. You can break through the second floor.

But now it is not so easy to practice from the second level of Jindan to the third level of Jindan.

Another year later, the most talented Jindan disciple of Lingxu Immortal Sect. Pei Qing broke through the realm of Yuanying in seclusion. On that day, Pei Qing broke through the realm of Yuanying. His Yuanying could be seen flying freely in Lingxu Immortal Sect, which inspired all the cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Nowadays, the Immortal Realm is in danger and is preparing to resist the massive attack of the Demon Realm. Therefore, Pei Qing broke through the Nascent Soul Realm at this moment, giving many immortal cultivators a sense of hope.

Those cultivators of Jindan and below in the Lingxu Immortal Sect only know that the demons in the demon world have taken the initiative to tear up the peace coexistence agreement between the three worlds and are preparing to invade the immortal world.

Unknown to the Demon Realm, the Demon Lord is also preparing to attack the Immortal Realm.

Naturally, the higher-ups of the Nascent Soul of the Lingxu Immortal Sect did not tell all the desperate news. Otherwise, the immortal cultivators below the Golden Core level of the Lingxu Immortal Sect would probably collapse immediately and lose the fighting spirit to continue practicing.

But even so, they still felt in danger. After all, the original god demons of the demon world were far inferior to the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, in order to boost the self-confidence of the immortal cultivators below and stimulate their fighting spirit in cultivation, even though all the senior officials are now busy preparing for war, they still took a day to hold the True Lord Ceremony for Pei Qing.

During the True Lord Ceremony, Wu Tao and the other cultivators from the three major immortal palaces naturally took a day off to attend Pei Qing's True Lord Ceremony.

When Pei Qing saw Wu Tao again, his expression was a little exciting, and it could even be said that he was a little embarrassed, because he knew Wu Tao. At that time, the cultivation level of the weapon refiner in Xingchen Immortal Palace was not as high as his, and he was promoted ahead of him. Nascent Soul stage.

In the end, thinking about it, he only blamed it on Wu Tao coming from a great immortal sect with a hundred thousand years of foundation, such as Xingchen Immortal Palace.

The most embarrassing thing was Ji Lingxu. He was on Lingxu Island in the Star Palace at that time... Thinking of this, Ji Lingxu wanted to dive into the ground, so after Pei Qing's True Lord Ceremony, he immediately went to retreat to break through the Yuan Dynasty. Infant realm.

However, he still left a message, saying that he should not be asked to leave the seclusion until the demon world has reached the mountain gate, and he will not be released unless he has broken through the Nascent Soul realm.

Next, life went back to normal.

The years pass without twists and turns.

However, as the time gets closer and closer to the date when the demon world breaks through the weak point in the boundary wall, the senior officials of Nascent Soul on the Lingxu Immortal Sect have been asking if the three major immortal palaces have found the weak point in the boundary wall?

The Nascent Soul cultivators from the three major Immortal Palaces gave them the reply that they had not yet found it.

There is no other way. The head of his family, Ning Qiudao, has gone into hiding to recover from his injuries. He has not shown up yet. He is busy waiting for the senior officials of Yuanying and can only worry.

In the blink of an eye, it's one year later.

On this day, Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged in the training room. He was running the Zhou Tianxing Body Training Technique with all his strength, refining a star stream in front of him.

As time passed, his Yuan Ti aura became stronger and stronger, and finally at a certain moment, the Star Yuan Ti shook with a bang, broke through a small bottleneck, and exuded the aura of the second level of the Yuan Ti.

"Finally broke through the second level of the Yuan Ti!" Wu Tao was overjoyed, but he did not immediately stop running the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique. Instead, he continued to refine the star stream in front of him to consolidate the second level of the Yuan Ti that he had just broken through.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao stopped and opened his personal information first.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 116/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (18%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (5%), the sixth level of the secret technique of transformation (100%), the fourth layer of the red flame divine fire cover method (35%), Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (2%)】

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (40%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical Training: Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter: First Level (100%), Witchcraft and War Techniques of Breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

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