Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 777 A happy event is coming, and everything is at stake!

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the life span column.

Two and a half years (one Kun year) have passed, and he is now 116 years old. In another half year, he will be 117 years old. If he were placed on earth, he would be considered a long-lived old man.

But in today's world of immortality, compared to Yuanying Zhenjun's one thousand years of life, he is still a super young man.

Moreover, his face always remains in his early 20s. If his bone age is not measured, no one can know his specific age.

Wu Tao is still very satisfied with the current Shouyuan. It would be great if he could continue to practice steadily.

If you practice steadily to become a god, you can add another thousand years of life. If you can steadily break through the realm of divine body, you can probably add another thousand years of life, so you have nearly 4,000 years of life.

I would like to ask which of the gods and demons in the entire three realms can outlive him. He is equivalent to living the second life.

Destined to suppress the entire Three Realms.

It's a pity that danger is always imminent, and it seems that there is no chance for him to grow up slowly.

With a slight sigh, Wu Tao continued to move his eyes downward.

Ever since he broke through the Nascent Soul realm and obtained the cultivation techniques of the Nascent Soul level, Jiu Yaotian Ducun Divine Law had a thorough understanding, and he began to practice, and he realized how difficult it was to practice in the Nascent Soul stage.

There is only 0.5 progress in a month, and only 6 progress in a year.

It took him three years of practice to reach the 18th level.

If you continue to practice like this, it will take more than 16 years to reach the second level of Nascent Soul.

Of course, this is only the difficulty of cultivation from the first level of Yuanying to the second level of Yuanying. The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes.

Immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul realm who can cultivate from the first level of the Nascent Soul to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul in 300 years are considered to be the proud ones of heaven.

However, even such a proud man does not have much hope of being promoted to the state of becoming a god.

Only by cultivating from the first level of Yuanying to the perfection of Yuanying within 200 years can the immortal cultivators have the opportunity to break through to the realm of divine transformation. There are very few such immortal cultivators in the entire Star Sea Immortal Cultivating World, which is why there are only a dozen or so Divine Lords in the three major Immortal Palaces.

"The road to immortality becomes more difficult as you go up, but for me, I am still very confident. The only thing is that I feel that time is too tight and does not allow me to grow slowly." In this environment, Wu Tao just wanted to No matter how much you try to be stable, you cannot be stable.

You can't hide, you can only mediate and try to save your own life and the lives of those around you.

"Now that I have broken through the second level of the Yuan Ti, according to the previous physical cultivation realm, the cultivation speed of the Dharma cultivation realm should be able to increase. The result will be seen in a month or two."

When Wu Tao thought of this, he immediately felt the second level of the Yuan Ti he had just broken through. When he broke through the second level of the Yuan Ti, his spiritual consciousness increased by another five hundred miles, and now it has reached the level of five thousand two hundred miles.

The spiritual thoughts of the third-level immortal cultivators of Nascent Soul are within five thousand miles.

But now he is only at the first level of Nascent Soul, and he is already two hundred miles ahead of the spiritual thoughts of the third-level Nascent Soul cultivators.

It can be said that Wu Tao is invincible in the early stage of Nascent Soul at this time.

In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it's a bit confusing, because the spiritual thoughts of the cultivators in the middle stage of Yuanying are as high as 6,000 miles, and the period from the early to the middle stage is a medium stage, and the quality of the spiritual thoughts will be higher.

"So if you encounter an immortal cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul, or a demon in the early stage of the Original God, you can fight. If you encounter an immortal cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you should immediately use the escape technique. The thirty-six strategies are the best."

Wu Tao once again implemented his steady belief in his heart.

Then he set his sights on the spell column, because Wu Tao was very pressed for time this year. If he didn't need to spend 8 hours practicing every day, he could take care of many spells.

Now, it has only taken two and a half years for the 7th level of the Nascent Soul stage of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture to improve by 5%. If he completes this level of cultivation and his spiritual thoughts can increase by a thousand miles, then the intensity of his spiritual thoughts will be equivalent to that of a fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

He has not practiced the Secret Technique of Transformation and Hidden Breath and the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique in the past two and a half years.

Three red flame divine fire shields have been refined now, which are enough for his level.

In terms of spells, he spent more time practicing on Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, a Yuan Ying level escape technique. The effect was also obvious. In just two and a half years, he jumped two levels in a row and became a beginner. Beginner to proficient.

With this skillful Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, Wu Tao was confident that even mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators would not be able to catch up with him.

If the late Nascent Soul also has sophisticated escape techniques, it would be a bit dangerous.

"There is no way, time is too tight, I have tried my best to practice."

"According to the information given by the three major immortal palaces, the demons in the demon world can break through the weak points of the boundary wall in 3 to 10 years. Now there is still half a year away from the shortest three years!"

But there is still half a year left, and the secrets from the three major Immortal Palaces have not been heard to find out where the weak point of the boundary wall is. Therefore, the God Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm cannot go to stop it, and cannot delay time for the Immortal Yuan Realm. There was no way to delay Ning Qiudao's healing.

The senior officials of Nascent Soul such as Lingxu Immortal Sect and others have been pressing for questions, but the senior Nascent Soul executives of the three major Immortal Palaces have no way to answer.

This made the entire Yuanying executives of the Lingxu Immortal Sect feel that the haze above their heads was getting heavier and heavier.

"In the past two and a half years, with so many refining tasks every day, Jiuyao Shenhuo Jue has improved very quickly, and has reached 40% proficiency."

In this regard, Wu Tao can only say that there are gains and losses.

Finally, he set his sights on the column of physical cultivation, and starting from tomorrow he would practice the second level of Yuan Ti.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to understand and study the magic method of the witchcraft and Fa Yuan Ti stage, and he has been putting it off until now.

It's too late to learn.

The God-shattering technique used in the divine body stage using the Star Yuan Body is also quite powerful. Even the immortal cultivators at the first level of Nascent Soul dare not face him directly.

After finally reading the personal information, Wu Tao closed it directly, stood up from the futon, and stretched out of habit.

He walked out of the training room and prepared to attend the Nascent Soul Conference.

Just after leaving the training room, Chen Yao also walked out of the training room. With a smile on her face, she came to Wu Tao's side and said, "Brother, I have two pieces of good news."

"Do you want to listen to the first one or the second one first?"

Wu Tao smiled when he heard this and said: "What's the difference between the first and the second? Well, then you can talk about the first one first."

Chen Yao said happily: "I successfully learned the 68th Taoist note last night!"

"Okay, okay, okay. As expected of Ayao, she is making rapid progress. If she masters this Taoist language, she will be able to break through to the Nascent Soul." Wu Tao nodded.

"Yes, I also think there is hope for breaking through the Nascent Soul. This Taoist language is really mysterious. I feel that just by learning 68 notes of the Taoist language, my cultivation speed has sped up a lot. Tianyan Lian Shenzhen The practice of Sutra has also become much faster." Chen Yao said happily.

Wu Tao looked at the time and said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, let me tell you the second good news. I am going to attend the Yuanying True Monarch Conference. With so many Yuanying True Monarch brothers, I cannot be late."

"The second good news is," Chen Yao smiled happily and suddenly reached out to hold Wu Tao's hand and put it on her belly: "Brother, I felt the breath of life last night."

"Ah." Wu Tao was also overjoyed when he heard this. He immediately gently reached out his mind and felt Chen Yao's lower abdomen. Sure enough, he felt a little breath of life in his abdomen.

"Ah, I'm going to be a father!" Wu Tao was not married in his previous life and had no experience of being a father. In this life, becoming a father for the first time made him feel a little at a loss. Of course, what's more, he was wrapped in joy.

"Great." Wu Tao couldn't help but smile on his face. Even though he was in this critical situation, he had considered it a lot before, but once a new life was about to come, he felt that this might be God's arrangement.

Chen Yao was still a little cranky at first, thinking that in this critical situation, even if she succeeded in getting pregnant, her senior brother would have a lot of scruples and felt that she would not be able to protect the child. But now that she sees her senior brother so happy, she is also happy.

"Brother, please go quickly, don't be late, come back and feel it again." Chen Yao found that Wu Tao's mind had been cautiously feeling the breath of new life in his belly like a father.

"Okay, okay, wait for me to come back!" Wu Tao smiled and nodded repeatedly, withdrawing the spiritual thought in Chen Yao's belly.

He left his residence with joy. Along the way, he was thinking about being a father.

Before he knew it, he had arrived at the main hall of the Nascent Soul Conference.

He is not the first to come, nor is he the last to come.

However, Wen Xingrui, as the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, came faster than Wu Tao. Wu Tao took his seat directly to Wen Xingrui's left hand side.

Wen Xingrui was very familiar with his apprentice. His face was usually calm, but today there seemed to be uncontrollable joy in the corners of his mouth. He quickly asked: "What are you so happy about?"

Wu Tao's spiritual message sent a message to Wen Xingrui: "Ayao is pregnant!"

Wen Xingrui was startled when he heard this, then smiled and sent a message to Wu Tao with his spiritual thoughts: "That's really good news."

Wen Xingrui was overjoyed and thought of one more thing. He sent a message with his spiritual mind: "However, the Immortal Realm is now under the watchful eye of the demon clan. It is not a proper way for Ayao to stay in Lingxu Immortal Sect. , let’s find a way to send her back to the Starry Palace.”

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Master, I think so too. After the Nascent Soul Conference is over, I will tell Senior Brother Li Jingxing and ask Senior Brother Li Jingxing to help me send Ayao back to the Star Palace."

"Well, that should be the case." When Wen Xingrui said this, he saw that the Nascent Soul cultivators headed by the three major immortal palaces had entered the hall, and he quickly stood up to greet them.

Not long after, fifty or sixty Nascent Soul cultivators gathered together, and sitting in the middle seat was Lao Ni and Wen Xingrui, headed by Lingxu Immortal Sect. There are also Nascent Soul cultivators from the three major immortal palaces.

This time the Nascent Soul Conference was initiated by the three major immortal palaces, saying that important things were announced.

Therefore, as soon as the meeting started, Laobu couldn't wait to look at Li Jingxing and other Nascent Soul Lords from the three major celestial palaces, and asked: "Li Zhenjun, have you detected the weak spot in the boundary wall?"

Li Jingxing said: "Yes, according to the news from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, the weak point in the boundary wall has been detected, and it has been found that in up to half a year, the demons in the Demon Realm will be able to break through the weak point in the boundary wall."

Hearing Li Jingxing's words, the Nascent Soul Lords of the Lingxu Immortal Sect were all shocked. Lao Lao immediately asked in a low voice: "Since we have found out the weak point of the boundary wall, how dare we ask Li Zhenjun, what is the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Immortal World? Did any of the God-Transforming Lords try to stop me?"

Li Jingxing nodded and said: "We, the God Transformation Lords from the three major immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, have already gone to stop them, but fellow Taoists of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, you should also know that the weak point in the boundary wall is in the territory of the demon clan. , we, the God-Transforming Lords of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, were only able to stop it for a moment, but we don’t know how long we can buy the Immortal Yuan Realm.”

Li Jingxing's words are true, and Lord Nascent Soul Naibu Ying also knows this.

"It would be nice if I could have an extra year and a half!"

Hearing Lao Fen's words, Li Jingxing's eyes moved and he asked, "You mean, in a year and a half, Ning Shenjun and Di Shenjun from Guixian Sect will come back?"

Laobu didn't say anything, but sent a message to Li Jingxing with his spiritual thoughts: "In two years at most, Head Ning and Emperor Shenjun will definitely appear."

When Li Jingxing heard this message, he immediately nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist, please rest assured. I will return to the Xingchen Immortal Palace immediately and deliver the news you told me to the God of Transformation."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Li Zhenjun." Lao Niu said, and then his eyes fell on all the Nascent Soul True Monarchs and said: "During this period, you have worked hard for all the fellow Taoists in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm."

"Fellow Daoist Lao is joking. The Immortal Yuan Realm and our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm Realm are both human cultivation realms. It is naturally impossible for us to see him fall into the hands of the demons." Some Nascent Soul Lords from the Xingchen Hai Immortal Realm Realm They all agreed.

As a participant, Wu Tao did not say a word at the meeting, but he also got important information.

The meeting ended quickly, and Wu Tao immediately stood up and caught up with Li Jingxing who had already left the hall.

"Senior Brother Li, please wait a moment!"

When Li Jingxing heard Wu Tao's shouting, he immediately stopped, turned to look at him and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Wu Tao bowed to Li Jingxing and said, "Senior Brother Li, are you going to the Star Palace immediately?"

Li Jingxing nodded and said, "Not bad."

Wu Tao said: "My Taoist companion A Yao has just become pregnant. I would like to ask Senior Brother Li to take An Yao with him on his way back to Xingchen Immortal Palace. After all, the Immortal Realm is in danger and she is not safe here."

"This is a small matter. I will set off in an hour. Just bring her here. By the way, congratulations to Junior Brother Li!" Li Jingxing smiled.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Li. I'll go get ready now." Wu Tao said goodbye to Li Jingxing and quickly returned to his residence.

Chen Yao didn't know that Wu Tao would come back so soon, and was slightly surprised to see Wu Tao: "Brother, why are you back? Aren't you going to continue refining weapons after the Nascent Soul True Lord Conference?"

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao and said, "Ayao, please clean up. I have asked senior brother Li Jingxing to take you back to the Star Palace?"

"Ah?" Chen Yao was stunned and didn't know why.

Wu Tao said to her: "The news just returned from the Yuan Ying Conference and the Xingchen Xing Palace is that in half a year, the demons in the Demon Realm will be able to break through the weak point of the boundary wall and invade the Immortal Realm in a large scale. By then, the Lingxu Immortal Sect will be in danger. You’re not safe here.”

"Ayao, for the sake of our children, you should go back to the Xingchen City Immortal Palace."

"This is not only what I mean, but also what the master means."

After listening to Wu Tao's words, Chen Yao was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily and said: "Okay, senior brother, Li Zhenjun and I will go back to the Star Palace, but you must promise me that you must live, not only for me, but also for the sake of the children. "

"Don't worry, I will live." Wu Tao touched Chen Yao's head lovingly.

Chen Yao didn't forget it either and said: "Time is tight and I can't say goodbye to the master. Please remember to tell the master for me and let the master survive this war."

"Don't worry, Master and I will be fine!"

Afterwards, Chen Yao cleaned up and followed Wu Tao to see Li Jingxing. Li Jingxing reassured him that Chen Yao would be sent back to the Star Palace safely.

After Wu Tao thanked him many times, he also returned to the weapon refining hall and started today's weapon refining task.

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