Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 779 The History of Chaos Fairyland

The highest point of the Tiangang layer in the Xianyuan world.

On the round table formed by the condensed Tiangang energy, two figures were sitting, and there was a coffin nail suspended on a stool.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you transform into your true appearance and talk to me for a while?" Emperor Shenjun looked at the coffin nails suspended on the stool and said with cupped hands.

"No need!" Coffin Nail made a deep voice.

Seeing this, Emperor Shenjun didn't insist much, but looked at Ning Qiudao and said: "Friend Ning, I have helped you imprint the two-realm talisman on that world of gods and demons."

"Thank you, Emperor Shenjun, for your help." Ning Qiu said and thanked him.

Emperor Shenjun stretched out his palm, and a talisman appeared in his palm, emitting golden light. He said: "Friend Ning, there is no need to be polite. You and I each take what we need."

"But I am curious about which god and demon is buried in that world of gods and demons?"

Emperor Shenjun followed the guidance given by Ning Qiudao and left the Three Realms. It took two years to find the burial place of gods and demons. He also entered the world of gods and demons through Ning Qiudao's method. After arranging the two-realm talisman, I also went to explore it, but found that the aura of that god and demon was very unfamiliar.

From this point of view, this god and demon should have ended in the early era of gods and demons.

The era when Emperor Shenjun was born was an era when humans dominated the fairy world, and the gods and demons had basically come to an end.

Perhaps there are some gods and demons hiding away that are unknown to the public.

But for gods and demons, because Emperor Shenjun is a cultivator who has stood at the top of the immortal world, he still knows the history of gods and demons very well. He has owned many remains of gods and demons, and he is also very familiar with the auras of some gods and demons.

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao snorted coldly and said, "He's just a traitor. At the beginning, he stood on the side of the human race, thinking that he would be able to escape the disaster of gods and demons, but in the end he became a joke and was murdered by the human race."

After hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Emperor Shenjun carefully sorted out all the information about gods and demons he had seen in his mind, and quickly identified them, saying, "It turns out to be that god and demon!"

During that period, Chaos first emerged, and gods and demons were the first to be born from Chaos. They ruled the Chaos Fairyland for a long time, until gods and demons created demigods and half demons, and demigods and half demons created humans and various races.

After that, the Chaos Fairyland began to become exciting.

Because of different races and different positions, various wars began to occur. The Catastrophe of Gods and Demons was the first major disaster experienced by the Chaos Fairyland, sweeping all races.

The human cultivators united with the demigods and half-demon to launch a war against the gods and demons.

Demigods and half-demon are the children of gods and demons, but demigods and half-demon think that they are just toys created by gods and demons.

But some gods and demons still sided with humans and demigods.

Gods and demons were born in response to the Chaos Immortal Realm and coexist with it. They are arrogant and arrogant. They feel that the entire Chaos Immortal Realm belongs to them. They despise the toys they created and the human race created by the toys.

They thought it was possible to overthrow the rule of their gods and demons, but they did not expect that after hundreds of millions of years of war, the gods and demons were horrified to discover that half-gods and half-demon were incomplete entities created by them, so the upper limit could not reach their level. , but those little human ants actually have extremely strong learning and creative abilities.

In a billion years, he has surpassed demigods and half demons, and can compete with them on a par with gods and demons.

Finally, the catastrophe of gods and demons came to an end.

Human immortal cultivators created the Human Immortal Court and ruled the Chaos Immortal Realm.

The creation of the human race was stopped first, because there were also gods and demons who stood on the side of the human race's fairy court. Seeing that the gods and demons of the same race were defeated, they were the same race after all, so they stood up, hoping not to kill all these gods and demons.

But how could the human cultivators of the Human Immortal Court let go of those gods and demons. As a result, there were different opinions and disagreements, and the civil war in the Immortal Court began.

After the civil war, the gods and demons of the Human Immortal Court were also buried one by one in the Chaos Immortal Realm by the human cultivators of the Immortal Court.

Within the bodies of gods and demons, there is a world of its own, and those worlds have become training grounds for the descendants of the human race.

There are some inner worlds of gods and demons that have been refined into pieces of magical treasures by human beings.

From now on, the Chaos Immortal Realm will be dominated by humans.

"Yes, it's him. If he hadn't led some gods and demons to rebel against our gods and demons, how could our gods and demons have ended up in the Chaos Immortal Realm." Ning Qiu's tone was light, but the Emperor Shenjun could hear it from his tone. Showing a trace of hatred.

As a human cultivator, Emperor Shenjun smiled in his heart, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Ning, what are your plans after devouring that world of gods and demons?"

Ning Qiudao said: "The preliminary plan is to pay for the devouring of the world of gods and demons and restore 50% to 60% of the strength. Then we can wipe out all these restricted areas and revive the body."

"Okay, then let everything go according to plan!" Emperor Shenjun nodded.

At this moment, the nail in the coffin made a sound: "I am also going to enter that world of gods and demons."

Hearing the words of Nail in the Coffin, Di Shenjun and Ning Qiudao both looked over. Ning Qiudao said: "Fellow Taoist, there is nothing that you need in the world of gods and demons."

Nail in the Coffin said: "It is true that there is nothing that this emperor needs. This emperor is not for himself, but for taking that kid to improve his strength. After all, his strength is too weak. When the three realms merge, he will not be able to advance to the gods. In the future, , how to help this emperor find other parts."

"Okay, I will promise you, fellow Taoist." Ning Qiudao nodded, then thought of something, and smiled: "As far as I know, he doesn't like to take risks. He is not happy when fellow Taoist pushes him into danger."

The coffin nail said: "Then it's not up to him."

Emperor Shenjun, Ning Qiudao, and Coffin Nail communicated for a while, and finally Ning Qiudao said: "You two, then this is the end of the night."

Di Shenjun stood up and slightly arched his hands towards Coffin Nail and Ning Qiudao: "Two fellow Taoists, take your leave!"

"Fellow Daoist Emperor, please take your leave. I'm sorry to trouble you, fellow Daoist Emperor!" Ning Qiudao bowed his hands to Emperor Shenjun.

The figure of Emperor Shenjun turned into a stream of light and left.

Only Coffin Nail and Ning Qiudao were left. Coffin Nail said: "Give this emperor a few stars."

Ning Qiudao was stunned when he heard this, and said: "What do you want from the stars and Liuguang, fellow Taoist? Oh, I forgot, that boy Wu Tao needs the stars and streamers to practice. Okay, I'll give you a few instructions here, fellow Taoist."

After saying that, Ning Qiudao stretched out his hand, and star streams flew out from all directions at the highest point of the Tiangang layer and converged in his hand. Each star stream was as thick as an arm.

There are ten star streams in total.

"These ten star streams should be enough for him to practice for 10 years." Ning Qiudao said, and then sent the ten star streamers in front of the coffin nail.

The coffin nails emitted black light, covering the ten streams of stars, and without saying goodbye, they flew directly to the lowest point of the Tiangang layer with the ten streams of stars.

Ning Qiudao clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky. The stone table and bench at his feet slowly disintegrated and turned into Tiangang Qi again.

"I have done what I promised you." Ning Qiudao said in his heart.

Suddenly a smaller voice sounded in his heart: "Thank you!"

"I really can't believe that you human race, cunning, sincere, and kind, are actually full of pity for the weak. Do you know that you missed the opportunity to become a strong person because of those weak people." Ning Qiudao's voice sounded, but the voice in his heart was No more words.

After laughing twice, Ning Qiudao's figure also disappeared in the Tiangang layer.

At this time, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul had been wandering in the lowest sky of the Tiangang layer for two hours.

During these two hours, not even a single stream of starlight was seen.

"Today's luck is really bad. Forget it, let's not waste the power of the Nascent Soul. Let's stop and recover first and wait for Master Ding to come back." Thinking of this, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul no longer continues to hold up the energy of Tiangang. Tiangang Zhifeng moved forward, but sat down cross-legged and began to restore the power of Nascent Soul.

After restoring a layer of Yuanying's power, Wu Tao's Yuanying suddenly felt something. When Yuanying opened his eyes, he saw a stream of light flying down from the Tiangang layer above.

That stream of light was the nail in the coffin, and what surprised Wu Tao was that Nail was actually surrounded by 10 star streamers as thick as his arms.

The nail in the coffin stopped in front of Wu Tao Yuanying.

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul asked: "Master Ding, did you collect all these star streams at the height of the Tiangang layer?"

Yuanying looked at the ten star streamers surrounding the coffin nails. Each streamer was as thick as an arm, and was thicker than the star streamers collected by Yuanding Shenjun at the height of the Tiangang layer.

It is estimated that one star stream is enough for him to practice the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique for one year.

"Master Ding is worthy of being Master Ding. The Lord Yuanding cannot be compared to him." Wu Tao's Yuanying flattered him.

The coffin nail shook slightly, and the 10 star streamers surrounding him flew towards Wu Tao, conveying a thought that these star streamers were brought back to him.

"Ah..." Looking at the ten arm-thick star streams floating in front of him, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul was surprised and happy: "They are all for me, thank you Master Ding, thank you Master Ding, thank you so much. "

Then Coffin Nail conveyed another idea to him, which meant that he was too weak and hoped that his cultivation would become stronger soon.

"With these ten star streamers, I don't have to waste a long time collecting star streamers. I will use all this time to practice and never waste a single bit. Please rest assured, Mr. Ding, I will definitely become stronger soon." Wu Tao's Nascent Soul put these ten streams of stars into the jade bottle happily.

When he put the star stream into the jade vase and the coffin nails were suspended above his Nascent Soul, Wu Tao knew that he was urging him to go back.

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul stopped staying and immediately left the Tiangang layer.

In the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Wu Tao's residence and training room, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul has a coffin nail on its head and is submerged into its body.

The coffin nail also returned to the center of Wu Tao's mind sea, floating quietly.

Wu Tao opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and the jade bottle containing the 10 star streams appeared in his hand.

"With this size, there will be no need to go to the Tiangang layer to collect star streamers for at least 10 years."

"The time saved can be used to practice the method of breaking the stars in the stage of witchcraft and magic element body."

"What is Master Ding doing at the Tiangang level this time?" Wu Tao was curious, but he knew that curiosity was useless. Even if he asked Coffin Ding, Coffin Ding wouldn't tell him.

Then Wu Tao stopped thinking about it and began to practice the Zhoutian Star Exercise Yuan Ti Chapter to improve his Yuan Ti cultivation.

As long as the star flow is sufficient, his Yuan Ti cultivation can be improved by three levels every month. The second level has reached 15% of the progress, and there is still 85% of the progress. It can be completed in more than two years.

"It took more than two years to break through to the third level of Yuan Ti."

The Palace of Stars.

Bixing Island in Yuanying Sea.

Chen Yao is already 5 months pregnant, and her belly has begun to bulge slightly, but it does not affect her daily practice.

Every day in the Immortal Palace of Star City, in addition to practicing, she also takes good care of the new life in her belly, and often inquires about the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm.

Everything is fine, the God-Transforming Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has arrived in the Demon Realm, and has successfully slowed down the pace of the demons in the Demon Realm to break through the weak point in the boundary wall.

It bought time for the Xianyuan world.

"I hope that the gods and gods in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can buy a little more time for the Immortal Realm to fight for the birth of my child, so that senior brother may have time to come back from the Immortal Realm and see the birth of the child with his own eyes. Male is female.”

Chen Yao touched her slightly bulging belly and said in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yao's due date was still a month and a few days away.

During these four months, Wu Tao concentrated on training and completing the weapon refining task in the weapon refining hall.

At the same time, it also receives news from various demons in the demon world.

The news said that the God-Transforming God Lords in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can still last for half a year, maybe longer.

Because the God-Transforming God Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has restrained the power of many Demon Realm Demon Lords, only some of them are attacking the weak point of the boundary wall.

In this case, Wu Tao plans to go back to Xingchen Palace. It will take a month at the earliest, and A Yao's delivery will be in a few days.

As a husband, he hopes that his wife will be with him during the birth process, and he also hopes that as a father, he can hug the child as soon as he is born into this world.

So he explained the matter to his master Wen Xingrui, and then told Li Jingxing, who immediately asked him to take a fourth-level advanced flying boat back to the Starry Palace.

A month later, the fourth-level advanced airship flew at the fastest speed and finally arrived at the Stars Immortal Palace as scheduled. After Wu Tao arrived at the Stars Immortal Palace, Wu Tao flew directly to Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea.

Just after entering Bixing Island, Wu Tao suddenly felt as if a life related to him had been born into this world.

This feeling is like an anchor point from the bloodline, connecting each other.

"My child is born."

Wu Tao was overjoyed and appeared in the living room in a flash. He saw the immortal attendant Chen Juan holding her newborn child in her hands. And Chen Yao, even though she was a golden elixir cultivator, she still had to give birth to a child. Later, he lay on the bed with a pale face.

"Ayao, I'm back." Wu Tao immediately went to check Ayao's physical condition.

The weak Chen Yao saw Wu Tao suddenly appeared, with a smile on her face: "Senior brother, it's a boy. Chen Juan, please show me to senior brother."

Chen Juan was holding the newborn baby boy in her arms at this time. She was wondering why the baby boy wasn't crying yet. But after hearing Chen Yao's words, he looked back and found that the owner of the island would come back at some unknown time. She hurriedly Holding the baby boy in his arms, he said congratulations: "Congratulations to the island owner, it's a boy."

Wu Tao checked Chen Yao's body and found out that she was a golden elixir cultivator. She was just weak for a while and could recover in a day or two. He felt relieved, turned around and reached out to take the baby boy from Chen Juan's hand. As soon as the baby boy was in his arms, he cried loudly.

Wu Tao looked at the baby boy's features and felt happy. He put it in front of Chen Yao, pointed at the baby boy's smooth little face and said, "Ayao, look, his eyes are like yours, but his nose is like mine."

Chen Yao looked at the baby boy, with a happy smile on her pale face. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

"Senior brother, give him a name." Chen Yao whispered.

Wu Tao looked at the baby, thought about it, and finally said: "Let's name him 'Yi'. I hope it will be easier for him to cultivate immortality. 'Yi' also means change, and he also knows how to adapt to changes and live a safe life."

"Okay, that's it, it sounds good." Chen Yao stretched out her hand and said, "Senior brother, let me give him a hug."

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