Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 780 The boundary wall is broken and the demons arrive

Wu Tao's name in Xingchen Palace was Li Mo, so his son was named Li Yi. As for the original surname, I will tell Li Yi when he grows up.

Wu Tao is the deputy hall master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace's Artifact Refining Hall. When his heir is born, many of the Artifact Refining Hall's weapon refiners and other Xingchen Immortal Palace cultivators come to congratulate him.

There is no such thing as full moon wine in the world of immortality.

In order not to waste time and greet these immortal cultivators at once, Wu Tao simply distributed invitations, and on the third day, he hosted a banquet for these immortal cultivators at Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea.

It was considered a birth ceremony for his son Li Yi.

Most of the people who came to congratulate Wu Tao on the birth of his son were weapon refiners from the weapon refining hall. Except for deputy hall master Luo and deputy hall master Xiong Zhentian who followed the hall master Shi Yuanxin, they were not in the weapon refining hall. The other fourth-level weapon refiners, Qi Fu, The hall masters, Duan Mulei and Su Sanxian, all came to support him.

Likewise, formation masters, alchemists and talisman masters came to congratulate. As the deputy master of the Four Arts Hall, Wu Tao also made friends with other immortal cultivators of the Three Arts Hall.

There were also some other immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Yuan Ying Zhenjun, who were not very familiar with him, but they also came over. They also took this opportunity to get to know Wu Tao.

After all, Wu Tao thought he had a bright future in the Weapon Refining Hall, so he took this opportunity to get acquainted.

Naturally, Wu Tao would not refuse. After all, everyone who comes is a guest.

Therefore, on this day, Bixing Island was very lively, and the master of Xianshi Hall was invited to help arrange the banquet.

As for why the banquet was held on the third day, it was because Chen Yao could recover in three days.

It is true that the foundation of the golden elixir cultivator is good, and Chen Yao recovered as before two days later.

"Congratulations to Deputy Hall Master Li on the birth of his precious son. In the future, this child may inherit Deputy Hall Master Li's talent for weapon refining and add another deputy hall master to our Xingchen Immortal Palace."

At the banquet, some cultivators from the Xingchen Immortal Palace raised their glasses in congratulations.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. This child is only three days old now. It's still unclear what kind of talent he has. But I'll accept it with a smile, Taoist Fellow Chen."

Wu Tao raised his wine glass in return and continued to entertain other immortal cultivators who came to congratulate him.

"Senior Brother Qi, Fellow Daoist Duanmu, Fellow Daoist Su, thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to come and support me." Wu Tao came to the table where the weapon refiners were sitting, and said to the fourth-order people headed by Deputy Hall Master Qi, Duanmu Lei, and Su Sanxian The weapon refiner made a toast, and beside him, Chen Yao, holding Li Yi who was just three days old, was also thanking him.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Li. This kid is so handsome. His eyes look like A Yao's, but his nose does look like yours." Deputy Hall Master Qi looked at Li Yi for three days, smiled, and couldn't help but reach out and pinch Li Yi's chubby cheeks. cheek.

Duanmulei and Su Sanxian also congratulated Wu Tao.

As for Yu Zhixin not coming, I heard that he had been in seclusion for a year and found an opportunity to break through to the realm of Yuanying.

It is estimated that he will be able to break through to the Nascent Soul realm in a few months, and with Yu Zhixin’s progress in understanding the art of low-level weapon refining at the fourth level, he will be promoted to a low-level fourth-level weapon refining master within a year, catching up with Duanmu Lei, Su Sanxian, and Wu Tao. They called themselves fellow Taoists.

To avenge the shame.

"Thank you fellow Taoists and fellow apprentices for coming to attend Quanzi's birth ceremony. Thank you very much. Eat well and drink well."

Finally, Wu Tao raised his wine glass high and expressed his gratitude to all the immortal cultivators who came to congratulate him.

The banquet ended at dusk. Wu Tao sent them out one by one. It felt quite tiring to entertain so many people in one day. Of course, this kind of tiredness is not physical tiredness. As the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, I am just entertaining mere guests.

It's similar to the emotional exhaustion and the exhaustion of coping, but overall, the joy of having a baby is still too tiring.

The guests had dispersed and the cups and plates were in a mess, but there was no need for Wu Tao and the others to worry about this. The Immortal Hall would take care of it. After all, Wu Tao had spent his meritorious service.

He returned to the living room, where Chen Yao was breastfeeding the child.

"Senior brother, did you send them all out?" Chen Yao said while breastfeeding the child.

Wu Tao came to Chen Yao, sat down and said, "Yes. Thank you for your hard work today, A Yao!"

Chen Yao shook her head and said, "It's not hard for me. I'm very happy when I see Yi'er. I'm even happier when my senior brother is back."

Wu Tao said with a smile on his face: "I am also very happy."

"Ayao, I will return to the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm tomorrow. I also want to stay by your side and watch Yi'er grow up day by day. However, the sect has a mission and I can't help myself. "

Chen Yao heard this and said: "Senior brother, go ahead. Don't worry about Yi'er. I will take good care of him when he grows up and wait for you to come back!"


This night, the family of three spent a warm night.

Early in the morning of the second day, Wu Tao took the fourth-order advanced flying boat of Xingchen Immortal Palace to the Immortal Realm.

Chen Yao hugged Li Yi and watched the fourth-level high-level flying boat leave. She said in her heart: "Originally, I thought that after giving birth to a child, even if my senior brother is not with me, looking at the child, I would not be so lonely, and I would not miss my senior brother so much. But it wasn’t until now that I discovered that Yi’er is Yi’er, and my senior brother is my senior brother. Both of them are my most important people, and they are both people I always want to be with.”

Thinking like this, Chen Yao carried Li Yi back to Bixing Island.

A month later, Wu Tao returned to the Lingxu Immortal Gate of the Immortal Realm and went to see Wen Xingrui, because Wen Xingrui also wanted to know whether Chen Yao was giving birth to a boy or a girl.

"Master, it's a boy." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui, with a fatherly smile on his face as he spoke.

"That's good. Of course, the master doesn't mean that he doesn't like girls. As long as his children are good children." Wen Xingrui was also happy for Wu Tao and Chen Yao. The hall master, he also wants to go to Xingchen Immortal Palace to see Chen Yao with Wu Tao.

But there is no way. At such a critical time for the Lingxu Immortal Sect, as the leader of the Weapon Refining Hall, he cannot leave his post without authorization.

"His eyes are like Ayao's, but his nose is like mine, but he will definitely be a very good-looking boy when he grows up." Wu Tao said happily.

"What's the name?" Wen Xingrui asked.

"The single name is "Yi"." Wu Tao replied.

Wen Xingrui nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, what changes is what changes."

"How does it feel to be a father for the first time?"

Seeing Wen Xingrui asking himself this, Wu Tao said with a smile: "Very good, very happy. Although the Xianyuan world may be invaded by the demon world at any time, I should feel heavy at such a critical moment, but Yi'er's cry gave me It brings joy.”

"Because he is hope." Wen Xingrui said.

"Yes." Wu Tao nodded in agreement, and then the master and apprentice talked about other topics, but the topic always revolved around the demon world's attack on the Xianyuan world.

Since then, the situation seems to be getting more and more tense, because there is no way to know how much time the God Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can buy for the Immortal Yuan Realm?

The Lingxu Immortal Sect, Laobu, and the Nascent Soul Master are also nervously preparing for the battle, and Laobu is also nervously contacting the head Ning Qiudao. But he has been unable to contact Ning Qiudao, which makes Laobu's heart become heavier and heavier.

The demons from the Demon World invaded the Immortal Realm. Although they were restrained by the God-Transforming God Lord from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, the God-Transforming God Lord from their Lingxu Immortal Sect could only be Ning Qiudao, and even the Emperor God Lord might not be reliable, because the Emperor God Lord was an outsider, not an outsider. Their Lingxu Immortal Sect’s God-Transforming Lord only stood behind Lingxu Immortal Sect and supported Lingxu Immortal Sect because of some kind of deal between the head Ning and others.

If Ning Qiu Dao does not appear for a day, the immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect will have no backbone and become worried.

Although Lao Li contacted Ning Qiudao a year ago, Ning Qiudao told him that in two years, he would be able to recover from his injuries, and Emperor Shenjun would also appear with him at that time.

But as each month passed, the situation became more and more tense. He couldn't help but contact Ning Qiudao for peace of mind, but he couldn't get in touch, which made him more and more panicked.

It's only one year away from the two years Ning Qiudao said.

At the beginning, we inquired about the demons in the demon world and found the weak point in the boundary wall. They were attacking. The estimated time was three to ten years.

Although three years later, the demons in the Demon Realm did not break through the weak point in the boundary wall and attack the Immortal Realm. This was because they were blocked by the God Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and they were delayed for another year.

Over the past year, Xianyuan Realm has actively prepared for war and refined many war boats and flying boats, which can fight against many original gods and demons. However, these war boats and flying boats cannot fight against the demon kings of the demon world.

The key to deciding this war is not the Immortal Cultivators and the Original God Demon Clan at the Yuan Ying level, but the God Transformation God Lord and the Demon Realm Demon Lord.

But it is still necessary to prepare for war and reserve strategic materials, because the sect is not the sect of the God Transformation God alone, but a sect common to all immortal cultivators of all realms.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Zhoutian Star Exercise Yuan Ti. It was already dawn, and he took advantage of this time to open his personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 118/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic (42%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (35%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fourth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (35%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (56%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical Training: Zhoutian Star Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter: Second Level (69%), Witch Tao War Technique Shattering the Stars·Introduction (50%), omitted]

"I'm 118 years old, and now Yi'er is one year old. I wonder if I can walk?" Wu Tao thought of his wife and son who were far away in Xingchen Palace, and he was full of longing.

His eyes fell on personal information.

It is now the fifth year since the Demon Realm found the weak spot in the boundary wall.

There is a meeting of the Nascent Soul Lord this morning.

So Wu Tao had to read this person's information quickly, and then go to attend the Yuanying Conference. He felt that today's Yuanying Conference was extremely important. Maybe the demons in the demon world were about to break through the weak point in the boundary wall.

It is already very difficult for the God-Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to stop the Demon Lord from the Demon Realm for two years. I heard that several God-Transformation Lords have been injured.

"The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu's Divine Law has reached 42% progress. The progress is one month at a time. It will take nearly 5 years to break through to the second level of Nascent Soul."

"However, my cultivation of the second level of Yuan Ti has reached 69% progress. In 10 months, I will be able to break through the first level and reach the third level of Yuan Ti. At that time, I will be able to practice the divine law of Jiu Yaotian. With the growth rate, it should not take five years to break through the second level of Nascent Soul."

Wu Tao silently calculated in his heart. Thanks to the ten star streamers of Coffin Nail Master, he could practice star streamers every day, and he didn't have to go to the Tiangang layer to spend a lot of time collecting star streamers.

Yuan Ti's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

He felt that he should be the fastest physical cultivator in the entire Xingchenhai Immortal World to cultivate Yuan Ti to the level of divine body.

Of course, not one of the Divine Body Cultivators in the entire Xingchenhai Immortal World has been obliterated by the hidden existence.

Because there is no need to go to the Tiangang layer to collect star streamers, the time Wu Tao saves is used to practice spells. He has reached 35% progress in the seventh layer of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, and Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape has also improved a lot.

After a cursory look at his personal information, Wu Tao closed his personal information, stood up from the futon, and in a flash, he had already left his residence and flew towards the hall where the Yuanying True Lord Conference was held.

A quarter of an hour later, all the Nascent Soul Lords from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the Nascent Soul Lords from the three major Immortal Palaces gathered together.

Li Jingxing's first words made the hearts of the entire Nascent Soul Master in the hall sink.

"I just got news that the demons in the demon world are about to break through the weak point of the boundary wall. It may take 10 days, or it may take half a month, but it will never exceed half a month."

"Fellow Taoists, prepare for the war with the demons!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jingxing looked at Lao Niu on his left and asked: "Fellow Daoist Lao, two years ago, you said that Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun would be able to come back in two years. Now, our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm's Divine Transformation Lord has already I have been delaying the Lingxu Immortal Sect for two years, but I haven’t seen Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun appear yet.”

Regarding Li Jingxing's questions, or even questions, he was anxious in his heart. He had been contacting Ning Qiudao this year, but he had not been able to contact him. However, he still said seriously and firmly: "The leader said, the two In the next few years, the Demon Lord who will appear with the Emperor God Lord to stop the Demon Realm will definitely appear."

He would not tell anything that he had not contacted Ning Qiudao. This would greatly damage the morale of the army. When the demon army from the demon world arrives, the Lingxu Immortal Sect itself will collapse.

"Okay, I believe Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun. Don't worry, our God Transformation Lord from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm will also stand with Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun. Their Demon Lord from the Demon Realm can come to the Immortal Yuan Realm from that boundary wall, I, the God-Transforming Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, can do the same." Li Jingxing said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li, and thank you fellow Daoists from the Three Great Immortal Arts for your help. As for those senior Divine Lords, please don't let the head of my family and the Emperor Divine Lord thank you."

"Start today and prepare for war!"

Labor gave the order.

The atmosphere in the hall immediately became solemn.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the entire boundary wall was shaking.

The boundary wall in front of him suddenly shattered.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist Yuanding, you will not be able to stop the footsteps of my demon clan after all. The Xianyuan world belongs to my demon clan after all!" The moment the boundary wall was breached, all the demons in the demon world laughed together. stand up.

"Young Demon Clan, follow us to attack the Immortal Realm."

Following the order from the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, the demon war boats that had been waiting for a long time rushed towards the broken boundary wall.

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