Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 781: Layers of collapse, pressing on the mountain gate

"Tianmo Xuanyi, since I can't stop you, then let's use the Immortal Yuan Realm as the battlefield." Lord Yuanding shouted.

He also immediately ordered that the war boats from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, which had been waiting for a long time, rush in through the broken boundary wall.

The demons on the demon war boat and the immortal cultivators on the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm war boat had already started fighting on the broken wall corridor.

Tianmo Xuanyi and other Demon Realm Demon Lords also flew into the broken wall corridor. After entering, they were convinced that they could pass safely without the power to suppress them.

The Lord Yuanding looked at the God-Transforming Lords of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm behind him, and immediately said: "Tianmo Xuanyi and the others successfully entered. Sure enough, the weak point in the boundary wall allows immortal cultivators like me and others to enter."

"Let's go in together and use the Immortal Realm as the battlefield. Let's see when Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun will appear?"

After Yuanding Shenjun finished speaking, he took the lead to fly up and rushed into the broken wall corridor. Another god-turned-god from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm also followed the figure of Yuanding Shen-Jun and rushed into the wall corridor.

The Palace of Stars.

Bixing Island.

"Mom, I want to sit on the big cat, sit on the big cat." One-year-old Li Yi can already speak and has a very high IQ. He is worthy of being a descendant of immortal cultivators. He was hugged by Chen Yao and kept pointing at the bloody white-haired tiger outside the main hall square and shouting.

Outside the square of the main hall, three third-level monsters, namely the blood-blooded white-haired tiger, the earth bear monster and the diamond ape monster, are practicing.

The blood-blooded white-haired tiger was originally controlled by Wu Tao with the beast control token, but Wu Tao had already given the beast control token to Chen Yao. Wu Tao no longer has any use for the white-haired tiger.

Chen Yao is now a second-level golden elixir cultivator. She is not afraid of monsters in the early stages of the Three Realms such as the blood-penetrating white-haired tiger, and it is not very helpful to her.

Nowadays, whether it is the golden-winged eagle, the bloody white-haired tiger, the earth bear monster or the diamond ape monster, they all seem to have become the pet mounts of Li Yi, the son of the owner of Bixing Island.

Riding a tiger today, a bear tomorrow, an ape the day after tomorrow, an eagle the day after tomorrow, the fun is different every day.

"Okay, let Yi'er take the seat." Chen Yao immediately stretched out her hand to signal the Blood-Through White-haired Tiger to come over. The Blood-Through White-haired Tiger, a third-level monster, immediately stopped practicing and came over quietly, and behaved obediently. He lowered his body.

It can be seen that it is used to it.

Moreover, he enjoyed it because every time he was ridden by a human doll, Chen Yao would reward him with an extra golden elixir.

Chen Yao put her son on the broad back of the white-haired tiger. The white-haired tiger immediately held Li Yi tightly with the power of the monster to prevent him from falling off the tiger's back.

"Mom, I'm going to ride the big cat to play." Li Yi grabbed the hair of the bloody white-haired tiger with both hands and yelled, "Drive, drive, drive."

"Go." Chen Yao nodded and said.

The White-haired Tiger's animal control token is on her body, and she can sense the situation of the White-haired Tiger and Li Yi at any time, so she is not worried about anything going wrong with Li Yi. Besides, this is not the first time that Li Yi has done this. Went out to play. Starting last month, Li Yi rode monsters such as the white-haired tiger with blood to play on Bixing Island, almost frightening the other immortal cultivators on Bixing Island.

Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea also has a lot of industries, more than in the Golden Core Sea. These industries all require immortal cultivators to do.

When the other immortal cultivators on Bixing Island learned that Li Yi was actually the son of the deputy master of the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, they saluted respectfully. They also saw that the third-level monster would not hurt anyone, nor would it hurt anyone. No more fear.

Gradually, Li Yi likes to ride out on monster beasts such as white-haired tigers and play with these immortal cultivators. These immortal cultivators also like the one-year-old Li Yi and think he is very cute.

Of course, they also respect Li Yi. After all, Li Yi's father is the Nascent Soul Lord and the owner of Bixing Island. Their cultivation resources are all earned on Bixing Island.

Chen Yao knew this, so she felt confident that Li Yi would go and play.

Moreover, she is also a golden elixir cultivator and needs to practice, so she cannot look after Li Yi all the time.

Sometimes the task of looking after Li Yi was given to Chen Juan and the two newly recruited immortal attendants.

Let the three of them take turns taking care of each other so that everyone has their own practice time.

Li Yi was no longer around, and there was less noise. When Chen Yao calmed down, she couldn't help but think of her senior brother Wu Tao and her master Wen Xingrui who were far away in the Xianyuan world. She had often paid attention to those in the Xianyuan world this year. side news.

As time slowly passed, Chen Yao became more and more worried about the Xianyuan world, because she learned that the demons in the Demon world seemed to be about to break through the weak point in the wall.

As long as the weak point of the boundary wall is broken by the demons of the demon world, the Xianyuan world will become a battlefield. Senior brothers and masters are in the battlefield, even if they are weapon refiners and will not go to the front line to fight with the demons of the demon world. .

But, who can guarantee that we won’t fall into it?

War is a whirlpool, not to mention this is the war between two worlds, the biggest whirlpool.

But Chen Yao couldn't do anything. She could only take good care of her son Li Yi in Xingchen Immortal Palace, and then practice well by herself, praying in her heart that nothing would happen to her senior brother, master, and Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"Senior brother, you made me feel less sorry for waiting before. This time, Ayao also believes in you."

Chen Yao has always had confidence in Wu Tao. His senior brother Wu Tao was forced to leave the Immortal Realm, but he has not come back again after more than thirty years.

This time will be no exception.

"The demons from the demon world appear in the far west."

This news soon spread back to Lingxu Immortal Sect.

As early as five years ago, the Immortal Realm Lingxu Immortal Sect learned that the demons in the Demon World had found a weak point in the boundary wall connecting the Immortal Yuan Realm. The Immortal Yuan Realm Lingxu Immortal Sect began to prepare to explore the boundary wall. Where exactly is the weakness?

Then it is best to establish a line of defense to resist.

But at the moment when the boundary wall is not really broken, it is difficult to detect, unless the Lord of Transformation God personally detects it.

But in the past five years, Lingxu Immortal Sect has not had a God-Transforming God Lord sitting in charge. The Emperor God Lord is far away from the Three Realms. The leader Ning Qiudao broke into the forbidden sea again. He was injured by the existence of the forbidden sea and went to find a place to heal his injuries.

How can one find someone who cultivates immortality by relying on the Nascent Soul?

Therefore, the Lingxu Immortal Sect could only use the stupidest method. They buried their eyes layer by layer in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and established a line of defense. No matter which direction they came from, as long as the demons appeared, they would be able to detect them in time. Then the other three directions moved the defense line towards the direction where the demons appeared.

"The previous boundary wall portal was in the far north, but this boundary wall portal is in the extreme west."

The Yuan Ying Zhenjun of the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm, headed by Lao Fen, immediately issued an order for the immortal cultivators from the other three directions to meet to the far west to intercept the demons of the Demon Realm.

They must hold on and wait for the return of Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun.

One warship after another took off from the Lingxu Immortal Gate and flew towards the far west.

These warships and flying boats were made by Wu Tao, the weapon refiners and formation masters who had worked overtime over the past five years.

Those who followed Zhanzhou Feizhou to the front line to stop the demons from the demon world were all immortal cultivators from the Golden Core and Nascent Soul realms, including those from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, as well as the three major Immortal Palaces and the nine major Immortal Sects who came to support them.

As for Wu Tao, the weapon refiners and formation masters, they stick to the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Because they couldn't help much if they went there. As for repairing the war boat and flying boat on the spot, that was impossible, because judging from the combat strength of both sides, they were not evenly matched, and there was no time for them to repair the war boat and flying boat. Flying boat.

"I hope there will be fewer casualties." Wu Tao said in a deep voice.

Wen Xingrui on the side heard this. As the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refining hall, he had grown up in the Lingxu Immortal Sect since he was a child. His feelings for the Lingxu Immortal Sect were naturally deeper than Wu Tao's. He said: " I hope that Master Ning and Emperor Shenjun will return soon."

"Master, as early as when the demons in the demon world attacked the weak point in the boundary wall, we discussed that the demons in the demon world were not here for the Lingxu Immortal Sect, but for the Emperor Shenjun." Wu Tao looked at Wen Xing. Rui continued his analysis:

"If I were a demon, I wouldn't kill too harshly. If the Emperor Shenjun really doesn't like it, it's not something the demons in the demon world can bear."

"Killing is not the purpose of the demons. Leading out the Emperor God Lord is the real purpose of the demons in the demon world."

Wen Xingrui heard this and said, "I hope so, but once you enter the battlefield, casualties are sometimes inevitable."

Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao then stopped chatting and returned to the weapon refining hall to continue refining war boats and flying boats.

In a wartime situation, an extra effort is a strength.

At the same time, they also paid attention to the war news on the front line.

No one wants the demons from the demon world to attack the gate of Lingxu Immortal Gate.

The land of the far west.

As the war ships from the demon world entered one by one, and the war ships from the Xingchen Sea Immortal World entered, the war between the two sides began. The cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the far west also began to join in and started fighting.

As for the Demon Lords from the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi who entered through the corridor of the Broken World Wall, they started a confrontation with the Yuanding Shenjun of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and other God-Transforming God Lords. They did not enter the battlefield below.

Otherwise, if they entered the battlefield below, those Nascent Soul cultivators, original gods, demons, etc. would have been affected by their fighting skills, and their bodies and souls would have been wiped out.

The fight between the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi and the Divine Lord of the Star Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm such as Yuanding Shenjun seemed to be much more peaceful, not as fierce as the fight below.

They, the Demon Realm Demon Lord and the God-Transforming God Lord, were slowly fighting while paying attention to the front line below, watching the front line below keep approaching the Linlingxu Immortal Sect step by step.

Because the broken boundary wall tunnel is in the territory of the Demon Realm, the support from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm cannot be too much, but the Demon Realm Demon Clan has sent a lot of combat power, so the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm were defeated. The edges collapse.

The battle lines have been retreating.

But what is strange is that the demons in the demon world are pressing forward with great force, but they have only been forcing the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to retreat, without killing them wantonly.

Perhaps, war and killing are never the goal, but conquest is.

But even so, many immortal cultivators still died in this war.

Wu Tao, Wen Xingrui and other immortal cultivators who stick to the Lingxu Immortal Sect can also receive news from the front line every day. Every day, they receive news that they have been defeated by the demons in the demon world.

Those cultivators who stayed at the Lingxu Immortal Sect felt increasingly heavy in their hearts.

Ten days later.

The army of demons from the Demon Realm has already pushed the combined forces of the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to the Lingxu Realm, and is about to reach the front of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"Master, when will you come back?"

"If you don't come back, the Lingxu Immortal Sect will be gone." Laibu shouted feebly, but he could only watch the demonic army approaching step by step.

"Master, in three days at most, the demons in the demon world will attack the sect." In the main hall of the weapon refining hall, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui sat opposite each other. Both master and disciple looked bad.

In the past ten days, the entire immortal cultivator of the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm has been swept into this war between the two realms.

Once this kind of war between the two realms came, the cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect realized that their previous war with the Six Demonic Sects was simply a small fight.

Moreover, there are too many original god demons of the demon world, and the number of demon war boats they refine is far greater than that of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

The cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect regret in their hearts, regretting that they did not give them enough time to develop. If they had enough time to develop, sooner or later their Lingxu Immortal Sect would not be so disparate in power with the demons in the demon world.

But that's the reality.

A cold slap on their face.

Wen Xingrui was silent, and then said: "Disciple, if the demons from the demon world really break through the sect, you should follow the weapon refiners and formation masters of Xingchen Immortal Palace to retreat."

Wu Tao heard the meaning of Wen Xingrui's words and immediately frowned: "Master, won't you retreat with me?"

Wen Xingrui shook his head when he heard this and said: "I support the Lingxu Immortal Sect. How can I abandon the Lingxu Immortal Sect and ignore it? But you are different, disciple. You joined the Lingxu Immortal Sect as a casual cultivator..."

Wu Tao interrupted Wen Xingrui and said: "Master, retreat with me. Compared to Lingxu Immortal Sect, Master, your position in my heart is better than that of the entire Lingxu Immortal Sect. Ayao also said that you must You have to live well, I am by your side, but I watched you die with my own eyes, Ayao will never forgive me in her life."

Wen Xingrui said: "So for A Yao and Yi'er, you must retreat with Xingchen Immortal Palace."

"As for me, I am your master. Why, you can still decide on me?"

Seeing that Wen Xingrui finally used the name of master to suppress him, Wu Tao naturally did not dare to refute. In the end, he had to say: "Master, don't be too desperate. This war between the two worlds is not without its turning point."

"The turning point is the return of Head Ning and Emperor Shenjun!"

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Wen Xingrui sighed and said, "Yes, the turning point is the return of the leader and the Emperor Shenjun."

"But, do you think the leader is still the same leader? Will he still care about the Lingxu Immortal Sect?"

Wen Xingrui's rhetorical question made Wu Tao fall silent. He had actually known for a long time that Ning Qiudao was not the original Ning Qiudao.

Wu Tao had nothing to say, but he decided that at the most critical moment, even if he was an unfilial disciple, he would tie up Wen Xingrui and join the retreating team from Xingchen Palace.

Sure enough, as predicted, three days later, the demon army of the demon world was already displayed in front of the mountain guard formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

The retreating immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have already entered the Lingxu Immortal Sect and opened the Lingxu Immortal Sect's fifth-level sect-protecting formation.

The fifth-level sect-protecting formation can withstand attacks of the same level as the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Realm Demon Lord, but the formation is dead, while the Demon Realm Demon Lord is alive. It can withstand attacks for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Inside the Lingxu Immortal Gate.

The cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect looked at the densely packed demon army outside the Five Realms Protector Formation.

In the sky above the demon army, there are still sixteen figures standing. These sixteen figures exude frightening auras. They are the sixteen demon kings of the demon world such as Tianmo Xuanyi.

On the other side, there are also twelve figures, and these twelve figures are the Yuanding Divine Lords from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and these god-transforming gods.

"Fellow Daoist Ning, we have reached this moment, why don't you show up yet?"

Tian Mo Xuanyi’s words resounded throughout the whole world.

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