Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 782: The sect is broken, the demon cultivator is killed, and the divine king appears

Tianmo Xuanyi's words echoed for a long time. The army of demons in the demon world did not immediately attack the sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect because they were forcing Ning Qiu to speak out.

And the Emperor God Lord.

Of course, Tianmo Xuanyi and other Demon Realm Demon Lords are not fools. They all think that the Emperor Shenjun has left the Three Realms, so they will tear up the agreement on peaceful coexistence of the three worlds and attack the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm.

If Emperor Shenjun appears, these demons from the demon world will also say that we thought you, Emperor Shenjun, have returned to your own world, so...

In this way, they stopped fighting in time, withdrew from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and compensated some resources to the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Even the Emperor Shenjun could not say anything, and could not find anything wrong with them.

This is why after the army of demons from the demon world entered the Xianyuan world, they only forced the immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect step by step instead of killing them wantonly.

However, to achieve the goal, Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun must appear together.

If they never show up, Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world will be unable to get off the tiger, and it is impossible to say that they will really break through the sect of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

To be honest, in this step of the plan, Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world did not want to leave, so they made the army of demons from the demon world stop outside the Lingxu Immortal Sect, waiting for Ning Qiudao to appear.

Yuanding Shenjun and other Shenhua Shenjun from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm also stood aside, waiting for Ning Qiudao to appear.

Ning Qiudao once asked the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect to bring back a message to the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Of course, the news brought back does not only refer to the Xingchen Immortal Palace, but also to the God Transformation Lords in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

It is said that the injury can be healed in two years, but now Yuanding Shenjun and the others have delayed your request for two years.

They are also looking forward to the appearance of Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun.

Although they are on the side of the Xianyuan Realm on the surface, their purpose is the same as Tianmo Xuanyi and the Demon Lords of the Demon Realm.

It's just that their methods of obtaining it are more clever.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanding, I hope you don't go to the back." At this time, Divine Monarch Yuanding suddenly received a message from Divine Monarch Gu Yue from Huiyue Immortal Palace beside him.

Divine Lord Yuanding sighed slightly in his heart, and replied to Lord Gu Yue: "It's just a hope. Whether we will reach that point or not is beyond our control!"

To be honest, Shenjun Yuanding doesn't want to reach that point, but they have paid so much, how can they not seek that result?

Yuanding Shenjun saw Yaori Shenjun, Xuanyue Shenjun and other gods of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm looking at each other in the void. Obviously, they were also thinking about how the next scene would develop?

There is always some concern.

In fact, it is not only Yuanding Shenjun and other deity-transforming gods from the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm who are worried, but Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world are also worried.

But there's really nothing they can do.

The two sides were confronting each other, and the atmosphere was getting more and more hurt. As long as Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun didn't show up, and the waiting time was too long, the army of demons from the demon world would definitely attack the fifth-level sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

The target of the fifth-level sect-protecting formation is the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm. It is difficult to defeat them relying on the army of the Demon Realm Demon Clan, so the Demon Realm Demon Lord will definitely take action.

There are 16 Demon Lords from the Demon Realm here, four more than the God-Transforming God Lord from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. The four vacant Demon Realm Demon Lords can break the fifth-level sect-protecting formation in just one or two hours.

The entire Lingxu Immortal Sect's immortal cultivators looked at the war boats of the demon world outside in the void. There were numerous demon clans standing on the war boats, and the whole area was filled with darkness.

They were all praying in their hearts, praying that their leader Ning Qiudao would appear soon.

It is also best for the Emperor God Lord who protects behind their Lingxu Immortal Sect to appear together. Only the appearance of these two people can solve today's crisis.

Back then, these two divine kings were able to force the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm Demon Clan to sign a tripartite world peace coexistence agreement. Today, they can resolve this crisis.

The immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect are very convinced.

Li Jingxing stood next to Lao Fen, his face was very solemn. He was also praying in his heart that Ning Qiudao would appear quickly. He couldn't wait to break through the Lingxu Immortal Sect and fall into a war again. He was also tired.

War was not his purpose.

He just wanted to beg Dao Ning and Emperor Shenjun to show up quickly, and then it would be a matter of them, God Transformation God Lord and Demon Realm Demon Lord, and he could escape by waiting for the Nascent Soul cultivators.

He turned his head to look at Lao Lao, Lao Lao's face was also very heavy. Li Jingxing still asked: "Fellow Daoist Lao, didn't you say that Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun will definitely appear? Now the demon army in the demon world has already arrived in Chen Bing Sect. Besides, the Demon Lords from the Demon Realm are attacking, but Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun haven’t appeared yet?”

"If we don't show up again, the Lingxu Immortal Sect will be gone!"

Lao Fu was also very anxious at the moment. He believed in Ning Qiudao, but Ning Qiudao did not appear at this moment, but he still believed in Ning Qiudao. He believed in Ning Qiudao like crazy. He said to Li Jingxing: "Fellow Daoist Li, Believe me, Master Ning and Emperor Shenjun will definitely show up."

"I believe you are useless. Now that we have reached this point..." Li Jingxing felt helpless. He said to Lao Li, "Fellow Daoist Lao, if the demon army breaks through the sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect, Ning Shenjun and Di Shenjun will be defeated." If the two of them don't show up yet, we will arrange for our weapon refiners and formation masters to retreat first."

Lao Lao heard the words and knew the result. He prayed to Li Jingxing: "Fellow Daoist Li, when you retreat, take with you the immortal cultivators below the Golden Core of my Lingxu Immortal Sect."

Li Jingxing saw that the two of them had worked together for a long time, and he also knew that Lao Ni was very loyal to the Lingxu Immortal Sect. He admired this very much, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

The war boats of Lingxu Immortal Sect are displayed in the sect-protecting formation. Inside the war boats are Nascent Soul cultivators like Li Jingxing and others, as well as some golden elixir cultivators. At the back of the war boats are Wen Wen. Xingrui, Wu Tao, the weapon refiners and formation masters.

Naturally, they cannot appear at the front.

"Master, why haven't Master Ning and Emperor Shenjun shown up yet?" Wu Tao sent a message to Wen Xingrui who was standing aside.

Now Wu Tao's identity is the weapon refiner who came to support from the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Master Wen Xingrui, the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refining hall, knows more about the internal affairs of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Wen Xingrui's face was solemn, and he sent a voice message to reply: "It will appear."

In fact, he is not very sure in his heart, because he has long felt that the current 'Ning Qiu Dao' of Lingxu Immortal Sect is not like the Ning Qiu Dao he knew before, so will this 'Ning Qiu Dao' bring Lingxu Immortal Sect to the forefront? In his heart, Rong was not sure.

"Master, come and retreat with me later!" Wu Tao said. He had known the retreat plan of Xingchen Immortal Palace for a long time. As long as the sect of Lingxu Immortal Sect was breached, the three major Immortal Palaces would arrange their formation of weapon refiners. The mage retreated first.

Even though he knew Wen Xingrui's intentions before, at this point today, Wu Tao still couldn't help but try to persuade him.

Wen Xingrui's eyes passed through the battle boat formation formed by the Lingxu Immortal Sect in front, and said: "When the time comes, you will follow the arrangements of the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Master, don't worry."

Wu Tao still felt uneasy after hearing this. He still thought about using strong methods to tie Wen Xingrui into the retreating team later.

Time passed bit by bit.

Not only the Lingxu Immortal Sect is waiting for Ning Qiudao to appear, but the demons in the demon world are also waiting for Ning Qiudao to appear.

But Ning Qiudao never showed up.

"It seems that he has given up on the Lingxu Immortal Sect." Wu Tao sighed inwardly. Naturally, he did not refer to Ning Qiudao, but to the existence that occupied Ning Qiudao's body.

If one is truly Ning Qiu, he will not give up the Lingxu Immortal Sect even if he risks his life. Wu Tao knew the real Ning Qiudao very well and was a good leader who loved and cared for his disciples.

"Perhaps that existence has left the Three Realms with the Emperor God Lord." Wu Tao thought in his heart. The Three Realms are a prison for any God Transformation God Lord, so the existence that occupies Ning Qiudao's body will naturally regard him as a prisoner. For a prison.

If you want to escape from this prison, you will naturally have to leave the Three Realms, and Emperor Shenjun happens to have mastered the way to leave the Three Realms. That existence has cooperated with Emperor Shenjun, so it is very likely that he left with Emperor Shenjun.

"No, they must not have left!"

A doubt flashed in Wu Tao's mind. He recalled recent events, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"The last time Mr. Ding followed me to the Tiangang layer, he probably went to see Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun. They had cooperated before. Master Ding is by no means such an idle person. He followed me to the Tiangang layer specifically to collect star streamers for me."

Wu Tao wanted to understand this and was determined in his heart, thinking that 'Ning Qiudao' and Emperor Shenjun would definitely appear, but he didn't know when they would appear.

It is impossible to guess what the boss is thinking.

He and his master Wen Xingrui had already guessed that the demon clan's attack on the Immortal Realm was not to occupy the Lingxu Immortal Sect, nor to Ning Qiudao, but to the Emperor Shenjun. , because they want to escape from the prison of the Three Realms.

We need Emperor Shenjun to be the guide.

Attacking the Immortal Realm is just a means to force the emergence of the Emperor God Lord.

So if 'Ning Qiudao' and Emperor Shenjun had known about it for a long time, what would be the outcome, and how would these two beings deal with it?

Wu Tao couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he would take it one step at a time.

At this moment, Tianmo Xuanyi's words resounded again: "Friend Daoist Ning, it seems that Lingxu Immortal Sect is nothing to you."

"In this case, then don't blame me, the demons from the demon world, for destroying the Lingxu Immortal Sect."

As soon as Tianmo Xuan finished speaking, he no longer hesitated and directly ordered the army of demons from the demon world to attack the sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect. At the same time, the sixteen Demon Lords from the Demon Realm also took action and attacked the formation.

Seeing this, Yuanding Shenjun had no choice but to ask the god-transforming god-lords from the Xingchen Sea cultivators to take action to stop the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi.

This time, the number of Demon Realm Demon Lords who came to the Immortal Realm was more than the God Transformation God Lord from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, so there were still 4 Demon Realm Demon Lords freed up, and they kept bombarding the fifth-level Protector of the Sect at the Lingxu Immortal Gate. On the battlefield.

For a moment, the fifth-level sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect began to shake violently.

Nascent Lord Yuanying, who was busy waiting for the Lingxu Immortal Sect, immediately asked the immortal cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect to maintain the sect-protecting formation.

It was just that the four demon kings from the demon world led the demon army to attack the sect-protecting formation. The immortal cultivators who maintained the sect-protecting formation suffered backlash one after another, and all of them were injured.

Finally, an hour later, Lingxu Immortal Sect’s fifth-level Hu Zong’s formation inevitably collapsed.

As soon as the fifth-level sect-protecting formation of the Lingxu Immortal Sect collapsed, an army of war boats from the demons in the demon world rushed over.

"Meet the enemy."

Lao Lao roared loudly, and the sound resounded throughout the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect immediately rushed forward. Regardless of their own strength, even if they were not as powerful as the demons from the Demon Realm, they did not hesitate to attack.

The war is about to break out.

For a time, various spells bloomed, various magic weapons clashed, war boats collided, and the whole space was in chaos.

The chaotic battle started, and Wu Tao and the other weapon refiners and formation masters behind them also avoided the chaotic battle's streamer attacks one by one.

It was also at this time that the Nascent Soul cultivators, who had arranged for the formation masters and weapon refiners of the three major immortal palaces to retreat, came over and asked Wu Tao and the other deputy hall masters to lead the weapon refiners and formation masters under them to start the retreat.

Wu Tao received the order and immediately asked Gu Xingyuan and others to retreat to the driver's high-level flying boat in Xingchen Immortal Palace, and he said to Wen Xingrui: "Master, don't blame me for being unfilial, I must guarantee your life, otherwise Ayao It’s all my fault.”

Wu Tao said that he was about to take action, thinking of using a red flame divine fire shield to cover him unexpectedly and pull him into the retreating fourth-level advanced flying boat.

At this moment, Wen Xingrui offered a fallen treasure, but it was not aimed at the red flame divine fire shield offered by Wu Tao, but at a flying magic weapon.

"All the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect will die, Wen Xingrui, go to hell." A Nascent Soul cultivator from the Demonic Dao Sect, with hatred on his face, came towards Wen Xingrui.

When Wu Tao saw this, the scarlet flame divine fire shield that flew towards his master turned to use it as a hood for the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Demonic Dao Sect.

At the same time, Wu Tao was also doing two things, wielding the flying sword, and using two red flame divine fire shields, and three divine fire shields to cover them.

Wen Xingrui didn't stop the movement in his hand. He kept hitting the opponent's magic weapon with a falling treasure. Three times in a row, the magic weapon was knocked down by Wen Xingrui.

"How can it be?"

Feeling that his magic weapon had been knocked down by Wen Xingrui, the demon cultivator at the sixth level of Nascent Soul looked horrified.

Just when he looked horrified, Wen Xingrui launched two flying swords. When Wu Tao's three red flame divine fire shields covered the sixth-level demon cultivator of Nascent Soul, Wen Xingrui's two flying swords also penetrated. Entered the red flame divine fire shield.

In a few moments, Wu Tao withdrew the red flame divine fire shield, and a charred body fell to the ground of Lingxu Immortal Sect. The broken Nascent Soul that rushed out from the charred body was also completely destroyed by Wen Xingrui's two flying swords. Pierced in the void and slowly dissipated.

"Master, it's so cooperative!"

With this tacit cooperation, the master and apprentice killed a demon cultivator on the sixth level of Nascent Soul in just a few breaths, so Wu Tao couldn't help but cheer.

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said, "Why, did you want to sneak attack Master just now?"

Wu Tao saw that he was on guard at this time and could not force himself, so he had to smile bitterly and said: "Master, I can't help it. I can't just watch you die in this battle."

"Other cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect can die, so I can die too." Wen Xingrui said, and was about to fly towards the battlefield.

At this moment, from the sky above the battlefield, brilliant sword lights fell like rain. Each sword light accurately fell on a demon from the demon world, regardless of whether this demon from the demon world was the original god demon. , or demons from other realms, all died under the rain of swords.

"Demon World, how brave you are!"

A cold voice resounded, and at this moment, the fighting between the two parties stopped. Everyone looked up to the sky and saw two figures slowly falling from the sky.

It was Ning Qiudao and Di Shenjun.

Ning Qiudao was wearing a light blue robe, his face was as light as clouds, as free and natural as heaven and earth.

The Emperor Shenjun is dressed in imperial robes and wears a tasseled imperial crown, showing the majesty of the superior.

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