Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 783 The way out of the Three Realms

"Master, I've finally waited for you!"

Seeing Ning Qiudao appear, Lao Fen actually felt like crying.

Not just toil.

The appearance of Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun was equivalent to the arrival of two saviors of Lingxu Immortal Sect. Many immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect could not even hold back their emotions and shed tears on the spot.

"It's saved, we're saved!"

Some golden elixir cultivators burst into tears and supported their injured fellow disciples.

The situation on the battlefield also began to change at this moment. The demon army was directly killed by Ning Qiudao's sword rain magical power. Hundreds of demons were killed. However, Ning Qiudao was the God-Transforming Lord. Therefore, it was impossible for these demon armies to attack Ning Qiudao. Kill.

The only ones who can confront Ning Qiu are their Demon Lords from the Demon Realm.

Therefore, the demon army quietly withdrew and stood outside the broken fifth-level sect-protecting formation of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

The immortal cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect also began to rescue the injured fellow cultivators.

Wu Tao was relieved when he saw Ning Qiudao and Di Shenjun finally appeared. This time, Master Wen Xingrui no longer had to be trapped in the battlefield.

The next question that determines the outcome of this war between the two realms is to look at their god-transforming gods.

Li Jingxing also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to fall into such a meaningless war. Now that Emperor Shenjun and Ning Qiudao had appeared, his work was done.

The rest is left to Yuanding Shenjun and these god-transforming gods.

"Master, you are finally back. Are you healed?" Laobu came to Ning Qiudao, bowed to Ning Qiudao, and asked with concern.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work during this period, Senior Brother Lao!" Ning Qiudao said with a gentle nod to Lao Lao.

With this word of thanks to Brother Lao, all the grievances in Lao Fen's heart immediately disappeared. He cupped his hands heavily and said, "Everything is for Lingxu Immortal Sect."

Then he bowed to Emperor Shenjun next to Ning Qiudao: "I'd like to pay my respects to Emperor Shenjun, and thank you for protecting my Lingxu Immortal Sect."

Although Emperor Shenjun is nominally the God-Transforming God Lord who stands behind Lingxu Immortal Sect, in fact the immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect know that Emperor Shenjun is not emotionally attached to Lingxu Immortal Sect after all.

Emperor Shenjun nodded slightly to Lao Fen without saying anything. For a Nascent Soul cultivator like Lao Lao, nodding his head was already the greatest response.

When Laobu saw that the next situation would depend on his own leader and the Emperor Shenjun, the two divine armies, he began to clean up the mess and prepare for the next war.

At the same time, he also believed in the cultivation level of his headmaster and Emperor Shenjun. When the boundary wall portal appeared on the boundary wall battlefield, his headmaster and Emperor Shenjun faced off against ten people with the same cultivation level from the demon world and Xingchen Sea Immortal World. The existence of the world forced them to sign a tripartite world peaceful coexistence agreement.

Nowadays, Yuanding Shenjun and other twelve god-transforming god-lords from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can be considered to be on the side of the Lingxu Immortal Sect. The fourteen god-transforming god-lords fight against the sixteen demon kings from the demon world, and the odds of winning are very high.

Ning Qiudao and Di Shenjun stood quietly like this. Behind them were the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect. In front of them were the sixteen Demon Lords from the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi. On their left were the Yuanding Shenjun and twelve others. A god-turned-god king of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

It seemed that Ning Qiudao and Di Shenjun were standing quietly like this, which had already put huge pressure on the sixteen Demon Realm Demon Lords including Tianmo Xuanyi.

The Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, Tian Mo Xuan, was shocked and happy at the moment. What was surprising was that the Emperor God Lord finally appeared, but what his attitude was was still unknown. If his attitude was not good, they remembered the battle with the Emperor God Lord. In retrospect, the Emperor Shenjun's cultivation was far beyond what they could resist.

Fortunately, Emperor Shenjun is back, which means that they still have a chance to get out of the Three Realms from Emperor Shenjun.

In fact, in this war between the two realms, what the demons in the demon world fear most is that the Emperor God Lord will not show up. Even if they occupy the entire Xianyuan world, it will mean very little to these demons in the demon world.

The way out of the Three Realms is what they value most, and they are willing to exchange ten immortal realms for this answer.

Even if we exchange the entire demon world for this answer, maybe the demon lords of these demon worlds will agree.

Compared with their own cultivation and Shouyuan's breakthrough, the demon world is nothing in their eyes.

"What a demon. Taking advantage of my injury, he openly tore up the agreement on the peaceful coexistence of the three worlds and invaded my Lingxu Immortal Sect." Ning Qidao's eyes fell on the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi. His tone was light, as if he couldn't listen. Show any anger.

Regarding Ning Qiudao's words, Tianmo Xuanyi and other demon lords from the demon world don't actually care too much. Ning Qiudao is stronger than them, but not too strong. There are so many demon lords in their demon world that Ning Qiudao can't figure it out. What kind of storm is coming?

What they really care about is Emperor Shenjun standing next to Ning Qiudao. Emperor Shenjun's cultivation is so powerful that even if ten of them come together, they can't do anything to him. More importantly, Emperor Shenjun has given them the means to prevent the demonic restricted area from invading and contaminating the outside. Dharma door.

If they angered Emperor Shenjun and did anything with the method, then they would lose the entire demon world.

When Emperor Shenjun saw Tianmo Xuanyi and other Demon Lords from the Demon Realm looking over, he knew it was his turn to express his stance. He snorted softly, exuding majesty and said: "Why, you think that this emperor will never come back if he really leaves the Three Realms?" , there is only one person left in the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Fellow Daoist Ning, so you dare to come here to bully him?"

When Tianmo Xuan heard this, he immediately raised his hands to Emperor Shenjun and Ning Qiudao and said: "Emperor Shenjun, calm down, fellow Daoist Ning, we have torn up the agreement on peaceful coexistence of the three worlds. It is indeed our demons who were at fault first. So be it, we are willing Compensate for all the losses to the Immortal Realm this time.”

The words of Tianmo Xuanyi fell into the ears of the demon army and the immortal cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect. They were not surprised because they also knew that Emperor Shenjun controlled the method of invading and contaminating the forbidden area of ​​​​the devil world, and they could not afford to offend Emperor Shenjun.

The demons below and some uninformed immortal cultivators only thought that the Emperor Shenjun had not left the Three Realms and returned, so this time the demons in the demon world had failed.

If the Emperor Shenjun leaves the Three Realms and never comes back, then this time the Immortal Realm will be owned by the demons.

Thinking of some of the demons in the demon world here, they felt very regretful. If only the Emperor Shenjun had not come back, the Xianyuan world would have been attacked by them.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and the Emperor Shenjun really returned to the Three Realms.

At this time, Yuanding Shenjun also raised his hands to Ning Qiudao and Emperor Shenjun and said: "Emperor Shenjun, Ning Shenjun, we have tried our best, but we can't stop Tianmo Xuanyi and others from invading the Xianyuan world."

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao raised his hands to the Lord Yuanding and thanked him: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yuanding, for buying two years for our Lingxu Immortal Sect. If it had not been for these two years, Fellow Daoist Emperor would not have been able to rush back to the Three Realms from the outside world. .”

After hearing Ning Qiudao's words, the hearts of Yuanding Shenjun and the God-Transformation Shenjun were moved. Saying this from Ning Qiudao's mouth shows that Emperor Shenjun has really left the Three Realms.

There is a way out of the Three Realms.

They were very happy in their hearts, but what they thought about was how to get the way out of the Three Realms from the Emperor Shenjun later. If they couldn't get it, should they go to that step?

Thinking of this, Shenjun Yuanding and the others also felt a little sad.

Demon Lord Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world were also ecstatic about the information revealed in Ning Qiu's words.

At this moment, Emperor Shenjun answered Tianmo Xuanyi's words. He said: "Don't ask this question to me. What you have damaged is Ning Daoyou's sect. How to compensate or continue to fight depends on Ning Daoyou." Will.”

When Tianmo Xuan heard this, he immediately looked at Ning Qiudao and said, "Friend Ning, what do you think? This time we did not successfully invade the Xianyuan Realm because our Demon Realm chose the wrong time. For the sake of Emperor Shenjun, our Demon Realm I am willing to give the Immortal Realm adequate compensation."

The momentum of these words has not diminished, but it is true, and their demon world does have the upper hand now. Being able to give in is really for the sake of Emperor Shenjun.

Ning Qiudao was not angry after hearing this. His eyes first fell on Emperor Shenjun. Emperor Shenjun nodded lightly to him, meaning that no matter what decision you make, I will stand by your side.

With the support of Emperor Shenjun, Ning Qiudao's eyes turned to Yuanding Shenjun and other gods of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

When Yuanding Shenjun saw Ning Qiudao, he immediately raised his hands and said, "Friend Daoist Ning, ever since the Demon Realm attacked the weak point in the boundary wall, our Xingchen Sea Immortal World has been in alliance with Fellow Daoist Ning's Immortal Yuan Realm. If Fellow Daoist Ning wants to continue the war, our Xingchenhai Immortal World will definitely support Fellow Daoist Ning."

Ning Qiudao immediately thanked Yuanding Shenjun and other Xingchenhaixiu Immortal Realm Transformation Immortal Lords and said, "Thank you all fellow Taoists. Ning is deeply grateful."

Then he looked back at the cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect. When the cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect saw their leader, they seemed to immediately greet them.

Lao Lao took the lead and said, "I will obey the leader. If the leader wants me to fight, I will fight."

"I will wait for everyone who obeys the leader. If the leader wants to fight, we will fight."

As soon as Laibu finished his words, the other immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect also bowed and said, and the sound shocked the entire Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"Alas." Ning Qiudao sighed, but his sigh did not make a single sound, but sounded softly in the ears of every Lingxu Immortal Sect cultivator.

Even Ning Qiudao's sigh sounded in Wu Tao's ears.

They were still thinking about why their leader was sighing, but they heard Ning Qiudao's voice continue to sound, full of helplessness and unwillingness.

"My fellow disciples, as the leader of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, facing the trampling and humiliation of the demons in the demon world, I should have taken the lead and resisted fearlessly, but my Lingxu Immortal Sect is the weakest among the three realms after all. Existence, we need time to develop.”

"If we continue to fight at this time, there will be no other results besides increased casualties. Therefore, as the leader, I have decided to negotiate with the demons for the time being. I can win more compensation and strengthen my Lingxu Immortal Sect. "I know this decision will be disappointing to some people."

"But please rest assured that one day, our Lingxu Immortal Sect will no longer be the weakest party in the three realms, and we will definitely seek back today's shame from the Demon Realm."

Ning Qiudao, as the God-incarnation Lord, standing at the top of the Three Realms, explained his decision to the immortal cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect with such a low profile and taking the overall situation into consideration. These immortal cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect did not To blame Ning Qiudao.

Even some petitioners decided to support Ning Qiudao's choice at this moment.

Ning Qiudao is the most dazzling leader of their Lingxu Immortal Sect, and he has brought the Lingxu Immortal Sect to an unprecedented level. He has done a very good job.

They believe in all decisions made by Head Ning.

"Everything is decided by the master!" At this moment, all the cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, such as Lao Lao and others, shouted to Ning Qiudao.

Wu Tao's identity at the moment was the weapon refiner of Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, so he did not shout with them. However, he knew that Ning Qiudao had also sent his spiritual message to him, and he also regarded him as a member of Lingxu Celestial Sect. Immortal cultivator.

"How much of this 'Ning Qiu Dao' in front of me is Ning Qiu Dao?" Wu Tao was thinking in his heart at this moment.

Ning Qiudao withdrew his gaze from Laobu and other cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, turned around and looked at Tianmo Xuanyi, and said: "Tianmo Xuanyi, you have torn up the three-party world peace coexistence agreement. In addition to the compensation according to the agreement, this All losses caused by this invasion of our Immortal Realm’s Lingxu Immortal Sect must be compensated.”

When Tian Moxuan saw Ning Qiu Dao's compromise, he smiled and said: "Friend Dao Ning, this is a wise move. Please rest assured, Friend Dao Ning, our demon world will definitely honor the compensation agreement."

This situation is also what Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world want to see, because this way they don't have to deal with God.

"Okay, before the compensation terms are negotiated, please everyone in the demon world withdraw from our fairy world." Ning Qiudao said.

"Of course, but we still have a question that we would like to ask the Emperor Shenjun." When Tianmo Xuanyi said this, he handed over to the Emperor Shenjun.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Shenjun looked at Heavenly Demon Xuanyi calmly and said, "Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

Tianmo Xuanyi glanced at Yuanding Shenjun and other Xingchenhaixianxiu Realm Divine Transformation Shenjun from the corner of his eye. He gritted his teeth and asked Emperor Shenjun: "Dare I ask if Emperor Shenjun really left the Three Realms this time?"

Emperor Shenjun nodded and said: "Not bad."

Heavenly Demon Xuanyi said: "Emperor Shenjun, may I ask where the way out of the Three Realms is?"

"Emperor Shenjun, you also know that practitioners of the Three Realms like us, whether they are demons or humans, can't go any further after reaching our level. If we want to go further, we can only jump out of the Three Realms."

"Therefore, the way out of the Three Realms is extremely important to us. We would also be very grateful to ask Emperor Shenjun to inform us. If Emperor Shenjun has any request, as long as it does not affect our own avenue, we will agree to it."

After Tian Mo Xuanyi's words fell, whether it was the Demon Lord from the Demon Realm or the Yuanding Shenjun, they all turned their attention to the Emperor Shenjun, looking forward to his answer.

Emperor Shenjun glanced at them and said slowly: "I do know the way out of the Three Realms!"

"Please let the Emperor and God tell me."

Heavenly Demon Xuanyi and other Demon Realm Demon Lords all bowed their hands to Emperor Shenjun with an extremely sincere attitude.

Emperor Shenjun chuckled: "What if I don't say anything?"

When Tianmo Xuanyi heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "Emperor Shenjun, if we can't leave the three realms, there are only two ways, either wait for the life span to run out and return to heaven and earth with a lifetime of cultivation, or forcefully break through the road to the gods. Die on the path to the gods.”

"It means death anyway, Emperor Shenjun, please don't force me to wait!"

"This is the hatred that blocks the way. No matter how much cultivation you have to do, you will never retreat."

"It seems that you must learn the way out of the Three Realms from my mouth today?" Emperor Shenjun looked at the firm eyes of Tianmo Xuanyi and others.

"But with the help of demons like you, you can't do anything to this emperor?"

The Emperor Shenjun's momentum was suddenly raised, and for a moment, all the immortal cultivators present who were lower than the level of the Heavenly Demon Xuanyi Yuanding Shenjun were stagnant in breathing.

"It's too strong. Is this the aura of the God-Transforming Lord?"

All the immortal cultivators and the demons in the demon world felt a great oppression. This kind of oppression actually created a kind of fear in their hearts and wanted to run away.

And the atmosphere solidified at this moment.

It seems that we have reached a tense situation. The war is about to start at any time, and no one can escape.

Because Emperor Shenjun represents Lingxu Immortal Sect at this moment, Lingxu Immortal Sect’s Ning Qiudao will not ignore it.

Negotiations had just been held, but at this moment, the relationship between the two circles broke down again.

"Alas, Emperor Shenjun!"

At this time, a sigh sounded, and each of the immortal cultivators and demons looked around and saw that the leader of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, Yuanding Shenjun, stood up.

"Emperor Shenjun, you'd better tell the way out of the Three Realms. This will be good for everyone."

When Yuanding Shenjun said this, the incarnation god of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm behind him also stood up with a look of helplessness.

In such a situation, it seems that Yuanding Shenjun, the twelve god-transforming gods of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, are on the same side as Tianmo Xuanyi and other demons from the demon world.

The entire atmosphere between heaven and earth seemed extremely depressing.

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