After hearing the words of Emperor Shenjun, Yuanding Shenjun cupped his hands and said: "This road is here and will not disappear. We still need to return to the Sea of ​​Stars to cultivate the immortal world and arrange all the matters before we can safely embark on this road and leave the Three Realms. .”

Tianmoxuan nodded and said that he would go back to the demon world to make some arrangements.

Divine Monarch Yuanding asked again: "Excuse me, Divine Monarch Emperor, what level of world of immortality is behind this road?"

The problem of Yuanding Shenjun is also the problem of all the demon kings and gods of transformation present. If the world of cultivating immortals behind this road is at the same level as the three realms, then going to that world of cultivating immortals will not make any further progress in cultivation.

It's like jumping from one prison to another.

Therefore, these Demon Realm Demon Lords and God Transformation Lords all set their sights on the Emperor God Lord.

Emperor Shenjun looked at the looming road and said: "It is naturally higher than the level of the Three Realms, and there are transcendent gods in it."

Hearing the words of the Emperor God Lord, Yuanding Shenjun and other God Transformation God Lords showed a hint of joy on their faces. In this way, after entering the world of cultivating immortals, they can continue their cultivation path without being trapped in the realm of God Transformation.

Tianmoxuan changed his mind one by one, thought of a question, and asked: "Emperor Shenjun, are there demons in that world?"

Emperor Shenjun looked at Heavenly Demon Xuanyi and said: "In any world where there are immortals, there will be demons. In that world, there will naturally be demons."

After hearing this, the Demon Lords from the Demon Realm such as Tianmo Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief. The practice system of their demon clan is different from that of the human cultivators. If we go to that world, there will only be the system of human cultivators and no demons. That is of no use to them.

"Now that the way out of the Three Realms has been found, we will disperse and make full preparations before entering the Immortal Cultivation World." Lord Yuanding said to the other God-Transforming God Lords in the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World.

These 12 god-transforming gods came from the three major immortal palaces.

Now that I am going to another strange world of immortality, and there are people who transcend the realm of spiritual transformation in that strange world of immortality, I naturally have to go back and discuss how to break into that world.

Everything is unknown and you must be fully prepared.

The 16 Demon Lords of the Demon Realm, Tianmo Xuanyi, are also from various major demon clans in the Demon Realm, and they also want to arrange things within their clans. Therefore, Tianmo Xuanyi also said goodbye to Emperor Shenjun, saying that he would definitely thank Emperor Shenjun for telling him the way to the three realms.

Seeing them preparing to leave, Emperor Shenjun suddenly smiled and said, "You leave now. Once everything has been arranged and prepared, this road will collapse!"

Emperor Shenjun's sudden words made the 28 top beings in the three realms, Yuanding Shenjun and Tianmo Xuanyi, look startled.

They sensed the looming road, but could not react anything. Could it be that Emperor Shenjun deceived them? Somewhat uncertain.

Yuanding Shenjun raised his hands and asked: "Emperor Shenjun, how do you say this?"

Emperor Shenjun said: "This road was discovered by this emperor 6 years ago. This road leaving the Three Realms is a dilapidated road. It will collapse if it cannot be sustained for a long time. According to my estimate, it will collapse in 6 years at most." collapse."

"If this road collapses, if you want to leave the Three Realms again, you must find another way out of the Three Realms!"

"Collapse? How is it possible, the Emperor God Lord and we sense that there is nothing strange on this road?" Yuanding Shenjun and others asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Emperor Shenjun sneered twice and said: "With your cultivation level, how could you sense the abnormality on this road?"

Emperor Shenjun's words were merciless and quite arrogant, but Yuanding Shenjun and other God-Transforming God Lords really couldn't fault them. Emperor Shenjun was indeed better than them and had a wider vision than them.

At this time, Emperor Shenjun's words made these third-level bosses a little worried.

As if to confirm the words of Emperor Shenjun, at this moment, the looming road in the void suddenly began to shake slightly, becoming extremely unstable, as if it was really going to collapse.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Yuanding Shenjun and other deity-transforming god-lords as well as Tianmo Xuanyi and other demon-world demon kings all changed drastically.

Emperor Shenjun's expression also changed slightly at this moment, and he said: "Originally, I did not intend to return to the Three Realms. I have also told fellow Daoist Ning to leave the Three Realms before this road collapses."

"If I miss this opportunity, I don't know how long it will take to find a way out of the Three Realms."

"Okay, I won't tell you more. This road is about to collapse. Fellow Daoist Ning, whether you will leave the Three Realms with me to pursue a broader world, or continue to stay in the Three Realms, it depends on your decision." Finally, Emperor Shenjun He looked at Ning Qiu.

Ning Qiudao bowed his hands to Emperor Shenjun and said: "Thank you very much, fellow Taoist Emperor, for risking the danger of being trapped in the Three Realms and coming back to the Three Realms to help me. I also ask fellow Taoist Emperor to give me a moment, so that I can communicate with the disciples of Lingxu Immortal Sect. Say."

After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he turned around and flew towards the Lingxu Immortal Sect cultivators headed by Lao Lu.

Emperor Shenjun, Heavenly Demon Xuanyi, Yuanding Shenjun, Ning Qiudao, their conversation is not secretive, but open and open. All the armies of the demon world and the cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the cultivators of the Xingchen Sea Immortal World are all around. , all heard in my ears.

Therefore, Ning Qiudao did not explain too much. He looked at Lao Lao and other cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and said: "Elder Lao, everyone, you have heard that this road is about to collapse. If we don't make a decision now, then we will I missed the way to leave the Three Realms."

"In the past, our Immortal Yuan Realm was the prison of the True Lord Yuanying. Now that the three realms have gradually become one, the Immortal Yuan Realm has also given birth to fifth-level spiritual veins, and also has the inheritance of the God-Transforming God Lord, which allows us to practice to the realm of God-Transforming .”

"But after we reach the realm of spiritual transformation, the three realms have become our prison again. Now that there is a way out of this cage, I would rather be the leader of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and I would like to jump out of this cage together and go to that world. Let’s watch and help each other, expand our territory, and pursue a higher path to immortality.”

"Of course, those who are willing to stay in the Immortal Realm can still stay in the Immortal Realm."

"After staying in the Xianyuan Realm, there is no need to worry too much about the Demon Realm! Those Demon Lords will not miss this opportunity to leave the Three Realms, and they will definitely embark on this road."

After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he quietly waited for the answers from the cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Without any thought, Lao Lao raised his hands to Ning Qiudao and said, "Master, I am willing to follow you on this path!"

"We are willing to follow the master on this road, go to that world, and fight for the master." Following Lao Lao's statement, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect also immediately expressed their stance.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Ning Qiudao. After a few glances, he looked away, fearing that Ning Qiudao would find him looking at him. The sensitivity of a God-Transforming Lord should not be underestimated.

He turned his head and looked at Master Wen Xingrui beside him, and said, "Master, do you want to leave the Three Realms?"

Now that master Wen Xingrui has cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is also a good choice to leave the Three Realms at this time, because there are Ning Qiudao and these gods who can go out together and take care of each other.

Wen Xingrui pondered for a moment, but did not give the answer immediately, but said: "What about you?"

When Wu Tao heard this, in fact, when Emperor Shenjun said that this road was about to collapse, he was wondering whether he should seize this opportunity to leave the Three Realms, but after thinking about it, he was still extremely confused.

There is no other reason, because in the Three Realms, he still has Chen Yao and his son Li Yi. Now that he has left the Three Realms, he wonders when he will be able to return to the Three Realms and reunite with Chen Yao and his son?

When he was in the Immortal Realm, he was forced by Zhang Baiyin to leave the Immortal Realm and come to the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. After struggling in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm for more than 30 years, he had the opportunity to return to the Immortal Realm and reunite with Chen Yao.

On one side is the road, on the other side are my wife and children.

Wu Tao was caught in a dilemma of choice.

"It's hard to choose, isn't it? I know you have A Yao and Yi'er in the Three Realms. But Master, I don't have family worries. Master, I choose to follow the master and leave the Three Realms." Wen Xingrui told Wu Tao his choice. .

"Okay." Wu Tao nodded. Wen Xingrui was his master. Wu Tao would respect any choice he made.

"Master, the structure of the world on that side is unclear. When you get there, master must take care. Since there is this way out of the Three Realms, there must be other ways out of the Three Realms. I hope that one day I can reunite with the master and embark on the journey together. The path to immortality!”

Wu Tao had already made up his mind at this time. He would not leave the Three Realms first, but would first practice to the state of becoming a god.

He is still at the first level of Nascent Soul, and it will take hundreds of years for him to reach the perfection of becoming a god. In these hundreds of years, he will definitely be able to find a way out of the Three Realms.

This is an optimistic thought.

Furthermore, he vaguely felt an ominous premonition, but he couldn't tell how ominous it was.

The situation was unclear at this time, so Wu Tao decided to be cautious.

Wen Xingrui also knew Wu Tao's choice at this time. He smiled and said: "Okay, then I will go over there to explore the way first. If there is another way out of the Three Realms, you and I, master and disciple, will get together again."

At Lingxu Immortal Sect, basically all the Nascent Soul cultivators are willing to follow Ning Qiudao and leave the Three Realms together, and a small number of Jindan cultivators are also willing to follow. There are also some golden elixir cultivators who expressed their intention to stay at Lingxu Immortal Sect, because going to an unknown world at this time means that they will face too many risks.

Their cultivation level is low and they cannot face these risks. They may die if they go there, so they might as well stay in the Immortal Realm and practice in a down-to-earth manner.

These golden elixir cultivators are already grateful to heaven and earth if they can cultivate to the realm of Yuanying. Some of them dare not even think about cultivating to the point of transforming into gods. Therefore, in which world of cultivating immortals is it considered cultivation for them?

The Three Realms are a prison in the eyes of the God Transformation Lord and the others, but it is not a prison in the eyes of these golden elixir cultivators with low talent.

While the Lingxu Immortal Sect was discussing, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm was also discussing.

There is also a world of cultivating immortals on the other side of the road, and there must be various cultivating forces entrenched there. Therefore, the gods and gods do not go there to fight alone, but bring some immortal cultivators with them to build forces there to compete for cultivation resources.

The same is true for the demons in the demon world.

Since the collapse of the road is imminent, these Demon Realm Demon Lords will not give up this opportunity. They directly let this group of Demon Realm armies that attack the Lingxu Immortal Gate of the Immortal Realm enter with them.

After a while, all the immortal cultivators who were about to enter were ready.

Tianmo Xuanyi looked at Emperor Shenjun and cupped his hands and said: "Emperor Shenjun, after all, you have entered that world and are familiar with the road. Please ask Emperor Shenjun to lead us in together."

Although Tianmo Xuanyi said it very politely, who was the Emperor Shenjun? When he heard it, he knew that he was being asked to lead the way first, for fear of deceiving them.

Emperor Shenjun glanced at it and knew that Yuanding Shenjun and the others thought so too.

However, Emperor Shenjun didn't care. He looked at Ning Qiudao, who was standing in front of the cultivators of Lingxu Immortal Sect, and said, "Friend Ning, please enter with me."

"Okay." Ning Qiudao seemed to trust Emperor Shenjun very much, and without saying a word, he came to Emperor Shenjun's side.

Emperor Shenjun said loudly: "Everyone, the road is about to collapse. Please follow me and enter in an orderly manner. Don't cause chaos, lest this road cannot support so many immortal cultivators at once."

As soon as he finished speaking, Emperor Shenjun turned into a stream of light and stepped onto the looming road in the void. Ning Qiudao followed closely behind. The two figures walked farther and farther on this road and were about to disappear. , Tianmo Xuanyi and other Demon Realm Demon Lords and Yuanding Shenjun and other God-Transforming God Lords immediately followed closely. Behind them were the demonic army, as well as the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

After a while, there were only a few immortal cultivators left in the void.

Not a single demon was left behind, they were all brought in by the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm.

Because there is no demonic power to speak of in the demon clan, unlike among the human cultivators, Yuanding Shenjun and Ning Qiudao will respect the wishes of these cultivators to stay or leave.

Looking at the road leaving the Three Realms in the void, slowly blooming with light, Gu Xingyuan came to Wu Tao and asked: "Uncle Li, aren't you going?"

Wu Tao glanced at Gu Xingyuan. As a golden elixir cultivator, Gu Xingyuan did not choose to follow Yuanding Shenjun and the others to that world. It can be said that none of the weapon refiners brought to him from the War Weapon Palace have entered.

Li Tongxing, the master of the war formation palace who was accompanying him, followed him in.

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "No, I have just broken through the Nascent Soul stage, and I am still far away from cultivating to become a god."

Hearing this, Gu Xingyuan nodded and said, "I think so too."

At this moment, in the middle of Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the coffin nails that had been immersed in him suddenly emitted thoughts.

"Boy, come in."

Wu Tao was stunned. He never expected that the nail in the coffin would allow him to leave the Three Realms and enter that world.

Could it be...

Thinking in his mind, he immediately asked with his mind: "Master Ding, is there something you need in that world?"

Wu Tao could only think of this aspect.

Coffin Nail said: "That world not only has what I need, but it is also a blessing for you. When you enter that world, you can enter the state of becoming a god as quickly as possible."

"Listen to me, you're right."

After listening to the voice transmission from Coffin Nail, Wu Tao fell into thinking. Coffin Nail let him in, saying that he had great fortune, which meant that Coffin Nail was willing to protect him when he went to that world. At least there was no danger to his life. of.

However, if he chooses to embark on this road to leave the Three Realms at this time, he will not even have a chance to say goodbye to Chen Yao, and will have to make Chen Yao wait for more than 30 years, or even longer.

Wu Tao was once again entangled.

Coffin Nail seemed to know that he was caught in a tangle, and immediately said in a tone that hates iron and cannot be transformed into steel: "The great cause of immortality is the most important thing, and the rest are just passing clouds. Since you can't make the right choice, then let me Let me help you choose.”

"Master Nai, wait a minute..." Wu Tao's expression changed drastically when he heard the words of Nail resounding through his mind, and he immediately used his mind to stop Nail.

But the next second, Wu Tao sensed a slight vibration on the coffin nail body with his spiritual thoughts. His spiritual thoughts were about to stagnate and his body was about to lose control.

When his body was about to be controlled by the coffin nails, Wu Tao immediately said to Gu Xingyuan as quickly as possible: "Fellow Taoist Gu, help me tell my fellow Taoist to wait for my return."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Tao's body was controlled by the coffin nails, turned into a stream of light, and instantly set foot on that road.

At this moment, the road leaving the Three Realms suddenly collapsed and turned into light, dissipating into the void.

Gu Xingyuan suddenly encountered this scene and was a little stunned. He murmured: "Don't you want to go in? What?"

"No, it feels like Uncle Li didn't go in voluntarily?" Gu Xingyuan thought of Wu Tao's urgent words just now, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

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