Wu Tao was the last one to set foot on the road leaving the Three Realms in the void in full view of everyone.

The road leaving the Three Realms in the void slowly disappeared, as if it had never existed at all.

At the scene, there were only some golden elixir cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect and some golden elixir cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

Most of the golden elixir cultivators in the Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World are weapon refiners and formation masters, all of whom are at the third level.

The three deputy heads of the weapon refining halls and the three deputy heads of the formation halls from the three major celestial palaces who came to aid the Lingxu Immortal Sect this time all left the Three Realms together. Of course, Wu Tao had no intention of leaving, but in the end he followed him on the road to leaving the Three Realms for some unknown reason.

"This... Fellow Daoist Gu, what's going on?"

Standing next to Gu Xingyuan were Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu. As the two heads of the department under the War Weapon Palace, they were confused about the sudden change of mind of their palace master Wu Tao and chose to leave the Three Realms, so they asked Gu Xingyuan.

After all, in their hearts, Gu Xingyuan and Palace Master Li of their War Weapon Palace have worked together since they were young and have a very good relationship.

Gu Xingyuan shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Now, what should we do?" Geng Xiangshu asked. Now all the gods and gods in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have left the Three Realms together, and the immortal cultivators at the Yuanying level have also followed.

Without instructions, they naturally didn’t know what to do.

If Wu Tao did not follow him and left in the end, Wu Tao could temporarily lead these immortal cultivators in the Star Sea Immortal World.

Hearing this, Gu Xingyuan said: "Forget it, let's go back to Lingxu Immortal Sect first, and then return to Xingchen Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm."

All you need to do is return to your respective sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and report to the Immortal Palace Master what happened today.

"That's all!"

Geng Xiangshu nodded.

Then they, the immortal cultivators who came to help from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect returned to the Lingxu Immortal Sect first.

Returning to the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Gu Xingyuan and the other cultivators from the Star Sea Immortal Realm didn't wait long, and directly started the fourth-level advanced flying boat to return to the Star Sea Immortal Realm.

One month later.

The immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm who went to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Yuan Realm all returned to their respective sects.

After Gu Xingyuan and others returned to the sect, they immediately reported to the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace what happened in the Immortal Realm this time.

After hearing the situation, the palace owner of Xingchen Immortal Palace changed his expression slightly, then asked Gu Xingyuan and others to wait in the palace, and left in a hurry.

Gu Xingyuan and others looked at each other in disbelief, and then quietly waited in the palace master's hall for the palace master of Xingchen Immortal Palace to return.

After the Palace Master of Star Immortal Palace left the main hall, he came to the residence and training place of Star Immortal Palace’s God-Transforming God Lord. In normal times, only the God-Transforming God Lord can appear here, because here is the foundation of the sect of Star Immortal Palace, a line. Fifth level advanced spiritual veins.

All the low-level spiritual veins in Xingchen Immortal Palace are differentiated from this fifth-level high-level spiritual vein and are managed by Lingyuan Palace.

Although the master of the Lingyuan Hall is only a perfect Nascent Soul cultivator, he is personally appointed by the God of Transformation and supervised by the Lord of Transformation.

The deepest part of Zero Yuan Point is the source of the fifth-level advanced spiritual veins. There are no great halls here, only simple wooden houses.

Every simple wooden house is equipped with a miniature protective formation. This protective formation looks small, but it is a fifth-level formation that even the God of Transformation cannot break.

The palace owner of Xingchen Immortal Palace came to the first simple wooden house, took out a token, and gently placed it on the miniature formation light screen.

The light curtain suddenly glowed brilliantly.

After the light dissipated, the miniature array light curtain dissipated, and the master of the Star Palace walked into the array, came to the door of the wooden house, and knocked gently.

"Come in." An old voice sounded in the wooden house. This voice seemed not very skilled in speaking, as if it had not spoken for hundreds of years.

Upon hearing this, the Palace Master of the Xincheng Immortal Palace did not immediately open the door of the wooden house and enter. Instead, he slightly adjusted his robes and straightened his appearance before he gently opened the door of the wooden house.

Pushing open the door of the wooden house, the inside of the wooden house is extremely simple. There is only a stone platform. There is an old man sitting cross-legged on the stone platform. The old man seems to have been sitting on this stone platform for thousands of years. His hair and robes are messy and covered all over. Thick layer of dust.

But the spiritual energy inside the wooden house is very rich, and has reached the level of fifth-level advanced spiritual energy.

The eyes of the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace fell on the old man. The old man seemed to have no aura on his body, just like a mortal, but he knew in his heart who the old man was. He immediately bowed respectfully and said: "Disciple, greetings Uncle Tianxing."

The old man looked at the Master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, his turbid eyes were calm, he opened his mouth, as if he was still recalling the words, and after a breath or two, he said: "Are you the contemporary Palace Master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace?"

The master of Xingchen Immortal Palace raised his hands and said: "Disciple is honored to become the 136th generation master of Xingchen Immortal Palace."

"The Nascent Soul has perfected its cultivation. That's right. Why don't you step down as the palace master and devote yourself to seclusion to break through the realm of divine transformation?" the old man asked.

"I still need to serve for a few more years. After the True Inheritance Competition, I will officially step down as Palace Master and concentrate on retreat." When the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace said this, his face was stunned, and then asked: "Uncle Tianxing, my disciple is disturbing you. In his deep sleep, why don’t you ask me what big changes have taken place in Immortal Palace?”

This old man was the god-turned-god king of the Xingchen Immortal Palace four thousand years ago. When his life span was about to run out, he fell into a deep sleep using the secret method of sleeping in the Xingchen Immortal Palace. If the Starry Palace encounters a big change, the palace masters of the Starry Palace will come and wake up. They will resist the enemies and resolve the disaster.

Logically speaking, if he comes to wake up the Heavenly Star God Lord, the Heavenly Star God Lord will definitely ask if there has been a big change.

But this Heavenly Star Lord was concerned about his own cultivation, something was very wrong.

The Heavenly Star God Lord laughed when he heard this and said, "Looking at your expression, I know that nothing happened in the Immortal Palace."

"However, I am confused. Nothing happened in the Immortal Palace. Why did you wake me up?"

When Xingchen Immortal Palace heard Lord Tianxing's explanation, he suddenly came to his senses. However, he had preconceived ideas. Thinking of this, he respectfully reported to Lord Tianxing: "Reporting to Uncle Tianxing, now we in Xingchen Immortal Palace no longer have a God-Transforming Divine Lord. Sitting in charge, therefore, this disciple dared to wake up Master Tianxing and leave seclusion to sit in command of the Immortal Palace."

"What? How is it possible?" Upon hearing this, Lord Tianxing's face was slightly shaken.

But his state of mind still did not suffer any fluctuations, and the aura on his body was still that of a mortal.

The Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace reported: "The three God-Transforming God Lords of our Xingchen Immortal Palace left the Three Realms one month ago. Also leaving the Three Realms were the God-Transforming God Lords of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Sun Immortal Palace and the demons of the Demon Realm. Your Excellencies."

"What? Leaving the Three Realms?"

At this time, the Heavenly Star God Lord was not calm at all, and his mood was also fluctuating.

His body, which was originally as uncultivated as a mortal, suddenly had a powerful aura of divine transformation erupting on his body at this moment, and all the dust on his head caused by sleeping was washed away.

He is the Divine Lord of Transformation. What the Divine Lord of Transformation wants most is to leave the Sea of ​​Stars to cultivate the immortal world, pursue a higher realm of immortality, and pursue a longer lifespan.

Now, the palace owner of the Xingchen Immortal Palace told him that the God Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm found a way to leave the Three Realms and left together.

"Why didn't you call me?" A voice in Tianxing Shenjun's heart shouted.

"Where is the way out of the Three Realms?" Lord Tianxing asked eagerly.

The master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace didn't know what the Lord Tianxing was thinking. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Tianxing, the road leaving the Three Realms has collapsed."

"Collapsed! Collapsed!" Tianxing Shenjun's face darkened in an instant. He murmured twice, and finally shook his head and said: "That's all, my life span is only more than 100 years. Even if I leave the Three Realms, there will be no more. Shouyuan to set foot on a higher realm."

"Just let my broken body continue to burn for this fairy palace."

Seeing the gesture of Lord Tianxing, the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace could also feel the same. To be honest, when he heard Gu Xingyuan and other immortal cultivators who had returned from the Immortal Realm talk about the situation there, he was in a very bad mood at the time.

He was able to sit on the position of the Lord of the Star Palace, so he was naturally a genius among his disciples. He had excellent cultivation talent. He succeeded to the position of the Lord of the Star Palace only after becoming the chief of the True Tradition. Now he has perfected the Nascent Soul. , only one step away from entering the realm of divine transformation.

He is very confident that he will enter the state of becoming a god.

Once he enters the realm of transformation into gods, the Three Realms will also become his prison, and he will be unable to break through to a larger realm. Therefore, he also needs to leave the Three Realms to find a new path to immortality.

But now, the way out of the Three Realms has just appeared, but it has collapsed, making the master of the Star Palace feel extremely complicated.

Afterwards, the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace said: "Uncle Tianxing, I asked the disciples who have returned from the Immortal Realm to wait in the palace master's hall. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Gu Xingyuan and others waited in the main hall of the palace for half an hour.

Finally, the Palace Master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace came back, but Gu Xingyuan and the others discovered that the Palace Master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace was like a junior, accompanying an old man, and even let the old man sit on the palace master's throne.

This scene made Gu Xingyuan and the other cultivators of Xingchen Immortal Palace look stunned.

The Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace first said to Lord Tianxing: "Uncle Tianxing, they came back from the Xianyuan Realm. They witnessed everything at the scene. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

After finishing speaking, the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace introduced the Heavenly Star Divine Lord to Gu Xingyuan and the others, saying: "This is the Heavenly Star Divine Lord of our Starry Palace, I believe you have heard of his name, so I won't introduce it further. "

Hearing the words of the Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace, there was a sound of surprise. Gu Xingyuan and the others were all surprised, because the Heavenly Star God Lord was the God-incarnation God Lord of their Xingchen Immortal Palace 4,000 years ago.

Doesn’t the Transformation God Lord only live 2,000 years? Why hasn't the Heavenly Star Lord from 4,000 years ago returned yet and still appeared in front of them?

But if you think about it carefully, you can imagine that there must be some secret method. As for what kind of secret method it is, it is not something that immortal cultivators of their level can know.

"Yes, Palace Master." Gu Xingyuan and others said with their hands raised.

Then they all bowed to the Heavenly Star Divine Lord and said, "Disciples pay homage to the Divine Lord."

Lord Tianxing nodded, and then said, "Tell me everything that happened in the Immortal Realm, and try not to miss a single thing." Lord Tianxing pointed his finger at Gu Xingyuan.

Gu Xingyuan's face was stunned. He didn't expect that he was so lucky to be named by a god of transformation. He immediately took a step forward excitedly, first bowed to the god of Tianxing to meet him, and then began to talk about the immortal. Everything that happened in the Yuan Realm is explained.

Starting from the beginning of the war.

After telling the story for an hour, Gu Xingyuan's mouth went dry. He had just finished describing the collapse of the road leaving the Three Realms, and they, the remaining immortal cultivators, returned from the Lingxu Immortal Sect to the Star Immortal Palace.

"Emperor Shenjun, Ning Shenjun, the three realms merged, and the forbidden area expanded across the sea. I didn't expect so many interesting things to happen in just a hundred years." Tianxing Shenjun said.

After finishing speaking, the Heavenly Star Divine Lord was silent for a moment, and then said to the Palace Master of the Star Palace: "Okay, from now on, I will be in charge of the Palace of Stars, and all matters will proceed as usual."

The master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace nodded, and then sent Gu Xingyuan and the others, all the golden elixir cultivators, away.

After Gu Xingyuan left the palace master's hall, he raised his hands to Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu who were traveling with him and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin, Fellow Daoist Geng, I'm going to visit Uncle Li's Bixing Island, so I'll say goodbye for now!"

After saying that, Gu Xingyuan went to the Yuanying Sea Area. He wanted to tell Chen Yao what Wu Tao said before leaving the Three Realms.

Soon, Gu Xingyuan came to the Nascent Soul Sea. He was a golden elixir cultivator. He had to report before he could enter the Nascent Soul Sea. Otherwise, he would be punished if he was caught by the patrol.

His request for a visit was sent to Bixing Island. When Wu Tao, the owner of Bixing Island, was away, Chen Yao, as the wife of the island owner, could also make the decision and let Gu Xingyuan in.

Inside Bixing Island.

Chen Yao was sitting on a swing in the square outside the main hall, and Li Yi was climbing the earth bear monster. The earth bear monster has a huge body, and one-year-old Li Yi is laughing and climbing as if climbing a mountain.

At this time, Immortal Attendant Chen Juan came over and reported to Chen Yao: "Madam, Gu Zhenren, the person in charge of the War Boat Department of the Weapon Refining Hall, War Weapon Hall, wants to see you."

Hearing this, Chen Yao's face lit up with joy and said, "Please invite him in quickly. It should be that senior brother asked him to bring some news back."

Chen Yao naturally knew Gu Xingyuan and was extremely familiar with him. I also know that this time my senior brother went to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect on behalf of the War Weapon Palace, and he also brought this Master Gu with him.

Now Gu Zhenren has returned to the Xingchen Immortal Palace. He should have a sect mission, and he brought news about his senior brother.

Upon hearing this, Chen Juan, the immortal attendant, immediately went to invite Gu Xingyuan in.

At this time, one-year-old Li Yi also got off the earth bear monster and ran to Chen Yao. Seeing the joy on his mother's face, he asked in a sweet voice: "Mom, it's father who is coming back." ?"

Although he has never met his father, his mother Chen Yao tells him about his father every day, so one-year-old Li Yi also wants to meet his father.

"No, but he asked someone to come back with news." Chen Yao picked up Li Yi and put him on his lap.

After a while, under the leadership of the immortal attendant Chen Juan, Gu Xingyuan came to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao immediately stood up and greeted Gu Xingyuan: "Senior Brother Gu."

Then he asked Li Yi to call someone: "This is Uncle Gu. He is a good friend of my father."

"Uncle Gu." One-year-old Li Yi looked up at Gu Xingyuan and called out obediently.

Gu Xingyuan was elated by Li Yi's call. He couldn't help but reached out and touched Li Yi's head and said, "You're so good."

Chen Yao stretched out her hand and said, "Senior Brother Gu, have you brought back news about my husband? Senior Brother Gu, please go to the main hall and sit down slowly to talk."

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