Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 787: God’s plan, the road collapses

When Gu Xingyuan heard this, he looked at Chen Yao and shook his head and said, "No, Junior Sister Han, just say it here."

He knew that when he said the words about Wu Tao leaving the Three Realms, Chen Yao would definitely be in a bad mood. It would be better to leave after saying this and give Chen Yao some quiet time alone.

So Gu Xingyuan explained the general situation, and then told Chen Yao the last words Wu Tao asked him to tell Chen Yao. After hearing this, Chen Yao was really stunned. Gu Xingyuan couldn't bear to say in his heart: "Junior Sister Han, this is what Uncle Li said at the end. I think Uncle Li has something to hide, and he doesn't want to leave the Three Realms and leave you."

Chen Yao suppressed her emotions and said to Gu Xingyuan: "I believe him. Thank you Senior Brother Gu for helping me bring back his words."

"Hey, Junior Sister Han, the words have been brought, so I won't disturb you anymore. Junior Sister Han, take care." Gu Xingyuan cupped his hands, looked down at Li Yi, touched his head and said, "Little Li Yi, I'll come next time How about playing with you on Bixing Island?"

Li Yi didn't admit it, nodded and said: "Okay!"

Gu Xingyuan left Bixing Island, and Chen Yao seemed to let out a sigh of relief and fell down on the swing.

She knew that her senior brother must have been forced to leave her and leave the Three Realms, just like when he was in the Immortal Realm and was forced to leave the Immortal Realm to come to the Xingchen Sea to cultivate the Immortal Realm.

"It's okay, senior brother, I will still wait for you to come back."

Chen Yao said in her heart.

"Mom, where has father gone?" One-year-old Li Yi didn't know many things, so he asked confusedly.

Chen Yao held back her tears, picked up Li Yi and said, "Your father has something very important to do. Let's wait for your father to come back on Bixing Island, okay?"

"Okay, okay." Xiao Li Yi shouted happily.

Then the next second, he seemed to have forgotten these things and said to Chen Yao: "Mother, I went to play with the big cat."

"Go on, go on." Chen Yao smiled and touched his head, asking him to be careful not to fall. Xiao Li Yi said that the big cat would not let him fall, and then rushed towards Tongxue Baimao Tiger.

The white-haired tiger of Tongxue was practicing at this time. Then when he saw Li Yi jumping over, he quickly stopped practicing, lowered his body and let Li Yi climb on its back. Then he glanced at Chen Yao and saw Chen Yao nodding. Finally, the wind blew under its feet, and it flew out of the palace with little Li Yi on its back.

Chen Yao was sitting on the swing, a little sad. Regarding Wu Tao leaving the Three Realms, she was even more worried that Wu Tao had no status or status in another world, so he would not be able to practice as steadily as he did in the Star Sea Immortal Realm.

"Senior brother is the one who likes stability the most. Senior brother Gu finally said that senior brother was originally unwilling to leave the Three Realms, but in the end he left the three realms for some reason. Seeing how he asked senior brother Gu to bring it to me, I think senior brother must have something. The reason was forced to leave the Three Realms."

Chen Yao thought to herself, thinking that her senior brother still missed her and Yi'er and had no intention of leaving them, and she felt a lot relieved.

Just now I heard what Gu Xingyuan said, the Demon Lord in the Demon Realm and the God Transformation Lord from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm left the Three Realms with a large number of immortal cultivators. Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun of Lingxu Immortal Sect also left with some immortal cultivators from Lingxu Immortal Sect, including their own master Wen Xingrui.

"Senior brother and master are together, even over there, there should be someone taking care of them." Chen Yao prayed in her heart, then she stood up and hurriedly entered the main hall and came to the mourning hall.

There are two memorial tablets enshrined in the mourning hall.

One is her father Chen Shan, and the other is her brother Chen Shun.

Chen Yao stood in front of the altar table, took the incense candle and lit the people. She lit incense for her father Chen Shan and her brother Chen Shun, and said, "Dad, brother, you must bless my senior brother to come back safely."

"I wish you all the best, master, and come back safely with your senior brother."

After the prayer was completed, Chen Yao chatted with Chen Shan and Chen Shun in the mourning hall for a while, and then left the mourning hall. She was going to practice.

"Senior Brother, did you have a premonition that you would leave the Three Realms, so you didn't give me the complete Dao Yu Jade Slip originally, but when you came back to visit Yi'er's birth, you gave me the complete Dao Yu Jade Slip. "

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training hall, Chen Yao murmured to herself: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will study Taoism and practice well. When you come back, you will see that I have greatly improved my cultivation."

Afterwards, Chen Yao immediately started practicing without wasting any more time.

at the same time.

The three God-Transforming Lords of the Star Palace left the Three Realms, and there was no God-Transformation Lord in charge. Therefore, the palace owner of the Star Palace woke up the God-Transformation Lord who was sleeping with secret methods to come out and take charge to make up for the gap.

This situation also occurs in Sun Immortal Palace and Huiyue Immortal Palace.

The master of the Sun Immortal Palace woke up the sleeping God-Transforming God. When the God-Transforming God learned that he had found a way out of the Three Realms, but did not notify him, he was immediately furious.

On this day, a powerful aura of the God-Transforming Lord shook the entire Sun Immortal Palace, and all the cultivators in the Sun Immortal Palace felt the anger of the God-Transforming Lord.

This immortal cultivator from the Sun Immortal Palace was angry not only because he was not told the way to find the Three Realms, but also because he was handed over to him the mess of Juehai, the restricted area of ​​the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

As for Huiyue Immortal Palace.

The cultivators of Huiyue Immortal Palace who came back from the Immortal Realm found the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace and reported the matter of Gu Yue Shenjun and other God Transformation Gods leaving the Three Realms.

After hearing this, the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace looked calm and asked them to exit.

Then the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace received news that Sun Immortal Palace and Star Immortal Palace both woke up a sleeping god to come out and take charge, so that Xiao Xiao would not covet him.

"Palace Master, we are also going to wake up a God-Transforming Lord to come out and take charge." The Nascent Soul cultivator who came to report said respectfully to the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

"Okay." The Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace nodded, and then she also came to the place where the God Transformation Lord of Huiyue Immortal Palace was sleeping.

Then she took out the Palace Master's Token and opened the formation restriction where a God-Transformation Lord was sleeping. With this opening, the God-Transformation Lord sleeping inside would automatically wake up.

When the God-Transforming Lord of Huiyue Immortal Palace woke up from his deep sleep and saw the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace, she asked: "Is Huiyue Immortal Palace going to be finished?"

The master of Huiyue Immortal Palace shook his head and told the newly awakened female god king about the major events that happened in the three realms.

This God-Transforming Lord has a much gentler personality. She sighed: "I was born at the wrong time. If I were born in this era, I would have the opportunity to leave the Three Realms and pursue a higher path to immortality."

Having said this, she looked at the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace and asked doubtfully: "You have also broken through to the realm of god transformation, why don't you follow them and leave the three realms?"

Hearing this, the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace shook his head and said: "Senior, I am still in the realm of Yuanying. Where did I get to the realm of transformation into gods? Senior has been sleeping for too long..."

She almost didn't say that her senior was an old fool.

The God-Transforming God Lord of Huiyue Immortal Palace smiled when he heard this: "Your concealment technique is indeed superb. The average God-Transforming God Lord cannot see your true cultivation level, but I have practiced a secret technique of insight. You are now at the third level of divine transformation."

After hearing what the other party said, the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace was silent for a moment, and then said: "Senior sister, please keep it a secret for me."

As for her motivation for hiding her cultivation, it was not stated clearly.

The awakened God-Transformation Lord doesn't care either. As long as he doesn't threaten Huiyue Immortal Palace, he doesn't care about the current master of Huiyue Immortal Palace's motives?

Thinking of this, she nodded and said. :"good."

"But it's good that you woke me up. I'm tired of sleeping. I want to see how wonderful the current Three Realms are. It's also a wonderful thing to spend your life in the wonderful world and return to heaven and earth."

"Senior Sister, just don't blame me for waking you up." The Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace said.

The other party smiled and said: "How can I blame you? We, the transformed gods who are about to expire, declare ourselves to be asleep, isn't it just to deal with various difficulties in Huiyue Immortal Palace?"

Just one day later, the entire three realms were boiling.

All the immortal cultivators have been living with the breaking news that the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm and the God-Transforming Lord have left the Three Realms. It feels like this topic can be discussed for several years.

When they were still discussing that the three major Immortal Palaces would no longer have the gods in charge, wouldn't it be an opportunity for the Nine Immortal Sects to reorganize the structure of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm? However, before their discussion could stop, they received news that the three major Immortal Palaces had The Transformation God Lord came out to take charge.

This shocked the immortal cultivators who were discussing it. It is worthy of being the three major immortal palaces and the top of the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. It always has hidden cards.

And those immortal sects who were just about to make a move were also shocked into a cold sweat. Fortunately, they did not take action, otherwise their sects would be wiped out from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

As soon as Wu Tao set foot on the road leaving the Three Realms, he felt that control of his body was back, and the nails in the coffin no longer sealed his spiritual thoughts.

He looked at the immortal cultivators and the demons flying in front of the road, worried in his heart, and said to Coffin Nail with his spiritual mind: "Master Nai, you..."

Nail in the Coffin rarely responded to his words, and answered him with his mind: "Boy, that world is a great blessing. When you come back from that world and make great progress, it will be too late for you to thank me, so don't complain now. Got it!"

Wu Tao said helplessly: "The deal is done, so what's the point of complaining anymore. Mr. Ding, I will rely on Mr. Ding to escort me for the rest of my journey around the world!"

The coffin nail thought replied: "When you get to that world, you will have to change your cautious and low-key style of doing things."

"Why?" Wu Tao wondered: "That world has existences that transcend the gods, and it must be extremely dangerous. Wouldn't it be better to be more cautious and steady?"

"Haha, you will know when the time comes." After the coffin nail body shook slightly, it fell into silence again. He would ignore Wu Tao if he talked to him again.

So Wu Tao no longer talked to the coffin nails, but used Yuan Magnetic Aurora to chase the immortal cultivators in front. He wanted to meet up with his master Wen Xingrui and the immortal cultivators from Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Only by keeping up with the large army will the world be safer when we get there.

While using all his strength to perform the Yuan Ying level's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape Technique, Wu Tao's figure appeared in his mind, and he was imagining what the one-year-old Li Yi looked like now.

"Perhaps by the time I come back from the Three Realms, Yi'er will have grown up. Alas, as a father, I would really be remiss in not being able to spend a happy childhood with him."

"There is also Ayao. I was forced to leave the Immortal Realm because of Zhang Baiyin's force. I have left her alone to wait for me for more than 30 years. When I returned to the Immortal Realm from the Sea of ​​Stars, I said to Ayao But I will never leave her again."

"Now it seems that I have to break my promise again."

"Fortunately, I have given the Taoist jade slips to A-Yao, and I also asked Master Ding to burn the complete jade slips. I burned two slips, one for A-Yao and one for the master, so that even if they are separated, they can still Able to comprehend the complete Taoist teachings by oneself.”

With this thought in his mind, Wu Tao quickly caught up with the Lingxu Immortal Sect and the immortal cultivators from the three major immortal palaces. When some of the immortal cultivators who were familiar with Wu Tao saw Wu Tao catching up, they were all stunned.

They remembered that Wu Tao did not want to leave the Three Realms, but wanted to stay in the Three Realms. Why did he enter this road to leave the Three Realms again?

Faced with their inquiries, Wu Tao was quite helpless and responded abruptly. Finally, he found his master Wen Xingrui. Wen Xingrui was startled when he saw him and asked, "Disciple, why did you come in?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said helplessly: "Master, I don't want to come in, but I have no choice."

He did not tell the reason, and Wen Xingrui did not ask any more questions. Every immortal cultivator has a secret.

"Okay, then let me and my master and apprentice pursue a broader immortal path together in that world. It's just a pain for A Yao and Yi'er." Wen Xingrui sighed finally.

Wu Tao said: "The matter has come to this, and there is no use thinking about it anymore. When we get to that world, Master, we'd better survive first, because we don't know what the situation is like in that world."

"And to that world, we are outsiders and invaders."

"You see, we have so many Demon Lords and God-Transforming Lords coming in this time. Once the indigenous cultivators in that world are alarmed, they will definitely encircle and suppress us. We may experience a big battle as soon as we enter."

"Master, you must be careful after entering." Wu Tao finally explained to Wen Xingrui through a spiritual message.

Wen Xingrui nodded lightly. He also knew that what his apprentice said was reasonable. If a large number of high-level and unfamiliar immortal cultivators suddenly appeared in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the local forces.

Because of the emergence of immortal cultivators, he must rely on plundering the resources for cultivating immortals. The world structure has been formed, and if you want to cultivate immortality, you must plunder the opponent's cultivation resources.

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Wen Xingrui nodded in response.

At the front of the road were Emperor Shenjun and Ning Qiudao. Their eyes met and their spiritual thoughts began to communicate.

"Haha, that fellow Taoist really brought that kid in!" Di Shenjun looked a little gloating and sent a message to Ning Qiudao. The fellow Taoist he mentioned was the nail in the coffin.

Ning Qiu Dao Shen Nian replied: "He was originally unwilling to leave the Three Realms. If he can enter here, it must be the fellow Taoist who forced him in."

The emperor's divine mind sent a message: "His low-key and cautious character is very good, and he can avoid many dangers and calculations. If that fellow Taoist hadn't stayed with him, we wouldn't have been able to make the calculations we made today against him."

Ning Qiudao nodded and said, "That's true. It's worth learning from."

Emperor Shenjun sensed it and sent a message from his spiritual mind: "Friend Daoist Ning, the time has come."

"Then we will act according to the plan!" Ning Qiu Dao Shen Nian replied.

Emperor Shenjun nodded slightly, and then he communicated with the two world talismans. Suddenly, the road began to shake violently.

The expressions of the demon kings such as Tianmo Xuanyi and other demon kings from the demon world, as well as Yuanding Shenjun and other god-turned-gods all changed drastically.

The collapse of the road crossing the two realms is not a trivial matter. It is just the power of space that even the God of Transformation cannot resist.

"The road is collapsing!"

Other immortal cultivators below the realm of gods and demons below the realm of demon kings were also horrified.

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