The roads are crumbling.

The demons and human cultivators on the road all looked frightened.

Once this road that travels between the two worlds collapses, the power of the rules connecting the two worlds will be chaotic. At that time, the body, soul, and soul will follow the collapse of the road and turn into nothingness.

"Fellow Daoist Emperor, what's going on?" Lord Yuanding asked anxiously.

Even though he is the God-Incarnation Lord, if the two-realm passage involving the rules of the two realms collapses, even if he is the God-Incarnation Lord, he cannot save his life.

Take the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm that appeared in the boundary wall of the 14th District before. It can only allow the immortal cultivators of the Transformation God level to enter. If he enters as the Transformation God Lord, he will be seriously injured or killed.

Both the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm are just realms of cultivating immortals at the level of becoming gods, but this two-realm passage connects the realm of cultivating immortals that transcends the level of becoming gods, and the power of the world will only be stronger.

Not only the Yuanding Shenjun, but also the Heavenly Demon Xuanyi's complexion changed dramatically, as well as the other Demon Realm Demon Lords and the God Transformation Shenjun who were all operating their cultivations, preparing to resist the chaotic power of the two realms caused by the collapse of the road.

Emperor Shenjun also used his protective powers and said: "Everyone, before entering this road, I said that this road leaving the Three Realms can last for more than six years at most. Now, please save your lives!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Shenjun, Yuanding Shenjun and other God-Transforming Gods as well as Tianmo Xuanyi and other Demon Realm Demon Lords were helpless, because they entered this road leaving the Three Realms without being coerced by Emperor Shenjun, but entered voluntarily. Now, faced with the danger of road collapse, all we can do is hope for the best.

"Master." Wu Tao's expression also changed slightly. Unexpectedly, just a few hours after setting foot on this road, the road leaving the Three Realms began to collapse.

He quickly activated the defensive robes on his body and looked at Master Wen Xingrui on the side. Wen Xingrui's expression also changed, and he said helplessly: "The road collapsed, and even the existences of the level of God Transformation God Lord are unable to protect themselves. Our Nascent Soul Cultivator Immortal cultivators who have cultivated themselves as well as the golden elixir may not be able to survive."

"That's how it is on the road to cultivating immortality. You never know when you will encounter changes."

Wen Xingrui seems to have accepted his fate.

The road collapsed very quickly, and Wu Tao soon felt the chaotic forces of the two realms pressing on him, squeezing the shield inspired by the defensive robes on his body.

Perhaps in a few seconds, this defensive robe will become useless.

He looked at the Emperor God Lord, the God Transformation God Lord, and the Demon Realm Demon Lord in front of him, and they all began to defend themselves. At this time, the chaotic power was not enough to harm existences of their level, and they were flying forward with all their strength in order to stay on the road. Before it collapsed, he escaped from this road and entered that world of cultivating immortals.

The war boats of the demon army, as well as those of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and Lingxu Immortal Sect also activated protective formations and flew at full speed.

In such a situation, panic turns into panic, but these immortal cultivators still want to fight for a chance of survival.

No one wants to accept their fate at this moment and let them die in the collapse of the road.

At this time, Wu Tao not only wanted to survive himself, but also wanted to save his master Wen Xingrui. His spiritual thoughts urgently asked Coffin Nail for help. Coffin Nail told him that entering that world would be a great blessing. If not The coffin nail controlled his body and forced him to enter this two-realm road, so that he would not encounter the disaster of road collapse.

"Master Ding, you asked me to come in. Now that we are facing this disaster, you have to take action!"

Wu Tao's thoughts were constantly transmitted to the body of the coffin nail. What he feared most was that the coffin nail was as cold as before and would not pay attention to him.

But in such a calamity, when the body of Coffin Nail shook slightly, a black halo spread out from his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. When it reached the outside of his body, the black halo turned invisible and could not be sensed by any cultivation being.

The invisible halo formed a protective circle, protecting Wu Tao's body. Wu Tao suddenly felt that there was no squeezing force.

"If Mr. Ding takes action, he should be able to survive!" Thinking of this, Wu Tao looked at his master Wen Xingrui on the side, and saw that the light shield formed by the defensive robe on the opponent's body was deforming, suffering from the squeeze of the collapse of the two world passages. .

Wu Tao quickly asked for help from Coffin Nail: "Master Nai, please give me more trouble and protect my master."

However, Coffin Nail ignored this request, and the halo did not extend to Wen Xingrui. Wu Tao had no choice but to continue begging, hoping that he could impress Coffin Nail.

But at this moment, the Emperor Shenjun in front suddenly said: "Oops, this road is going to completely collapse!"

The voice of the Emperor Shenjun resounded in the ears of all the demons and human cultivators in the demon world. It was like a death announcement, and despair suddenly spread in the hearts of all the demons and human cultivators.

Sure enough, in the next second, the road completely collapsed, and all the immortal cultivators on the road turned into rays of light, mixed with the light of the road collapse, and disappeared together.

Wu Tao saw with his own eyes that Wen Xingrui's body beside him instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared. And he was also losing confusion in the chaotic space. If it weren't for the black light protection of the coffin nails, he would have turned into light particles in an instant like other immortal cultivators, and his body and soul would have dissipated instantly.

"Master!" Wu Tao opened his mouth, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

He looked at the dark void around him. There was a protective light shield formed by the light of the coffin nails around his body. His body fell freely in the void, like a wanderer and a lost person.

A kind of loneliness and heartache surrounded him.

Wu Tao had scenes about his master Wen Xingrui in his mind. When he entered Lingxu Sect, he met his master Wen Xingrui. After Wen Xingrui became his master, he took good care of him without reservation. pay.

"why why?"

At this moment, he felt that his cultivation was too weak. If his cultivation was strong, he would be able to protect his master.

Not only did Wen Xingrui die under the collapse of the road at this moment, which made Wu Tao feel a sense of powerlessness, but also the death of his first master Chen Shan at the end of his life at the end of his life also made him feel a sense of powerlessness. A sense of powerlessness, because at that time he couldn't find a treasure that could extend his life.

If he could have had the Nascent Soul cultivation level he has today, he would have been able to extend Chen Shan's life by three to four years.

"Become an immortal, I must become an immortal!" Although Wu Tao has been striving towards the goal of becoming an immortal since he came to the world of immortality, at this moment, his goal became more determined.

Only by becoming an immortal can you protect the people around you and make yourself feel less regretful.

He emptied his mind, closed his eyes, and let his body fall in the dark void.

He wouldn't want to ask Coffin Nail why he didn't protect his master Wen Xingrui, because this was not Coffin Nail's responsibility. Coffin Nail had already done him a favor by protecting him.

Let Coffin Nail waste his strength to protect Wen Xingrui... If it were Wu Tao, standing in Coffin Nail's position, Wu Tao might not waste his strength to protect a host that is not his.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Wu Tao suddenly felt a glimmer of light with his eyes closed, and his body felt like he was falling rapidly. He immediately opened his eyes and found that he was in the air and falling downwards.

"Isn't it already in the dark void and living in that world?"

At this moment, the coffin nail also withdrew its power to protect him. Wu Tao immediately touched it on his waist, and the Xuanguangzhou turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of him.

Wu Tao stepped onto the Xuanguang Boat and flew the Xuanguang Boat towards the earth below.

Coming to a strange world for the first time, he must go and find out the layout of this world of immortality, so that he can better survive in this world of immortality and improve his cultivation.

As for what Coffin Nail said about the great fortune in this world, he no longer had extravagant hopes.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao suddenly felt the aura of the immortal cultivators below, as well as the ripples of fighting.

As soon as his heart moved, he immediately fell down and released his spiritual thoughts to sense the cultivation level of the immortal cultivators below. If they were higher than him, they would not go forward. Still need to be cautious.

But after a slight reaction, Wu Tao's face was filled with joy, because the four auras of immortal cultivators in the mountains and forests below were all at the golden elixir level.

"One Jindan Perfection, two Jindan 9th level, and one Jindan 8th level, are besieging a late third level monster beast!"

"This third-level late-stage monster is really ferocious. Four golden elixir cultivators of the same level besieged it, but they couldn't take it down. So, I helped them subdue the monster, and then asked them about it insinuatingly. They should tell the truth about local and boundary conditions.”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately used a low-level fourth-level flying sword. The flying sword was like lightning and instantly killed the late-level third-level monster below.

After killing the monster, Wu Tao took the Xuanguang boat and slowly landed in front of the four golden elixir cultivators.

The four golden elixir cultivators were working together to besiege the late-stage third-order monsters. Suddenly, a flying sword came and killed the late-stage third-order monsters. Their expressions were startled, and the real weapons they were attacking were too late. Take back.

Then the next second, they saw an immortal cultivator appearing in front of them, exuding the first level of Nascent Soul cultivation.

"Four of you, Li just passed by here..." Wu Tao looked at the four golden elixir cultivators and saw that they were a little confused. He didn't feel strange because his attack was too sudden, but it didn't stop him from attacking these people. Four golden elixir cultivators inquired about the situation in this world.

However, when Wu Tao was halfway through speaking, the four golden elixir cultivators suddenly turned red, as if going crazy, and they all charged towards Wu Tao.

"Send the signal quickly, another demon from outside the territory has appeared!" The cultivator with perfected golden elixir shouted to the ninth-level cultivator of golden elixir at the same time as he was killing Wu Tao.

Upon hearing this, the ninth-level golden elixir cultivator immediately took out the yellow talisman from the storage bag on his waist and activated it. The yellow talisman immediately turned into light and rushed into the sky, exploding.

Wu Tao was stunned. After listening to their words, he actually understood them.

"Extraterritorial Demon?"

"How can a mere golden elixir cultivator find out that I am not an immortal cultivator in this world?"

But as soon as the attacks of the four golden elixir cultivators arrived, Wu Tao looked at the aid talisman they had just sent out. This aid talisman would definitely attract more powerful immortal cultivators from this side of the world.

Therefore, Wu Tao had no choice but to use the fourth-level low-level flying sword to kill all four golden elixir cultivators in an instant. Then, he wanted to leave here quickly, and then find a way to find out about this world. Condition.

Just when Wu Tao was about to leave, a loud roar rang out: "Kill my disciples of the Guyang Sect for trying to leave!" As soon as this roar rang out, a powerful figure appeared in front of Wu Tao.

"The Nascent Soul cultivator is still at the third level of the Nascent Soul!" Wu Tao instantly sensed the cultivation level of this Nascent Soul cultivator who was wearing a fiery red robe.

"It's actually an extraterrestrial demon, or an extraterrestrial demon at the level of Nascent Soul. Okay, okay, you really think that our immortal cultivators in the ancient spirit world are your cattle and sheep! Today, you will be the first outsider I kill. Demon." When this third-level Nascent Soul cultivator saw Wu Tao, he became furious and immediately attacked Wu Tao.

He also discovered that Wu Tao was only at the first level of Yuanying, because the aura exuding from Wu Tao was at the first level of Yuanying.

Wu Tao frowned slightly when he heard the other party's words. He felt confused now, but now he had dealt with the third-level Nascent Soul cultivator, and then planned and planned step by step.

"The third level of Yuanying is not difficult to solve with my strength!" With this thought, Wu Tao immediately used the red flame divine fire shield, and the three divine fire shields were directed at the third-level Yuanying immortal cultivator from three directions.

At the same time, he also used the fallen treasure money to hit the magic weapon of the third-level immortal cultivator of Guyang Sect Yuan Ying.

Although Wu Tao is now at the first level of Yuanying, he is a dual practitioner of law and body. The Yuan Ti realm has broken through the second level of Yuan Ti, and his spiritual thoughts have reached the level of 5,200 miles.

It is two hundred miles farther than this third-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul.

It can kill the opponent easily.

"What?" Wu Tao's move immediately changed the face of the third-level Immortal Cultivator of the Guyang Sect's Yuan Ying. Three divine fire shields came in three directions, leaving him nowhere to hide. His magic weapon was gently knocked by the opponent's money magic weapon. Touch, I actually felt that the Royal Envoy's magic weapon was stagnant.

He suddenly remembered what the seniors of the sect told him. If you encounter an extraterrestrial demon, you must treat it with caution. Don't think that the opponent's cultivation level is lower than yours, so you can easily kill the opponent. The extraterrestrial demons all have many trump cards, magic weapons, and spells. There are many of them, and they can often kill enemies beyond the ranks.

The third-level Immortal Cultivator of the Guyang Sect Yuan Ying was full of regrets at this moment. He should not have listened to the words of the sect's seniors and should have shaken people first when encountering demons from outside the territory. However, it was too late to shake people now. Even if he offered up the talisman for help, he would still be there. Knocked out by the opponent.

But the third-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul still offered a talisman for help. When Wu Tao saw the other party taking out the talisman, he became alert. Just now, the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of Golden Core caught him off guard without any preparation. The opponent's talisman was successfully activated.

Once again, Wu Tao is on guard.

The talisman for help issued by a cultivator at the third level of Nascent Soul must be a higher level cultivator. With Wu Tao's current level of cultivation, even if he came to a fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, he would not be able to kill him. Will get into trouble.

Therefore, as soon as the opponent took out the talisman for help, Wu Tao used a red flame divine fire shield to illuminate the talisman. Although the talisman was activated, the light flashed in the red flame divine fire shield and was annihilated by the red flame divine fire shield.

At this moment, the third-level Nascent Soul cultivator from Guyang Sect was desperate.

"Outer Territory Demon, just wait to be hunted down by my seniors from Guyang Sect!" A moment later, the third-level Nascent Soul cultivator from Guyang Sect was covered by three divine fire shields and turned into ashes.

At the moment when Yuanying was refined by the divine fire shield, he shouted these words.

Wu Tao's face darkened, he cleaned up the scene, put away the loot, and left the place quickly.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao came to a deserted mountain forest. He contained all the Nascent Soul aura in his body without letting any of it leak out.

He didn't know why a mere golden elixir cultivator could find out that he was not from this world, so he had to be cautious.

"Extraterritorial Demon?"

He recalled the four golden elixir cultivators from the Guyang Sect and the third-level Nascent Soul cultivators he had just met, and fell into thought.

At this moment, Wu Tao suddenly felt something abnormal on his wrist, and he immediately looked down.

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