Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 789 Immortal Weapon and War Merit Palace

Looking down, Wu Tao saw a square brand on his wrist. The brand glowed slightly blue and there was a number on it.


Wu Tao frowned. He was the True Lord of Nascent Soul, but he didn't notice when this brand was imprinted on his wrist.

When he thought of this, there was a hint of panic in his heart. To be able to make a True Lord Nascent Soul not notice it, his cultivation level must be above that of God Transformation.

Anything that does not belong to him is dangerous, because it is unknown. Wu Tao's first thought is to remove the blue mark on his wrist.

He immediately used his magic power and spiritual thoughts to erase the blue mark. But the magical power and divine thought passed over the blue mark, but it disappeared without a trace, just like a whale swallowing the sea.

The blue mark was still imprinted on his wrist.

"What the hell is this?" Wu Tao frowned and pondered: "Did I just kill the Guyang Sect cultivator on the third level of Nascent Soul and put a curse on me before he died?"

Wu Tao thought of the scene of his fight with the Immortal Cultivator of the third level of Nascent Soul of Guyang Sect. He sorted through the scenes. Soon he finished sorting it out. He shook his head and said to himself: "During my fight with him, the other party didn't have time to use it on me. Curse technique. And although he is at the third level of Nascent Soul, his spiritual thoughts are not as strong as mine. If he casts a curse technique on me, I will be able to feel it immediately."

After removing this reason, Wu Tao continued to use various means to eliminate the blue mark on his wrist. He used methods such as burning and peeling, but the blue mark was still attached to his wrist.

Like dog skin plaster.

In desperation, Wu Tao had no choice but to sink into his spiritual mind and seek advice from the coffin nails floating quietly in the middle of his spiritual sea.

"Master Ding, it was you who let me come into this world. Now that such a strange thing has happened, can you please tell me what the blue mark on my wrist is?" Wu Tao asked sincerely, hoping that Coffin Nail could give him a The answer is, he doesn't want to be confused in this world.

The sooner you know the answer and the countermeasures, the easier it will be to survive in this world and improve your cultivation.

The coffin nail vibrated slightly, conveying a message to Wu Tao's mind: "I know what this brand is, but I don't want to tell you right now."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was speechless: "Master Ding, why didn't you tell me?"

Although he felt helpless, Wu Tao could not get angry in the face of such a powerful position as the nail in the coffin.

Nail in the Coffin continued to answer: "If you want to know the answer, then explore the process yourself. Only then will you grow and make progress in your cultivation."

Seeing this, Wu Tao changed his approach and asked: "Master Ding, last time you followed me into the Tiangang layer of the Immortal Yuan Realm, did you go to meet the existence behind Master Ning and the Emperor Shenjun?"

If Coffin Nails can answer this question head-on, Wu Tao feels that with a little bit of meager information, he can deduce some information.

But Coffin Nail did not answer this question, but fell into silence again.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts exited the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, his eyes glowed with golden light, and his mind was like a high-speed computer, separating and integrating all the scenes he had experienced in the past years, and selecting information that was useful to him.

"If we push forward from today's results and reverse the results, I can be sure that Master Ding who followed me to the Tiangang layer of the Xianyuan world must have gone to see the existence behind Master Ning and the Emperor Shenjun. "

"And this road out of the Three Realms should have been planned by Emperor Shenjun and the being behind Ning Qiudao. Master Ding might also be one of the planners, so he forcibly controlled me to enter this world."

"This also explains why Mr. Ding just said that he knows what this blue brand is?"

Wu Tao's thoughts fell one by one, and he quickly determined that the way out of the Three Realms was actually just a game made by those big guys. As for why he had to go to all the trouble to make such a game and let so many people in the Three Realms When the Demon King of the Demon World and the Nascent Soul Golden Pill shrimps entered, what did they ask for?

Now he knows nothing.

"But if Mr. Ding is also one of the planners, then I must not be a chess piece that they can randomly throw away in this world! Otherwise, Mr. Ding would not have said to me that letting me enter this world would be a big deal for me. A great blessing that can enhance your cultivation realm!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao felt relieved, because he had reached such an irreversible point and he could only move forward in a better direction.

"The most important thing right now is to explore this world of cultivating immortals and see what the blue brand is. What does the number 49 in the brand mean?"

Wu Tao quickly made a decision in his mind.

And, he began to review what he encountered when he entered this world.

I don’t have much experience, but I still need to review it.

First of all, after he entered this world, he met the four golden elixir cultivators of Guyang Sect. Logically speaking, the cultivation realm of those golden elixir cultivators was one level lower than his.

How do you know that he came from another world?

If he was in the Star Sea Cultivation World, and a higher-level cultivator from other worlds came in and stood in front of him, he would have no means to detect whether he was a foreigner or not?

“Perhaps it’s Guyang Sect’s unique method?”

"We'll find out once we find a foundation-building immortal cultivator or a Qi-training immortal cultivator to experiment!"

"By the way, when the immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect saw me, they were very hateful and called me an extraterrestrial demon. Maybe the extraterritorial demon is their collective name for immortal cultivators from other worlds, right?"

"Let's see if there are any records in their storage bags?"

With his mind racing, Wu Tao immediately took out five storage bags, which were the storage bags of the five immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect.

The four storage bags are the storage bags of the four golden elixir cultivators. A slight touch of Wu Tao's mana and divine thoughts inside the ban directly caused the ban to collapse, without affecting the items in the storage bags.

Then he quickly counted the four storage bags. They were all cultivation resources needed by some golden elixir cultivators. They were not of much use to him. What he was looking for were mainly some notebooks and books.

The storage bag of the third-level Nascent Soul cultivator of Guyang Sect was also opened by Wu Tao. It took a while to untie the restrictions placed by the third-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao closed the last book.

He obtained too little information from these five storage bags. He only knew that Guyang Sect was located in East China and was one of the three God-Transformation Sects in East China. There was a God-Transformation Lord in charge of the sect.

The largest sect in Eastern China is called the Lingshen Immortal Palace. The Lingshen Immortal Palace has beings who transcend the gods.

Wu Tao was a little disappointed. He did not obtain any effective information about any extraterrestrial demons. There was no record in every book.

But he already knew that he was in the Eastern China in this world, and that there were beings in the Eastern China that were above the gods.

"There is an existence beyond the Transformation God in one state, and there are three Transformation God sects. As an extraterrestrial demon walking in the Eastern Divine State, I can be more careful. If I encounter a Transformation God, I won't even be able to escape!"

Muttering to himself, Wu Tao put these things away and began to meditate and adjust his breath to regain his condition.

Day 4.

Somewhere in the mountains of Eastern China.

There were three foundation-building immortal cultivators from Eastern China who were besieging a second-level monster. What they didn't know was that a Nascent Soul Lord was watching them not far away with his breath restrained.

This Nascent Soul True Monarch was none other than Wu Tao. He carefully sneaked for four days and finally found these three foundation-building immortal cultivators.

After a while, the three Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivators finally killed the second-level intermediate monster together. Just after they finished their distribution, Wu Tao appeared.

When Wu Tao appeared, he did not reveal his cultivation as the Nascent Soul Lord. However, when the three foundation-building immortal cultivators saw Wu Tao, they immediately looked horrified and shouted: "Outside Heavenly Demon, run away!"

While shouting, he turned around and used his escape technique to escape.

Wu Tao's face darkened, and his magic power swept out, immediately trapping the spiritual thoughts and magic power of the three foundation-building immortal cultivators and flying them back towards him.

The next second, these three foundation-building immortal cultivators all knelt in front of him.

The foundation-building magic power and foundation-building spiritual thoughts have been imprisoned by Wu Tao.

"Senior Extraterrestrial Demon, please have mercy on me, please have mercy on me!"

These three foundation-building immortal cultivators kept kowtowing.

Wu Tao frowned, looked at the three of them and said, "I am not an extraterrestrial demon."

"Senior Extraterrestrial Demon, you are kidding me! We are just minor foundation-building cultivators. Please treat us as nothings, senior. We will definitely not tell anyone about you." One of the foundation-building immortal cultivators said in mourning.

Wu Tao saw that they were very convinced that they were extraterrestrial demons. There must be some reason. He did not quibble that he was not an extraterrestrial demon, but asked: "You are just building the foundation, and I am the Nascent Soul. There are two In the great realm, why can you tell at a glance that I am an extraterrestrial demon?"

The foundation-building immortal cultivator answered honestly: "Senior, we don't know how to sense whether you are an extraterrestrial demon. This is also the first time we have seen an extraterrestrial demon. In the past, we asked the seniors in the sect how they knew that the other party was an extraterrestrial demon. , the seniors in the sect told us that as long as you see the real extraterrestrial demon, you will know that he is an extraterrestrial demon!"

"Is this so?" Wu Tao pondered, feeling that it was too unbelievable.

"Is it a problem with the brand in my hand?" Wu Tao looked at the blue brand in his hand. There was no light. It looked as if it was just a tattoo.

Thinking of this, he showed the blue brand in his hand to the three immortal cultivators from Eastern China and said, "Can you recognize this brand?"

The three foundation-building immortal cultivators shook their heads repeatedly and said, "Senior, I don't recognize you. Senior, please spare us."

"Okay..." When Wu Tao saw this, he just wanted to ask the three foundation-building practitioners, but he couldn't ask anything, so he removed the magic power and spiritual thoughts that imprisoned them. However, as soon as they were removed, the three foundation-building practitioners The immortal cultivator suddenly had a distorted expression on his face, his eyes turned red, and he shouted fiercely: "Extraterrestrial Demon, go to hell!"

The attack with foundation-building power fell on Wu Tao. Wu Tao's magic power was gently purged, and the three foundation-building immortal cultivators were directly annihilated, and their bodies died.

At this moment, Wu Tao felt something strange about the blue mark on his wrist. He immediately looked down and saw that the number 49 turned into 52 in an instant.

"This is?"

Wu Tao was shocked. Even if he was doubtful at this time, he could still understand that the change in this number was due to the fact that these three foundation-building immortal cultivators were killed by him.

"So the number 49 in the previous wrist brand is related to the four golden elixir cultivators and a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator that I killed before?"

"Killing an immortal cultivator from this world will increase the number?"

"Then what will you gain after the number increases? Doesn't it mean that you want me to kill all the immortal cultivators in this world?" Wu Tao felt shuddering just thinking about it.

He is not a murderous person, but he has always been said to be an extraterrestrial devil in this world, and the immortal cultivators in this world are like crazy demons. Even the foundation-building immortal cultivators dare to do this to him, the Nascent Soul True Lord. The killer is not afraid of death at all.

"Are you forcing me to kill?"

"Master Ding, is this the great fortune you are talking about? I would rather not have this great fortune!" Wu Tao felt quite helpless.

Suddenly, another idea came to Wu Tao's mind, and this idea made him couldn't help but feel happy.

"If according to my speculation, we are the big bosses who put us into this world in order to kill the immortal cultivators in this world, then doesn't it mean that the master and the other immortal cultivators who entered this world have no die?"

Wu Tao thinks it is very possible.

"Okay, it's good that the master is not dead. This is undoubtedly a happy event for me. If the master and the others are also in this world, they will meet one day." Thinking of this, Wu Tao quickly left here.

On the Tiangang layer above the Absolute Spiritual Land in the Immortal Realm, two figures stood quietly, it was ‘Ning Qiudao’ and Emperor Shenjun.

At this time, Emperor Shenjun's eyes fell on the hands of 'Ning Qiudao'. There was a treasure palace floating in the hands of 'Ning Qiudao'. The treasure palace was square and exuded powerful immortal energy.

"I didn't expect that my fellow Taoist would have an immortal weapon and war merit palace in his hands." The Emperor God Lord clicked his tongue and said in wonder.

Ning Qiudao chuckled and said: "This Immortal Weapon War Merit Palace was given to me by the human race of immortal cultivators. At that time, our gods and demons were still in charge of the Chaos Immortal Realm. The human race of immortal cultivators were attached to the demigods and were cautious and flattering towards us. flatter!"

"No wonder Fellow Daoist Ning asked me to go to that world of gods and demons to arrange the two realm talismans. It turned out to be for the purpose of offering sacrifices to the Immortal Weapons and War Merit Hall!" Emperor Shenjun suddenly said.

Ning Qiudao shook his head and said: "It's not just for the purpose of sacrificing the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Palace, but also to seize the creation of that god and demon and restore my strength. Of course there is another reason."

"Oh, is there any other reason that fellow Taoist can tell me?" Di Shenjun asked curiously.

For gods and demons of the level in front of us, if there are other reasons, or deeper reasons.

When Ning Qiudao heard the words, he said: "It's just a small reason, so I won't tell Fellow Daoist Emperor. Fellow Daoist Emperor, this time I planned the world of gods and demons, thanks to Fellow Daoist Emperor who ran for me!"

Seeing that he didn't say anything or force himself, Emperor Shenjun cupped his hands and said, "In that case, everything is going according to plan, so I will take my leave now!"

After the Emperor Shenjun finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of 'Ning Qiudao'.

'Ning Qiudao' stood quietly, the immortal weapon and war merit palace in his hand was emitting an immortal charm.

He looked at the Palace of War Merits and suddenly said to himself: "I have done what I promised you, but if they want to survive, they have to fight for their own lives and the lives of those around them. Gods and demons have never been kind."

After talking to himself, a weak voice sounded from the depths of Ning Qiudao's soul: "Thank you."

'Ning Qiudao' looked calm after hearing those words of thanks. He stood on the Tiangang level for a long time. With a flip of his wrist, the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall shrank sharply and disappeared into his sleeves.

Then, 'Ning Qiudao' waved his hands, and the surrounding Tiangang Qi immediately boiled violently. But in the next moment, streams of starlight flew from all directions and shot into his sleeves.

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