In the mountain forest, every time Wu Tao took a step, his body appeared ten miles away. He did not use any cultivation skills. His Nascent Soul True Monarch physique alone was able to reach this point.

The Guyang Sect has the God-Huashen Lord sitting in charge, so Wu Tao decided to leave the Guyang Sect first.

This is less dangerous.

After he becomes more familiar with this world and fully understands the situation of the demons outside the territory, and has a way to deal with it, he can go to some sect-wide activities where the gods are in charge.

Otherwise, he, the extraterrestrial demon, would be able to sense and see it as if he were an immortal cultivator.

Wu Tao can leave the scope of East China by leaving in the opposite direction of East China.

There are many wild beasts and monsters in the mountains and forests, but Wu Tao's cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage is there. He can kill any monster as long as it does not exceed the fourth level.

After killing the monster, Wu Tao discovered that the number of the blue brand would not increase.

From this point of view, only by killing the local immortal cultivators in this world will the number of the blue brand increase.

Generally, places with spiritual veins are either occupied by human cultivators or monsters. Wu Tao was walking in the mountains and forests, feeling the thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mountains and forests. Being able to emit such a concentration of spiritual energy of heaven and earth means that there are people in this mountain forest. A first-level spiritual vein.

The monsters he encountered while walking through this mountain forest were basically first-order monsters, and there were no second-order monsters at all.

Relying on the strength of his Nascent Soul, Wu Tao walked ten miles in one step. In just half a day, he stepped out of this mountain forest and came to another dense forest, but this dense forest did not have any spiritual energy at all.

Without the existence of spiritual energy, there will naturally be no demonic beasts to occupy it, and it will not attract human cultivators to establish sects here.

Wu Tao released his Nascent Soul Soul, covering the surrounding mountains and forests. Then, his face moved. Under the induction of his Soul Mind, there were actually three mortals dressed as hunters, hunting in the mountains and forests.

"The immortal cultivators in this world are full of weirdness. I wonder if the mortals in this world can tell that I am an extraterrestrial demon?" Thinking of this, Wu Tao decided to give it a try.

Of course, when he was in front of the three mortal hunters, he couldn't pass by in his current clothes. He was now wearing a fourth-level defensive robe, and his whole appearance was majestic. The aura on his body made it clear that he was not a mortal, but a cultivator.

So it still needs a little sprucing up.

As soon as he thought about it, Wu Tao immediately rummaged through his storage bag. After becoming an immortal cultivator, the items in the storage bag were basically reserved for immortal cultivators. But fortunately, when he was cultivating immortals in Wuquan Mountain, he couldn't afford them at a young age. When wearing robes, he will also wear mortal clothes.

He had a few clothes in his storage bag, so Wu Tao immediately took off his robe and put on a set of mortal clothes.

Then he opened a light mirror formed by magic power and looked at himself in the mirror wearing ordinary clothes, but his temperament did not diminish at all.

"It still needs some renovation."

Wu Tao immediately transformed himself. A quarter of an hour later, his face became an unremarkable middle-aged man in his early 30s. His hair was messy and stained with leaves. His clothes were torn by thorns, and even his face was There were wounds scratched by thorns on his feet and hands.

"It's time to act."

Satisfied with his current image, there should be no flaws in the three mortal hunters. Wu Tao immediately moved and walked in the direction of the three hunters.

In the mountains and forests.

The three men carried bows and arrows on their backs, and held in their hands the hares and pheasants that they had caught today, with joyful smiles on their faces. They had gained something from their trip up the mountain today. When the time comes, they will return to the village and sell these hares and pheasants in the city. With money, I can buy rice and eat for a long time.

"Uncle Zhang, we will come to this area tomorrow. There are a lot of prey in this area. If we put a few more traps, we will definitely gain more." A young hunter in his early 20s said to the oldest hunter next to him.

The oldest hunter nodded when he heard this and said: "Okay, come here again tomorrow and bring more traps, hoping to catch that big guy."

The big guy in his mouth refers to a wild boar. They saw it today, but the wild boar escaped.

The bows and arrows they brought with them could not hurt the wild boar because of its thick skin. For such a big wild boar, it was still necessary to set up traps.

"Okay, as long as we capture that big guy, we can live a good life for several months." The young Orion's face was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

But the third hunter said to him: "Ayuan, after you return to the village, remember, don't tell anyone what happened today. If other hunters find out about this land, they will steal it from us."

When the hunter named A Yuan heard this, he immediately promised: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

Li Feng heard his promise and said no more.

Uncle Zhang said: "Okay, Fengzi, I still believe in Ayuan's character. He will definitely not tell anyone. Hurry up and go back to the village before dark. In the wild, there is always So safe.”

"It's Uncle Zhang." Li Feng nodded, and the three of them quickened their pace and walked down the mountain.


At this moment, a miserable cry for help sounded from behind.

When Uncle Zhang, Li Feng, and A Yuan heard this, they were startled. They immediately looked back and saw a figure on the mountainside being chased by a wild boar. He was in a state of embarrassment. His clothes were torn by thorns. , his hands and feet were bleeding.

"This is the wild boar we just met. Where did this person come from?" Ayuan was surprised.

"Looking at the attire of this man, he doesn't look like a hunter. He should be from the city. What are the people from the city doing in this mountain?" Li Feng was surprised and unsure.

Uncle Zhang was silent, watching the figure running for his life in the mountains. He was running away. His feet shook and he fell to the ground. He rolled down and seemed to have hit a stone, and the screams stopped.

But the wild boar still refused to let go.

Uncle Zhang and other hunters all know that wild boars can eat people.

Thinking of this, Uncle Zhang was no longer silent. He took the bow on his back, drew out the arrow, bent the bow and nocked the arrow, and said to Li Feng and A Yuan: "Fengzi, A Yuan, save people!"

After saying that, he released an arrow and shot at the wild boar.

After Li Feng and Uncle Zhang spoke to Ayuan, they immediately took out their hunting bows and started shooting arrows at the wild boar in an attempt to force the wild boar away.

The three of them kept shooting long arrows. Some of the arrows hit the wild boar, but they only scratched a little on his skin and could not penetrate into his hard skin.

This is why when the three of them saw a wild boar, they wanted to trap it rather than shoot it.

After all, this wild boar is not a monster. Seeing Uncle Zhang, Li Feng, and Ayuan attacking with bows and arrows, they seemed to have more momentum than their own, so the wild boar snorted twice and retreated directly.

Seeing the wild boar retreating, the three of them came to Wu Tao. Wu Tao was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state, his clothes were in tatters, and his body was full of cuts from thorns. He fainted on the ground, but he did not faint. He released his spiritual thoughts to sense the status of these three hunters.

He wanted to see if these three hunters could tell whether he was an extraterrestrial demon.

"A Yuan, see how he is doing?" Uncle Zhang said to A Yuan.

A Yuan immediately leaned down, stretched out his finger, and landed on Wu Tao's nose. He felt warm breath. He said to Uncle Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, he is not dead, he just fainted!"

Uncle Zhang nodded and said: "This kid is lucky." After saying that, he also leaned down to check Wu Tao's physical condition, and then pinched Wu Tao's person. Seeing that Wu Tao hadn't woken up yet, he said: "Everything is fine. It’s just a skin injury, but I probably won’t wake up for a while.”

"Uncle Zhang, what should we do?" Li Feng asked.

Uncle Zhang looked at the unconscious Wu Tao, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Take him back to the village first. When he wakes up, ask him where he is from and let him go back by himself!"

"Listen to Uncle Zhang." Li Feng nodded.

"Ayuan, let Li Feng hold the bow, arrows and prey. You carry him on your back and we go back to the village together!" Uncle Zhang said to Ayuan.

Upon hearing this, A Yuan immediately handed the bow, arrows and prey to Li Feng, carrying the unconscious Wu Tao on his back, and continued down the mountain.

Wu Tao was being carried by A Yuan. At this time, he already understood in his heart that the mortals in this world could not tell his identity as an extraterrestrial demon. Only the immortal cultivators in this world could tell that he was an extraterrestrial demon.

"Forget it, let's go to that village with them first and see if others can see the identity of my extraterrestrial demon!" Wu Tao thought like this and continued to pretend to be faint.

After walking for a full two hours, the three of them arrived at their village at dusk.

After returning to the village, the villagers saw them returning from hunting, and Ayuan was carrying an unconscious man on his back, and immediately asked the man's identity.

Uncle Zhang replied that they had met him in the mountains, and then said nothing more and asked A Yuan to carry Wu Tao to his home.

"Dad, Brother Feng, Brother Ayuan, you are back!" As soon as the three of them returned to Uncle Zhang's home, Uncle Zhang's daughter and son came to greet them.

Uncle Zhang's children were immediately surprised when they saw Wu Tao on A Yuan's back: "Dad, who is this?"

"We rescued him on the mountain. We don't know who it is yet. Xiaohui, go and boil some hot water. I will help him clean his wounds." Uncle Zhang said to his daughter Zhang Xiaohui.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaohui immediately went to the kitchen to boil water.

Then, Uncle Zhang asked Ayuan to put Wu Tao on the bed. Li Feng said at this time: "Uncle Zhang, do you want to ask the village doctor to come and take a look?"

Uncle Zhang shook his head and said: "They are all skin injuries. Calling the doctor over will only waste money. Let Xiaohui boil hot water and come over later. We can help him clean it and apply some herbs to the wound."

Ayuan said: "Uncle Zhang is right. In the past, when we suffered skin injuries, we didn't just use herbal medicine perfunctorily. It would be cured soon."

Soon, Zhang Xiaohui boiled a basin of hot water and came over. Uncle Zhang immediately took a handkerchief and used the hot water to clean the wounds on Wu Tao's hands and face.

Maybe the wound hurt when it was touched by water. Wu Tao let out a hiss and slowly woke up.

"My head hurts so much, my head hurts so much!" As soon as Wu Tao woke up, he held his head in his hands and shouted in a low voice.

Seeing Wu Tao wake up, Uncle Zhang and the others felt happy, but seeing his appearance, their hearts sank again. Don't hurt your head, that would be bad.

"Uncle Zhang, do you want to call a doctor?" Li Feng asked again. He felt that Wu Tao must have hurt his head.

At this moment, Wu Tao slowly calmed down and looked at Uncle Zhang in confusion. The three of them asked, "Who are you? Why am I here?"

Uncle Zhang said: "We are hunters from Gushan Village. We were hunting in the mountains. We saw you being chased and bitten by a wild boar and rescued you! My name is Zhang Qi and this is my home."

"Ah...thank you for saving my life." Wu Tao thanked him.

"Where are you from and why did you go into the mountains? Judging from your expensive clothes, you must be from the city, right?" Uncle Zhang asked.

"Am I?" Wu Tao was confused. He froze and fell into silence.

"Who am I? I don't remember!" Wu Tao planned to stay in this Gushan Village and explore the situation of the villagers, so the best way was to pretend to have amnesia, so as to have a chance to stay in Gushan Village.

"Oh no, Uncle Zhang, he really hurt his head and can't remember anything!" Li Feng said.

Uncle Zhang is just a mortal and has no idea about the disguise of Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul Master. Seeing this situation, he was quite helpless and finally said: "Don't go up the mountain tomorrow. We will take the prey to the city and sell it. By the way, Get on him and go to the city to see if anyone can recognize him!"

"This is the only way!" Li Feng said.

That night, Wu Tao stayed at Uncle Zhang's house. Zhang Qi's mother-in-law must have passed away, leaving only 16-year-old daughter Zhang Xiaohui and 13-year-old son Zhang Xi.

On the second day, Uncle Zhang, Li Feng and A Yuan took Wu Tao to the city. They first sold all the prey in their hands, exchanged money and bought rice and noodles. Finally, they took Wu Tao for a walk in the city to see what was going on. No one knows Wu Tao.

But after walking around, he found that no one knew Wu Tao. In desperation, Uncle Zhang could only take Wu Tao, who had lost his memory, back to Gushan Village.

While walking around the city, Wu Tao also released his spiritual thoughts and found that the city was full of mortals.

And these mortals in the city, when they see him, will not recognize his identity as an extraterrestrial demon like the immortal cultivators.

Returned to the Zhang family in Gushan Village.

The three people surrounded Wu Tao and were all lost in thought, not knowing how to arrange Wu Tao.

"I heard that some rich people in the city would go into the mountains to look for some kind of immortal and want to become immortals. Isn't he also a rich person who wants to find immortals?" A Yuan pointed at Wu Tao and said.

"It's very possible!" Li Feng nodded.

After listening to these words, Wu Tao's heart moved. From this point of view, the mortals here should know about the immortal cultivators, which means that there must be immortal cultivators around here.

Zhang Yuan was thinking about how to deal with Wu Tao. Finally, he thought about it and found that there was no way to drive Wu Tao out. Wu Tao, who had lost his memory, would definitely be dead if he was driven out.

He couldn't bear it, so he finally decided to keep Wu Tao at his home, where he would usually work and give him a mouthful of food, as long as he didn't starve to death.

Therefore, Wu Tao stayed in the Zhang family.

The reason Wu Tao chose to stay in the Zhang family was because he still had a lot of cultivation resources that could sustain his cultivation for one or two years, especially Xingchen Liuguang, who could cultivate for at least seven or eight years.

And here, people are practicing in a village, and they will not be noticed by the immortal cultivators in this world.

"Practice for two years first and then make a decision!"

Thinking like this, that night, after the three Zhang family members fell asleep, Wu Tao flashed to the back of Gushan Village and started practicing.

This is his first time practicing in this world.

I feel a little acclimatized, of course, this is just psychological.

The main reason is that his status as an extraterrestrial demon prevents him from cultivating stably and integrating into this world to practice. If he wants to improve his cultivation, he still needs to kill a few more cultivators from this world and increase the number in the blue mark. See What will happen when the number increases?

But Wu Tao didn't want to become a killing machine unless he had to.

Unless the immortal cultivator in this world wants to kill him, he can only kill him in return. The murderer will always be killed.

In this way, you are not violating your own principles.

"Why does it feel like I have entered a game set by others... Sigh, it feels so bad to be plotted by powerful people." Wu Tao felt helpless and continued to practice the Nine Lights Divine Presence Technique.

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