After practicing for a night, Wu Tao's Yuan Ying cultivation and Yuan Ti cultivation both improved.

Yuan Ti's cultivation has improved even more, because it is cultivated with the star streamer. The star streamer on his body now can be cultivated for seven or eight years.

In the past seven or eight years, there is no need to go to the Tiangang layer to collect the stars and streamers.

And now it is not in the Three Realms, but in this world. Wu Tao did not dare to rashly enter the Tiangang layer with Nascent Soul before he fully understood the situation in this world.

The Tiangang layer is a place where only the God-Transforming True Lord can enter. If he enters the Heavenly layer with his Nascent Soul, and encounters the God-Transforming Lord of this world on the Tiangang layer, the other party will look at him at a glance, shout "Outer Territory Demon", and kill him. It would be too unfair to kill the Nascent Soul.

There is no need to bother with the cultivation resources to cultivate the Yuan Ti realm, but to cultivate Jiu Yaotian's divine method to improve Yuan Ying's cultivation level, you need to rely on spiritual veins and spiritual stones.

The spiritual stones on his body now allow him to practice for about a year or two.

A year or two later, we will still have to face the immortal cultivators in this world.

After practicing, Wu Tao returned to the Zhang family and lay down in the residence arranged for him by the Zhang family.

The Zhang family only has two rooms.

One room is occupied by the daughter Zhang Xiaohui, while the other room has two beds. It was originally occupied by the Zhang family and his son, but now he is added to the room.

Wu Tao now sleeps in the same bed as Zhang Xi, Uncle Zhang's son.

In fact, he didn't sleep at all at night. After the Zhang family fell asleep, he planned to go to the back mountain of Gushan Village to practice.

Wu Tao had just laid down. Zhang Xi, a little guy who was not very good at sleeping, put one foot up. Wu Tao didn't care and continued to close his eyes and rest.

At dawn the next day, Uncle Zhang got up. Zhang Xiaohui had gotten up early and was making breakfast in the kitchen. Because Wu Tao joined in, Zhang Xiaohui had to make one more breakfast.

After Uncle Zhang simply washed up, he asked Zhang Xi, who was still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, to get up. He also asked Wu Tao to get up.

"It's time for breakfast!" Uncle Zhang said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded in confusion. Uncle Zhang saw that he was not very clear-minded and sighed. If he is not enjoying his rich life in the city, what kind of immortal is he looking for? Immortals are not that easy to find. If he were so rich, he would have enjoyed life with his son and daughter.

Cultivation as an immortal is not as good as feasting on fish, meat, and delicacies every day.

The Zhang family’s breakfast is also very simple, with porridge and pickles. Zhang Xiaohui served Wu Tao a bowl of porridge. Wu Tao now looked like he was in his early 30s, and Uncle Zhang was 40 years old this year. Seeing that Zhang Xiaohui didn’t know how to call Wu Tao, he remembered that Wu Tao had lost his memory and had forgotten his own name, so he named Wu Tao. I named him Zhang Shan.

The mountain is not the three in the number 123, but the mountain within the mountain. The reason why Uncle Zhang gave Wu Tao this name was because Wu Tao was rescued in the mountains.

"Xiaohui, Axi, you can call him Uncle Zhang from now on. Xiaohui, I will go hunting in the mountains with Fengzi Ayuan later. You should take good care of him and take him with you when you go to work in the fields. If he can help, he will help you." , if you can't help, let him sit on the field ridge and don't let him leave your sight." Uncle Zhang told Zhang Xiaohui.

Zhang Xiaohui nodded to express her understanding.

Then Uncle Zhang took his bow, arrows and traps and went out to find Li Feng and A Yuan, and they went hunting together in the mountains.

"Sister, I'm going to play." Zhang Xi said and ran out the door.

Zhang Xiaohui was helpless. Her younger brother often played around with the boys of average age in the village, and often got into fights. When he was bullied, he would go home and cry.

So she just wanted to tell Zhang Xi not to fight with others, but Zhang Xi had already disappeared. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohui had no choice but to look at Wu Tao and said, "Uncle Shan, I'm going to do some farm work in the fields. You can come with me."

Wu Tao nodded blankly and followed Zhang Xiaohui, who was carrying a bucket, to the farmland.

There were many villagers from Gushan Village doing farm work in the farmland. When they saw Zhang Xiaohui with a man in his early 30s who looked a bit silly, he asked if he was the city man that Uncle Zhang rescued from the mountains.

Zhang Xiaohui nodded and said yes, saying that now Uncle Shan has lost his memory, and when he remembers it later, he will return to his home in the city.

When the villagers heard this, they smiled and said that this was an extra labor force. Some people said that looking at his stupid look, he might not be able to do farm work. And he has a tender skin and tender flesh. He looks like a city dweller at first glance, and he doesn't know how to do farm work.

Later, I recovered my memory and returned to my home in the city. I thanked the Zhang family for saving my life. It would be better to give him some money.

Zhang Xiaohui didn't say anything when she heard these words. Instead, she turned back to look at Wu Tao who was following him and said, "Uncle Shan, I'm going to fetch water from the river. Come with me."

Wu Tao nodded and followed Zhang Xiaohui.

Arriving at the river, Zhang Xiaohui fetched water to water the vegetables. Seeing Wu Tao standing by the river, constantly throwing stones into the river, Zhang Xiaohui quickly told him: "Uncle Shan, be careful, don't fall into the river."

When Wu Tao heard her admonishing him in the same tone as a child, he was not amused, but he found it quite interesting. As an immortal cultivator, he had not experienced the life of a mortal for a long time.

He continued to play his role, grunted in agreement, and continued to throw the stone in his hand into the river.

Zhang Xiaohui was very happy to see that he was willing to listen to her and was not as disobedient as her younger brother. She carried water by herself to the farmland and the river.

After fetching water three times, Zhang Xiaohui came to the river again to fetch water for the fourth time. She saw Uncle Shan, who had lost his memory, holding a fish in his hand. The fish weighed three kilograms.

Zhang Xiaohui was surprised and asked: "Uncle Shan, where did you get this fish?"

Wu Tao pointed to the wound in the fish's head and said, "I hit it with a stone!"

"Ah, it was beaten with stones?" Zhang Xiaohui couldn't believe it, but then she thought that Wu Tao must be lucky. However, looking at the three kilograms of big carp in Wu Tao's hand, she was quite happy and said: "Uncle Shan is really amazing. He burned it and ate it in the morning." Got it!"

Wu Tao nodded and handed the big carp to Zhang Xiaohui, who put the big carp into a wooden barrel.

Wu Tao then sat on the ridge of the field with his eyes closed. Zhang Xiaohui thought he was tired and resting. In fact, his spiritual thoughts had sunk into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was formed with words, which were the words of the Tao. He was in the spiritual thoughts. Practice Taoism in the sea.

Practice Taoism with Nascent Soul.

Zhang Xiaohui finished watering an acre of land with difficulty, and it was already noon. She was sweating profusely and took Wu Tao back to Zhang's house and started making lunch, which was the fish Wu Tao caught in the river.

In fact, he had already figured out that although Uncle Zhang hunted in the Zhang family, the prey had to be taken to the city and sold in exchange for rice and noodles, so it was impossible to have meat for every meal.

Although Wu Tao came to Zhang's house on the first day, he still liked these two little guys Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi.

Uncle Zhang is a nice little guy with a good heart, so Wu Tao wanted to improve the life of Uncle Zhang and his family. Anyway, with his cultivation as the Nascent Soul Lord, it was easy.

Zhang Xiaohui's cooking skills are really good. After half an hour, the smell of fish was already coming out.

At this time, Zhang Xi had been wilding in the village all morning and returned home when he was hungry. He smelled the smell of fish and was overjoyed. He ran to the kitchen and saw the fish stewed in the pot and asked, "Sister, did you go buy some fish?" ?”

Zhang Xiaohui said: "Where do I have the money to buy fish? Uncle Shan caught them with stones in the river."

"What? Hit it with stones? Are you kidding?" Zhang Xi looked unbelieving. He ran to Wu Tao who was sitting in the yard and asked: "Uncle Shan, you really hit that fish in the river with stones." ?”

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Yes, when I saw the fish, I wanted to hit him with a stone, but I didn't expect to hit him!"

"Such good luck!" Zhang Xi could only attribute it to luck.

In the morning, Wu Tao saw Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi eating happily.

At dusk, Uncle Zhang came back from the mountains again, but this time he was not so lucky to hunt prey. He heard from Zhang Xiaohui that Wu Tao caught a fish in the river in the morning, and half of it was left uneaten, so he kept it for his father to come back to eat. .

When Uncle Zhang heard his daughter say that Wu Tao hit a fish with a stone, he thought Wu Tao was very lucky and said, "It seems that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good luck in the future!"

But for the next 10 days or so, Uncle Zhang went hunting in the mountains, and Zhang Xiaohui took Wu Tao with him when he went to work. Wu Tao caught a fish in the river every day, which made the Zhang family suspicious and felt that Wu Tao was really not lucky.

In the courtyard, Uncle Zhang, Zhang Xiaohui, and Zhang Xi looked at Wu Tao sitting on the stone bench.

"Brother Shan, I think you must have been an extraordinary person before you lost your memory." Uncle Zhang said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao did not answer.

But Uncle Zhang took a stone and put it in his palm, then pointed at a small wooden stick on the ground outside the stone department and said, "Brother Shan, try hitting that wooden stick with a stone!"

When Wu Tao heard this, he threw the stone casually, and the wooden stick was immediately hit by the stone.

Uncle Zhang's face was extremely shocked. Then he gave Wu Tao another handful of stones. Wu Tao hit exactly where Uncle Zhang said he would.

"Uncle Shan, can you teach me?" Zhang Xi was so excited that he immediately hugged Wu Tao's thigh and begged Wu Tao to teach him the unique skill of throwing stones with one hand.

Uncle Zhang was silent. The shock in his heart lingered for a long time. He felt that Wu Tao must have been a master of martial arts before he lost his memory. Why is a master who has learned martial arts chased by a wild boar?

Maybe a less advanced master who has learned martial arts and only knows how to throw stones?

It is possible to kill a fish with this stone, but it is unlikely to kill a wild boar. This makes sense, and Uncle Zhang quickly patched himself up.

Sure enough, Zhang Shu then asked Wu Tao to increase his strength and found that the stones thrown by Wu Tao were not very powerful and could knock out a fish at most.

But even so, it is already a miracle in Zhang Xi's eyes. If he learns Wu Tao's unique skill of throwing stones with one hand, the friends in the village will definitely recognize him as the boss.

Since then, Zhang Xi has been following Wu Tao like a follower, asking Wu Tao to teach him the trick of throwing stones. Wu Tao simply taught him the trick, just letting him throw more stones, practice makes perfect.

Since then, Zhang Xi has been learning the unique skill of throwing stones with Wu Tao.

After learning for a month, he became more and more accurate at throwing stones. He showed it to children of the same age in the village. Children of the same age wanted to learn from Zhang Xi one after another and wanted to learn this unique skill of throwing stones. This made Zhang Xi Overjoyed.

"Dang" sound.

Zhang Xi accurately hit the trunk of a big tree ten steps away. He happily turned to look at Wu Tao lying on the grass beside him and said, "Uncle Shan, I hit again."

"It's great." Wu Tao said.

Ever since Zhang Xi followed Wu Tao, he found that he was really happy during these days and became the king of children again. All this happened only after following Wu Tao.

The person he admires most in his heart now is Wu Tao. Thinking of the reason for Uncle Shan's amnesia, he asked: "Uncle Shan, I heard from Brother Feng and Brother Ayuan that you lost your memory because you went to look for the immortal. Have you found the immortal?" "

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Xi and did not answer directly, but asked him: "Do you want to become an immortal?"

Zhang Xi barely hesitated and nodded: "Of course I want to. Who doesn't want to be a high-ranking immortal?"

Wu Tao asked again: "If you become an immortal, you will kill Uncle Shan, will you also become an immortal?"

Zhang Xi was stunned when he heard this. He asked doubtfully: "Uncle Shan, I have become an immortal, why would I want to kill you? Uncle Shan, you taught me the unique skill of throwing stones, just like my master. If I become an immortal, I I will take Uncle Shan with you to cultivate immortality, as well as my sister and my father."

"When the time comes, our family will cultivate immortality together."

Wu Tao felt Zhang Xi's sincere emotions and regarded him as a family member. He was a little silent for a while. If he were not in this world and was an extraterrestrial demon, the immortal cultivators would attack him as soon as they encountered him. They would go crazy and feel as if they had lost their own personality. It was the same with the previous foundation-building immortal cultivators.

If he met a mortal like Zhang Xi in the Three Realms, he might just give him a fairy fate, but now... because he doesn't want to stand on the opposite side of Zhang Xi, he can't give him a fairy fate.

So he shook his head and said, "I didn't see the immortal."

"Forget it, Uncle Shan, let's go fishing in the river." Zhang Xi felt disappointed, but soon became happy again, got up and went to pull Wu Tao and said.

Wu Tao saw that his mood changed so quickly, as expected of a child, so he got up and followed him to the river to fish.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Tao has been in this Gushan Village for a month. He helps Zhang Xiaohui with farm work during the day at Zhang's house, and practices in the back hills of Gushan Village at night.

This month has been unprecedentedly comfortable.

Because in the past five or six years, the demons in the demon world were going to attack the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm. He was sent by the Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect. He had to spend a lot of time refining the weapons every day. He was not like this at all. Take more time to rest and practice.

Moreover, none of the villagers in Gushan Village regarded him as an extraterrestrial demon.

It's comfortable, but I occasionally think of A Yao, Yi'er, and master Wen Xingrui. How are you living in this world? Will you be hunted down by immortal cultivators in this world? !

That night, after everyone in the Zhang family fell asleep, Wu Tao flashed his body and arrived at the back mountain. He had dug a cave in the back mountain and arranged a spirit gathering formation specifically for practice.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, forgetting that he was Zhang Shan, a villager in Gushan Village, but Wu Tao, the True Monarch of Nascent Soul and a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

He opened his personal information and checked the changes in his cultivation over the past month.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 118/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic (43%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (36%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fourth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (37%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (59%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-career·Physical Training: Zhoutian Star Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter: Second Level (71%), Witch Tao War Technique Shattering the Stars·Introduction (52%), omitted]

After reading it, Wu Tao closed his personal information and thought to himself: "Although I don't have the fourth-level spiritual veins to practice, I have more time to practice, and my Nascent Soul cultivation can still maintain the same progress."

Others have also made progress.

Wu Tao was about to start practicing tonight when suddenly, he felt a powerful aura coming to the sky above Gushan Village.

He immediately released his spiritual thoughts and sensed that there was a Original God Demon floating in the sky above the ancient mountain village. He was in the middle stage of the Original God. Judging from the fluctuations in his aura, he was equivalent to a fourth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul.

"I didn't expect that there was a village of mortals here. I wonder if killing these mortals would increase the number?" Wu Tao heard the middle-stage Genshin Impact demon muttering to himself under his spiritual thoughts, and was about to massacre the entire ancient mountain village.

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