Wu Tao felt happy when he sensed the original god demon clan.

This aura of the original god demon clan was familiar to him again. It was the demon clan from the demon realm in the three realms.

This confirmed his suspicion that all the demons and human cultivators who had embarked on the road to leave the Three Realms were not dead and had all come to this world.

The original god demon clan appeared in the sky above Gushan Village in front of him, which means that Wen Xingrui is definitely not dead, and must be in this world. As long as Master Wen Xingrui is in this world, they will get together one day.

This is why Wu Tao doesn't like it.

But when his spiritual sense sensed the words of the original god demon clan, he frowned slightly, because the original god demon clan wanted to massacre the mortals in the ancient mountain village and tested whether they could increase the number of the blue brand.

This also shows that this original god demon also has the same blue mark on his wrist, and killing the immortal cultivators in this world will also increase the number.

This is why, when the original gods and demons discovered the ancient mountain village, they thought of massacring the mortals in the ancient mountain village to experiment.

Killing may be abandoned by Wu Tao, but for the demons, it is their hobby. The demons are aggressive by nature and have an evil side in the Three Realms. He does not care whether these are mortals or immortal cultivators, as long as he can deal with them If it is beneficial, they will kill without hesitation.

Wu Tao only knew that killing immortal cultivators in this world would increase the number on the brand, but he did not know whether killing mortals in this world would increase the number. He had been in Gushan Village for so long and had never thought about attacking Kill the mortals in Gushan Village for experiments.

He just wanted to prove whether mortals in this world could see his identity as an extraterrestrial demon.

The result of the proof is that only immortal cultivators can see his identity as an extraterrestrial demon, but mortals cannot. Based on this, Wu Tao speculated that killing mortals might not increase the blue number on the wrist.

In fact, even if killing mortals could increase the number on his wrist, Wu Tao would not choose to kill mortals, because mortals could not tell his identity as an extraterrestrial demon.

Seeing that the demon clan in the middle stage of the Genshin Impact was about to take action, the figures of Zhang Xi, Zhang Xiaohui, and Zhang Qi flashed in Wu Tao's mind.

With his current cultivation and Yuan Ti realm, he can completely crush the demons in the early stage of the original god. However, this is the middle stage of the original god. His aura is equivalent to that of a fourth-level immortal cultivator of Yuanying... Of course Wu Tao is not afraid. This is the demon clan in the middle stage of the original god.

At the realm of dual cultivation of law and body, even if he cannot kill this middle-stage original god demon, he can still defeat it.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao moved and disappeared from the futon. The next moment, he was in front of the original god demon clan.

He finally decided to save these mortals in Gushan Village.

For the sake of the Zhang family and the fact that the mortals in Gushan Village are not bad, he has lived here for a month. The other villagers have no hostility towards him and will say hello to him when they see him.

This original god demon is not a demon from the three royal families, but a Yinshui demon. The Yinshui Demon Clan is one of the nine major demon tribes, and they are naturally hostile to the Fire Clan. Because of their physical constitution, the Fire Demon Clan restrains them.

Just when the Yinshui demon was about to take action, he saw a Nascent Soul aura suddenly appear. He retracted his attack, stopped, looked up and saw Wu Tao standing in the void in front of him.

As a human cultivator, Wu Tao showed up, but did not shout that he was an extraterrestrial demon attacking him. Therefore, the original god demon tribe ruled out that Wu Tao was an immortal cultivator in this world. When he looked again, he saw Wu Tao's There is a faint blue light on the wrist.

From this point of view, the human cultivator who suddenly appeared also traveled to this world.

This middle-stage original god demon from the Yinshui Demon Clan immediately asked: "Are you also from the Three Realms?" He stretched out his wrist, and there was a blue mark on it. He felt that he still had to ask again.

Wu Tao saw the blue brand on his hand. There was the number 98 in the brand. It could be seen that the Yinshui Demon Clan had killed many immortal cultivators in this world. However, when the other party revealed his identity, he also showed his wrist and nodded. : "I am Li Mo, the deputy master of the Weapon Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace. I have met this fellow Taoist from the Yinshui Demon Clan."

Upon hearing this, the Yinshui demon said: "It turns out he is the weapon refiner of the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refinement hall. No wonder I don't recognize him."

The three major Immortal Palaces and the Nine Immortal Sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm are often fighting against the three royal clans and the nine demon clans on the boundary wall battlefield. The Nascent Soul cultivators fight against the original god demon clan, and the golden elixir cultivators fight against the demonic elixir demon clan.

Therefore, these original gods and demons generally know some of the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World, and can recognize them when they see them.

It's just that they are similar to the Four Arts Immortal Cultivators. They rarely appear on the boundary wall battlefield. They all stay in their own sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, so they don't know this Yinshui Demon Clan.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao nodded and said, "It's not surprising that Taoist fellow Yinshui doesn't know me. As weapon refiners, we are not good at fighting, and we will not go to the boundary wall battlefield to fight with fellow Taoists."

The Yinshui Demon Clan snorted coldly and said: "Now that we have entered this world, the immortal cultivators in this world, whether they are human cultivators or demons, will call us extraterrestrial demons when they see us, and they will kill us, so Although we are hostile forces to each other in the Three Realms, here we already belong to the same camp."

Wu Tao agreed with the words of the Yinshui Demon Clan. He said: "It is really rare for the Demon Clan to have a Demon Clan with such a profound understanding of righteousness as the Yinshui Taoist. What the Yinshui Taoist said is right, we are indeed in this world." We should share the same hatred and jointly resist the immortal cultivators in this world."

The Yinshui Demon Tribe doesn't care much about Wu Tao, because Wu Tao is just a weapon refiner, and judging from the fluctuations in his aura cultivation, he is only at the first level of Nascent Soul. He is not his opponent at all. He can suppress the opponent with just a snap of his fingers. Then he said casually: "Although we are in the same camp now, I have discovered the mortals in this village, and none of them can be surrendered to you."

He felt that Wu Tao appeared at this time to snatch these mortals from him.

Wu Tao heard this but did not say this, but asked him: "Fellow Taoist Yinshui, have you found out what the numbers in this blue brand do?"

The Yinshui Demon Tribe said: "I landed in this world. So far, you are the second person I have met who came from the Three Realms. The first one has died in the hands of the immortal cultivators in this world. If it weren't for my fate, Da, even if he escaped, he is already dead!"

"I killed a Nascent Soul cultivator from this world, and then I found a number appearing in the blue mark. If I continue to kill, the number will increase. Although I don't know what will happen if the number increases, but I guess, the number will increase to a certain The situation will definitely change!”

Wu Tao was slightly disappointed, but he agreed with what the Yinshui Demon Clan said. If he really wanted to understand the role of these blue numbers, he had to continue killing the immortal cultivators in this world to improve their quality.

"Fellow Taoist Yinshui. Your number has reached over 90. It seems that you have killed many immortal cultivators in this world!" Wu Tao said.

Hearing this, the Yinshui Demon Clan flashed a hint of murderous intent and snorted coldly: "You think I want to kill them all the time? The immortal cultivators in this world are crazy. Even the Qi-refining immortal cultivators dare to attack me. It's completely unreasonable." Know how to respect the strong and fear life!"

"As soon as he saw me, he attacked me crazily, saying that I was an extraterrestrial demon. It felt like he had been cursed." Having said this, the Yinshui demon gritted his teeth.

"Furthermore, there are existences in this world that transcend the gods, and there are also demons that transcend my demon world. I met a demon from this world. I thought that he was a demon and would not treat me as an outsider. The demon, never thought of it, still regarded me as an extraterrestrial demon and killed me. The winged demon that met me died in the hands of that demon."

"Okay, the weapon refiner of Xingchen Immortal Palace, I won't tell you any more. I want to slaughter all the mortals in this village first and see how much I can increase the number of my blue brand." At this point, The Yinshui Demon Clan asked Wu Taolang to go aside, because he was going to massacre the village.

Wu Tao did not step aside, but said: "Fellow Taoist Yinshui, killing the mortals in this world will not increase the number in the brand."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, the Yinshui Demon Clan narrowed his eyes and asked, "It seems you have already tested it?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Yes, I have already tested it and killed dozens of mortals in a row, but the number has not changed." In order to avoid taking action against this Yinshui demon, Wu Tao told a lie.

The Yinshui Demon clan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps you killed too few. We can only increase the number by a little by killing the Qi-training stage, but we can increase the number by more than 10 points by killing the Nascent Soul stage, which means that hundreds of mortals can increase their numbers by more than 10 points. Talent is equivalent to a cultivator of immortality.”

"Let me give it a try and slaughter all the mortals in this village. Maybe I can cause a change in the numbers."

When Wu Tao heard this, his face instantly turned cold. This demon was a demon, and his disregard for life was deeply embedded in his bones. He said, "Fellow Taoist Yinshui, I want to keep the mortals in this village."

When the Yinshui Demon Clan heard this, his face suddenly turned extremely cold. Originally, the Yinshui Demon Clan had a more feminine appearance, but when his face turned cold, a cold air was released.

"If you really want to fight with me, you have to remember your identity. You are a weapon refiner. You can just hide behind and refine the weapons. If you fight with demons like me, you will die!"

"Besides, this village is just some mortals and has nothing to do with you. Why give up your life for these mortals."

Wu Tao suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Yinshui, I finally understand."

"What do you understand?" The Yinshui Demon Clan looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao chuckled and said: "I understand, that winged demon who came from the three realms was not killed by the demons in this world, but by you. And after you killed him, the number of imprints was not the same." There is no increase... This is why I am only at the first level of Nascent Soul, and I am a weapon refiner who is not good at fighting. With the usual ferocity of your demon clan, you would have killed me long ago."

When the Yinshui Demon Tribe heard Wu Tao's words, they couldn't help but applaud and said: "As expected of a human race, he is indeed smart. You are right, that Winged Demon Tribe was indeed killed by me, and the number of imprints has not increased."

"That's why I don't want to waste my energy on killing you, but if you keep preventing me from massacring the mortals in this village, I don't mind suppressing you, a weapon refiner who is not good at fighting."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "The reason why I dare to come out to stop you is because I see that you are not one of the three royal clans, but just a Yinshui Demon clan."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tao had already taken action. A fourth-level flying sword had flown out of his storage bag and was heading towards the Yinshui Demon Clan.

"On the first level of Nascent Soul, you are overestimating your own capabilities!" The Yinshui demon was furious and took action immediately.

As expected of the Yinshui Demon Clan, which is equivalent to the fourth level of Yuanying, it knocked away Wu Tao's fourth-level flying sword in an instant. However, Wu Tao only used the mana and divine will of the first level of Yuanying at this time, and the flying sword was It’s not surprising that the opponent is knocked away.

Wu Tao activated the fourth-level defensive robes on his body. Before he appeared in front of the Yinshui Demon Clan, he had already put on the fourth-level defensive robes because he knew there would be such a battle.

Then a fourth-level flying sword, driven by Wu Tao's magical power and spiritual thoughts, kept changing, killing the Yinshui Demon Clan like lightning.

The Yinshui Demon Clan discovered that Wu Tao's magical power and spiritual thoughts were getting stronger and stronger, and his offensive had actually surpassed that of a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

This completely overturned his understanding. Aren't the weapon refiners among human immortal cultivators not good at fighting? Why is this weapon refiner so skilled in fighting?

But after all, he was a Yinshui demon in the middle stage of the original god. How could Wu Tao be able to defeat him in just a moment? Suddenly, the two of them were fighting fiercely in the sky above the ancient mountain village.

Wu Tao's flying sword emits a beautiful light, lighting up the sky like lightning, but the demonic magic weapon used by the Yinshui Demonic Foot is filled with demonic energy, like a gathering of dark clouds.

The battle at the Nascent Soul level was very loud. Although it was high in the sky in Gushan Village, there was a roaring sound in the sky when they were fighting. The villagers in Gushan Village were suddenly awakened. They ran out one by one and looked up at the sky. There were streaks of lightning splitting the night sky from time to time, and the dark clouds were thick.

But what they didn't know was that the streaks of lightning were just Wu Tao's flying swords, and the thick dark clouds were a magic weapon used by the Yinshui Demon Clan.

Wu Tao fought fiercely with the Yinshui Demon Clan, flying high in the sky while fighting, and soon they were already above the ancient mountain village.

This is what Wu Tao did deliberately. He was worried that the aftermath of this fierce fight would raze the entire ancient mountain village to the ground.

Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan were fighting all the way from the ancient mountain village to the east. Both of them were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they were already tens of thousands of miles away from the ancient mountain village.

However, their fight unknowingly ended up in the sky above a sect of cultivating immortals called Tianquan Sect.

It is a sect of cultivating immortals established by a True Lord Yuanying, who occupies a fourth-level low-level spiritual vein. This True Lord Yuanying has a cultivation level of the second level of Yuanying.

The Nascent Soul of the Tianquan Sect was cultivating on the fourth-level low-level spiritual veins. He suddenly sensed two powerful auras fighting above the sect. He immediately released the Nascent Soul Soul Sensation. It didn't matter if he didn't sense it. Once he sensed it, he would Looking crazy.

"Extraterrestrial demons, two extraterrestrial demons are killing each other."

"Disciples of Tianquan Sect, follow me to kill the demons outside the territory!"

Following the order given by the True Lord Yuanying of the Tianquan Sect, the cultivators of the Tianquan Sect within the sect followed the True Lord Yuanying of the Tianquan Sect and went up to the sky to kill.

When they saw Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan who were fighting, they seemed to have lost their minds. They didn't care about the cultivation level of Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan?

They all surrounded and killed them both.

There was only one Nascent Soul second-level immortal cultivator who besieged them, and the others were all golden elixir immortal cultivators and foundation-building immortal cultivators. Therefore, the battle between Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan did not stop, but continued to fight. Wu Tao even sacrificed Three sacred fire shields came out.

As soon as the red flame divine fire shield was sacrificed, the expressions of the Yinshui Demon Clan changed drastically, because they, the Yinshui Demon Clan, were born to be restrained by fire.


There was a loud noise, and Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan exchanged blows. The aftermath instantly rushed in all directions. The Tianquan Sect's golden elixir cultivators and foundation-building immortal cultivators who had just approached Wu Tao and the Yinshui Demon Clan were among the aftermath. , fell one after another.

Although the Tianquan Sect has only one True Lord Nascent Soul, it has more than 30 golden elixir cultivators and hundreds of foundation-building immortal cultivators.

This was just an existential battle between two Nascent Soul levels, and the aftermath caused the death of these Golden Pill Immortal Cultivators and Foundation Establishing Immortal Cultivators.

This is why when Wu Tao was in the Golden Core realm, he ran for his life crazily when he saw True Monarch Nascent Soul fighting.

Just the aftermath of the fight is already extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Wu Tao felt that the blue number on his wrist was beating continuously. It suddenly jumped to 99, and finally jumped again and turned into 100.

At the moment when it reached 100, a ray of light suddenly appeared from the blue mark, which shot into Wu Tao's mind and turned into a message. This message stunned Wu Tao.

[When the battle merit reaches 100, the brand of the Battle Merit Hall can be activated and you can enter the Battle Merit Hall. 】

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