Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 794 Broken Infant Pill, three times the cultivation speed

Li Tongxing is the master of the Formation Hall, and he and Wu Tao, the master of the Weapon Refining Hall and War Weapon Hall, often need to complete tasks together, so they are very familiar with each other.

Unexpectedly, he died in this world.

The death of a Taoist friend made Wu Tao sigh. The road to immortality is like this. It is always full of uncertainties. Although the Four Arts cultivators can seek resources for cultivation through alchemy, weapon formation, formations, and talismans, they do not need to do the same as ordinary immortal cultivators. Like those who compete for cultivation resources through fighting, the safety factor is extremely high.

But it is not absolute. He will always stand behind and there will always be dangers to face, so this is why Wu Tao will never let himself become a weapon refiner who only knows how to refine weapons.

He wants to be fully developed.

Refining weapons is just a means to obtain cultivation resources. Cultivation is the foundation. The second most important thing is the art of protecting the Tao. The powerful method of fighting is to protect oneself from falling on the road of cultivating immortality.

And his master Wen Xingrui also had this awareness, so he relied on the Tiantian Divine Refining Manual to create a weapon-refining fighting method, which made up for the weapon-refining master's shortcomings of not being good at fighting.

Therefore, Wen Xingrui's level of fighting skills is very high, which may be why he can survive in this world.

Anyone who despises weapon refiners like him and his master Wen Xingrui and thinks that they are not good at fighting will not end well and will give him a surprise and surprise.

Of course, you are extremely lucky to be able to survive in this world. If you come directly in front of a God Transformation God, the God Transformation God will regard you as an extraterrestrial demon and slap you. No matter how good you are at fighting, you are only a Nascent Soul cultivator. For this reason, the body must die and the Tao disappear.

Now that we know that Master Wen Xingrui is still alive and has entered the War Merit Hall, one day they will meet again in the War Merit Hall.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao asked Li Jingxing: "Senior Brother Li, have you ever met Hall Master Wen in the War Merit Hall?"

Li Jingxing shook his head and said, "No, but appearing on the war merit list means that you have entered the war merit hall. Entering the war merit hall depends entirely on when you choose to enter. Sometimes you can encounter it, sometimes you can't."

While Wu Tao listened, he continued to look at the battle merit list at the level of the original gods and demons and the Nascent Soul cultivators, all the way to the end.

The last one is his name.

No. 286 on the combat merit list, Li Mo, 112. It seems that his name is recorded on the battle merit list.

And above him is the second from the bottom: No. 285 on the battle merit list, Yin Shui Qi, 134.

Yin Shui Qi was the Yin Shui Demon Clan who had a grudge against him. When he first met Yin Shui Qi, Yin Shui Qi's combat merit was already as high as 98. The two of them fought with each other and killed some of Tianquan's golden elixir cultivators and foundation-building immortal cultivators in the aftermath, making his combat merit reach 134.

Ranked ahead of him.

But in terms of combat merit, Wu Tao was the one who killed the most golden elixir cultivators and foundation-building immortal cultivators in the aftermath of the battle between the two. Therefore, Wu Tao's combat merit suddenly increased from more than 50 to 100.

Kill another Tianquan General Nascent Soul second-level immortal cultivator, reaching 112.

"Senior Brother Li, where are you?" Wu Tao asked Li Jingxing.

They are both immortal cultivators in the Star Palace. If they are close to each other in that world, they can join together to resist danger.

Li Jingxing said: "I am in Xilinzhou. We are in the east and west. It is probably difficult to get close. We will also face many dangers on the way. The immortal cultivators in this world feel that something is not normal."

Wu Tao nodded in agreement and said, "It's indeed not normal."

As he said that, he looked at the number one on the battle merit list again, and said: "But Senior Brother Li, your strength seems to have become stronger. You are ranked first on the battle merit list, surpassing the ancient power of the demon, the ancient power of the demon, I have heard that it is the perfect cultivation of the original god of the Demon King Clan."

Li Jingxing smiled and said: "Yes, it is with the help of the War Merit Hall that I have improved my cultivation to the Nascent Soul Perfection."

"Junior Brother Li, although we immortal cultivators from the Three Realms were tricked by the Emperor Shenjun into entering the immortal cultivating world and being hated and hunted by the immortal cultivators from this side of the world, the combat merits obtained by killing the immortal cultivators from this world can be improved in the War Merit Hall. Cultivation."

"The War Merit Palace is so powerful. It raised my cultivation level from the ninth level of the Nascent Soul to the Nascent Soul Perfection in just one month. If I can continue to live, I can rely on the War Merit Palace to advance to the realm of divine transformation."

Having said this, Li Jingxing's expression was filled with excitement. He seemed to be less resentful of the Emperor Shenjun's scheme, and instead wanted to seize this opportunity to improve his cultivation.

Obviously it is not just Li Jingxing who has this idea, all the immortal cultivators who have been tricked into entering by the Emperor God Lord will be like Li Jingxing.

"So the Emperor Shenjun has enmity with this world?" Wu Tao wondered in his heart, or this world has enmity with the Emperor Shenjun. Otherwise, why would the immortal cultivators from the three realms who were imprinted by the Emperor Shenjun's magic weapon and war merit hall be imprinted by the immortal cultivators in this world? Treat them as extraterrestrial demons and kill them all.

"So Senior Brother Li, can our immortal cultivators and the demons from the Three Realms just embark on the path of constantly killing the immortal cultivators in this world?" Wu Tao asked.

"There is no way. We are regarded as extraterrestrial demons by the immortal cultivators in this world. If you don't kill them, they will kill you unless you hide and stop practicing!" Li Jingxing shook his head and said, "But whoever cultivates to such an extent? Will you give up practicing?"

"The same is true in the world of cultivating immortals in the Sea of ​​Stars. We are actually carrying out invisible killings for the resources of cultivating immortals. Junior Brother Li, you are a weapon refiner. Normally, you can earn enough resources for cultivating just by practicing weapons. I don't know that ordinary cultivators like us are doing it. How many times did you go through life and death for cultivation resources, and how many enemies did you kill before you could cultivate to this point!"

"Relatively speaking, we are so envious of the Four Arts cultivators like you, Junior Brother Li, who can rely on just one skill without worrying about cultivation resources!"

After listening to Li Jingxing's words, Wu Tao understood a little, and he asked: "Senior Brother Li, how can you improve your cultivation through the War Merit Hall?"

Li Jingxing said: "Of course, you can use your war merits to exchange for various cultivation resources that improve your cultivation level in the War Merits Hall. Although we, as cultivators of the Star Immortal Palace and standing at the top of the Star Sea Immortal Realm, can use the cultivation resources of the War Merits Palace, It is said that it has the cultivation resources of the entire Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but compared with the War Merit Palace, it is only a drop in the ocean."

"It's no wonder that even Yuanding Shenjun, Master Uncle and the others, as well as the Demon Realm Demon Lord, are also earning military merits in this world and relying on the War Merit Hall to improve their cultivation."

"The Hall of War Merit has techniques for refining the realm of emptiness! There are also the follow-up cultivation methods of the Demon Lord."

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately understood. The War Merit Hall has techniques for cultivating the void realm. Is there any follow-up cultivation method for the Demon Lord? Yuanding Shenjun, these god-transforming gods, and the demon lord of the demon world must have worked hard to earn military exploits.

"Senior Brother Li, how can I exchange my military exploits for cultivation resources?" Wu Tao asked Li Jingxing.

Li Jingxing said. : "Junior brother Li, come with me, I will take you to the exchange office."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately followed Li Jingxing. The two walked quickly and soon came to a long corridor. Li Jingxing led him through the corridor. There was another hall outside the corridor. There were bronze portals on the walls around the hall.

Li Jingxing said to him: "Use the War Merit Palace brand on your wrist to open the portal here, and you can redeem it after entering."

"But Junior Brother Li, your current combat merit has only reached 112, and you probably won't be able to redeem it for anything good. You have a grudge against the Yinshui Demon Clan, and you will not be his opponent after you get out."

With Li Jingxing's cultivation level, he could naturally tell at a glance that the Yinshui Demon Clan was equivalent to a fourth-level Immortal Cultivator of Yuan Ying, and this Junior Brother Li was only a first-level Yuan Ying, and he was also a weapon refiner who was not good at fighting. Just now he He also told him to give him a talisman to ensure that Junior Brother Li Mo could use the talisman to kill the Yinshui Demon Clan when he went out.

Thinking of this, Li Jingxing flipped his wrist, and a talisman appeared in his hand and said: "Junior brother Li, I just have a fourth-level intermediate explosive talisman here, which can also restrain the Yinshui demon tribe. With this talisman, I can suppress this demon tribe." , you take it."

Wu Tao looked at the fourth-level intermediate talisman floating down towards him, took it solemnly, and thanked Li Jingxing: "Thank you, Senior Brother Li."

Li Jingxing said: "You're welcome. We are in this world. We are from the Starry Immortal Palace. We need to take care of each other. If everyone survives, we will have more strength to face the immortal cultivators in this world in the future."

"Junior Brother Li, next time you enter the War Merit Hall to exchange for cultivation resources, if you meet any of our human cultivators, ask them if they are with you in Eastern China. If so, you can get together and face the danger together!"

"Okay, go in and take a look. You will be extremely surprised by how powerful this war merit palace is. I'm going to redeem it too!"

When Li Jingxing said this, he walked to the nearest door and activated the War Merit Hall mark on his wrist. The mark immediately turned into a ray of light and rushed into the door. The heavy bronze door rumbled up. After Li Jingxing entered, the bronze door The door fell again.

Wu Tao couldn't sense Li Jingxing's aura at all.

Seeing this, he also came to a bronze door. His spiritual thoughts inspired the mark of the War Merit Hall, just like Li Jingxing did. Light flew out of the mark and landed on the bronze door. The bronze door opened and Wu Tao walked in.

Wu Tao entered the bronze door, and the bronze door behind him fell with a roar.

Inside the bronze door is a space of about 10 square meters. It is empty with nothing except a futon in the middle.

Seeing that there was only a futon in the middle, Wu Tao was stunned. How could he exchange his military exploits for training resources?

Just when Wu Tao was confused, suddenly, the four walls lit up, as if forming a light curtain. In the light wall, an old man-like figure appeared in the light curtain, and said to Wu Tao: "Experiencer, I am War Merit Hall Artifact Spirit, what training resources do you want to exchange for?"

Seeing this scene, Wu Tao was startled. Is this War Merit Palace so smart? He asked: "Does the war merit palace weapon spirit and magic weapon also have a weapon spirit?"

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard Wu Tao's words, he blew his beard and said angrily: "What magic weapon? I am the weapon spirit of the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall. Do you know about the Immortal Weapon? You are an inexperienced practitioner."

"Do you still have autonomous consciousness? Immortal weapons?" Wu Tao was amazed. This was beyond his current understanding. As a weapon refiner, a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, the magic weapon he refined was completely useless. What kind of weapon spirit exists?

In addition, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace said that the War Merit Palace was an immortal weapon. Wu Tao speculated that the War Merit Palace might have been refined by an immortal.

If it was refined by an immortal, then wouldn't the Emperor Shenjun be an immortal?

The more Wu Tao thought about it, the more shocked he became.

Also, the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall calls himself a Trainer. Wu Tao asked: "Senior Weapon Spirit, why do you call me a Trainer?"

The weapon spirit floated out from the light wall, forming a phantom, floating in front of Wu Tao and saying: "You have the mark of the War Merit Hall on your body, which is the identity of a practitioner. Only experienced practitioners can enter the War Merit Hall, accumulate war merits, and redeem war merits. Any cultivation resources in the palace!"

So that's it... Wu Tao understood, and at the same time he was amazed that this weapon spirit could actually jump out of the light wall. He thought it could only appear in the light wall.

"Thank you, Senior Weapon Spirit, for clarifying my doubts!" ​​Wu Tao bowed to the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall.

"Don't be nagging, I'm busy. Quickly activate the brand of your War Merit Palace and exchange it for the training resources you need." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace flew back to the light wall impatiently and said.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately used his spiritual thoughts to activate the brand on his wrist, and a ray of light flew out from the brand and landed on the light wall. As soon as it landed on the light wall, Qi Ling's old face suddenly became surprised and exclaimed: "How is it possible? You actually have the highest authority? And a gift package for newcomers?"

The weapon spirits of the War Merit Palace flew out from the light wall and looked around Wu Tao, as if they wanted to take a closer look at Wu Tao's whole body.

Listening to what Qi Ling said, Wu Tao also looked puzzled. He knew too little about the War Merit Hall, so he quickly asked: "Senior Qi Ling, what is the highest authority and newcomer gift package you mentioned?"

Seeing that Wu Tao was also confused, Qi Ling was also confused and asked: "You don't know? Didn't your kid use the back door?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "I really don't know. I would like to ask Senior Qi Ling to clarify my doubts for this junior."

Qi Ling saw that Wu Tao's face was sincere, as if he really didn't know, so he began to explain: "You have the highest authority, which means that you can redeem all the secrets, training resources, and various treasures in the War Merit Hall, and you also have the authority to browse all exchanges. Catalog, other practitioners can only redeem and browse the treasures of their own realm."

"I see. So, senior Qi Ling, can't I browse the redemption catalog for the realm of gods, or the redemption catalog for the realm of refining?" Wu Tao asked.

The weapon spirit replied: "Of course you can, but your current combat merit is only 112, and you can't even redeem it for level 4 treasure resources, let alone level 5 or 6."

Wu Tao understood that the fifth level mentioned by Qi Ling corresponded to the level of spiritual transformation, and the sixth level corresponded to the level of virtual refining. He asked again: "Senior Qi Ling, what is the gift package for newcomers?"

The weapon spirit hummed, stretched out a hand made of light, and moved it a little toward the light wall. In an instant, a jade box and a token appeared and landed in front of Wu Tao.

Qi Ling said: "This is your gift bag for newcomers. This jade box contains the Broken Infant Pill. Refining the Broken Infant Pill can improve the Nascent Soul's cultivation by a small level. This token accelerates cultivation by three times. With this token, you can enter the triple time accelerated training room to practice, and the training speed can be increased three times."

"You kid, really didn't come in through the back door?" The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall muttered again after finishing speaking.

Wu Tao looked at the jade box and token in front of him, and listened to the explanation of the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall, feeling surprised and happy in his heart.

The elixir in the jade box can actually improve his cultivation by a small level, and this token allows him to enter the training room with three times the time acceleration.

Doesn't this mean that he will soon break through the second level of Nascent Soul?

If he were to practice at the speed at which he was currently cultivating the Nine Lights Heavenly Presence Divine Law, it would still take several years to break through to the second level of Nascent Soul.

He thought of Li Jingxing's words and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, the War Merit Palace can help people improve their cultivation level quickly. The temptation is too great."

"No wonder Master Ding told me that entering this world is a great blessing for me!"

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