Wu Tao looked at the Broken Infant Pill and the token that tripled the acceleration of the training room, and asked the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall with joy in his heart:

"Senior Qi Ling, is this newcomer gift package available to every practitioner?"

Qi Ling squeaked when he heard his words and said: "What are you thinking? Every practitioner needs to earn military merit by himself, and the Military Merit Hall does not allow for nothing to be gained without hard work."

"You are the only one who has it, so I suspect that you came in through the back door."

Wu Tao heard this and understood that this gift package for newcomers might have something to do with Coffin Nail, because the Palace of War Merits is the immortal weapon of Emperor Shenjun, and Coffin Nail has a cooperative relationship with Emperor Shenjun, so it is normal for him to have a little back door.

He wanted to ask about the coffin nails, but thinking that the coffin nails wouldn't answer his question, he simply didn't ask.

"Senior Weapon Spirit, I want to check all the redemption catalogs." Wu Tao said to the Weapon Spirit in the War Merit Hall.

In the light wall, the weapon spirit heard the words and said with a groan: "Your current combat merit is only 112. You can't exchange for the treasures in the fourth-level catalog. Is it possible that you want to exchange for the treasures in the third-level catalog?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Senior Qi Ling, I only look at the fourth-level, fifth-level, and sixth-level redemption catalogs. I won't read the third-level redemption catalog."

Qi Ling said: "It's up to you. Anyway, you have the highest permission to browse."

As soon as the weapon spirit finished speaking, it floated out of the light wall, and then lines of text appeared on the four light walls, which were the exchange catalogs for various treasures.

Wu Tao released his spiritual thought and read quickly.

Nine Heavens Star Chart Void Refining Technique, an advanced Void Refining Technique, requires 100,000 battle merits to redeem.

Seeing these 100,000 battle merits, Wu Tao was shocked. He killed a Tianquan Sect cultivator on the second level of Nascent Soul, which was only 12 battle merits. He wanted to collect these 100,000 battle merits. How many Nascent Soul cultivators must be killed to gather them all.

However, the techniques of the Void Refining Realm are what Yuanding Shenjun and the God-Transforming God-Monarchs of their level want. They want to destroy a sect where Yuanying True Monarch is in command. They can destroy it with a snap of their fingers, and then kill the God-Transforming Cultivators of the same realm. The latter may have more military exploits.

After a cursory glance at the exchange catalog for the sixth level, Wu Tao stopped looking. Just as Qi Ling said, it was useless for him to look at it.

Then he looked at the redemption catalog for the fifth level. The target for the fifth level was the God of Transformation. He found that there were many secret books for improving cultivation and various techniques, as well as some magical secret books.

Of course, there are elixirs, talismans, magic weapons, formations, etc., and as long as you have military exploits, there is nothing you can't redeem.

Wu Tao finally took a look at the fourth-level redemption catalog. The fourth-level redemption catalog was aimed at him, a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level. Soon, he found the Baby-breaking Pill from the redemption catalog.

The Broken Infant Pill can elevate the Immortal Cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage to a small level, which can be exchanged for the required combat merit of 3,500 yuan.

Seeing the military merits required to redeem the Poying Dan, Wu Tao felt that it was really expensive. Senior Brother Li Jingxing, who ranked first on the military merit list, only had more than 2,000 military merits.

After reading the fourth-level redemption catalog, he really couldn't afford to redeem it with his current military exploits. However, there were many treasures in this catalog to assist cultivation, which he had never heard of in the Starry Palace.

"How great it would be if these treasures could be earned through my weapon refining methods instead of killing the immortal cultivators in this world." Wu Tao thought in his heart, but it was impossible to think about it. Since he had already entered After entering the War Merits Hall, you must follow the game rules of the War Merits Hall.

"So now I can only go to the triple training room of the War Merit Hall to refine this Infant-breaking Pill and break through to the second level of Nascent Soul. In the future, I can earn war merits, enter the War Merits Hall, exchange for cultivation treasures, and improve my cultivation level. "

"But even in the triple-acceleration training room, it may take a lot of time to refine this Infant-breaking Pill and break through to the second level of Nascent Soul."

"And Yin Shuiqi's military exploits cannot be redeemed for any cultivation resources in the War Merits Hall, so he must be thinking of leaving the War Merits Hall to kill immortal cultivators, gain war merits, and then come back to exchange for cultivation resources and improve his cultivation."

"So I won't be busy practicing. I'll kill Yin Shuiqi first, and then return to the War Merit Hall to practice." Wu Tao quickly made a decision in his heart. He has the talisman given by senior brother Li Jingxing to kill Yin Shuiqi. easy.

"I've been wasting here for too long. If Yin Shuiqi leaves the War Palace early, he won't be able to be killed." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately said goodbye to the weapon spirit and left, returning to the previous hall.

As soon as he appeared, he found that Yin Shuiqi's figure was illusory. Apparently, he had just inspired the brand of the War Merit Hall and left the War Merit Hall.

"It was almost too late." Wu Tao looked at Yin Shuiqi's illusory figure, and he immediately activated the imprint of the War Merit Hall and left the War Merit Hall.

As the mark of the Hall of War Merits was activated, Wu Tao's body gradually became insubstantial and then disappeared into the hall.

In the sky above Tianquan Sect, Yin Shuiqi's figure condensed in the void. He saw that there was no one in the void in front of him, and he felt happy in his heart: "Go away quickly."

"I will definitely retaliate for this revenge when I accumulate military exploits and improve my cultivation." Yin Shuiqi thought of Li Mo's face and secretly swore in his heart that he would turn around and fly away.

But at this moment, Wu Tao's figure condensed behind him and shouted: "Fellow Taoist Yinshui, please stay!"

Having said that, Wu Tao had already activated the fourth-level intermediate explosive talisman that Li Jingxing gave him. The explosive talisman hit Yin Shuiqi at an extremely fast speed. There is no way to avoid it.

In an instant, flames shot into the sky, and the fire talisman exploded on Yin Shuiqi's body. His demon body also exploded with the fire, and a demon soul flew out of the fire.

"Li Mo, if I don't avenge this revenge, I, Yin Shui Qi, swear not to be a demon." Yin Shui Qi's demon soul screamed sadly and rushed out of the fire at a faster speed, trying to escape.

But Wu Tao had long been on guard against his escape. Wu Tao would not make such a low-level mistake of letting his soul escape when he killed someone. The three red flame divine fire shields were already waiting in three directions. With him, the escape routes in all directions were blocked.

Therefore, Yin Shuiqi's soul was just covered by a red flame divine fire shield. The red flame divine fire shield quickly refined his soul in an instant. Only a scream was heard, and Yin Shuiqi's demon soul was wiped out.

There is no more strange smell of Yin Shui in the sky.

After Wu Tao killed Yin Shuiqi, he looked at the sky and saw that it was already dawn. It seemed that he had stayed in the War Merit Hall for a long time.

At dawn, it was time for the Zhang family to get up. When they saw that he was not there, they would definitely look for him everywhere in a hurry. Thinking of this, Wu Tao flashed and flew towards the ancient mountain village.

The journey of tens of thousands of miles can be reached in a matter of seconds thanks to his escape skills as the Nascent Soul Lord.

This time he returned to Gushan Village to say goodbye to the Zhang family. He had already entered the War Merit Hall, so he had to start following the game rules of the War Merit Hall, improve his cultivation level early, and return to the Three Realms to meet Chen Yao and his son Li Yi. Reunion.

And he also knows that Master Wen Xingrui is also alive, and he must face the immortal cultivators in this world. Only by strengthening his own strength can he survive to the end with Master Wen Xingrui.

Wu Tao appeared in Gushan Village and changed his appearance again. When he walked into Gushan Village, a villager from Gushan Village saw him and immediately ran over and shouted: "Zhang Shan, where are you running? Already? The whole village is looking for you, thinking something happened to you."

"Looking for me?" Wu Tao was confused. If he disappeared, only Zhang Qi's family would look for him. How come the whole village was looking for him.

The villager explained to him: "Zhang Qi and his family got up together and found that you were not there, so they went to the village chief and asked the village chief to mobilize all the villagers to help them find you."

"That's it. Thank you very much." Wu Tao said to this villager. He had also met this villager and had a good relationship with Zhang Xiaohui's family.

Seeing Wu Tao's politeness, the villager was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at Wu Tao and said in surprise: "Zhang Shan, aren't you stupid?"

Wu Tao's incarnation of Zhang Shan is a person who hit his head on a stone and lost his memory, so he is stupid and stupid. But now, Wu Tao looks like a normal person and speaks with reason.

Wu Tao returned to Gushan Village this time to say goodbye to the Zhang family. He would definitely use the excuse of recovering his memory, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I have recovered my memory."

"That's good. You are from the city. City people are nice. They have no worries about food and clothing... Oh, why am I talking about this? The two children Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi were so anxious that Xiaohui even cried. I'm afraid something will happen to you, let's go to Zhang's house." The villager said and took Wu Tao to Zhang's house.

When I met other villagers on the road, I went to tell the Zhang family to stop looking outside and go home quickly. Zhang Shan was already back.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao was already sitting at Zhang's house, and Zhang Qi, Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi also came back.

Zhang Xiaohui's face was still stained with tears. Apparently, she had cried anxiously because of Wu Tao's disappearance just now, and she was afraid that something would happen to Wu Tao.

"Uncle Shan, why did you leave without saying a word?" Zhang Xiaohui asked.

Zhang Qi looked at Wu Tao with a calm face. He had just learned from other villagers that Wu Tao had recovered his memory. He said: "Zhang Shan, no... you have recovered your memory, so you are not called Zhang Shan." ”

"Ah, Uncle Shan, have you recovered your memory?" Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi were both surprised. After they were surprised, they both felt a little disappointed. Because Uncle Shan had recovered his memory, they could no longer stay at his house. left them alone.

Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi, two siblings, were actually quite reluctant to let Wu Tao leave, because Wu Tao had been accompanying them for a month, helping Zhang Xiaohui with various farm work and teaching Zhang Xi the unique skill of throwing stones.

The two siblings have regarded Wu Tao as a family member.

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi and knew that their siblings were pure-minded. However, he, Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi were not from the same world after all, and the paths taken by mortals and immortal cultivators were ultimately different.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I have recovered my memory. My name is no longer Zhang Shan, my name is Li Mo."

"Brother Li, are you from the city?" Zhang Qi asked. He was actually quite happy, happy that Wu Tao had recovered his memory.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "I am indeed from the city, but not from this city, but from a city further away."

"Uncle Shan, do you want to go home?" Zhang Xi looked at Wu Tao eagerly and asked.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Of course I have to go home. My family will be worried about me. They should also miss me, so thank you for taking care of me during this period of time."

Having said this, Wu Tao took out a handful of gold from his arms. This handful of gold was left behind by him in the Immortal City of Wuquan Mountain. After all, there are some mortal foods in the Immortal City of Wuquan Mountain that need to be purchased with gold.

He put the handful of gold in Zhang Qi's hand and said, "Thank you for your family's care during this period. This gold will be used as my food and accommodation in the Zhang family during this period."

Zhang Qi looked at the handful of gold in his hand and was shocked. He would never be able to earn so much gold in his lifetime. He quickly declined: "This is too much, we can't accept it. Isn't it just room and board for a month? It's nothing." .”

Wu Tao said resolutely: "It's not just food and accommodation. I hit my head. If you hadn't saved me, I might have been eaten by wild boars. You should also share some of the gold here with Li Feng and Ayuan."

Seeing Wu Tao's resolute attitude, Zhang Qi couldn't put it off any longer, so she had no choice but to nod and say: "Okay!"

"Then I'll take my leave, Xiaohui, Xiaoxi, I'm leaving. See you again when you have the chance." Wu Tao stood up and said to Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi.

Both Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi had very reluctant expressions on their faces. Zhang Xiaohui said: "I'll see Uncle Shan off."

"I'll also send Uncle Shan off." Zhang Xiye said.

Looking at these two children, Wu Tao liked them very much, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then you can give them to me!"

Zhang Qi also wanted to see him off, so Wu Tao said that it would be enough to let the two children see him off. Seeing this, Zhang Qi no longer insisted, so Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi sent Wu Tao to the entrance of Gushan Village.

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi and said: "We will see you again after thousands of miles. Xiaohui and Xiaoxi, you can send them here. I will go to the city by myself."

"Uncle Shan, I really can't bear to leave you. You haven't seen my perfect skill of throwing stones yet." Zhang Xi said to Wu Tao.

Zhang Xiaohui said: "Uncle Shan, don't go looking for immortals when you go home this time. Immortals are hard to find." She was afraid that Uncle Shan would be in danger again. This time, dad and the others would be there, but next time, they wouldn't be there. knew.

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Xi and Zhang Xiaohui and said, "Do you want to become immortals?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Tao suddenly asked such a question, Zhang Xiaohui shook her head in confusion. : "Cultivating immortals? I never thought about it. I just want our family to be safe."

Zhang Xi said: "I want to cultivate immortality, but I never know where the immortal is. Uncle Shan, don't you also want to cultivate? But I encountered danger in the mountain, so I was afraid of the danger, so I stopped cultivating."

Wu Tao knew that Zhang Xi yearned for immortality. He could actually teach Zhang Xi how to cultivate immortality. But when he thought about the relationship between the Zhan Gong Palace and this world, in the future, the immortal cultivators from the Zhan Gong Palace would definitely have a fight with the immortal cultivators from this world. If Zhang Xi embarks on the road of cultivating immortals, he will definitely die without a burial place.

So let Zhang Xi become a mortal and grow old peacefully.

"It's better if you don't cultivate immortality. If you don't cultivate immortality, you won't be in danger. Xiaohui Xiaoxi, I'm leaving." After Wu Tao finished speaking, he turned around and strode away.

Looking at Wu Tao's leaving figure, Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Xi waved their hands until Wu Tao slowly disappeared from their eyes, and they turned back, with still very reluctant faces on their faces.

After Wu Tao left Gushan Village, he immediately activated the War Merit Hall imprint and returned to the War Merit Hall.

As soon as he returned to the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao found the triple training room and used the token to enter the triple training room.

He opened the triple training room with the token. Within a moment, Wu Tao felt the rapid passage of time, and there was also rich spiritual energy in the training room.

Without hesitation, he pointed at the jade box in front of him, and the Baby-breaking Pill in the jade box flew up and fell into his mouth, rolling straight into his belly.

As soon as Po Ying Dan fell into his belly, Wu Tao felt a powerful breath explode in his belly, and then poured into his whole body.

His Nascent Soul and his Divine Mind boiled at this moment, growing rapidly.

With three times the speed of time and three times the speed of cultivation, Wu Tao felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul shook slightly, and his aura instantly jumped from the first level of the Nascent Soul to the second level of the Nascent Soul.

And the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts is also surging like a tidal wave. The spiritual thoughts can be said to be truly traveling thousands of miles with each passing day. In an instant, they have grown by a thousand miles, reaching 6,200 miles.

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