Sitting cross-legged in the triple-acceleration training room, Wu Tao continued to use Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to consolidate his newly achieved breakthrough.

The Poying Pill successfully allowed him to break through from the first level of Yuanying to the second level of Yuanying, but at this time, the Poying Pill still had some residual medicinal power, and Wu Tao wanted to absorb all the remaining medicinal power.

After it is absorbed, it should be able to completely consolidate the second-level realm of Nascent Soul that has just been broken through.

As time passed at three times the cultivation speed, Wu Tao quickly refined and absorbed all the remaining medicinal power of the Poying Dan, and the second-level realm of Nascent Soul that he had just broken through was completely stabilized.

Wu Tao stopped running the Jiu Yaotian's divine magic, and felt the second level of Nascent Soul that had been consolidated. The originally palm-sized figure grew slightly taller, which also showed that his Nascent Soul's magic power was stronger.

The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts has also expanded. With the breakthrough of a small realm, the spiritual thoughts have increased by 1,000 miles, reaching the level of 6,200 miles.

A cultivator at the fourth level of Nascent Soul, his spiritual thoughts are six thousand miles away.

But now Wu Tao is only at the second level of Yuanying, and his spiritual thoughts have reached 6,200 miles, which is 200 miles higher than that of a cultivator at the fourth level of Yuanying.

If he was in Gushan Village before, and he was at the second level of Nascent Soul now, why would the Yinshui Demon Clan need the fourth-level intermediate explosive talisman given by Senior Brother Li? He could instantly suppress the Yinshui Demon Clan with just his cultivation level. Demon clan.

However, the Yinshui Demon Clan is already dead, so we can't resurrect him and use his newly achieved cultivation level to kill him again.

You should be kind as a person. Wu Tao has always felt that he is a kind person.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao opened his personal information. Whenever there was a breakthrough, he would habitually open his personal information to check it, make a good summary, and then make some small plans.

Planning your cultivation in this way is good for your cultivation, and you won't hit here and there.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 118/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Second Level]

[Kung Fu: The second level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (0%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (36%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fourth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (37%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (59%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-career·Physical Training: Zhoutian Star Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter: Second Level (71%), Witch Tao War Technique Shattering the Stars·Introduction (52%), omitted]

Wu Tao first focused on the cultivation of the second level of Nascent Soul that he had just broken through. If he had been practicing at his original speed, it would have taken more than 4 years to break through to the second level of Nascent Soul.

Now with such a Ying-Breaking Pill and the triple accelerated training room, he could immediately break through the second level of Nascent Soul, saving more than 4 years of time.

Although Wu Tao's lifespan is not much compared to that of the God of Transformation, who among the immortal cultivators would think that his lifespan is too much.

It would be great to save 4 years of time.

"And my token for the triple acceleration training room seems to have no time limit or frequency limit. You can practice here any time you enter the War Merit Hall in the future."

"By the way, I still have two years of cultivation resources at the multi-dimensional infant realm, and the star stream that has supported my cultivation for seven or eight years. Why don't I stay in this triple-accelerated cultivation room and break through the third level of Yuan Ti first."

Wu Tao thought of this and looked at his body cultivation column. At this time, he had reached 71% of the progress of Yuan Ti's second level cultivation. According to the normal cultivation speed, it would still take 9 months without star streamers to break through to Yuan Ti. Three levels of realm.

In 9 months in this triple-accelerated training room, her training speed tripled. In only three months, she was able to break through to the third level of the Yuan Ti.

"Okay, then I will practice in this three times accelerated training room for three months, and then go out to the War Merit Hall. Maybe in these three months, the master will enter the War Merit Hall and be able to meet the master!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao closed his personal information and didn't need to look at anything else. He had already looked at it once before entering the Hall of War Merits.

With a thought, a jade bottle flew out of the storage bag on Wu Tao's waist. The stopper of the jade bottle jumped open in front of him, and a stream of stars the size of a water snake floated in front of him.

Wu Tao immediately started the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Works Yuan Ti Chapter. His spiritual thoughts and mana wrapped around the star stream the size of a water snake, and began to refine it with all his strength to enhance the Yuan Ti's cultivation.

During the triple accelerated practice, Wu Tao was refining the star streamer at three times the normal speed. He was refining and absorbing it into the star yuan body, feeling that the star yuan body was getting stronger every moment.

This feeling of becoming stronger every moment made Wu Tao extremely comfortable.

Time passed day by day, and Wu Tao practiced in the triple-acceleration training room of the War Merit Hall for one day, which was equivalent to three days of training.

Every day, Wu Tao not only practices the Yuan Ti Chapter of Zhoutianxingchen, but also practices Jiuyaotiandushenshenfa and various spells. After all, there are 12 hours in a day.

It is impossible to practice Zhoutian Xingchen physical training for 12 hours a day.

As he broke through to the second level of Nascent Soul, if he had not practiced in the triple accelerated training room, his cultivation speed in one month would not even be 1%, but now he is practicing in the triple accelerated training room, and his training speed in one month would be equivalent to 1%. Yu practiced for three months.

Therefore, the progress in one month reaches around 1.56 or even 1.78.

There is no time to practice, especially in such a hearty and triple-accelerated training room. Wu Tao can't feel the passage of time. He only thinks about endless cultivation, his star Yuan body, Yuan Ying's magic power, divine power, etc. The thoughts are getting stronger every day.

If there are enough training resources for both legal and physical cultivation, Wu Tao is willing to practice in this triple accelerated training room until he becomes an immortal.

Of course this is impossible, this is a dream.

You still have to fight for cultivation resources by yourself. In this world, one way is to rob the cultivation resources of the immortal cultivators in this world, and the other is to kill the immortal cultivators in this world to earn military merits and exchange them for cultivation resources at the War Merit Hall.

For those cultivators who have been imprinted by the Hall of War Merit, perhaps the various ways to speed up their cultivation and improve their cultivation make these cultivators even more crazy.

Think about it, it originally took them 20 to 30 years to advance to a small realm. Now, with the various accelerated cultivations in the War Merit Hall and the various pills that can quickly break through the realm, as long as the war merit is sufficient, it only takes 10 years or even a few years to break through. .

Under such temptation, everyone is full of hope, feeling that there is hope for transforming into a god, and there is hope for refining the void.

While Wu Tao was practicing in the Triple Acceleration Training Room, Li Jingxing also left the Battle Merit Hall 10 days later. He spent all the battle merit he gained during this period on improving his cultivation.

Without the military merit, he will continue to earn military merit.

"Junior Brother Li, he should have left the War Merit Hall after understanding how to exchange war merit for various resources. After all, with Junior Brother Li's meager war merit of over 100, he cannot exchange for any fourth-level resources!"

"It's a pity that Junior Brother Li is in East China, and I am in West Linzhou, so I can't help him." With this thought, Li Jingxing activated the War Merit Hall mark on his wrist and left the War Merit Hall.

After Li Jingxing leaves, other human cultivators and demons from the demon world will also enter the War Merit Hall. During Wu Tao's training days, from time to time, immortal cultivators from the three realms and demons from the demon world would enter the War Merit Hall and exchange their war merits for various cultivation resources and treasures that could improve their cultivation.

Just two months after Wu Tao practiced in the triple acceleration training room, a figure slowly condensed in the main hall of the War Merit Hall. This person was Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui looked around the hall. There was no demon or human cultivator in the hall at this time. His face looked a little tired and his aura was a little sluggish. He had obviously experienced a big battle.

He stopped in the main hall for a moment, and then immediately walked towards the battle merit list.

Every time he entered the War Merit Hall, he would immediately check the war merit list to see if his apprentice's name was on it. If so, it meant that his apprentice was still alive.

This is the third time that Wen Xingrui has entered the War Merit Hall. His cultivation has already broken through the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, and with the help of the War Merit Hall, he is about to master the Nascent Soul level cultivation method of the Art of Weapon Refining and Fighting. Come to enlightenment.

Just give him a few more months.

"When the time comes to understand the Nascent Soul level cultivation method of the weapon refining and fighting method, I will hand it over to my disciple's hands!" He thought in his heart.

But he didn't see his good disciple's name on the battle merit list in the previous two times, and he was a little worried in his heart. Although he believed that his disciple's cautious character and dual cultivation of law and body would make him break through to the first level of Nascent Soul even if he had just broken through. , in this world, there should and will not be any danger to life.

But Wen Xingrui is still worried, because he knows that after the collapse of the road leaving the Three Realms, every demon and human cultivator on the road will come to this world randomly.

As far as he knew, there were some demons and human cultivators who came in front of the God of Transformation and were slapped to death by the Lord of Transformation.

Even if you don't come before the God of Transformation, but come before a cultivator who is many levels higher than yourself, you still can't escape the fate of death.

"My good disciples shouldn't be so unlucky, right?" Wen Xingrui thought as he came to the battle merit list. He looked down from the top first. The first place was still Li Jingxing from Xingchen Immortal Palace. The second place is the ancient power of the demon king of the demon world.

He found his name and moved up 6 places.

Where he came when the road leaving the Three Realms collapsed, there was only the Nascent Soul Sect and no Transformation Sect, so he was still very lucky, even though he landed in a Nascent Soul Sect as soon as he arrived.

That Yuanying sect was guarded by a fifth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator. When he saw this extraterrestrial demon, he naturally summoned the entire sect and launched a formation, hoping to kill him, this extraterrestrial demon, in one fell swoop.

Wen Xingrui is a weapon refiner, but he is not a weapon refiner according to the traditional understanding. He knew it when he was a second-level weapon refiner. Even as a weapon refiner, he is only responsible for the sect's weapon refinement. As for his responsibilities, he doesn't have to go to the front lines to fight with immortal cultivators from other sects, but he will still encounter danger.

Therefore, in order to make up for the defect that the weapon refiner was not good at fighting, and by chance, Wen Xingrui obtained the Tianyan God-Refining Manual, so he used the Tianyan God-Refining Manual, a mysterious technique, to deduce a special method for refining. The weapon master's method of refining weapons and fighting.

This makes up for the shortcoming that the weapon refiner is not good at fighting.

However, it does not make up for the shortcomings of all weapon refiners who are not good at fighting. It only makes up for the shortcomings of myself as a weapon refiner who is not good at fighting. Because the Tianyan God Refining Manual, a secret art of the soul, can be used from the foundation building to the Nascent Soul level. All contain a very precious soul secret technique.

Naturally, such a precious secret technique of the soul cannot be passed on at will. It is regarded as his own secret book. It was not until he met Wu Tao that he accepted Wu Tao as his only direct disciple and taught this precious secret technique of the soul to Wu Tao.

It is precisely because of accepting Wu Tao, a direct disciple, that Wen Xingrui came to that Yuanying Sect this time. Facing many attacks, he has not yet deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuanying level. , naturally afraid of siege.

But fortunately, his good disciple gave him a fourth-level low-level treasure money. With this fourth-level low-level treasure money and his powerful spiritual thoughts, Wen Xingrui destroyed that sect and earned a fortune. After gaining a lot of military exploits, he entered the Palace of Military Merits.

It can be said that his good apprentice saved his life.

Wen Xingrui glanced quickly and finally reached the bottom one. He said with a joyful smile on his face: "Good apprentice, I knew you would be fine."

Seeing the name Li Mo displayed on the last name, Wen Xingrui felt so happy that he couldn't help laughing.

Then he looked at the military exploits behind the name Li Mo and thought to himself: "My good disciple only has 112 military exploits. With this meager military exploits, I can't exchange for any training resources. I should withdraw from the Military Merits Hall at this time."

"I can only meet him in the Meritorious Merits Hall next time." Now that he knew that his good apprentice was not dead, Wen Xingrui was happy and had no regrets. He immediately went to the Meritorious Merits Exchange Room.

He planned to practice in Zhan Gong Hall for another month before leaving.

Wu Tao was refining the Star Streaming Light with all his strength in the Triple Acceleration Training Room. He was practicing so much that he had no idea that his master Wen Xingrui had already entered the War Merit Hall.

If he knew this, he would definitely stop practicing and go out to see his master Wen Xingrui.

Time flies, one month has passed.

Wu Tao's second-level Yuan-Ti aura has reached a peak, and it seems that he can break through to the third-level Yuan-Ti with just one opportunity.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, working on the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhoutian Star Training Exercise with one heart and one mind, refining the star stream floating in front of him.

He has a physical training profession and is not afraid of the bottlenecks in each small realm. For him, the small bottlenecks can be broken with just a light touch.

Therefore, another day later, Wu Tao's Star Yuan Ti shook slightly, and his whole body seemed to turn into a bright star, emitting a dazzling starlight, and the Yuan Ti aura instantly reached the Yuan Ti from the second level of the Yuan Ti. The third level of the body.

At the moment when he broke through the third level of Yuan Ti, Wu Tao felt that his star Yuan Ti was infinitely powerful. And the spiritual thoughts are also growing.

The last time he broke through the second level of Yuan Ti, his spiritual thoughts increased by 600 miles. This time he broke through the third level of Yuan Ti, and Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts also increased by 600 miles.

Now his spiritual consciousness has reached the level of 6800 miles.

These 6800 miles of divine thoughts are extremely condensed. Wu Tao is confident that this divine thoughts alone can forcibly suppress a fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, making him unable to even cast spells.

After practicing for another hour, Wu Tao completely consolidated the third level of Yuan Ti and put away the unfinished star stream in front of him.

Personal information is opened.

In the past three months, he had practiced in the triple-acceleration training room, which was equivalent to nine months of practice.

Moreover, every day of practice is not only about practicing the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise Yuan Ti Chapter and Jiu Yaotian Divine Law, but also practicing other spells.

So we have to see how much progress the magic has made in these three months?

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