Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 797 Master and Disciple Gathering

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 118/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Second Level]

[Kung Fu: The second level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (5%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (60%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fourth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (98%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (87%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutian star body training·Yuanti chapter: third level (0%), witchcraft tactics that shatter the stars·Proficiency (1%), omitted]

"In the triple-acceleration training room, within three months, the second level of Jiuyaotian's Divine Law has reached 5% progress."

Wu Tao looked at the progress of Jiuyao Tiandu Cun Shenfa. He was very satisfied with the progress. If there was no triple acceleration of training in the training room, it would take 9 months to achieve this progress.

If he continues to practice in this triple training room from now on, he can break through another small level and save at least half the time.

But the premise is that training resources must be sufficient.

It's a pity that he doesn't have many cultivation resources left, so he must earn them.

In the Starry Palace, he relies on his weapon refining methods and the treatment of the master of the weapon refining hall, which can bring him a steady stream of training resources. But in this world, he can only rob or earn military merits and redeem them at the War Merits Hall. These are two ways.

There is actually no difference between the former approach and the latter approach.

At least in this world, they, outsiders from the Three Realms, are regarded as extraterrestrial demons.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao's eyes continued to move down to the list of spells. In the past three months, he had also practiced spells in the triple-acceleration training room.

The seventh level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual has reached 60% progress. If you practice another 40% progress, you will be able to increase your spiritual thoughts by a thousand miles.

The Nascent Soul stage of Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing is from the seventh level to the ninth level. If you practice all three levels to perfection, you can increase your spiritual thoughts by three thousand miles.

A perfect cultivator of Nascent Soul has a spiritual thought of 12,000 miles, and because he has the Heavenly Evolution and Refining Divine Sutra, his spiritual thought can reach 15,000 miles.

In addition, breaking through the realm of physical cultivation will also increase the spiritual power. When he reaches the perfection of both legal and physical cultivation, Wu Tao cannot imagine how powerful his spiritual power will be.

But it is estimated that no matter how powerful he is, he should not be a match for the God of Transformation.

The gap between the Divine Lord of Transformation and the realm of Yuanying is difficult to bridge.

"With the Red Flame Divine Fire Barrier Technique, there are still two progresses before you can refine another Red Flame Divine Fire Barrier. When the time comes, the four Red Flame Divine Fire Barriers will besiege you from all sides, leaving the enemy with nowhere to escape."

Wu Tao is still very satisfied with the Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique. However, there is not much red flame divine fire left in his body. After the fourth red flame divine fire mask is sacrificed, he needs to find the red flame divine fire to practice this method.

The last spell is the Yuan Ying level escape technique Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape. Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape also requires Yuan Magnetic Aurora to practice, and Wu Tao doesn't have much Yuan Magnetic Aurora in his body.

In the past three months, the practice room has been accelerated three times, and this escape technique has been improved a lot.

"Resources, or cultivation resources!" Wu Tao couldn't help but worry, because without cultivation resources, he would not make any progress in either cultivation or spells and other defense techniques.

Therefore, he had to leave the War Merit Hall and face the immortal cultivators in this world.

"If so, if you can remove the brand of the War Merit Palace and hide your identity as an extraterrestrial demon, can you integrate into the immortal cultivators of this world, join the sect established by the immortal cultivators of this world, and continue to earn immortal cultivation resources as a weapon refiner? "

Wu Tao was thinking like this in his heart, but soon he shook his head, because this War Merit Palace learned from the mouth of the weapon spirit that it was an immortal weapon. The immortal weapon must be a magic weapon used by immortals, and it was as powerful as the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm and the Transformation God. Even the Divine Lord cannot remove the mark of the War Merit Hall, let alone a second-level Nascent Soul cultivator like him.

Feeling quite helpless, he glanced directly at the column of the weapon refiner profession, because his profession of weapon refiner was completely useless in this world, and it was impossible to earn cultivation resources by relying on his status as a weapon refiner. of.

Finally, my eyes fell on the physical training column.

He does have the light of the stars on his body, and he can continue to practice in this triple-acceleration training room, but after thinking about it, he will have to face it sooner or later, so he should leave the War Merit Hall first to find his master Wen Xingrui and talk to his master Wen Xingrui. Xingrui converges.

He is now on the edge of Eastern China. After leaving the War Merit Hall, he will find a place where the God-Transformation Lord is not stationed. In this way, with his Nascent Soul level cultivation, he will not be in danger of his life.

With this plan, Wu Tao closed his personal information, stood up, and felt how powerful he was. With his current level of cultivation, he could suppress Yin Shui Qi in the middle stage of Genshin Impact with just a raised hand.

At the second level of Yuan Ying, his spiritual thoughts reached 6,200 miles, and at the third level of Yuan Ti, Wu Tao was not afraid even if he faced the fifth level of Yuan Ying.

"This is the power of the dual cultivation of law and body. By the way, I have now broken through the third level of Yuan Ti, and my practice of Jiuyaotiandushenshenfa has also increased. Next time I enter this triple accelerated practice room to practice, maybe I can break through two progresses in one month!”

"Calculating it this way, Mr. Ding is right. It is a great blessing for me, and it is also a great blessing for outsiders from the three realms, which can make the cultivation level grow rapidly. Of course, death There’s just nothing left.”

Muttering to himself, Wu Tao took the token of the training room, opened the bronze door of the training room, and walked out of the training room.

After walking out of the training room, he came to the main hall. The first thing he wanted to do was to take a look at the battle merit list.

Standing on the merit list, Wu Tao starts from the first place. The first place is still Senior Brother Li Jingxing, and his combat merit has increased by more than 1,000 points. Obviously, Senior Brother Li Jingxing has killed many immortal cultivators in this world in the past three months.

The second place is still the ancient power of the demon king of the demon world, and his combat achievements have also increased, but he still does not surpass senior brother Li Jingxing, and is firmly suppressed by Li Jingxing.

"Senior Brother Li Jingli came to this world, and through the War Merit Hall, he has raised the ninth level of Nascent Soul to Yuanying perfection. Perhaps he can really break through to the realm of god transformation in this world by relying on the War Merit Hall."

"If Senior Brother Li is cultivating the Immortal Realm in the Sea of ​​Stars, I don't know what year or month it will be before he can break through to the realm of God Transformation. Coming here is indeed a great blessing."

"The War Merit Hall is indeed a magic weapon refined by an immortal. I wonder when I will become an immortal and possess an immortal weapon?" Wu Tao looked at the war merit list and longed for it in his heart.

Becoming an immortal is Wu Tao's biggest goal in life.

Didn't he come across this world just to become an immortal?

Wu Tao continued to browse the battle merit list and found that some familiar names disappeared from the battle merit list. It was obvious that these immortal cultivators from the three realms were killed by the immortal cultivators from this world.

"Although it is a great fortune, it is also a great danger. This is high reward and high risk!"

Wu Tao sighed, the road to immortality was full of ups and downs.

Sighing, Wu Tao suddenly became happy because he saw Master Wen Xingrui's name. Master Wen Xingrui's name had been promoted several places, and his military exploits had also increased.

This shows that Master Wen Xingrui is still alive and well.

"Master, you must persist until the day we meet." Wu Tao prayed in his heart.

His current wish in this world is to advance to the realm of god transformation with his master Wen Xingrui, leave this world together, return to the Three Realms, and reunite with his family and old friends in the Three Realms.

After reading the battle merit list, Wu Tao's name is still at the bottom. Because he has stayed in the triple acceleration training room of the battle merit hall for the past three months and has not killed a single immortal cultivator in this world, so he has not earned anything. Get one point of merit.

"Let's leave the War Merits Hall first. I hope I can see the master next time I come to the War Merits Hall. I don't know if there is a place to leave a message in the War Merits Hall. You can leave a message with the master." Wu Tao thought in his heart.

He came to the main hall. As soon as he activated the War Merit Hall brand on his wrist, he heard the sound of footsteps. Wu Tao turned around and looked. His face immediately lit up and he shouted: "Master!"

Hearing this, the man stopped and looked over. When he saw Wu Tao, a smile appeared on his face: "Good disciple, I finally see you again!"

This person is Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui strode towards Wu Tao and stood in front of Wu Tao.

"I knew you would be fine. With your cautious character and your cultivation, nothing will happen to you." Wen Xingrui patted Wu Tao's shoulder with joy and relief.

Wu Tao's face was slightly moved, and he said: "Master, I am very worried about you. At the moment when the road to the three realms collapsed, I watched your body turn into nothingness in front of me. I thought you, master..."

"After entering this world and experiencing all kinds of things, I speculated that this may be a trick of the Emperor Shenjun against us immortal cultivators from the three realms, but I also thought that the immortal cultivators in this world regard us from the three realms as extraterrestrial demons. And he came to this world randomly, so I was worried that something might happen to the master."

"It wasn't until I entered the War Merit Hall and saw the war merit list that I realized that my master was safe and sound. At that moment, I was so happy!"

"I originally thought that I could meet Master next time I entered the War Merit Hall, but I didn't expect that God gave me such a big surprise. I saw Master right away."

Wu Tao's sincerity deeply moved Wen Xingrui's heart. Accepting such a disciple was really the most correct choice he had ever made in his life.

He nodded and said: "Don't worry, master's luck is not that bad. On the contrary, some unlucky fellow Taoists came in front of the Lord Transformation God and were slapped to death."

"And I am not an ordinary weapon refiner. My master is good at fighting. Anyone who thinks that I am a weapon refiner who is not good at fighting must be surprised."

Regarding what Wen Xingrui said, Wu Tao agreed very much and nodded: "Yes, whoever dares to look down on us will definitely be left in a miserable state."

"Master, let's go over there and talk!" Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui. Now that master and disciple meet, they must have a long talk. They will also talk about their experiences in this world and how they will live in this world in the future. Convergence.

Wen Xingrui nodded lightly and followed Wu Tao to the corner of the hall.

Now there are no other immortal cultivators or demons in the main hall of the War Merit Hall, so the two of them can talk with confidence.

Wen Xingrui first talked about his own situation: "At the moment when the road to the three realms collapsed, my teacher was also very scared. He thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that I didn't die. There was a fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who came to one side. The sect that is guarded by those who guard it.”

"I thought I could inquire about the situation in this world from this sect. Unexpectedly, the cultivators from this sect seemed to be crazy. They shouted that I was an extraterrestrial demon, and then attacked me crazily. I had no choice but to , we can only kill all the immortal cultivators in this sect."

"Don't say that I haven't deduced the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level. If it weren't for the piece of treasure money you gave me as a good disciple, I really wouldn't be able to break free from the siege."

Wu Tao listened to what Wu Tao said about the siege. Now that the danger has been saved, there is nothing to worry about. He said: "The fourth-level treasure money I gave to the master is just a low-level one. It seems that I want to use the fourth-level high-level treasure money." It can be deduced that we can face the immortal cultivators in this world. After all, the immortal cultivators in this world regard us as extraterrestrial demons and will not have the courtesy to fight with us alone."

"Okay, you can use the War Merit Hall to accelerate the deduction of treasure money at the fourth advanced level, and as a master, you can also accelerate the deduction of the weapon refining and fighting methods at the Nascent Soul level. By then, you and I, master and disciple, will not be afraid of the same level in this world. The siege of immortal cultivators!" Wen Xingrui was in high spirits.

As if he thought of something, he said to Wu Tao: "Disciple, I know your character as a cautious and low-key person. You don't like fighting or killing. But now in this world, we can't help ourselves in order to save our lives. "

He vaguely knew that his apprentice had not entered the War Merit Hall for so long, and it must be because he did not like killing. Otherwise, any cultivator would have earned enough war merits to enter the War Merit Hall.

Wu Tao sighed and said: "Yes, master, the War Merit Palace is an immortal weapon. This is the reality we have to face. Either become stronger or be killed."

"But when we have cultivated to this level, how can we be willing to be killed, so we can only become stronger, strong enough to leave this world and return to the Three Realms!"

Wen Xingrui nodded happily and said, "If you think so, I will feel relieved as a teacher."

"I didn't expect that Emperor Shenjun was so powerful that he actually possessed an immortal weapon. Thinking about it this way, Emperor Shenjun's cultivation should be that of an immortal." Wen Xingrui sighed.

Wu Tao seemed to have thought of something, and asked: "Master, do you know whether Master Ning has entered this world?"

What Wu Tao was thinking about was that the being behind Ning Qiudao, Di Shenjun and the nail in the coffin in his mind were also on the same team. They were in a cooperative relationship. They should not earn money by killing the immortal cultivators in this world like them. Military exploits.

Who would have thought that Wen Xingrui said: "Master Ning is also in this world. I met Master Ning once in the War Merit Hall."

Having said this, Wen Xingrui glanced around the hall and did not continue to speak. Instead, he used his spiritual thoughts to transmit a message: "My teacher also discovered that Head Ning seems to be back."

Wu Tao was shocked when he heard Wen Xingrui's words. He understood what his master Wen Xingrui meant when he said, 'Head Ning seems to be back', which meant that Ning Qiudao's body was not controlled by that being, but that he himself had returned.

"This is a good thing!" Wu Tao finally said this.

Wu Tao still very much recognized Ning Qiudao, the leader of Lingxu Sect.

He is a good leader.

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