Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 798 Uncle Shan is an immortal cultivator?

"That's true. Let's see if we can find out anything when we meet the leader next time." Wen Xingrui pondered for a moment and said.

His relationship with Ning Qiudao is still very deep.

When Ning Qiudao became the leader, he and he were brothers. The two of them often interacted. They both worked together to develop Lingxu Sect and were like-minded Taoist friends.

Wen Xingrui naturally didn't want Ning Qiu to reveal anything.

Wu Tao knew a little about Ning Qiudao's issue, but it was about the nail in the coffin, so he couldn't say much to Wen Xingrui. Therefore, he changed the topic of Ning Qiudao and said to Wen Xingrui:

"Master, the most important thing right now is to see where you and I are in this world, and get together as soon as possible to face the immortal cultivators in this world together!"

"What you said makes sense." Wen Xingrui nodded and said, "I'm in Dongyun Prefecture."

After saying that, he looked at Wu Tao, who immediately said: "Master, I am in East China. There are three Shenhua sects in East China, so I withdrew from East China and operated on the edge of East China."

"Eastern China and East Yunzhou should be the eastern part of this world." Wen Xingrui said with a smile on his face: "It seems that master and disciple will meet soon."

"East China, East Cloud State, the names do sound like the eastern region, but we are not familiar with this world, so we need to find a map of this world as soon as possible." Wu Tao said.

Wen Xingrui pondered for a moment, and then said: "Disciple, after leaving the War Merit Hall this time, we will see if we can get a map from the immortal cultivators in this world. If we get the map, we will meet again in a month. Enter the Hall of War Merits."

At this point, Wen Xingrui seemed to feel something was wrong, shook his head and corrected: "Whether we have obtained the map of this world in a month or not, you and I, master and disciple, will go into the War Merit Hall to discuss it."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, master, I have the same plan."

Wen Xingrui stood up and said, "It's not too late, let's leave the War Merit Hall."

Wu Tao also stood up after hearing this, and the master and apprentice came to the center of the hall and activated the War Merit Hall brand together.

Wu Tao watched Wen Xingrui's body slowly disappear in front of him.

Wen Xingrui also watched Wu Tao's body slowly disappear in front of him.

Because the brand of the War Merit Hall was activated at the same time, the two bodies disappeared into the War Merit Hall at the same time. One returned to East China and the other returned to Dongyun State.

"Okay, the next step is to find a map of this world and see how far it is from Tuerwen's Eastern China." In a mountain range in Dongyun Province, Wen Xingrui's figure condensed, and he looked to the east Whispered to himself.

In East China, Wu Tao's figure gradually condensed. He looked in the direction of the ancient mountain village, and thought of Zhang Xi and Zhang Xiaohui in his mind, and said: "If you want to find the map of this world, you have to go to the Immortal Cultivation Sect in this world. I looked for it in a library or some other place."

"In this case, we can only find a Nascent Soul Sect or a Jindan Sect to break in."

Wu Tao's mind instantly thought of his fight with Yin Shuiqi. The fight reached a sect where Lord Yuanying was in command, and he killed all the Lord Yuanying and the golden elixir cultivators and foundation-building immortal cultivators of this sect. .

"In this case, this sect will only have immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage. The Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators have too little military merit. Let's forget it and leave after getting the map of this world." Wu Tao decided not to leave the world. All the immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage of the Quan Sect were slaughtered.

Swinging a knife to kill the weak is not Wu Tao's style.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and flew in the direction of Tianquan Sect.

What he didn't know was that three months ago.

Wu Tao entered the war merit hall.

Tianquan Sect has only those cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage left. These cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage will always remember that day when they were practicing in the sect. Suddenly, their Nascent Soul Lord Supreme Elder roared an extraterrestrial demon.

Then he took the leader of Tianquan Sect and all the golden elixir cultivators and foundation cultivators to the sky.

The formation was extremely frightening. All the cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage of Tianquan Sect looked up and saw broken corpses falling from the sky like rain. These broken corpses were theirs. The foundation-building seniors of the Tianquan Sect and the Jindan Zhenren seniors.

Finally, they also saw their Nascent Soul True Lord Taishang Elder falling from the sky, smashing a hole in the main hall of the sect leader.

This day will never be forgotten by the immortal cultivators of Tianquan Sect in the Qi refining period.

On this day, as Tianquan Sect's immortal cultivators above the foundation-building cultivator all died, Tianquan Sect fell into an atmosphere of grief.

In the entire Tianquan Sect, there are only those who are cultivating immortals in the Qi Refining Stage.

In Tianquan Sect, those who practice immortality during the Qi refining period are outer disciples.

The outer disciple had no choice but to step forward and lead the entire Tianquan Sect.

He convened a sect-wide meeting of the Tianquan Sect and said with a sad look on his face: "Now we are the only ones left in the Tianquan Sect who are refining qi and cultivating immortals. We must add fresh blood to revitalize our Tianquan Sect Yuanying Sect. Power."

Then he asked some outer disciples to go to nearby mortal villages and collect young mortals with spiritual talents to enter the Tianquan Sect to practice.

Ancient mountain village.

Zhang Xi held a small stone in his hand, reached out and threw it, and accurately hit a small tree not far away, which attracted admiration from the surrounding teenagers.

They all asked Zhang Xiye to teach them this unique skill.

If it were in the past, Zhang Xi would definitely be extremely happy with the admiration of these young people, but now his face is not happy because Uncle Shan has left Gushan Village.

Although they only spent a month together with Uncle Shan, Zhang Xi enjoyed staying with Uncle Shan very much.

"Zhang Xi, teach me quickly, teach me quickly."

These teenagers of the same age grabbed Zhang Xi's arm and said eagerly.

Zhang Xi looked at them. Although he was not interested, he still nodded and said: "Okay, I will teach you now."

After saying this, Zhang Xi began to teach these teenagers of the same age how to throw stones. He remembered how Uncle Shan taught him, and he taught these teenagers how to throw stones.

All these teenagers of the same age were so excited that they started throwing stones, but no one could hit the small tree in the distance.

Only in this way does Zhang Xi's unique skill of throwing stones appear to be powerful.

"I wonder when I will be able to knock out a fish just by throwing it into the river like Uncle Shan." Zhang Xi thought in his mind that if he really mastered such a stunt, his father would not have to go hunting in the mountains every day. After such hard work, he can go fishing in the river to supplement his family's income.

Playing until noon, Zhang Xi and other teenagers of the same age got hungry and rushed back to their respective homes for lunch.

Zhang Xi returned to the Zhang family. Today his father Zhang Qi also went hunting in the mountains, and only Zhang Xiaohui was at home.

Zhang Xi ran to the kitchen and saw Zhang Xiaohui making lunch, but there were only wild vegetables for lunch. He looked at the wild vegetables and suddenly said: "Sister, I miss Uncle Shan. When Uncle Shan is here, you can eat fish every day."

When Zhang Xiaohui heard this, her eyes became a little sad, and she said: "Uncle Shan has his own home after all. It is impossible for him to recover his memory and still stay in our home. He also has a family, maybe a wife and children."

Zhang Xi heard this and said, "Sister, I don't understand what you are saying. I just feel that I am very happy to be with Uncle Shan."

"Yes, what do you little brat know?" Zhang Xiaohui shook her head and laughed.

When Zhang Xi heard that his sister Zhang Xiaohui said that he was a little kid, he refused and said, "I'm not a little kid. I'm an adult. Don't you see? The kids in the village all asked me to teach them how to throw stones." Woolen cloth."

Zhang Xiaohui Lengjun couldn't help but said: "Even if you teach them to throw stones, you are still a brat, and the King of Children is also a brat."

Zhang Xi was furious when he heard this, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't beat his sister now.

After lunch, Zhang Xi couldn't sit still at home and went out to play with the teenagers of the same age.

They were playing with stones outside the window when someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look at the sky, there are immortals in the sky."

With this exclamation, Zhang Xi immediately looked up to the sky, and he saw a flying boat in the sky. There were several immortals standing on the flying boat, some male and female. The male was handsome and the girl was very beautiful. They were a couple of gods and immortals.

The immortal cultivators on this flying boat saw Zhang Xi and the other young men at the entrance of the village and immediately landed the flying boat in front of them.

"We are immortal cultivators from the Tianquan Sect. We came to your village to select young people with the qualifications to enter the Tianquan Sect to cultivate immortality."

These words immediately made these children explode. They had heard the legend of immortals since they were young, and now an immortal actually came to their village to accept disciples.

The arrival of the Qi-refining cultivators from the Tianquan Sect on this day also alarmed the adults in Gushan Village, and they all brought their children to visit the Immortal Master to see if their children could enter the Immortal Master's sect to cultivate immortality.

The Qi Refining Cultivators of Tianquan Sect immediately tested the qualifications of these young people.

But halfway through the test, only two teenagers had the qualifications to cultivate immortality, and the others did not, which made me feel a little disappointed.

Now that the Tianquan Sect has lost all its high-level combat power, and only their Qi refining period is left, they naturally hope to recruit many people with the qualifications to cultivate immortals to enter the Tianquan Sect to practice.

Zhang Xi was also queuing up to wait for the Qi-refining cultivators from the Tianquan Sect to test his qualifications. He thought of Uncle Shan in his mind. If Uncle Shan was still staying in Gushan Village at this time, he should also have the opportunity to enter the Tianquan Sect to cultivate immortals. .

He knew that Uncle Shan longed to cultivate immortality, so he went into the mountains to seek immortality. As a result, he was attacked by a wild boar and almost lost his life.

"If I am selected to enter the Tianquan Sect to cultivate immortality, when I succeed in cultivating immortality, I will definitely find Uncle Shan and teach him how to cultivate immortality." Zhang Xi was secretly excited in his heart.

Uncle Shan taught him how to throw stones, so he taught Uncle Shan how to become an immortal. The young man began to fantasize.

Finally it was Zhang Xi's turn. Zhang Xi stood excitedly in front of the Qi-refining stage cultivator of Tianquan Sect and asked this Qi-refining stage cultivator to test his qualifications.

This cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage began to test Zhang Xi's aptitude for cultivating immortals. After the test, he said: "The qualifications are low and he can barely enter the Tianquan Sect."

With that said, Zhang Xi was asked to stand next to the two young men who were qualified to cultivate immortals.

This Qi-refining stage immortal cultivator felt very depressed. If it had been in the past, it would have been impossible for Zhang Xi, who had inferior qualifications, to be favored by the Tianquan Sect, but now the Tianquan Sect is no longer the time to be picky.

After Zhang Xi finished the test, it was the turn of his sister Zhang Xiaohui behind him to take the test.

He hopes that his sister Zhang Xiaohui can also have the qualifications to cultivate immortality and go to Tianquan Sect with him to cultivate immortality. But what made him regretful was that after testing Zhang Xiaohui, this Immortal Cultivator from the Tianquan Sect's Qi Refining Stage shook his head and said, "You have no qualifications for cultivating immortals. Go back and be next."

Zhang Xiaohui's face didn't look too disappointed, but Zhang Xi's face looked very disappointed because she couldn't cultivate immortality with her sister.

Soon, the Tianquan Sect's Qi Refiners and Immortal Cultivators tested all the young men of the right age in Gushan Village. Only three young men, Zhang Xi, had the qualifications to cultivate immortals.

"I will give you a quarter of an hour to say goodbye to your family, and then you will return to Tianquan Sect." A Qi Refiner and Immortal Cultivator said to Zhang Xi and the others.

Zhang Xi immediately ran to Zhang Xiaohui and said: "Sister, there is still a quarter of an hour before I go to Tianquan Sect to cultivate immortality. My father is still in the mountains and has not come back. It is too late to say goodbye to him. Tell him for me. Wait. I have succeeded in cultivating immortality, and I will definitely come back to see you."

Zhang Xiaohui knew that his younger brother aspired to become an immortal, so he told him: "You can cultivate immortality well in Tianquan Sect, and I will take care of my father at home."

Then Zhang Xi and the other two teenagers boarded the flying boat, which took off and disappeared into the sky.

Zhang Xi entered the Tianquan Sect to practice as he wished. Because his qualifications were inferior, he had not thoroughly understood the Tianquan Sect's Qi-refining period exercises for three months. He was unable to enter the practice, and there was no trace of it in his body. With his aura, he is not considered an immortal cultivator, he is still just a mortal.

This time, the Tianquan Sect selected more than 100 mortal teenagers from nearby villages to enter the Tianquan Sect to cultivate immortals. The outer disciples opened the Tianquan Sect's sect-protecting array.

Because the Tianquan Sect has lost its high-end combat power and all are disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, they are afraid that nearby sects that have friction with the Tianquan Sect will come and attack.

On this day, there were more than 100 mortal teenagers standing in the Zongmen Square. A seventh-level Qi Refining Immortal Cultivator from Tianquan Sect was teaching these more than 100 mortal teenagers to comprehend the Qi Refining Period exercises.

"This qi-refining period technique is the most advanced qi-refining technique of our Tianquan Sect. You must listen carefully and understand it carefully. In the future, it will be impossible to go to heaven or earth." The seventh-level qi-refining immortal cultivator said loudly. , the sound spread into the ears of every mortal boy.

Zhang Xi was extremely excited.

After the seventh-level qi-refining cultivator finished speaking, he began to explain how to practice this technique. These mortal teenagers listened attentively.

At this moment, the entire Tianquan Sect seemed to shake. The bodies of these mortal teenagers in the sect square swayed, and some fell to the ground.

"What happened?" Some mortal teenagers screamed in horror, and some even cried.

"Quiet!" The cultivator at the seventh level of Qi Refining who taught them shouted loudly. Then he looked at the sect's formation and saw an immortal cultivator standing outside the defensive light wall raised by the sect's formation.

The immortal cultivator, who was in his early 20s and had a strong aura, stood outside the sect-protecting formation. He lightly slapped the sect-protecting formation, and then it shook violently, because the sect-protecting formation was connected to the boundary here. So the entire Tianquan Sect was shaken.

"Extraterrestrial Demon?" This seventh-level Qi Refining Immortal Cultivator could tell at a glance that the young man standing outside the formation was an extraterritorial demon.

He remembered that the death of the immortal cultivators at or above the Tianquan Sect's foundation building level and the Yuanying Supreme Elder was due to the two extraterrestrial demons coming from above the Tianquan Sect.

Now it seems that one of the extraterrestrial demons has returned to Tianquan Sect.

Wu Tao stood outside the Tianquan Sect's sect-protecting formation, looked at the sect-protecting formation and said, "This sect-protecting formation is quite good. It seems that it will take a few more slaps to defeat this sect-protecting formation."

At this time, the outer disciples led a group of Qi Refining Stage disciples to the sect square, and they all looked up at Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon who was protecting the sect.

Those mortal youths either fell to the ground or stood confused, and they all looked at Wu Tao, who was standing in the air outside the sect-protecting formation.

They are all mortals, so they don't know that Wu Tao is an extraterrestrial demon.

"Isn't this Uncle Shan?" Among the more than 100 mortal teenagers, only Zhang Xi saw Wu Tao's face. In an instant, his head fell into confusion.

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