The outer sect disciple of Tianquan Sect, who is now the leader of Tianquan Sect, has attained the ninth level of Qi refining.

He led a group of qi-refining cultivators to the sect square and saw Wu Tao floating outside the sect-protecting formation.

His heart trembled, and he immediately shouted: "Quickly stabilize the sect-protecting formation, and don't let the outside demons break the formation. Once the formation is broken, no one among us will survive."

After hearing his words, the other Tianquan Sect Qi Refining and Immortal Cultivators immediately flew out to stabilize the sect-protecting formation.

Wu Tao watched them stabilize the sect-protecting formation and didn't care much. The sect-protecting formation was a fourth-level low-level formation that stirred up the local world and used the spiritual veins of the local world to stimulate it.

However, if there are no high-level immortal cultivators to run this formation, it will be impossible to fully exert the full power of this fourth-level low-level formation.

The actual effect of the fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation maintained by these Qi-refining cultivators is only equivalent to that of the third-level low-level formation.

Therefore, with a smile on Wu Tao's face, he swung out a palm, and the powerful mana of the Nascent Soul Master turned into a big mana hand, and shook the defensive light shield formed by the sect-protecting formation violently.

As for the Qi-refining cultivators of the Tianquan Sect in the sect-protecting formation, all of them vomited blood and became sluggish under this blow.

This was what Wu Tao had saved. If he had not spared his hand, he had attacked the fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation with all his strength. All the Qi-refining cultivators of the Tianquan Sect who maintained the sect-protecting formation would have been killed by his attack.

No one can survive.

Wu Tao struck out with another palm, and the defensive light curtain of Tianquan Sect's fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation shook violently again, almost to the edge of collapse.

"Why do I feel like I'm a bit like a villain?" Wu Tao looked at the frightened faces in the Tianquan Sect's protective formation, feeling a little dumbfounded in his heart.

But he is not the real villain after all. Even if he is judged as an extraterrestrial demon by the immortal cultivators in this world, Wu Tao has no intention of killing the remaining immortal cultivators in the Tianquan Sect.

So when the first blow hit the sect-protecting formation, he held back his hand. It only caused serious injuries to those Tianquan Sect qi-refining cultivators who maintained the sect-protecting formation and lost their fighting power.

He came to Tianquan Sect just to find the map of this world.

"Quickly, the other people will take over. We must not allow the outside demons to break through the sect-protecting formation." This outer disciple, the successor of the Tianquan Sect, anxiously shouted, asking the other immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Period to Go to fill up the position and maintain the operation of the four low-level sect-protecting formations.

The other Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators had already taken up their positions. Wu Tao's palm kept his hand, and also shocked the Tianquan Sect Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators who had just taken up their positions one by one, causing them to lose their combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, the new leader of the Tianquan Sect on the ninth level of Qi Refining only felt his scalp numb. This extraterrestrial devil was too powerful. They, the Tianquan Sect, had no match. They could only watch helplessly as the extraterrestrial devil general, a fourth-level low-level protector of the sect, The formation broke through, entered Tianquan Sect, and killed all their Tianquan Sect cultivators.

Although he is at the ninth level of Qi Refining, he has also heard from his seniors that the purpose of the existence of extraterrestrial demons is to massacre the immortal cultivators in their world.

"The supreme elders who are as powerful as the second level of Nascent Soul have already died in the hands of this extraterrestrial demon. We are only in the Qi refining stage, so how can we be the opponent of this extraterrestrial demon." The new leader of Tianquan Sect felt despair.

It seems that the only option is to wait for death.

It's just a pity that if he is given time, he will definitely be able to continue to develop Tianquan Sect and make Tianquan Sect become the Nascent Soul Sect in this area again.

"Alas, these mortal disciples have to be buried with me and others." The new head of Tianquan Sect looked at the mortal teenagers in the sect square with regret.

These mortal teenagers have just entered Tianquan Sect for three months, and none of them have officially embarked on the path to immortality. They will be buried in the hands of the demons outside the territory.

"Is Uncle Shan an immortal cultivator, or is he such a powerful immortal cultivator?" Zhang Xi's mind was buzzing as he looked at Wu Tao, who was attacking the Tianquan Sect's fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation.

He would never have imagined that Uncle Shan, an ordinary person he knew, could actually be a powerful immortal cultivator.

He was stunned and completely lost the ability to think.

"The last palm!" Wu Tao muttered to himself, stretched out his palm and lightly slapped it forward. The big magic palm directly defeated the fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation of Tianquan Sect.

Wu Tao raised the soles of his feet and stepped forward in the void. His figure had already arrived at the Zongmen Square. His Nascent Soul Divine Sense swept through the entire Tianquan Sect, bringing all the Tianquan Sect's Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators and these mortal teenagers. All are reflected in the divine thoughts.

"Zhang Xi." As soon as this spiritual thought enveloped him, Wu Tao sensed Zhang Xi among the mortal teenagers. At this time, Zhang Xi looked blank.

"The opportunity is such a coincidence. Although I don't want to see Zhang Xi become an immortal cultivator, unexpectedly, due to my fight with Yin Shuiqi, all the immortal cultivators above the Qi refining stage of Tianquan Sect were killed. Therefore, Tianquan Sect cannot become an immortal cultivator. Go to the mortal villages in the surrounding areas to recruit mortal disciples. This is how Zhang Xi was recruited into the Tianquan Sect." Wu Tao's mind turned and he thought of the cause and effect.

It can only be said that things in the world are such coincidences.

"Fortunately, Zhang Xi has not really embarked on the path to immortality yet. He is just a mortal boy. If he embarks on the path to immortality, he will know the identity of the demon from outside our territory. Uncle Shan in the past has become his enemy." Wu Tao's heart Sigh.

But he didn't want to worry about anything. Since Zhang Xi had already embarked on the path to immortality, it was his own opportunity, and he would not let Zhang Xi lose this opportunity.

He just came here today to get the map of this world and will leave.

"Outside the Territory Demon." The new leader of the Tianquan Sect stared at Wu Tao with eyes full of hatred. He gritted his teeth. Although he was trembling, he still said these words.

"Outside Heavenly Demon, what do you want? You want to massacre my Tianquan Sect to death."

Wu Tao looked at him quietly, and then said calmly: "You are overthinking. I just want to enter the Tianquan Sect Library for a look."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, the new Tianquan Sect leader and other immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they could save their lives, they would not retaliate for this hatred until they reach the Nascent Soul realm.

Wu Tao sensed their emotional changes with his spiritual thoughts and found that those who were cultivating immortals in the Qi Refining Stage would be afraid of their foreign demons and would not kill them as soon as they came up. The person who saw this extraterrestrial devil immediately fought to the death without any fear, but with a kind of madness.

Just when Wu Tao was thinking like this, in the next moment, the Tianquan Sect's Qi Refining Stage cultivators suddenly had red eyes, as if they were dizzy, shouting to kill the extraterrestrial demons, and then they all attacked Wu Tao. Come.

After all, they were a group of people in the Qi refining period. All the magic weapons, talismans, and spells that attacked Wu Tao's body were completely annihilated by Wu Tao's magic power.

He couldn't get close to Wu Tao at all.

But these immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage rushed forward like moths to the flame. Their talismans were gone and their magic weapons were gone. They used their bodies as weapons to try to hit him.

Wu Tao sensed their current state with his spiritual mind, but he couldn't sense why it was like this. He could only look up at the sky and thought: "Could it be that the will of this world is affecting these immortal cultivators?" ?”

He could only think of this reason.

And these mortal teenagers in the sect square saw their elders rushing towards the extraterritorial demon like crazy, but they were blocked by invisible magic power and could not enter him at all.

Wu Tao sensed these crazy Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators, making them dizzy for a while, and then the huge Nascent Soul mana gently brushed by, and in an instant, these crazy Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators were all imprisoned in place by him, unable to move. , only his eyes looked at Wu Tao with crazy hatred, wanting to kill Wu Tao with his eyes.

"It's better to go find the library of Tiantian Quan Sect by yourself." After imprisoning all these crazy Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators, Wu Tao raised his feet.

"Shan..." At this moment, Zhang Xi suddenly came to his senses. He had just yelled at Wu Tao's back, but found that his mouth seemed to be imprisoned by some force, and he could not speak at all.

The next second, Zhang Xi heard Uncle Shan's voice appear in his mind.

"Don't yell and keep calm. I'll wait for you at the bottom of the mountain at dusk."

Zhang Xi was overjoyed when he heard this, and then he saw Uncle Shan taking one step forward and already halfway up the Tianquan Sect.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire Tianquan Sect. Some of the buildings in the Tianquan Sect were affected by his spiritual thoughts. Soon he arrived at the Tianquan Sect's library.

The Tianquan Sect's library contains secret books on martial arts, secret books on cultivating immortals, and some books about the world of cultivating immortals. The library also has formations, but they are only third-level formations.

Because Tianquan Sect only has one supreme elder from the second level of Yuanying, it is impossible for the second level of Yuanying to earn so many resources to purchase so many fourth-level formations, a fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation. It was enough for this immortal cultivator on the second level of Nascent Soul to earn for many years.

Therefore, for Wu Tao, the third-level formations like the library were like entering a deserted land. With the power of the powerful Yuanying Zhenjun, these third-level formations would collapse instantly.

Most of the libraries in the library contain low-level immortal cultivation techniques, at least for Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul Lord.

Wu Tao is a cultivator from Xingchen Immortal Palace, one of the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. The various Nascent Soul secret books in the library of Xingchen Immortal Palace dazzle Wu Tao.

And this library only has one or two books on Yuanying Kung Fu on the highest floor.

The library has four floors. The first floor contains the secrets of cultivating immortals at the Qi refining level, the second floor contains the secrets of cultivating immortals at the foundation building level, and the third floor contains the secrets of cultivating immortals at the golden elixir level.

Wu Tao had no interest in the secrets of cultivating immortals on the first three floors. He quickly flipped through them with his spiritual mind, like quantum reading. Soon, he took a rough look at these secrets of cultivating immortals, but did not find a map of this world.

Finally, Wu Tao found a map on the fourth floor. This map was not perfect. It was not the entire map of this world, but a partial map.

Wu Tao saw that the mountain range where Tianquan Sect was located was on the edge of Eastern China, and only three states were drawn on this map.

"Eastern China, Dongyue State, Dongyun State." Wu Tao smiled when he saw Dongyunzhou. His master Wen Xingrui was in Dongyunzhou.

"But judging from this map, from Dongshenzhou to Dongyunzhou, you have to pass through Dongyue Prefecture. Judging from the three Huashen Sects in Dongshenzhou, Dongyue Prefecture should also have Huashen Sects, passing through Dongyuezhou. When we go to Yuezhou, we must avoid those sects that transform gods."

Wu Tao was thinking in his heart, he was only in the realm of Yuanying now, and he might not be afraid of any danger for his life when facing the Yuanying Sect, but once he faced the Huashen Sect, his life would be hard to save if Lord Huashen took action.

Although there is a big boss like Nail in the Coffin in the center of his mind sea, maybe Master Nag will help him escape from danger if Lord Transformation God takes action. However, Lord Nail can indeed help him escape from the pursuit of Lord Transformation God. Kill him, but if he is really so promiscuous, it is actually possible that Master Ding will leave his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts to find other immortal cultivators once he becomes angry.

So don’t rely too much on coffin nails.

After getting the map, Wu Tao was not curious about the cultivation techniques of the second-level immortal cultivators of the Tianquan Sect. He took a glance and knew that the Yuanying skills practiced by the second-level immortal cultivators of the Tianquan Sect were not as good as his. There are powerful divine magics in Jiu Yao Tian.

"But I can see if Tianquan Sect has any resources for cultivating immortals that I can use. Now in this world, I can't use my profession as a weapon refiner to earn resources for cultivating immortals, so this is the only way."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao spread out his powerful spiritual thoughts and soon found the Resource Hall where Tianquan Sect stored the resources for cultivating immortals. After breaking the formation of the Resource Hall like in the library, he entered the Resource Hall. .

In the end, Wu Tao only obtained a few cultivation resources, mainly because the Tianquan Sect was too weak. The strongest one was only a second-level Nascent Soul cultivator. How many resources could he have?

"It's just a little bit, thank you for the gift." Wu Tao said this, and then went down the mountain. He took one step and came to the Zongmen Square. Those Tianquan Sect's Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators were still imprisoned by him.

But those mortal teenagers stood in the square at a loss.

Wu Tao glanced at them and directly used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, turning into a ray of light and disappearing in Zongmen Square.

The moment Wu Tao disappeared, the imprisonment on these Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators of Tianquan Sect also disappeared instantly and they regained their freedom.

Perhaps because of the loss of Wu Tao's figure, the expressions of these Tianquan Sect's Qi Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators slowly calmed down and were no longer crazy.

"What happened just now? I clearly didn't want to fight with the extraterrestrial demon, but I rushed forward uncontrollably?" A cultivator in the Qi refining stage asked doubtfully.

The other immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage also nodded, saying that they too suddenly couldn't help themselves, as if they had an sworn hatred with the extraterrestrial demon, and they must kill the extraterrestrial demon.

But he is only in the Qi refining stage, but the demon outside the territory can kill the Supreme Elder, a Nascent Soul stage. What's the use of all of them in the Qi refining stage even if they rush forward? It's not like he was slapped to death.

"Perhaps this is the method of the demon from outside the territory." The new outer sect disciple of Tianquan Sect pondered for a moment and came to this conclusion.

The other cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage all nodded in agreement when they heard this. Some said, "That's true. The extraterrestrial demons are really terrible. They make us go crazy and are insulting us."

The new sect leader of Tianquan Sect looked at them, then at the newly recruited mortal disciples, and said: "Junior brothers, I plan to go to Tianyi Sect and the sects of Tianxing Sect to request the Supreme Nascent Soul of those sects. The True Lord takes action, besieges the demons outside the territory, and kills the demons outside the territory."

"While I am away, you must protect these disciples. They are the hope of my Tianquan Sect."

Finally, the new leader of Tianquan Sect said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, Master, we will protect these new disciples." The other Qi Refining Stage cultivators immediately bowed and promised.

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