In the world of cultivating immortals, any place where spiritual veins gather is a spiritual mountain, connected by mountains, and Tianquan Sect is also in a mountain range.

After Wu Tao came down from Tianquan Sect, he stopped at the foot of the mountain. Naturally, he wanted to wait for Zhang Xi.

He promised Zhang Xi to wait for him here, and Wu Tao would not deceive a child.

There were still several hours before dusk, and he and Zhang Xi had made an appointment to meet at the foot of Tianquan Sect Mountain at dusk, so Wu Tao dug a cave into the mountain wall.

Looking at the dug cave, Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't dug into a cave in eighty or ninety years."

I still remember that when he was a cultivator in the Qi-refining stage, he would dig underground caves and caves in the wild to avoid monsters and sometimes enemies.

Nowadays, this cave is dug for the purpose of practicing and setting up the spirit gathering array.

After Wu Tao arranged the spirit gathering array, he took out a futon, sat down, and began to practice.

The spiritual energy from the spirit stones refined in the spirit gathering array filled Wu Tao's body, providing him with sufficient spiritual energy for cultivation.

If there is no environment, we must create an environment. This is the cultivator of immortality.

A strong immortal cultivator will never complain about the environment.

He first started to practice the Nine Lights Heavenly Presence Divine Law. As soon as he started practicing, Wu Tao felt a sense of gap.

The speed of cultivation is really too slow.

Compared with the triple acceleration training room in the War Merit Hall, it is like crawling on a turtle. It takes a long time to practice to feel the slight increase in Nascent Soul's mana.

And when Wu Tao was practicing.

Tianquan Sect, Zhang Xi has always been very excited, ever since he met Uncle Shan.

Because Uncle Shan, an extraterrestrial devil, attacked and seriously injured many Qi-refining immortal cultivators of Tianquan Sect, so great changes occurred, and the seventh-level Qi-refining immortal cultivator no longer had the intention to teach them to continue to understand the Qi-refining period skills.

Let them return to their accommodation to rest.

There are three other teenagers in the room where Zhang Xi lives. In the past three months, Zhang Xi has become quite familiar with them.

The three teenagers began to discuss what had just happened in Zongmen Square in the room.

"That immortal cultivator is really too powerful. I once heard the master who taught the technique say that our Tianquan Sect used to be the middle sect of the Nascent Soul level, and the sect-protecting formation was also a fourth-level formation. Even if the True Lord Nascent Soul comes, he can’t break it instantly.”

"But that extraterritorial demon easily broke the sect's protective formation."

"None of the immortal cultivating masters in our Tianquan Sect is a match for that extraterrestrial demon."

"You think, why don't we leave Tianquan Sect? Tianquan Sect doesn't feel strong, and we go to other immortal cultivating sects to seek immortality?" said a young man.

Hearing this, Zhang Xi hummed and said, "Do you think if Tianquan Sect hadn't taken us in, we would have had a chance to become immortals?"

Hearing Zhang Xi's words, the young man fell silent. Indeed, as Zhang Xi said, if the Tianquan Sect had not come to their village to recruit disciples, they would never have had the opportunity to cultivate immortality in their lives.

"But why do you feel that you are not safe in Tianquan Sect? There is always a feeling that you are going to die at any time?" There were other young people who were panting uneasily. The powerful extraterrestrial demon in the sect square before almost laughed him to death. It's time to pee.

The figure of the demon outside the territory has already cast a shadow in his heart.

This young man used to be very eager to cultivate immortality, but now he finds that cultivating immortality is not very good and will lead to death.

Zhang Xi also knew their thoughts and feelings. If he hadn't known Uncle Shan, he would have been scared to death.

He looked at the time. Uncle Shan asked him to meet at the foot of the mountain at dusk. Now, there are still two or three hours before dusk. The Tianquan Sect is on the mountain. With his pace, he has to leave now before he can meet with Uncle Shan. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xi said to them: "You guys talk first, I'll go outside."

Seeing that Zhang Xi was about to go out, the three teenagers said: "Zhang Xi, it's so dangerous outside, why are you going out? Be careful, the master will punish you."

Zhang Xi said with a smile: "When I'm not going out, I just go to pee."

After Zhang Xi finished speaking, he left the room. He looked around and saw no one, so he left the courtyard and went down the mountain behind.

When he wanted to see Uncle Shan, he naturally had to avoid the Qi Refining and Immortal Cultivators of Tianquan Sect.

This time, Uncle Shan injured so many Qi-refining cultivators from Tianquan Sect. If they knew that he was related to Uncle Shan, they would definitely expel him from Tianquan Sect.

Zhang Xi also understood at this moment that in Zongmen Square, he wanted to meet Uncle Shan, but Uncle Shan left him speechless. Maybe this was the reason.

Although Zhang Xi is young, he understands this truth.

He cautiously left Tianquan Sect while checking, and soon he arrived at the back mountain. He wanted to leave from the back mountain path, and when he came to the back mountain, he saw the broken fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation.

If Uncle Shan had not broken the fourth-level low-level sect-protecting formation, Zhang Xi would not have been able to go out of the sect-protecting formation. He heard from the masters that he needed to carry the token of the sect-protecting formation before he could go out.

Now they have not yet embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, and are not considered true cultivators, so they have not prepared disciple tokens for these mortal disciples.

Looking back at the contiguous palaces, Zhang Xi immediately ran out of the sect-protecting formation and ran down the mountain.

The mountain where the Tianquan Sect is located is very high. Zhang Xi found that there was no way down the mountain, but it was not difficult to walk. He was the son of the Orion family and had climbed many mountains, even mountains with no roads.

"I hope I don't encounter any wild beasts. That would be terrible. Uncle Shan couldn't see him and was eaten by wild beasts." As soon as he entered the mountain, Zhang Xi felt the gloominess of the mountain and became a little scared. After all, he was still a child.

An hour later, Zhang Xile was panting and found that he had only reached the halfway point of the mountain, and now, the sun had set in the west and it was approaching dusk.

"I can't make it. I wonder if Uncle Shan will leave?" Zhang Xi felt anxious.

I was also very scared, because once it gets dark, the possibility of encountering wild animals becomes greater.

But he still had the courage to continue down the mountain.

At this moment, Wu Tao in the cave also stopped practicing the Nine Lights Heavenly Capital Divine Technique. He got up from the futon and walked out of the cave. He looked in the direction of the Tianquan Sect on the top of the mountain, and Zhang Xi's figure flashed in his mind.

"Zhang Xi, who is only about 10 years old, is still a mortal, going down the mountain alone..." Thinking of this, Wu Tao released his Nascent Soul Divine Mind, which instantly spread in the direction of Tianquan Sect.

Starting from the foot of the mountain and spreading up, everything was sensed by his spiritual mind, and there was nothing to hide. Finally, he saw a small figure halfway up the mountain. He was panting from exhaustion, but he kept walking down the mountain with both feet.

At this moment, a tiger suddenly jumped out from the side, roaring and glaring at Zhang Xi.

When Zhang Xi saw the tiger that suddenly jumped out, he trembled and fell directly to the ground. He trembled and said, "It's over, it's over. Uncle Shan can't see me anymore. I'm going to be eaten by this big insect."

When the tiger saw him slumped on the ground, it immediately swooped over and opened its bloody mouth.

Zhang Xi looked horrified. He knew that he was going to die and be eaten by this big insect, but the next second, he found that the big insect had jumped into the air half a meter in front of him, and his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

His heart suddenly burst into joy, and he thought of a possibility: "Could it be Uncle Shan?"

Sure enough, the next second, he heard Uncle Shan's voice: "Relax."

This voice seemed to have magical properties. Zhang Xi's fearful emotions immediately dissipated and his body relaxed. The next second he saw his body begin to float upwards towards the foot of the mountain.

When he turned around, he found that the tiger had regained its freedom and fled into the mountains with a look of horror on its face.

Soon Zhang Xi drifted to the foot of the mountain, saw the long standing figure, and landed in front of the figure.

"Uncle Shan." Zhang Xi shouted stupidly.

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Xi, smiled and said, "Zhang Xi, I didn't expect that you would actually be destined to become an immortal cultivator."

Zhang Xi smiled stupidly and said: "Uncle Shan, I am still a mortal. The master of Tianquan Sect said that you can only be considered an immortal cultivator after reaching the first level of Qi Refining."

"That's true, you have to practice hard!" Wu Tao said to Zhang Xi.

Zhang Xi nodded seriously and said: "Uncle Shan, don't worry, I will definitely practice well."

"By the way, Uncle Shan, you are actually a cultivator of immortality. Fortunately, when I was selected by Tianquan Sect, I still swore in my heart that when I became a cultivator of immortality, I would go to the city to find Uncle Shan and take you to cultivate immortality with me. "

Looking at the serious Zhang Xi, Wu Tao was quite touched. This little guy had been with him for a month and actually had such a deep affection for him. Even the cultivator was willing to give him a chance.

However, he is an outsider from the Three Realms and an extraterrestrial demon. He and Zhang Xi are destined to be in hostile camps. He only hopes that he will not meet Zhang Xi again in the future. Thinking about it, it is impossible to meet him. He is already the Nascent Soul True Lord. Zhang Xi has just set foot on this journey. Immortal fate, as long as he leaves Eastern China, he will never meet Zhang Xi again for hundreds of years.

So he looked at Zhang Xi and said, "Zhang Xi, it's not that I don't want to take you to cultivate immortality, but there are other reasons. You have to understand Uncle Shan."

Zhang Xiwen thought for a while, looked at Wu Tao and asked, "Uncle Shan, is it because you are an extraterrestrial demon?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "For you immortal cultivators in this world, I am an extraterrestrial demon. So this is why I don't want to take you to cultivate immortality, because once you become an immortal, you will become enemies with Uncle Shan!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xi quickly shook his head and said, "Uncle Shan, how could this be? Now that I'm in Tianquan Sect, I don't regard Uncle Shan as an enemy."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Because you are not an immortal cultivator now, you are still a mortal. When you become an immortal cultivator, you will know that you can't help yourself when facing our extraterrestrial demons."

Zhang Xi didn't understand, but he still felt that even if he became an immortal, he would not regard Uncle Shan as an extraterrestrial demon. Uncle Shan was the one who taught him the trick of throwing stones and was his friend in Gushan Village.

"Uncle Shan, why do Master and the others treat you as an extraterrestrial demon? What exactly is an extraterrestrial demon?" Zhang Xi wanted to know all this.

Wu Tao said: "Extraterrestrial demon?! When you become an immortal queen, you will know what an extraterrestrial demon is. Zhang Xi, remember my next sentence. When you become an immortal cultivator in the future, you will definitely encounter an extraterritorial demon. Run away immediately, don’t linger too long, and run away as far away as possible.”

Seeing that Wu Tao said it solemnly, just like his father sometimes told him, Zhang Xi felt helpless, but he still nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to Uncle Shan."

Wu Tao looked at him and touched his head and said: "Zhang Xi, let me take you back to the mountain. You have been out for so long, so don't be discovered by the Qi Refiners of Tianquan Sect."

Zhang Xi said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will say that I am lost. They will believe it, right?"

Seemingly thinking of something, Zhang Xi looked at Wu Tao and said, "Uncle Shan, you are more powerful than the immortal cultivators of Tianquan Sect. How about you teach me how to cultivate immortality and take me with you."

Looking at Zhang Xi's expectant eyes, Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Didn't I say it before? I am an extraterrestrial demon. Although I am also a cultivator, to people in this world, I am an extraterrestrial demon. I bring you with me. It hurts you.”

"Okay, Zhang Xi, there will always be a day when you say goodbye. You will know when you grow up."

Without waiting for Zhang Xi to speak, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul magic power directly wrapped around Zhang Xi, and in an instant, his body moved over Tianquan Sect.

As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, it was easy for Wu Tao to block the perception of those cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage of the Tianquan Sect. He directly put Zhang Xi into the Tianquan Sect without anyone noticing.

Seeing that Zhang Xi was behind the Tianquan Sect, he met a Qi-refining cultivator and was interrogated. After passing the difficulties without arousing the other party's suspicion, Wu Tao left the Tianquan Sect.

Wu Tao was flying in the air, heading in the direction of Dongyunzhou. Now that he knew the location of Dongyunzhou, he was definitely going to join his master Wen Xingrui.

And when Wu Tao planned to go to Dongyue Prefecture.

The new sect leader of Tianquan Sect, the great disciple of the outer sect and a ninety-percent Qi-refining immortal cultivator has arrived at Tianyi Sect.

Because it was related to the demon from outside the territory, two Nascent Soul cultivators from Tianyi Sect received him.

Hearing the new sect leader of Tianquan Sect tell about the tragic situation that had happened to their Tiantian Quan Sect in the past three months, when the Supreme Nascent Soul Elder of Tianquan Sect was killed by an outside demon, the expressions of the two Nascent Soul cultivators of Tianyi Sect changed slightly.

They immediately sent a message to the nearby Nascent Soul Sect, preparing to gather together to besiege Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon.

In just one day, all the nearby Nascent Soul sects gathered 13 Nascent Soul cultivators.

One is a fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, two are Nascent Soul fourth-level cultivators, and the others are all early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators.

They immediately searched for traces of Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, on the edge of Eastern China.

At noon on the second day, traces of Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, were finally discovered.

Wu Tao looked at a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator who was intercepting him. This third-level Nascent Soul cultivator looked at Wu Tao and roared: "The demon from outside the territory is trying to leave Eastern China."

As he said that, he immediately took out the communication talisman and activated the communication talisman.

Wu Tao watched him activate the communication talisman and did not stop him, because he knew that he would always have to face the immortal cultivators in this world, kill the immortal cultivators in this world, accumulate military exploits, go to the War Merits Hall to exchange for immortal cultivation resources, and improve his cultivation. .

Only by following the game rules of the War Merit Palace can one leave this world and return to the Three Realms.

So he waited quietly.

If the person who comes is too much beyond his cultivation level and cannot be defeated, he can directly use Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to escape. If the person who comes has a similar level of cultivation as him, then he can fight.

A moment later, 12 Nascent Soul auras rushed towards this side and instantly appeared in the void around Wu Tao, surrounding Wu Tao.

Wu Tao sensed their auras with his spiritual sense and found that the tallest one was only at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and the others could easily be suppressed with his own cultivation.

As for the fifth level of Yuanying, he is not afraid. The spiritual thoughts of the fifth level of Yuanying are only 7,000 miles, and his spiritual thoughts have reached 6,800 miles. Although the difference is 200 miles, his dual cultivation of law and body is enough to make up for this. One gap.

"Is this a siege? However, I am not afraid of a siege." Wu Tao looked at the 13 Nascent Soul cultivators surrounding him. The aura of the second Nascent Soul stage was exuding from their bodies without reservation.

It seemed that he, the second level Nascent Soul, wanted to frighten all the thirteen Nascent Soul Lords.

He was more arrogant than the thirteen Nascent Soul Lords, and even more arrogant than the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

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