Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 801 The True Biography of Shenzong

When these Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Eastern China felt the aura of Wu Tao's Nascent Soul's second level, they all laughed.

A second-level Nascent Soul could be so arrogant.

Those who didn’t know thought it was the seventh level of Nascent Soul or the Divine Lord of Transformation.

You must know that they have one Nascent Soul on the fifth level, two Nascent Souls on the fourth level, four Nascent Souls on the third level, the rest are on the second level of Nascent Soul, and there are only three Nascent Souls on the first level.

The strength of the extraterrestrial demon is indeed a little stronger than the original realm, but it is not much stronger. Wu Tao, the extraterritorial demon, killed the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Tianquan Sect with his second-level Nascent Soul cultivation. It's not beyond common sense.

"It's true as the rumors say, all the demons outside the territory are arrogant. Even the second-level Nascent Soul dares to ignore us." A fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Tianxing Sect looked at Wu Tao and snorted coldly. .

"That's how the Extraterrestrial Demon is. We are lucky enough to have met an Extraterrestrial Demon in this life, so let's see if the Extraterrestrial Demon is like what the rumors say. We can't underestimate our original cultivation and can fight against a higher level. A cultivator of the realm." Another fourth-level Yuan Ying said with excitement.

The fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Tianxing Sect looked at him and said, "Everyone, please don't take action. I can kill him by myself. Let this extraterrestrial demon know the consequences of his arrogance."

"The demon from outside the territory is the devil from outside the territory. Fellow Taoists of Tianxing Sect, we should besiege him together and kill him quickly." A cultivator of the third level of Nascent Soul frowned and said cautiously.

As Nascent Soul True Monarchs, they are aware of the terror of the demons outside the territory. Although they have not personally experienced it, they can get a glimpse of it through the records in some classics.

So he felt he couldn't take the risk.

It is right for everyone to attack together and go all out to kill him quickly.

As soon as his words fell, he immediately attracted the recognition and agreement of other immortal cultivators in the early stage of Yuanying, because they were all in the early stage of Yuanying, unlike the fourth level of Yuanying from the Tianxing Sect, and the fifth level of Yuanying from the Tianming Sect.

With their high level of cultivation, they are naturally sure to kill this extraterrestrial demon, but they are afraid that the extraterrestrial demon fish will break the net and take away a few of them, which would be terrible.

Therefore, these Nascent Soul cultivators with lower cultivation levels are just afraid that this extraterrestrial devil will take them away. Those with lower cultivation levels will definitely have a better chance of being taken away.

The fifth-level Nascent Soul from the Tianming Sect has the highest level of cultivation here, so he said at this moment: "Fellow Daoist Lin, if you want to try the strength of the extraterrestrial devil alone, then give it a try."

He looked at the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of Tianxing Sect and continued: "Other fellow Taoists, let us raid the formation for Fellow Daoist Lin."

The fourth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Lin from the Tianxing Sect, Lin Yuanying, immediately showed excitement on his face. He stepped forward and got closer to Wu Tao. He looked at Wu Tao and said coldly: "The devil from outside the territory died in It is your honor to be in my hands. I, Lin Qi, can be considered as beheading an extraterrestrial devil, and my reputation will be greatly improved."

The fifth-level Yuan Ying saw that the fourth-level Yuan Ying named Lin was still chatty, but he also knew that this fellow Taoist Lin had this kind of character, so he urged: "Hurry up, otherwise things will change."

According to the Qi Refining disciple of Tianquan Sect, what appeared in this realm was not an extraterritorial demon, but another extraterritorial demon. He was afraid that the other extraterritorial demon would come to help this one if he sensed the fighting here. Extraterrestrial demons.

Things may change by then.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators surrounding Wu Tao were also annoyed to death by this fourth-level Nascent Soul surnamed Lin from the Tianxing Sect. If his cultivation level were not as high as his, they would have given him a few slaps.

Most of them strongly disapproved of letting the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Lin fight alone with the demons outside the territory. They were more inclined to besiege. However, the fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivators of the Tianming Sect had all spoken out. Their cultivation was low and it was difficult to refute. .

Hearing this, the fourth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Lin from the Tianxing Sect said with a confident smile on his face: "Give me 30 breaths, and I will beat this extraterrestrial demon to death."

Wu Tao stood in the void and watched his performance quietly. However, he also felt that this person was really long-winded and said: "If you want to take action, just do it."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tao had already used a scarlet flame divine fire shield to cover the head of the fourth-level immortal cultivator named Lin Yuanying.

"It's not that easy to cover me." Sensing the hidden power of the red flame divine fire cover, if he was covered, he would be injured. The fourth-level Yuan Ying Lin surnamed Lin immediately dodged, slapped his hand on his waist, and flew away The sword had already flown out and was heading towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao saw that he had sacrificed the magic weapon, and immediately touched it on the storage bag at his waist. Two streams of light flew out, and they hit the flying sword he had sacrificed. The first stream of light turned into a falling weapon. The treasure of money hit the opponent's flying sword three times. The opponent's flying sword immediately lost control and fell towards the mountain forest below. The second stream of light was the flying sword of Wu Tao. When the Nascent Soul's mana and Nascent Soul were damaged, it directly grew longer than his body.

"Uh, how is that possible?" The body of the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Lin from the Tianxing Sect was instantly split into two halves, and even his Nascent Soul was cut in half by Wu Tao's flying sword.

This is how he died.

Originally, he was able to dodge Wu Tao's flying sword, but Wu Tao's flying sword came too fast. Secondly, when he was using the flying sword, Wu Tao used the fallen treasure to hit him and attached him to the flying sword. The Nascent Soul's mana and Nascent Soul were severely damaged, causing him to be temporarily sluggish.

Immortal cultivators who have reached the level of Yuanying, as long as they hesitate for a moment, the opponent can seize the opportunity, so Wu Tao seized the opportunity, and the fourth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Lin from Tianxing Sect died.

too fast.

In just an instant, Wu Tao sacrificed a flame cover, the fourth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Lin Yuan Ying sacrificed a flying sword, Wu Tao sacrificed a money-shaped magic weapon, and a flying sword, and then Lin Yuan The fourth-level Immortal Cultivator died and his Tao disappeared.

In an instant, none of the Nascent Soul Lords who surrounded Wu Tao in the void came back to their senses.

But the Nascent Soul cultivator was a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and he had come to his senses in an instant. The fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of Tianming Sect was amazed in his heart, and said loudly: "You all work together to attack and avoid his money magic weapon."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of attacks were already directed at Wu Tao. Various styles of magic weapons, as well as various spells and talismans, all that could attack were attacking him, trying to kill him with one blow.

Because he was so frightened, this extraterrestrial devil, with his second-level Nascent Soul cultivation, killed the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Lin in an instant.

It would have been impossible for the Tianming Sect's fifth-level Nascent Soul to kill the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator named Lin, who could only defeat him and let him escape.

This is enough to show that Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, is stronger than him, so he was afraid and immediately called other Nascent Soul cultivators to launch a siege.

Wu Tao was not afraid of this siege. He instantly sacrificed the remaining two red flame divine fire shields and used three red flame divine fire shields to cover the heads of the three immortal cultivators on the second level of Nascent Soul.

The three immortal cultivators on the second level of Yuanying felt the powerful momentum hidden by the red flame divine fire shield, and immediately avoided it. However, the speed of the red flame divine fire shield was too fast, and it directly enlarged the three immortal souls on the second level of Yuanying in an instant. The immortal cultivator covered him.

In an instant, the red flame divine fire in the red flame divine fire shield was refined with all its strength. The three immortal cultivators on the second level of Nascent Soul only heard three frightened screams coming from the red flame divine fire shield.

Hearing these three frightened screams, the other Nascent Soul cultivators who besieged Wu Tao felt chilled in their hearts, but they still attacked Wu Tao desperately. However, Wu Tao's treasure money was not a waste of money, and he was also very fast. They destroyed these in an instant. All the magical weapons that came towards him were shot down.

Only the fifth-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul had strong spiritual thoughts, and the magic weapon was not knocked down by Wu Tao's treasure money for a while.

In the end, it was the spiritual force that surpassed Wu Tao by 200 miles.

Seven Thousand Miles Divine Mind is still quite advantageous.

But even so, he felt that the Royal Envoy's magic weapon was not so smooth, the speed had dropped, his heart sank, and he had already begun to think about retreating.

At the same time, after Wu Tao knocked down the magical weapons of other Nascent Soul cultivators, he used his fourth-level flying sword to kill them.

In an instant, three immortal cultivators in the early stage of Yuanying were killed. Yuanying tried to escape from his body, but was also killed by flying swords.

As for the three Nascent Soul second-level immortal cultivators who were covered by the red flame divine fire, they had also been refined into fly ash by this time. They only had three storage bags that had not been refined. When Wu Tao reached out and took a photo, they Already in hand.

"The demon from outside the territory is too strong, please run away." The remaining fourth-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul shouted, used his escape technique, turned around and ran away.

Not only the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator wanted to escape, but the fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator had also wanted to escape for a long time, so he also used escape techniques and escaped without saying a word.

"It's all due to military exploits. They actually came to kill me. How can I let you wait and escape?" Wu Tao whispered, and immediately chased and killed the other Nascent Soul cultivators. These Nascent Soul cultivators fled in all directions.

Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was deployed, and his figure bloomed like Yuan Magnetic Aurora. He caught up with a third-level Yuan Ying in an instant, and killed this third-level Yuan Ying in just three or four breaths.

With his current level of cultivation at the third level of Nascent Soul, he could suppress it with just a raise of his hand.

After killing this third-level Nascent Soul cultivator, Wu Tao glanced at the mark of the Hall of War Merit on his wrist and found that the numbers were changing, but there were still several Nascent Soul cultivators fleeing. He had no intention of checking the mark of the Hall of War Merit at the moment. .

Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was launched at full speed, chasing another third-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao killed the fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator and glanced at the void in the distance. After all, the fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator escaped.

There was no way, he didn't know that he would be besieged, so he didn't set up a large formation. If he had known in advance and set up a large formation, he could have wiped out all these immortal cultivators.

"Together, the immortal cultivators on the fifth level of Nascent Soul have more than a dozen military exploits."

Wu Tao stood in the void and harvested twelve storage bags this time, but this was not the time to count the harvest. He looked at the battle merit hall mark in his hand. Originally, his battle merit was 112.

But now it has become 336.

Seeing this number, Wu Tao frowned slightly and was a little confused, because as far as he knew, killing a Nascent Soul cultivator would have ten meritorious deeds depending on his level of cultivation, but he only killed 12, why? More than 200 more.

"Could it be that if you kill more at once, there will be a reward?"

Wu Tao immediately thought of this possibility. He felt that it was really possible. He would wait until he entered the War Merit Hall in a month and ask fellow Taoists in the War Merit Hall or his master Wen Xingrui.

"Keep on going and meet the master earlier." With this thought in mind, Wu Tao immediately flew towards Dongyue Prefecture.

After Wu Tao flew away, the aura of fighting still lingered in the void, and the smell of blood was still lingering.

Three quarters of an hour later, one after another figures appeared, which were eight Nascent Soul cultivators. These eight Nascent Soul cultivators were also cultivators of the Nascent Soul Sect in the nearby East China State. As back-up players, they did not come to besiege Wu Tao together. This extraterrestrial demon.

"Is the extraterrestrial demon dead or not?"

"There are still a few Taoist friends here. Could it be that they are chasing demons from outside the territory!"

"It's very possible that with Fellow Daoist Yuan taking the lead, with his fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivation, the extraterrestrial devil is definitely no match for him. He should be chasing the extraterrestrial devil. Let's check the situation nearby first and wait slowly."

These Nascent Soul cultivators were discussing with each other, and planned to stop here and wait for them to come back from hunting down the extraterrestrial demon. They wanted to see if the rumored extraterrestrial demon was invincible with its three heads and six arms.

At this moment, they sensed a familiar Nascent Soul aura flying towards them. Several people immediately turned around and saw the arrival of a fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Yuan who looked embarrassed and slightly depressed.

Because he was fleeing in all directions, Wu Tao did not catch up with this fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, and finally allowed him to escape with his life.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, what are you doing?"

"Can the demon outside the territory be killed by you?"

Seeing the expectant eyes, Yuan Ying, a cultivator named Yuan, gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I didn't kill that extraterrestrial demon. That extraterrestrial demon was too powerful. The other 12 fellow Taoists had already died in his hands. If my cultivation had not been stronger, I might have died in the hands of that extraterrestrial demon."

Hearing this, the pupils of these Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked, and they asked in horror: "Could it be that the extraterrestrial devil is a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator?"

Yuan Ying Zhenjun, surnamed Yuan, shook his head again and said: "It's not the late Yuanying stage, it's the second level of Yuanying."

"How is that possible? Fellow Daoist Yuan, are you kidding? The second level of Nascent Soul can teach you how to wait and kill, and has killed 12 fellow Taoists. The cultivation level of several of your fellow Taoists is higher than that of the second level of Nascent Soul." After listening to the words of Yuan Ying Zhenjun Yuan Ying, he felt that he was joking.

Yuan Ying, surnamed Yuan, looked at their expressions and smiled bitterly in his heart. If he had not met the demon outside the territory before, he would have thought it was a joke, but the demon outside the territory is really as recorded in the rumors, and can defeat several people. Small realm.

"What I said is true. Fellow Taoists, the demon from outside the territory is going in the direction of Dongyuezhou. It seems that he is going to Dongyuezhou. I want to go to Guyang Sect to let the immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect Take action and go to Dongyue State to kill this extraterrestrial demon." After saying this, Yuan Ying, an immortal cultivator named Yuan, turned into a stream of light and flew away.

The seven or eight Nascent Soul cultivators were left looking at each other in shock.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yuan is not joking. The extraterrestrial demons on the second level of Nascent Soul are so powerful." The man said with a look of horror on his face.

"Let's go to Guyang Sect as well. It would be best if we can invite the true successor of Guyang Sect to take action. With the strength of the true successor, we should not be afraid of the demon from outside the territory." A suggestion was made by True Lord Nascent Soul.

The proposal of this Nascent Soul cultivator immediately attracted the recognition of other Nascent Soul Lords, and they all used flying magic weapons to fly in the direction of Guyang Sect.

There are not enough demons outside the territory, so they feel uneasy.

Because the demon outside the territory will destroy the sect. They all have sects and are not alone. They must take care of the sect and do not want to see the sect destroyed.

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