Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 802: When the True Legend takes action, the demon from outside the territory has only one wa

A stream of light flashed across the sky above the mountain forest. This person was Wu Tao.

After he killed the twelve Nascent Soul cultivators, he used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora to escape. At this moment, he reached out and touched the storage bag, and the Xuanguang Boat flew out and landed on his feet.

Using the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to travel consumes too much, but traveling with the Xuanguang Boat consumes less.

This is Wu Tao's cautious approach.

The emperor continued to fly Xuan Guangzhou towards the boundary of Dongyue Continent, and Wu Tao recalled in his mind the scene of the battle with the 13 Nascent Soul cultivators from this world.

The more I thought about it, the more something felt wrong.

Because the immortal cultivators in this world he met would not run away after seeing the alien demon, no matter how high their cultivation level was. Even if they could not defeat the alien demon, they would fall into madness and be like moths to the flames. Don't stop until you kill the extraterrestrial demon.

But the 13 Nascent Soul cultivators he met besieged him together, and were finally killed by him. Instead, he used escape techniques to escape.

Wu Tao thought like this, looked up at the sky, and thought to himself: "Could it be that at the level of Nascent Soul, the influence of this side's will will be smaller, and it will not have as big an influence as the foundation-building elixir and Qi refining?"

He guessed this in his mind because there were not many Nascent Soul cultivators who fought against him. When he first came to this world, a Nascent Soul Lord from Guyang Sect fought with him and was killed by him.

The other party had no chance to escape.

Nor did he fall into madness and lose his mind.

The second Nascent Soul cultivator is the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator from Tianquan Sect who was fighting with Yin Shui Qi. The second-level Nascent Soul cultivator sensed that he and Yin Shui Qi were fighting. The aura of the demon outside the territory then led the golden elixir and foundation building in the door to kill them.

But he doesn't seem too crazy either.

"Perhaps after cultivating to the Nascent Soul realm, the influence of this world's will on them will gradually weaken."

Wu Tao could only guess this way.

Anyway, take it one step at a time. When you encounter a cultivator who is stronger than yourself, you can use Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to escape. When you encounter a cultivator who is weaker than yourself, you can kill and earn military merit. Just be flexible and adapt to your needs.

"It seems that this Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape will take a little more time to practice and be upgraded to another level." With this decision in his heart, Wu Tao used Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to kill 12 Nascent Soul cultivators before recovering. of mana and divine will.

In this world, we must maintain the best fighting condition at all times.

This is the safest.

Moreover, when he is on the road, Wu Tao will also release his Nascent Soul to survey the surroundings and face dangers from this world at any time.

And just when Wu Tao was on his way.

The fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan Ying from the Tianming Sect has arrived at Guyang Sect. He asked to see the immortal cultivator from Guyang Sect.

But the golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect just took him to the reception hall and asked him to wait.

He waited for a long time but did not wait for the Nascent Soul cultivators from Guyang Sect to arrive. Instead, he waited for the Nascent Soul cultivators who followed him after he left.

"Fellow Taoists, why are you here?" Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan from Tianming Sect, looked at them and asked.

These Nascent Soul cultivators said: "We also have Nascent Soul Taoist friends who died in the hands of demons from outside the territory. It is our responsibility to come to Guyang Sect and ask Guyang Sect's immortal cultivators to take action."

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, I heard that the current master of Guyang Sect has gone into seclusion. All matters within the sect are decided by the true chief, so what we want to visit is the true chief of Guyang Sect." A Nascent Soul cultivator said to Tianming Yuanying cultivator named Zong Yuan said.

Hearing his words, Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator from the Tianming Sect named Yuan Ying, nodded. What this person said was very reasonable. As one of the three major divine sects in Eastern China, the Guyang Sect can only be called a sect with the God-Transforming God Lord. Shenzong.

The chief true disciple of Guyang Sect is named Xiao Tiandao, and he is at the 6th level of Nascent Soul. However, as a member of the Shen Sect, he cannot be regarded as an ordinary 6th level of Nascent Soul, but the top 6th level of Nascent Soul.

As a sect on the edge of Eastern China, they naturally knew Xiao Tiandao's cultivation strength and his reputation. Xiao Tiandao had killed a person on the seventh level of the Nascent Soul.

It is said that even the eighth level of Nascent Soul cannot kill Xiao Tiandao.

This is the foundation of the true successor of the Huashen Shen Sect. Xiao Tiandao alone can sweep away all the Yuanying sects on the edge of East Shenzhou, because the highest cultivation level of the Yuanying sects in the surrounding areas is no more than Yuanying. Just five floors.

The fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan Ying of the Tianming Sect is the highest cultivator. Otherwise, he would not be the leader of this siege against the extraterrestrial demons.

At this moment, a golden elixir cultivator from Guyang Sect entered the hall.

Although they are only golden elixir cultivators, the other party is a golden elixir from the Guyang Sect, and their status is different. Therefore, even if these Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Eastern China are higher than this golden elixir, they dare not take pride in it. They all stood up and asked politely: "When will Chief Xiao see us?"

The golden elixir cultivator of the Guyang Sect looked at them and said, "The chief is still in retreat. Please wait a little longer and call me if you need anything."

"Ah, how long will it take to wait?" A Nascent Soul cultivator said anxiously.

At this sound, the expression of the golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect suddenly changed, he looked at him, and said with a hum: "How long Chief Xiao will be in seclusion depends on Chief Xiao's own considerations. You can enter Guyang Sect. As one of the three major divine sects in Eastern China, Guyang Sect should show the magnanimity it deserves."

"But the magnanimity shown by our Guyang Sect does not allow you to be presumptuous!"

"Is your matter more important than Chief Xiao's retreat?"

The golden elixir cultivator of the Guyang Sect asked a series of questions, but he did not give any face to these Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Eastern China. It made them feel extremely aggrieved, but there was no way. Who said that the Guyang Sect was powerful? , even the Golden Pill of Guyang Sect can bully these Nascent Souls with the help of Guyang Sect.

"Little friend, please don't be angry. Chief Xiao's retreat is of course more important. It's just that we encountered an extraterrestrial demon this time, so we are anxious to see Chief Xiao." The fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan Ying of the Tianming Sect said with a smile on his face. .

Unexpectedly, when the Guyang Sect's golden elixir cultivator heard the word "Outer Territory Demon", his expression changed slightly and asked, "Are you talking about the Outer Territory Demon?"

"Exactly, that extraterrestrial demon appeared on the edge of our Eastern China. He first massacred the Nascent Soul Sect, the Tianquan Sect, and then killed 12 of our Nascent Soul Lords." Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator from the Tianming Sect whose surname is Yuan Ying. said.

"Okay, you guys wait here, I will report to Chief Xiao right away." After saying that, the golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect left in a hurry. Obviously, he should have received Chief Xiao's order for the demon outside the territory, so Only then could he use this excuse to break Chief Xiao's seclusion.

After the golden elixir cultivators of Guyang Sect left in a hurry, these former Yuanying True Lords sat down again. The third-level Yuanying immortal cultivator who had been scolded by the golden elixir cultivators of Guyang Sect couldn't help but sigh. He patted the coffee table and said: "If a junior Jindan, who is not from the Guyang Sect, dares to be so rude to me outside, Benzhenjun will slap him to death."

Hearing his words, the expressions of the other Nascent Soul Lords changed slightly, and they quickly tried to dissuade him: "Fellow Taoist, be silent, this is the Guyang Sect, you must not talk nonsense."

He heard the dissuasion and knew that what these fellow Taoists said was right, so he suppressed his anger and stopped getting angry. He was also afraid that Guyang Sect would hear it and the immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect would cause trouble for him.

The golden elixir cultivator walked quickly in Guyang Sect and soon came to Xiao Tiandao's retreat. Outside Xiao Tiandao's retreat, there was a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged, protecting Xiao Tiandao in retreat.

"Greetings to Mr. Lin Zhenjun!" The golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect bowed respectfully to the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman opened her eyes and looked at him. She knew that this golden elixir cultivator was Xiao Tiandao's assistant in handling sect affairs and was also his microphone, so she looked at him and asked: "If there is nothing important, Don’t disturb your heavenly practice.”

The golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect bowed and said: "Returning to Lin Zhenjun, I have something very important. I want to report it to Chief Xiao."

The beautiful woman glanced at him, then looked back at the palace where Xiao Tiandao retreated, and said, "What is this important thing?"

There was already some impatience in the words. When the golden elixir cultivator of Guyang Sect heard this, his heart trembled. He knew the reputation of the beautiful woman. As the guardian of Xiao Tiandao, he was ruthless and ruthless. He quickly said: "Hui Lin Zhenjun, the demon from outside the territory." Appearing on the edge of Eastern China!"

"Extraterrestrial demon?" The beautiful woman's eyes widened slightly when she heard this.

Guyang Zong's golden elixir cultivator nodded and said: "Some Nascent Soul cultivators from the edge of Eastern China came to Guyang Zong to ask for help, saying that an extraterrestrial demon appeared in their area, destroyed one of their Yuanying sects, and then killed them. They killed 12 of their Nascent Soul cultivators, so I came here to ask Chief Xiao to kill that extraterrestrial demon."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Mei stood up and said, "Wait here."

After saying that, the perfect woman came to the door of the palace and gently opened the door. He knew that Xiao Tiandao was very concerned about the affairs of the demons outside the territory. He told her before retreating that if he knew the news about the demons outside the territory, he must tell him in time. , even if it is in retreat, it must be interrupted.

The beautiful woman entered the palace. The palace was very large and full of spiritual energy. When she looked around, she saw a handsome man wearing the uniform of the chief of the True Succession of Guyang Sect sitting cross-legged in a large spirit gathering formation. This man was the ancient emperor. Xiao Tiandao, the true successor of Yang Zong.

The strongest among the disciples of Guyang Sect today, and even some of the elders, are not as strong as Xiao Tiandao.

The true chief is the successor to the Guyang Sect's next sect leader. Once the current leader of the Ancient Guyang Sect breaks through the realm of deity transformation in retreat, Xiao Tiandao will be the leader of the sect, with a high position of authority.

"Tiandao, the demon from outside the territory has appeared!" The beautiful woman spoke softly, her voice gently passed through the spirit gathering formation and rang softly in Xiao Tiandao's ears.

When Xiao Tiandao, who was practicing the exercises, heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a bright light blooming in his eyes. He stopped the operation of the exercises and looked at the beautiful woman.

"The extraterrestrial demon appeared on the edge of Eastern China, and some Nascent Soul cultivators from the edge came to Guyang Sect for help." The beautiful woman said.

A quarter of an hour later.

In the waiting hall, a fifth-level Immortal Cultivator named Yuan Ying from the Tianming Sect was talking quietly with several Nascent Soul cultivators who were also from the fringe realm. He suddenly heard footsteps outside the hall and quickly raised his head quietly. Look.

But I saw one of them tall and tall, with a handsome face, wearing the uniform of the chief of the True Succession of the Guyang Sect. On his left was a beautiful woman, and on his right was the former Guyang Sect's golden elixir cultivator.

There is no doubt that this person is Xiao Tiandao of Guyang Sect.

"I'm waiting to meet Chief Xiao." Seeing Xiao Tiandao, the fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Yuan from the Tianming Sect and those Nascent Soul cultivators from the edge of Eastern China all stood up and bowed to Xiao Tiandao.

Xiao Tiandao looked at them with blazing eyes, then went directly to the topic and said: "Tell me in detail about the unexpected devil you encountered."

After hearing Xiao Tiandao's words, Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan from the Tianming Sect, immediately began to tell the story.

After finishing the story, the fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan Ying of the Tianming Sect asked Xiao Tiandao with a painful expression on his face: "Please, Chief Xiao, be sure to kill this extraterrestrial demon to avenge us and other immortal cultivators from Eastern China."

After hearing this, Xiao Tiandao showed an interested look on his face and said with a smile: "Okay, this extraterrestrial devil seems to be quite powerful. One of you is at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, two of you are at the fourth level, plus a few Yuan Yings." In the early stage of Ying's siege, we were unable to kill him."

"By the way, you haven't said yet what kind of cultivation the extraterrestrial devil is?"

The Tianming Sect's Yuan Ying fifth-level immortal cultivator heard this and opened his mouth, a little embarrassed, but still said: "Back to Chief Xiao, the extraterrestrial demon is the Nascent Soul second level."

"Second level of Yuanying?" Xiao Tiandao frowned slightly when he heard this. In his original expectation, how could the extraterrestrial demon be at the third level of Yuanying or the fourth level of Yuanying? Survive the siege and fight back.

He guessed based on his own cultivation, and compared himself with the strength of the besieged demon from outside the territory.

Now this Tianming Sect Yuan Ying fifth-level immortal cultivator told him that the extraterrestrial demons only had the second Nascent Soul level, but they were able to kill the besieging immortal cultivators, leaving him with only one life.

Doesn't it mean that he, Xiao Tiandao, is not as good as that extraterrestrial demon?

Xiao Tiandao was slightly angry, but he quickly calmed down. As long as he killed this extraterrestrial demon, who would dare to say that he was inferior to that extraterrestrial demon?

"You are really trash. The extraterrestrial demons on the second level of Nascent Soul killed 12 Nascent Soul cultivators. You still have the nerve to run away." Xiao Tiandao snorted coldly, referring to the fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator named Yuan Ying from the Tianming Sect. The person was so ashamed that he lowered his head.

"You stay in Guyang Sect, follow my orders, and search for traces of the demon outside the territory together." Having said this, Xiao Tiandao looked at the beautiful woman beside him and said: "Aunt Lin, take my token, Go to the Three Gods Sect of Dongyue Prefecture, give their chief true disciple a message, and tell them that I will lead a group of true disciples and Nascent Soul cultivators into Dongyue Prefecture, and I hope there will be no conflict at that time."

The beautiful woman nodded and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, Xiao Tiandao and the beautiful woman left. On the way, the beautiful woman said to Xiao Tiandao: "Tiandao, you have never met an extraterrestrial demon. It is recorded in ancient books that the extraterrestrial demon is cunning in nature and has great strength. His combat power cannot be underestimated. cultivation level."

"The other thing is that the extraterrestrial demons grow extremely fast. You must be more careful, more cautious, and more cautious."

When Xiao Tiandao heard her words, he said with a confident smile: "Don't worry, Aunt Lin, I will certainly not look down upon the demon from outside the territory."

"By the way, Aunt Lin, I read from ancient books that the immortal cultivators in our world seem to be cursed by some kind. Once they encounter an alien demon, they will definitely lose their consciousness. They must kill the alien demon before giving up. Even if The demons outside the territory are higher in cultivation than me, and they will never flee."

"Why did the fifth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuan Ying of the Ming Sect that day didn't lose his mind, but instead escaped?"

Hearing this, the beautiful woman frowned and shook her head: "It is recorded in ancient books, but I have never encountered an extraterrestrial demon. However, we have encountered the divine king of Guyang Sect. Maybe we can go and pay homage to that divine king."

"Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple, has taken action, and that extraterritorial devil has no choice but to die."

After Xiao Tiandao left, the Nascent Soul cultivators in the reception hall all had smiles on their faces. They seemed to have foreseen that Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon, would die in Xiao Tiandao's hands after being found by Xiao Tiandao.

There are no surprises.

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