
In the forest, a monster roar resounded, causing all the surrounding birds to fly out.

Wu Tao looked at the third-order high-level monster in front of him. He commanded the Xuanguangzhou to fly into the territory of the third-order high-level monster, thus disturbing the third-order high-level monster.

Thinking that it was a human cultivator who wanted to invade its territory, this third-level high-level monster roared at Wu Tao and warned Wu Tao to leave quickly.

The reason why he did not attack Wu Tao directly was because he felt the aura of the Nascent Soul Lord on Wu Tao.

Monster beasts have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil better than human immortal cultivators, and can vaguely know what threats are.

Wu Tao did not fly away immediately. He had already entered the territory of Dongyue Prefecture and was currently on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Wherever there are monsters, there must be spiritual veins. There should also be human sects that cultivate immortality on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.


Seeing that Wu Tao still refused to leave, this tiger-like third-level high-level demonic beast took two steps back and let out two low roars. If Wu Tao still refused to leave, it would drive him away. .

Although he is no match for human immortal cultivators.

But protecting the territory is the instinct of every monster, and it is the foundation of the monster's practice. If the territory is gone, it will be impossible to continue practicing.

Wu Tao just passed through the territory of this third-level high-level monster and had no intention of killing this third-level high-level monster. Killing this monster would bring him no benefit at all.

If he were still in the golden elixir stage, he would kill monsters and sell them in exchange for cultivation resources.

But now in this world, the immortal cultivators in this world regard Wu Tao as an extraterrestrial demon. They can only fight and kill them. How can they have business dealings with Wu Tao? Therefore, monsters cannot be sold in this world. .

It is only right to continue on the road, pass through Dongyuezhou as soon as possible, and go to Dongyunzhou to meet the master.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao asked Yushi Xuan Guangzhou to leave this world. At this time, Wu Tao's spiritual sense sensed the auras of four immortal cultivators flying towards this direction quickly.

The auras of these four cultivators are all golden elixirs, two are seven-level golden elixirs, and two are eight-level golden elixirs.

"I met the immortal cultivator from Dongyue Province so quickly."

Wu Tao was surprised. Under the influence of his spiritual thoughts, he could clearly hear the conversation between the four golden elixir cultivators from Dongyue Prefecture.

"That Man-Golden Tiger. Last time, only Senior Brother Jin and I came here and failed to kill him and obtain his animal bones to refine weapons. This time, with the help of Fellow Daoist Chen and Senior Brother Liu, we will definitely be able to kill the Man-Golden Tiger." Kill." said an immortal cultivator at the 7th level of the golden elixir.

The eighth-level Jindan beside him said: "Junior Brother Wang, don't worry. Senior Brother Liu has a trap and kill array in his hands. He has set up the trap and kill array. We will then introduce the golden tiger into the trap and kill array, making it difficult for it to take wings." escape."

"This is why I introduced Senior Brother Liu to my junior brothers."

Junior Brother Wang was the seventh-level golden elixir cultivator who spoke. He said with a smile: "Don't worry, you all will help me kill Manjinhu and get the bones of Manjinhu. You will not be disappointed." , the previously negotiated remuneration will also be settled."

"Junior Brother Wang is so polite. We are very honored to be able to help Junior Brother Wang." Senior Brother Liu, a cultivator at the eighth level of the Golden Core, bowed his hand to Junior Brother Wang.

This Junior Brother Wang is the son of True Lord Wang in the sect. They also took a fancy to the True Lord behind Junior Brother Wang, so they took the initiative to help Junior Brother Wang kill Man Jinhu, hoping to make the True Lord behind him know him.

"Okay, in the future, if you need help with anything in the sect, please tell me Wang Kai. If I can't help, I will ask my father to help." Wang Kai smiled heartily and made a promise.

Hearing his words, the three golden elixir cultivators all smiled. What they were waiting for was Wang Kai's words.

"The front is Manjinhu's territory, so we will act according to Junior Brother Wang Kai's plan." Senior Brother Jin said.

Senior Brother Liu nodded and said, "Junior Brother Wang Kai's plan is very careful, and he will definitely be able to kill the golden tiger."

At this moment, they suddenly heard a roar of a beast, and Wang Kai immediately said: "It's the beast that's roaring."

Senior Brother Jin frowned slightly and said, "This roar seems like someone is invading Manjinhu's territory. No, Junior Brother Wang, are other immortal cultivators also trying to hunt Manjinhu?"

Hearing this, Wang Kaixin felt anxious and said: "Everyone, please hurry up and don't let the Golden Tiger fall into the hands of others. I must get the bones of the Golden Tiger to refine it." Bring out the real thing."

"Okay, Junior Brother Wang, don't worry, as long as we are here, we will not let Man Jinhu fall into the hands of others." Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Jin quickly assured.

The four of them sped up and flew towards Man Jinhu's territory with all their strength.

The flying speed of the golden elixir cultivators was also extremely fast. After a while, Wang Kai and other golden elixir cultivators were already in front of Wu Tao.

Seeing Wu Tao alone, Wang Kai and the others stopped flying the real weapon. Looking at the Manjin Tiger lying on the ground and roaring, Wang Kai had a smile on his face. Finally, no one got there first.

So he looked at Wu Tao's back and said: "Fellow Taoist, I am Wang Kai of Jin Yuanzong, and my father is Wang Tianhe Wang Zhenjun. I discovered this golden tiger a few months ago. I urgently need this golden tiger beast." I will use the bones to refine the real weapon, and I also ask this Taoist friend to give me the golden tiger. My king will make a meeting to compensate the Taoist friend."

As soon as Wang Kai finished speaking, Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Jin beside him looked at Wu Tao's back, frowned slightly, and soon looked shocked, because they discovered that Wu Tao's aura was not a golden elixir, but a Nascent Soul Lord.

They immediately sent a message to Wang Kai, saying: "This person is not a golden elixir, but a Nascent Soul."

Wang Kai looked stunned and quickly changed his words: "Please forgive me for not sensing the aura of the Nascent Soul of the senior for a moment. What I said before was abrupt. Senior, do you need this golden tiger?"

"If the senior doesn't need it, can you give up the golden tiger to the junior? The junior will definitely ask my father to compensate the senior."

He is just a Jindan immortal cultivator, and it would be too arrogant to say he would compensate a Nascent Soul True Lord. However, his father is an elder of the Jin Yuan Sect and a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator. He is of the same level as the Yuanying True Lord in front of him. You can talk to each other on an equal footing and have the ability to compensate.

Wu Tao turned around and looked at them, and the second level of Nascent Soul's aura was released from his body.

The moment Wang Kai and others sensed the second-level Nascent Soul aura released by Wu Tao, their expressions changed drastically.

"Outer Territory Demon!"

"The extraterrestrial demons on the second level of Nascent Soul are invincible. Run away quickly!"

The moment their expressions changed drastically, Wang Kai and the other four golden elixir cultivators immediately put away the flying real weapon and directly used the golden elixir level escape technique to escape. The speed of the flying real weapon was not as fast as the escape technique.

"How is it possible that when they found out about my identity as an extraterrestrial demon, they didn't want to kill me but ran away for their lives the first time. This behavior is so strange?" Wu Tao frowned, and the majestic Nascent Soul Divine Mind immediately covered the surrounding 6,800 miles, covering Following these four escaping golden elixir cultivators.

Such a powerful Nascent Soul Soul was directly suppressed, and Wang Kai and others were unable to move for an instant.

"How is it possible? He is on the second level of the Nascent Soul. Why is the Nascent Soul that he releases so many times more terrifying than my father's Nascent Soul?" Wang Kaixin was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I haven't achieved Nascent Soul yet, how can I die?" Wang Kaixin was struggling and desperate, because they knew that the demons from outside the world liked to kill the immortal cultivators in this world.

The purpose of the existence of extraterrestrial demons is to kill them.

And when they encounter an extraterrestrial demon, they also want to kill each other.

However, the extraterrestrial devil we met in front of us was at the second level of Nascent Soul. The four of them were only at the Golden Core realm. Even if they reached the late Golden Core stage, they would not be able to defeat him.

There is only a dead end if you rush forward.

So the first thing that came to mind was to escape, escape back to Jin Yuan Zong, and let the Nascent Soul Lords of Jin Yuan Zong come over to encircle and suppress the demons outside the territory.

But this extraterrestrial demon is so powerful that it makes them despair.

Despair filled the faces of the four people. In the next moment, they felt that their bodies were directly wrapped by a powerful force, flying backwards, and soon flew backwards to the Nascent Soul II. In front of the demon outside the realm.

They looked at the gentle smile on the face of the demon outside the territory, but this gentle smile was more terrifying than the god of death, making them tremble in their hearts.

"Senior, please forgive me, we are just golden elixirs!" Senior Brother Liu asked Wu Tao for help.

Wu Tao was puzzled in his heart, why none of the ten immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect he met when he first came to this world would not run for their lives, but wanted to kill him.

But now, he was clearly under siege by the Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Eastern China. Those Nascent Soul cultivators fled for their lives one by one after being defeated by him, and would not give up until he, the extraterrestrial demon, was killed.

He guessed that it might be that the Nascent Soul Realm was less affected by the will of this world, and that it would not be affected. Losing consciousness and running away if you can't fight is the thinking of a normal person.

But these four people in front of them are Jindan. How could Jindan not be affected by this world?

"It's so strange, so strange. Could it be that something has changed in this world?"

Wu Tao was thinking in his heart, and then he thought about the Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator he met before. He had to run away if he couldn't beat him, but he was imprisoned by him. As soon as he let go of the imprisonment, his eyes turned red and he lost consciousness. He refused to give in to him. Those who are afraid of death come to kill.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately released the Nascent Soul that was imprisoned on Wang Kai and other four golden elixir cultivators.

Wang Kai and others felt that there was no longer any restraining force on their bodies, and they were all overjoyed. They felt that this extraterrestrial demon really wanted to spare their lives, so the four of them bowed to Wu Tao and thanked:

"Thank you, senior, for sparing your life. Thank you, senior, for sparing your life."

Wu Tao watched quietly, waiting for them to be affected by the will of this world, their eyes red, and they fell into a state of madness.

Wang Kai and the other four people thanked Wu Tao for letting them go, and were waiting for Wu Tao to say when to let them leave, but Wu Tao didn't say anything, and the four people floated quietly in front of Wu Tao, not daring to leave.

But Wu Tao just looked at them quietly and did not kill them or let them go. This made Wang Kai and others really uncomfortable. This feeling of unknown life and death was too bad.

A full quarter of an hour passed, and Wang Kai and the other four stood blankly in front of Wu Tao.

Wu Tao finally confirmed that the four Wang Kai people were really not affected by the will of this world and would not fall into madness.

"Why on earth is this?"

The level of World Will is too high. Wu Tao is just a second-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul, so naturally he doesn’t know it, so he can’t figure it out and doesn’t think about it. Instead, he looks at Wang Kai and the other four and asks: “You see me, this outsider? Heavenly Demon, why don’t you come up and kill me? Don’t you want to kill an extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon?”

After hearing Wu Tao's words, the faces of Wang Kai and the others turned pale, and they immediately raised their hands tremblingly and said: "Senior, you are joking, you are the senior Nascent Soul, we are just small golden elixirs, you can kill them with just a raise of your hand. We, how dare we take action against our seniors?"

"No, the golden elixir I encountered before, even if it is not my opponent, will not give up until it kills me. Do you have any magic weapon to block the influence of the will of this world?" Wu Tao stared at them and asked.

Wang Kai looked confused and asked: "Senior, what is the will of the world? Why can't I understand it?"

Wu Tao looked at Wang Kai and knew that he did not dare to lie, so he said: "What do you, the immortal cultivators in this world, think of our extraterrestrial demons?"

Wang Kai answered cautiously: "Senior, this is also the first time I have met you seniors, the demons outside the territory. Before, I only heard from my father that the existence of the demons outside the territory recorded in the classics is to kill the immortal cultivators in our world. Therefore, when the immortal cultivators in our world discover the demons outside the territory, they will also unite to kill them."

"And in our first step of cultivating immortality, the sect's seniors will tell us that when we encounter an extraterrestrial demon, we will know what an extraterrestrial demon is."

Wu Tao frowned and couldn't find anything. Such an abnormal situation didn't seem to be bad. At least the immortal cultivators with low cultivation levels didn't have the intention to kill him when they saw him with high cultivation level. They just ran away and started killing him. Those with a heart must be killed regardless of their level of cultivation.

"Forget it, let these four go to their sect to report the news. If the sect's Nascent Soul cultivators know about it, they will definitely want to come and kill me. This way, they will gain more military achievements."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao waved to Wang Kai and the others and said, "Let's go."

Wang Kai and the others were overjoyed when they heard this. They bowed to Wu Tao and immediately used their golden elixir level escape skills to escape.

But what Wu Tao didn't know was.

In a forbidden place in this world, a figure is sitting cross-legged. This figure is a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance, but a very majestic look. He looked at a mountain in front of him and said: "Tai Ling, I advise you to tell me the news about the imperial weapon, otherwise my true identity When I arrive, I won’t talk to you so nicely.”

As he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from deep in the mountain: "Di Ming's clone, do you think that this god and demon will let me continue to exist with his narrow-mindedness after telling him the news about the imperial weapon?"

The middle-aged man chuckled and said, "I can save your life, as long as you tell me the traces of that imperial weapon."

"Haha, I can trust you, because you are the benevolent being chopped off by Emperor Ming, but you are just a clone of Emperor Ming. You can't protect me, and you don't have the strength to fight against Emperor Ming." Tai Ling Shen The devil's voice sounded long and distant, as if it came from ancient times.

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "I will try my best to convince Di Ming."

"And you must have enemies now. I smell the scent of Taichu. He has arranged many small insects to eat on you."

After his words fell, Tailing God and Demon did not speak for a long time, but soon his anger rose: "If you hadn't restrained me here, my will would have spread throughout the world, and the immortal cultivators in this world would have already been affected. All those little bugs were killed.”

"You can release your will as much as you want, I won't do anything to you." The middle-aged man chuckled.

"Do you think your words are credible? Who dares to believe Emperor Ming's clone." The sneer of Tailing God and Demon resounded throughout the forbidden area.

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