Wu Tao saw that Wang Kai and the others had left, so he stopped rushing and wanted to start today's practice.

It is impossible not to practice while on the road, and it is impossible to improve your cultivation in this way.

If he had just arrived in this world and didn't know about the War Merit Hall, he might have dug a hole in the forest, set up a formation, and started practicing.

But now that he has opened the War Merit Hall, he can enter the War Merit Hall and use the three times accelerated training room to practice. One day of practice is equivalent to three days of practice, so naturally he has to enter the War Merit Hall to practice.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately activated the mark of the War Merit Hall, and his body disappeared directly into the void. In the next moment, he had arrived in the main hall of the War Merit Hall.

When he looked back, he saw an acquaintance. This acquaintance was no one else. He was working hard at the Lingxu Immortal Sect. He was the Supreme Elder of the Nascent Soul Lord of the Lingxu Sect.

Lao Lao also saw Wu Tao's appearance. He immediately came over and bowed to Wu Tao: "I've met fellow Daoist Li!"

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Lao." Wu Tao returned the greeting. Although Lao Lao's cultivation level is at the 6th level of Yuanying and is about to enter the 7th level of Yuanying, he can still call him Fellow Daoist. After all, they are not from the same sect.

At least it's not the same sect on the surface.

In fact, Wu Tao is really a cultivator of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, but only his master Wen Xingrui and Ning Qiudao, the leader of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, know the identity of Han Fan. .

Although the Lingxu Immortal Sect has a God-Transforming God Lord sitting in charge, its foundation is not as deep as that of the three major Immortal Palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. Therefore, the immortal cultivators who work hard to see the Xingchen Immortal Palace still maintain sufficient etiquette.

"Fellow Daoist Li, did you just enter the War Merit Hall?" Lao Ni entered the War Merit Hall for the second time, but when he entered for the first time, he had not seen Wu Tao's name on the war merit list. This time, he had just entered and did not go. Check the merit list.

Wu Tao said: "Brother Hui Lao, this is not the first time I have entered the War Merit Hall. I have also met the master." Since Wen Xingrui was mentioned, he and Lao Li have a similar identity, so they have to call him Brother Lao.

Lao Ni naturally knows who the master Wu Tao talks about? Immortal cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect all know that Li Mo, the deputy master of the Artifact Refining Hall of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, married the apprentice of the master of the Artifact Refining Hall of the Lingxu Immortal Sect when he was a third-level weapon refiner.

So Laobu showed a smile on his face, and the relationship became closer instantly, and he replied: "That's it, I haven't met Junior Brother Wen yet. I'll see if I have a chance to meet Junior Brother Wen next time."

"Junior brother Li, you go about your business first. I'm going to redeem my training resources." Laobu said, bidding farewell to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao also gave in to the hard work. He immediately went to the battle merit list and found that his master Wen Xingrui's name was still on the battle merit list, so he was relieved and went directly to the triple acceleration training room to practice.

Sitting cross-legged in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao practiced Jiu Yaotian's divine method.

He planned to practice in the triple acceleration training room in the War Merit Hall every day except when he was on the road and during his training time.

Cultivation is naturally the Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun Shen Dharma and Zhoutian Xingxing Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti Chapter, as well as several spells.

In particular, the escape technique Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape requires a lot of practice. When you meet a cultivator with a higher level of cultivation than him in this world, the escape technique will be very effective.

There is also the 7th level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield in the Tianyan God Refining Manual. The Red Flame Divine Fire Shield is still two steps away from the fourth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

Four red flame divine fire shields, one in the east, west, north and south, give the enemy nowhere to escape.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao entered a state of cultivation.

And just when Wu Tao was practicing in the triple acceleration training room.

Guyang Zong.

Xiao Tiandao finally met the God-Transforming God Lord of Guyang Sect. It would be difficult for an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator to meet the God-Transforming God Lord. However, Xiao Tiandao is not an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, but the chief of the true legend. He can succeed Gu in the future. The position of the leader of the Yang Sect is in charge of the existence of the sect.

So after Xiao Tiandao reported that he had found traces of the demon outside the territory, the God Transformation Lord of Guyang Sect met with Xiao Tiandao.

The name of the God-Transforming Lord of Guyang Sect is Tianyang Shenjun, and he practices Zhigangzhiyang. He looked at Xiao Tiandao and asked: "Where was the extraterrestrial demon found?"

Xiao Tiandao made a report, and then said: "Qi Shenjun, according to the records in the classics, if there is an extraterrestrial demon, there must not be only one, there will be many extraterrestrial demons coming to our world."

"The extraterrestrial demon discovered by the disciple is reported to be only at the second level of the Nascent Soul, but its combat power is so powerful that even the fifth level of the Nascent Soul could only escape for his life. Although the disciple's cultivation level is higher than that of the extraterrestrial demon, he has never looked down upon the extraterrestrial demon. The Lord God has fought against the demons outside the territory before, so I came to ask the Lord God to show me how to deal with the devils outside the territory."

After listening to Xiao Tiandao's words, Tianyang Divine Lord looked at Xiao Tiandao and said with great satisfaction: "Very good, Xiao Tiandao, you are not arrogant. You must be cautious when dealing with extraterrestrial demon films."

Having said this, Tianyang Shenjun fell silent, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said: "If I hadn't been cautious at the time, I might have died in the hands of the demon from outside the territory, and the Guyang Sect would no longer have the incarnation of Tianyang Shenjun. .”

"Xiao Tiandao, in fact, what is really scary is not the extraterrestrial demon, but the curse."

Xiao Tiandao heard what Tianyang Shenjun said, recalled the classics he had read, and asked: "Shenjun, it is recorded in the classics that immortal cultivators in our world will rush forward without fear of death when encountering demons from outside the territory, and kill them. He can only stop after beheading him."

Lord Tianyang nodded and said, "Yes, that's exactly what it is. Think about it, if we encounter an extraterrestrial demon with a higher level of cultivation than ourselves and rush forward without fear of death, we will only end up dead."

"Normally speaking, when we immortal cultivators encounter someone with a higher level of cultivation than ourselves, a noble being of the immortal way, it is only reasonable to think about escaping first and seek revenge later."

Xiao Tiandao asked: "Shenjun, what exactly is the curse?"

Regarding this situation, Xiao Tiandao is also afraid of it happening. The extraterritorial demon he has discovered now is at the second level of Nascent Soul. With his strength, he is confident that he can deal with it. But if the extraterritorial demon he finds is stronger than him, how should he deal with it? If you are cursed and rush forward in a state of confusion, you will only risk your life.

After reaching this level of cultivation, who would want to die in the hands of an alien demon?

Lord Tianyang said: "Xiao Tiandao, you are only at the Nascent Soul level now and have not yet reached the level of God Transformation, so your perception of this world is not so clear. At the level of Soul Transformation, you can faintly sense the malice of this world towards us immortal cultivators. .”

"Once the extraterrestrial demon comes to this world, the will of this world will influence the immortal cultivators in our world, causing us to fall into madness when encountering the extraterrestrial demon. We must kill the extraterrestrial demon before giving up."

"This is a way for this world to protect itself."

Xiao Tiandao was shocked. He had never heard of this statement before. He asked, "God Lord, how can we avoid the influence of the world's will?"

"It's extremely difficult." Tianyang Shenjun shook his head and said. He fell into memories again and said: "In that battle, I also encountered extraterrestrial demons who were stronger than me. At that time, I also fell into madness. He rushed forward without fear of death, but in the middle of the charge, he suddenly regained consciousness and immediately ran for his life, only to escape with his life."

"I guess that this world of immortal cultivators is just like us cultivators. There will be times when we are seriously injured. When we are seriously injured, the impact on us is lower. When we are not injured, the impact on us is higher."

"At that time, I was half conscious. There must be something going on in this world."

When Xiao Tiandao heard this, his eyes moved. He remembered that Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator from the Tianming Sect, was killed by an outside demon and escaped with his life. He immediately asked: "God Lord, Yuan Ying, a fifth-level immortal cultivator from the Tianming Sect. The person was not brave enough to die, was not influenced by the world's will, and escaped with his life. Doesn't that mean that the world's will has very little influence on us now?"

Lord Tianyang said: "Yes, so when the world's will has the lowest influence on us, we must find all the extraterritorial demons in this world and kill them."

When Xiao Tiandao heard this, he also knew that time was running out, so he immediately said to Lord Tianyang: "Don't worry Lord Lord, I will take people to kill the extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul first."

"Go!" Lord Tianyang waved his hand.

After Xiao Tiandao left, Tianyang Shenjun also immediately went to the other two divine sects to explain to the gods of those two divine sects that extraterrestrial demons had come to this world, and they must come up with ways to deal with them.

Because in history, there were not only those at the Nascent Soul level, but also those at the level of transformed gods. They were not safe as the transformed gods.

After Xiao Tiandao came out of the Divine Lord's Hall, he took the beautiful woman waiting in the Divine Lord's Hall and said, "Aunt Lin, can you inform the Shenzong True Successor in Dongyue Prefecture?"

The beautiful woman replied: "We have sent someone to Dongyue Prefecture."

Xiao Tiandao nodded and said quickly: "Okay, let's gather all our people now and set off for Dongyue Continent immediately."

The soldiers are very fast. After a while, Xiao Tiandao has brought dozens of Yuanying immortal cultivators. Each Yuanying cultivator is above the 5th level. There is also a seventh-level Yuanying, an eighth-level Yuanying, and a A person on the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

One must be cautious when dealing with extraterrestrial demons.

But we can't capsize in the gutter.

And just when Xiao Tiandao took the immortal cultivators from Guyang Sect to Dongyue Prefecture to search for traces of Wu Tao, Wang Kai and the other four also returned to Jin Yuan Sect.

Jin Yuan Sect is a Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Dongyue Continent. It is guarded by three Nascent Soul cultivators, one is at the sixth level of Nascent Soul, one is at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and one is at the third level.

Wang Kai's father is the Supreme Elder of the third level of Nascent Soul.

As soon as Wang Kai returned to Jin Yuanzong and luckily escaped with his life, he immediately went to the Zhenjun Hall where his father practiced in a hurry.

"Father, father, the child almost died and came back alive to see you." Wang Kai knelt down at Wang Tianhe's feet with runny nose and tears, sobbing.

Wang Tianhe frowned slightly, glanced at Wang Kai with disgust, kicked Wang Kai away with his feet, and said: "Why, who dares to offend you if I meet someone who has no eyesight? Is it possible that in this borderland of Dongyue Prefecture, there are still Doesn’t anyone know that you are my son, Wang Tianhe?”

Wang Kai shook his head and said: "It's not the immortal cultivators from Dongyue Continent, but the demons from outside the territory!"

"What? An extraterrestrial demon?" Wang Tianhe was shocked when he heard this. He looked at Wang Kai and said, "You kid, don't make fun of me. If you meet an extraterrestrial demon, will you still be able to come back?"

"It's the Extraterrestrial Demon. Father, how dare I deceive you. When the Extraterrestrial Demon sees it, he will know it is the Extraterrestrial Demon." Wang Kai said.

Wang Tianhe frowned and said: "Since it is an extraterrestrial demon, is it lower than your cultivation level, so you killed it?"

Wang Kai shook his head and said: "No, the demon outside the territory is at the second level of Nascent Soul. He saw that we were just golden elixirs, so he let me go. I was also accompanied by Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Jin. If their father didn't believe it, If it's a child, they are outside the temple, you can ask them to come in and ask them to find out whether it is true or false."

Wang Tianhe felt that this was strange. If he encountered an extraterrestrial demon, according to the rumors of extraterrestrial demons he recorded in the classics, it was impossible for his son to come back alive. He immediately called someone to call in Senior Brother Jin, Senior Brother Liu and other three people from outside.

"Greetings to Wang Zhenjun." Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Jin bowed to Wang Tianhe.

Wang Tianhe looked at them and said, "Tell me in detail about your encounter with the extraterrestrial demon."

Senior Brother Jin and Senior Brother Liu immediately stepped forward to answer and told the whole process in detail. Wang Tianhe frowned when he heard that, but he felt that his son dared to lie to him, but these golden elixir cultivators from Jin Yuanzong could not Dare to lie to him.

"Maybe it really is an extraterrestrial demon. There are records in the classics that someone can come back alive from the hands of an extraterrestrial demon!" Wang Tianhe thought of this and knew that the situation was urgent. He immediately passed it to the other two Nascent Soul Lords of Jin Yuanzong and took Wang Kai The four of them went to the main hall where the three true kings usually held their meetings.

After sitting for a while, the other two Nascent Soul Lords of Jin Yuanzong arrived. They were practicing in seclusion, but when they heard Wang Tianhe's message that extraterrestrial demons had appeared on the edge of their Dongyue Prefecture, they were immediately shocked and quickly broke through the barrier. And out.

The extraterrestrial demons are extremely cruel and will destroy the sect if they move. This is no small matter and must be treated well. If possible, the extraterrestrial demons can be killed in time.

Soon, Wang Kai and the other four people reported again to the two Nascent Soul Lords.

"Let's go first to the realm where the demons from outside the realm appear!" The sixth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Jin Yuan Sect's Nascent Soul stood up and said.

After saying that, he asked Wang Kai and four others to lead the way. Wang Tianhe said: "You don't need four people to lead the way. Master Nephew Liu, you can lead the way!"

When Master Nephew Liu heard this, he immediately felt bad. Why was it that I was the one leading the way among the four of them? I can understand that Wang Kai is your son, but the other two... can only blame themselves for their bad luck. Senior Brother Liu had no choice but to lead the way.

"I hope I won't encounter an extraterrestrial demon. If we fight, I, the one with the lowest cultivation level, will most likely die." Senior Brother Liu prayed in his heart.

At sunset, they finally arrived at the realm full of golden tigers. Senior Brother Liu said: "Three True Monarchs, Junior Brother Wang and I are the extraterrestrial demon of the second level of Nascent Soul that we encountered here?"

Wang Tianhe and the other three Nascent Soul Lords let go of their Nascent Soul Soul and swept across the land. They only found Manjinhu, a third-order high-level monster, but they did not find Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon.

"She must have left. I don't know where she went?" said the sixth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Yuan Ying of the Jin Yuan Sect.

Wang Tianhe said: "Although we are no longer here, we still send a warning to all nearby Nascent Soul Sects to let them pay attention to the traces of the demon outside the territory."

"That's the truth. When facing demons from outside the territory, we should also put aside our sect's grievances and gather our strength to deal with the demons from outside the territory." The sixth-level immortal cultivator of Nascent Soul nodded.

"Okay, let's leave then."

After finishing speaking, the sixth-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul left first.

After Wu Tao left, Man Jinhu breathed a sigh of relief, but before long, three human Nascent Soul cultivators came over and unleashed their spiritual thoughts unscrupulously, making Man Jinhu terrified.

But sensing that these three Nascent Soul Lords were about to leave, he felt relaxed again, but the next second, he saw a fourth-level flying sword coming towards him, and then Man Jinhu died, and his body was received by Wang Tianhe In storage bag.

He also knew that his son came here to use the animal bones of the golden tiger to refine real weapons. Now that he is here, he must take back the animal bones of the golden tiger.

Who allowed him to be just such a son?

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