Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 805 Encountering the Sixth Level of Nascent Soul

Palace of War Glory.

Triple acceleration in the training room.

Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged on the futon and was refining the fourth red flame divine fire mask.

He estimated that in another month, he would be able to refine the fourth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

After looking at the time, Wu Tao stopped refining the fourth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield and stood up from the futon. He was leaving the War Merit Hall, returning to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, and continuing on his way.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao left the Triple Acceleration Training Room and came to the main hall of the War Merit Hall to prepare the brand of the War Merit Hall and return to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, Wu Tao turned around and saw Li Jingxing.

"Senior Brother Li!" Wu Tao immediately stopped activating the War Merit Hall mark and bowed to Li Jingxing.

When Li Jingxing saw Wu Tao, he responded with a smile on his face: "So it's Junior Brother Li. How are you doing recently?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "It's still the same, but I have accumulated more military exploits."

He suddenly remembered that the immortal cultivators in that world during this period of time would not lose their minds and fall into madness. He thought that Li Jingxing in front of him was the Nascent Soul Master who had perfected his cultivation and was about to break through to the realm of god transformation, so he asked Li Jingxing : "Senior Brother Li, I have a question. I want to ask for leave."

Li Jingxing smiled and said, "Junior brother Li, you and I are from the same sect. When we come to this world, we naturally want to help each other. If you have any questions, just ask them directly. Don't say anything about asking for advice or not."

Wu Tao is still very familiar with Li Jingxing, because he has stayed in Lingxu Immortal Sect for so many years and spent a lot of time in contact with Li Jingxing.

He apologized for his politeness, and then said: "Senior Brother Li, when I first came to this world, the immortal cultivators in this world, regardless of their level of cultivation, would definitely kill me when they saw me. Just give up."

"Even those who are cultivating immortals in the Qi Refining Stage are several realms away from me in cultivation. They cannot be my opponents at all. If they rush forward, they will only seek their own death. But they seem to be controlled by others, like moths to the flame. , come to me."

"Junior brother, I guess it is the will of this world that has influenced them. I also guess the identity of our extraterrestrial demons. Immortal cultivators in this world can tell at a glance that it should be the will of this world that has influenced them."

Hearing this, Li Jingxing nodded and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Li, your guess is as good as mine. Regarding this issue, I met Master Yuanding some time ago and asked Uncle Yuanding for advice, and he also said, It is the will of this world that is using the immortal cultivators of this world to expel us."

"Because our arrival is a disaster for this world, the will of this world affects the immortal cultivators in this world in order to protect it."

Wu Tao agreed and continued: "But Senior Brother Li, during this period, although the immortal cultivators in this world recognized me as an extraterrestrial demon after seeing me, they were not as fearless as before and lost their consciousness. If you can’t fight, run away!”

Li Jingxing said: "I have also encountered this situation. There may be something wrong with the will of this world, but this situation is a good thing for our extraterrestrial demons."

Wu Tao saw that Li Jingxing didn't know either, so he stopped asking any more questions and said, "That's indeed a good thing. Thank you Senior Brother Li for clarifying my doubts. Senior Brother Li, please go ahead and do your work."

Li Jingxing nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll go and get busy. Now that there is hope for becoming a god, I'm very pressed for time, so I won't talk to you anymore, Junior Brother Li. After I advance to the realm of god transformation, you can come find me in the realm where I am." , I will help you earn more military exploits."

Wu Tao's face showed joy when he heard this and said: "That's great."

Li Jingxing left the main hall and went to the main hall where he exchanged training resources. Wu Tao was about to leave the War Merit Hall, but just as he was about to activate the War Merit Hall brand, he saw Lai Fen coming over.

"Senior Brother Lao, are you also planning to leave the War Merit Hall?" Wu Tao asked politely.

Lao Lao nodded and said, "Yes, Junior Brother Li, how about together?"

Wu Tao suddenly remembered something and asked with a smile: "Senior Brother Lao, how can we be together if we are not in the same world? By the way, Senior Brother Lao, where in this world are you?"

Lao Lao said: "I am in Beiyun Prefecture on the border of this place, and the leader Ning is also in Beiyun Prefecture with me."

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Lao and Master Ning, the God-Transforming Lord, for being in the same realm, you can be taken care of a lot. I originally thought that if Senior Brother Lao is close to the realm where I am, I will follow Senior Brother Lao Let’s come together to help each other.”

Lao Lao asked, "Junior Brother Li, where are you?"

Wu Tao replied: "I am in the eastern part of this world, called Dongyue Prefecture."

"Dongyue Prefecture?" Laobu frowned slightly and recalled it repeatedly, then his eyes lit up and he said, "Junior Brother Li, I have seen True Lord Liucheng from your Xingchen Immortal Palace. It seems that True Lord Liucheng is also in Dongyue Prefecture."

Wu Tao was also happy when he heard this. Liu Cheng's cultivation level was higher than him, and he was a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage. If he could meet Li Cheng in Dongyue State, then he and Li Cheng would pass through Dongyue State and arrive in Dongyun City. The opportunity will be greater for Europe.

Thinking of this, he thanked Lao Lao and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Lao, for informing me."

"Junior Brother Li, you're welcome. I'll leave first." Lao Lao said, activating the mark of the War Merit Hall.

Wu Tao watched his hard-working body disappear little by little in front of him. He had no longer activated the mark of the War Merit Hall. He was going to take a look at Liucheng on the war merit list.

He came to the battle merit list and began to search for Liucheng's name line by line. The last time he looked at the battle merit list, he had seen Liucheng's name, which was in the middle.

Therefore, Wu Tao quickly found Liucheng's name. When he saw Liucheng's name shining, he smiled and said in his heart: "Very good. I hope to meet Senior Brother Liu in the War Merit Hall next time, so that I can be with Senior Brother Liu here." Meet in Dongyue Prefecture."

But the next second, the smile on Wu Tao's face slowly disappeared, because he saw that the name of Senior Brother Liucheng on the battle merit list was disappearing little by little, and then completely disappeared, and the name of the next Nascent Soul Lord was replaced. , occupying Liucheng's ranking.

"This..." Wu Tao was speechless for a moment.

If the name on the merit list disappears, then there is only one possibility: the person is dead and was killed by the immortal cultivators in this world.

"The Shen Sect exists in Dongyue Prefecture, and the Shen Sect is guarded by the God of Transformation. Could it be that Senior Brother Liu Cheng was killed by the Shen Sect of Dong Yue Prefecture?" Wu Tao mourned for a few seconds in silence for Senior Brother Liucheng.

But he soon felt relieved. At his current level of cultivation, he had seen too many dead people. Cultivation as an immortal was so bumpy, and no one could tell that one day it would be an accident.

I can only wish Senior Brother Liucheng that he will be able to cultivate immortality in his next life.

"Dongyue Province looks very dangerous. I don't know where those divine sects are located. It seems that I need to find a Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Dongyue State and get a detailed sect distribution map of Dongyue Province." Thinking like this, Wu Tao left the battle merit list.

He planned to leave the War Merit Hall.

We can't waste time in the War Merit Hall, we still need to go on our way, and we also need to go to the Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Dongyue Province to get the Dongyue Continent sect distribution map.

Arriving in the main hall, Wu Tao activated the War Merit Hall mark for the third time, but this time another figure slowly appeared in front of him. If it were someone else, Wu Tao would naturally not pay attention to it, but this manifested cultivator did not. It's Master Wen Xingrui.

He made an appointment with Wen Xingrui to meet at the War Merit Hall one month later, no matter what they were doing.

But there was no rule about when not to come to the War Merit Hall. It was a coincidence that I met him in advance this time.

"Master, if you are a step late, I will have to leave the War Merit Hall. You and I, master and apprentice, can only meet on the previously agreed date." Wu Tao looked at Wen Xingrui and smiled.

When Wen Xingrui saw that Wu Tao was also in the War Merit Hall, he smiled happily and said, "That's a coincidence."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and said: "Actually, I was being hunted and searched over there. In order to avoid the search, I had to come to the War Merit Hall to take shelter and wait for them to leave before returning."

When I heard that my master Wen Xingrui was being chased by the immortal cultivators from Dongyun Continent, my heart tightened and I asked, "Master, how strong are they?"

Wen Xingrui said: "There are 8th and 9th levels of Yuanying. Now the master is not their opponent, so we can only avoid the edge for the time being."

"Don't worry about me. I can still escape this pursuit. If you are hunted down, you can do the same as my master and escape to a deserted place, activate the brand of the War Merit Palace, and come to the War Merit Palace to take refuge."

"Okay, master, then you have to be careful. I have now arrived at the edge of Dongyue Prefecture. After passing through Dongyue Prefecture, I will reach Dongyun Continent where you are, master. Wait for me to come and meet you." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui.

"Okay, you have to leave the War Merit Hall and leave as soon as possible. I will go to the training room to practice. If I can improve my cultivation level, I will improve my cultivation level." Wen Xingrui said.

Wu Tao nodded and activated the mark of the War Merit Hall. This time, he was not interrupted again, and his body slowly disappeared into the main hall of the War Merit Hall.

In the scope of the Taiyue Divine Sect in Dongyue Prefecture, a cultivator of the ninth level of Nascent Soul looked at the corpse in front of him and said: "Junior Brother Gu, if the demon from outside the territory comes to our Dongyue Prefecture, there cannot be only this one!"

Gu Tianling's eyes also fell on the killed extraterrestrial demon, who was none other than Liucheng.

Gu Tianling is the chief true disciple of the Taiyue Divine Sect. He remembered that he had received a message from Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple of the Guyang Sect in East China the day before yesterday, saying that he would bring some immortal cultivators into Dongyue Prefecture and make it convenient for them.

Thinking of this, he said: "Perhaps Xiao Tiandao led the immortal cultivators from Guyang Sect to our Dongyue Prefecture to encircle and suppress the demons outside the territory."

"Okay, this is the first time I've encountered an extraterrestrial demon. So don't compete with the extraterrestrial demon. I also want to compete with Xiao Tiandao to see who has hunted more extraterrestrial demons." Gu Tianling's gaze There was a look of excitement in him.

On the edge of Dongyue Continent, the territory of the three realms of high-level monsters is Manjinhu.

After Man Jinhu was killed by King Tianhe of the third level of Nascent Soul of Jin Yuan Sect, these three Nascent Soul cultivators of Jin Yuan Sect directly notified all the nearby Nascent Soul sects, telling them that the extraterrestrial demon had descended on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Regarding the demons outside the territory, these Nascent Soul Lords of the Nascent Soul Sect did not dare to be careless at all.

They immediately abandoned their previous sect grievances and united to search for traces of demons outside the territory.

Because the extraterrestrial demon disappeared in Manjinhu's territory, two Nascent Soul cultivators were left to search this place to see if they could find any trace of the extraterritorial demon.

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible, because the extraterrestrial demon left this place and would not come back again. Therefore, the two Nascent Soul cultivators arranged were one at the third level of the Nascent Soul and the other at the second level.

Immortal cultivators in the middle and late Yuanying stages search elsewhere.

If traces of extraterrestrial demons are found anywhere, the communication talisman will be activated immediately to notify all the Nascent Soul Lords to come together to encircle and suppress the extraterritorial demons.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, there are no extraterrestrial demons here. If we are divided into equal parts to search here, wouldn't it be a waste of time." This immortal cultivator on the second level of Nascent Soul complained while releasing his spiritual sense.

Liu Daoyou, who was on the third floor of Nascent Soul, heard this and said with a smile: "Zhang Daoyou, you are so blessed that you don't know how blessed you are. We are the most fortunate to be assigned here.

Think about it, the extraterrestrial demon disappeared from here, and naturally he will not come back here again. So we can’t encounter the extraterritorial demon when we search here, and other Taoist friends have a greater chance of encountering the extraterritorial demon. You also Knowing that the demon outside the territory is extremely ferocious, if you encounter it, you will be in a dangerous situation. "

"Isn't it great that we can be safe here?"

When Daoyou Zhang on the second floor of Nascent Soul heard this explanation, he suddenly said: "What Daoyou Liu said is absolutely correct, but I thought it was wrong."

As he spoke, his Nascent Soul was still sent out to search this area. Suddenly, his Nascent Soul sensed a figure appearing in the void.

Its aura is that of an extraterrestrial demon.

"The demon from outside the territory has appeared." Zhang Daoyou's expression changed.

Yuan Ying, surnamed Liu on the third floor of Yuan Ying, also sensed Wu Tao's appearance with his spiritual sense. His expression changed drastically and he immediately took out a communication talisman to activate the communication talisman.

But as soon as the communication talisman was activated, Wu Tao appeared above them and knocked down the communication talisman.

"The third level of Yuanying, the second level of Yuanying, but I can suppress it by raising my hand!" Wu Tao smiled on his face, and three red flame divine fire shields flew out and shrouded them towards Liu Yuanying and Zhang Yuanying.

"Run away quickly."

The two Nascent Soul cultivators did not hesitate to use escape techniques to escape.

Their cultivation level is low and they don't dare to fight with the demons outside the territory. It is best to besiege them together with other Taoist friends.

Moreover, they felt extremely regretful at this moment. They originally thought that being assigned to this area was the safest, but who knew it was the most dangerous. This extraterrestrial demon did not do things according to the routine at all.

With Wu Tao's current level of cultivation, even a fifth-level Nascent Soul is no match for him. How could a third-level Nascent Soul and a second-level Nascent Soul escape from his grasp?

He quickly killed the third-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator and turned it into a military exploit. Then he captured the second-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator. If you ask him something, when you learn that the Yuanying Sect on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture All the Nascent Soul Lords are dispatched, searching for his traces in an attempt to besiege him.

Wu Tao's expression instantly brightened.

He then pressed the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator to find out where the sect where the God-Transforming Lord of Dongyue Province was located.

This Nascent Soul second-level immortal cultivator was very honest. He took out a map of the distribution of sect power in Dongyue Prefecture from his storage bag and uploaded it online.

After Wu Tao accepted the distribution map, he immediately killed the immortal cultivator on the second level of Nascent Soul.

Looking at the power distribution map of the Dongyuezhou sects in his hand, Wu Tao said to himself: "It seems that we have to bypass the three sects where the gods are stationed, and we have to take a long detour. The day to meet the master is a little bit... Delayed."

But there is no other way. If we don't take a detour, we have to face the immortal cultivators of the Huashen Sect. Even if the Huashen Sect doesn't take action, those in the late Nascent Soul stage, Wu Tao cannot be his opponent at this moment.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately took a detour and flew directly towards Dongyun Continent.

But a few hours later, Wu Tao still encountered a formidable enemy.

He is a cultivator of the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

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