Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 806 Go back and make a breakthrough before coming back

This sixth-level Nascent Soul cultivator is the sixth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Jin Yuan Sect.

The name of this sixth-level Nascent Soul was Fang Zixin. He was responsible for this area. The spiritual thoughts of the sixth-level Nascent Soul were released and he sensed Wu Tao's aura.

Because when Wu Tao was on his way, he also released his Nascent Soul Soul.

The two people's Nascent Soul thoughts collided, and each other was startled.

As soon as Fang Zixin sensed Wu Tao's aura, he immediately blurted out: "The devil from outside the territory."

I was shocked when I thought that I was the only one in this area, because the terror of the demon outside the territory was written in various classics, so I had to be cautious.

But when he sensed that Wu Tao was just the aura of the second level of Nascent Soul, he immediately relaxed in his heart.

He is on the sixth level of Yuanying and the second level of Yuanying, an extraterrestrial demon. How could he be his opponent?

Wu Tao sensed the aura of Fang Zixin's Yuan Ying 6th level, and immediately turned around without saying a word, using Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to escape.

With his current level of cultivation, he might be able to fight back when he encounters a cultivator on the fifth level of the Nascent Soul. However, if he encounters a cultivator on the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, he should be more cautious and run away directly.

When Fang Zixin saw Wu Tao, he actually used his escape technique to escape. His self-confidence suddenly increased, knowing that Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, could not be his opponent, otherwise how could he be intoxicated?

Therefore, he directly used his escape technique and chased Wu Tao. At the same time, he activated the communication talisman to send a message to the surrounding Nascent Soul cultivators who were also searching for Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, and asked them to surround Wu Tao in front.

Wu Tao used his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape with all his strength and felt Fang Zixin chasing after him. He immediately reached out and patted the storage bag, and a fourth-level flying sword turned into a stream of light and flew out, shooting towards Fang Zixin behind him. .

Fang Zixin saw a flying sword coming, a smile appeared on his lips, and he didn't care. He reached out and patted the storage bag at his waist. A stream of light flew out of his storage bag and collided with Wu Tao's fourth-level flying sword. together.

With a ding, Wu Tao's fourth-level flying sword flew back, and the magic weapon used by Fang Zixinyu manifested a fiery red flying sword.

After the magic weapons collided, Fang Zixin knew that this extraterrestrial demon could not be his opponent.

Therefore, Fang Zixin boldly pursued Wu Tao and vowed to kill Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon.

At this moment, Wu Tao reached out and patted the storage bag again, and another stream of light shot towards Fang Zixin.

Seeing this, Fang Zixin sneered and said: "What's the difference again and again, let me shoot down your magic weapon." As he said that, he used the fiery red flying sword to rush towards the golden stream of light.

As soon as the fiery red flying sword collided with the golden stream of light, Fang Zixin frowned slightly, because under this collision, he actually felt that the Nascent Soul Soul Nascent Soul Mana of his flying sword was not smooth for a moment. But just for a moment, the fiery red flying sword was wielded as before.

The golden stream of light was knocked away, and a money magic weapon was revealed, which was Wu Tao's treasured money.

As soon as he hit it, Wu Tao felt the powerful spiritual will of Fang Zixin at the sixth level of Yuanying. The spiritual will at the sixth level of Yuanying was eight thousand miles, but his spiritual will was only 6800 miles away, which was still a thousand miles away from Fang Zixin's spiritual will. Two hundred miles.

"If I want to shoot down this magic weapon of the sixth level of Nascent Soul, I have to break through another level of Nascent Soul, or complete the seventh level of the Tianyan God Refining Sutra and increase my spiritual consciousness by a thousand miles."

Wu Tao was thinking in his mind, but the former was unlikely. He had just broken through to the second level of Yuanying. Unless he was given another Ying-Breaking Pill, he would be able to break through to the third level of Yuanying.

However, Po Ying Dan is not so easy to obtain, and immortal cultivators cannot always use Po Ying Dan to break through. According to Po Ying Dan, it is best for cultivators to use Po Ying Dan once in their lifetime. Each time they use one more pill, they can break through the resistance to the realm of god transformation. Just bigger.

Therefore, ordinary immortal cultivators would not consider using a lot of Ying-Breaking Pills, and they still have to rely on their own cultivation to achieve breakthroughs.

As for completing the 7th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual.

While Wu Tao was using the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, he opened his personal information and took a look at the progress of the seventh level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual. It had reached more than 60%.

According to the normal speed, it will take one or two years to complete it.

But if you use the triple accelerated training room to practice, it may not take a year to complete it, and your spiritual thoughts can grow a thousand miles.

After closing his personal information, Wu Tao used Luobao Money to hit behind him. Although he could not knock down the opponent's fiery red flying sword, if he hits it a few more times, the opponent's Nascent Soul will be damaged. For the flying sword magic weapon The attached spiritual thoughts will be eliminated a lot.

It is necessary to practice the flying sword magic weapon again before it can be used as smoothly as before without any sluggishness.

Wu Tao used Luobao Qian to collide with Fang Zixin's flaming red flying sword dozens of times. Fang Zixin's expression finally changed. He also knew that if he continued like this, he might lose control of the flaming red flying sword and have to sacrifice it again. Practice it once.

So Fang Zixin no longer dared to control the flying sword to collide with Wu Tao's Luobao Money, but instead avoided the attack of Luobao Money.

In this way, Wu Tao was bought time to escape.

Seeing Wu Tao getting further and further away from him, his Nascent Soul Escape Technique could no longer catch up, so he quickly used his Escape Technique with all his strength.

Wu Tao felt the breath of the other party, and was pulled back further and further. He took back the treasured money, and surrounded his body with the fourth-level flying sword. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: "No one has mastered the escape technique of the sixth level of Nascent Soul." I am profound, so you cannot catch up with me.”

Yuanci Aurora Escape is one of the best escape techniques in the starry sky. What level of sect is Star Immortal Palace? It is a sect with the level of becoming a god.

It is higher than the levels of the Shenhua sects in Dongyue Continent and East China Continent.

Because the Divine Transformation Sects in these two states only have one Divine Transformation Lord in charge, while the Xingchen Immortal Palace has more than three Divine Transformation Lords in charge, the collection of classics is naturally not comparable to that of the Divine Transformation Sect here.

The cultivator at the sixth level of Nascent Soul who was chasing him was just the Nascent Soul Lord from the Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Dongyue State. The foundation of the Nascent Soul Sect was even worse. There were only a few of them in one sect. Or a Nascent Soul True Lord, who has no good cultivation techniques or superior escape techniques.

Therefore, it is normal to not be able to catch up with yourself.

Wu Tao used his Yuan Magnetic Laser Escape with all his strength, and soon he could no longer sense Fang Zixin's aura behind him, and had escaped Fang Zixin's pursuit.

After stopping, Wu Tao extended his spiritual thoughts to the surroundings and said in his heart: "The sixth-level Nascent Soul cultivator had already activated the communication talisman before chasing me. The Nascent Soul cultivators in this world should know that I am here. Fang Fang, they are coming to besiege me."

"When the sixth level of Nascent Soul appears, it's better to avoid the sharp edge first and go back to the War Merit Hall to avoid it, or you can break through a little and then come out. Or you can see if there are big bosses from the Star Palace in the War Merit Hall and ask them for some High-level talismans can also suppress these besieging Nascent Soul cultivators."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately activated the War Merit Hall mark on his wrist, and his body disappeared in the void.

After a while, Fang Zixin reached the void where Wu Tao's body disappeared. He released the Seven Thousand Miles Spiritual Mind of the 6th level of Nascent Soul and scanned the surroundings. He did not find Wu Tao's figure. He knew that his escape skills were not as good as Wu Tao's escape skills. It's very profound, so I can't catch up.

Wu Tao's figure should be in front.

Fang Zixin stopped, snorted coldly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhao is patrolling ahead. Fellow Daoist Zhao is also at the sixth level of Nascent Soul. Let's see how you avoid Fellow Daoist Zhao."

After finishing speaking, Fang Zixin used his escape technique to escape forward again. He and fellow Daoist Zhao wanted to attack Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul.

A quarter of an hour later, Fang Zixin sensed an escaping light flying in front of him. The aura in the escaping light was very familiar. It was the fellow Taoist Zhao he had mentioned before, a cultivator at the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

Seeing the sixth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Zhao, Fang Zixin showed a smile on his face. The two met, and Fang Zixin said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, I didn't expect that you took the lead and killed the extraterrestrial demon. Congratulations."

The sixth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Zhao named Yuan Ying looked confused when he heard this. He asked in confusion: "Fellow Daoist Fang, when did I kill the extraterrestrial demon?"

When Fang Zixin saw what he said, he also frowned and said, "No, fellow Daoist Zhao, that demon from outside the realm is only at the second level of Nascent Soul, but he ran away when he saw me. Did you let him go?"

"With your strength, how can you let him go? Are you underestimating the enemy?"

Fang Zixin thought of this possibility. Perhaps this fellow Daoist Zhao had underestimated the enemy. He thought that the extraterrestrial devil on the second level of Yuanying could be taken down by raising his hand. However, due to carelessness, the extraterritorial devil on the second level of Yuanying escaped, so he did not dare to admit it. .

The sixth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul surnamed Zhao was even more confused. He said: "I saw you sending out the communication talisman, so I came directly to you. Along the way, I didn't see the figure of the extraterrestrial demon at all?"

"So what you said, Fellow Daoist Fang, is that I let the extraterrestrial demon go, and I underestimated the enemy. This is absolutely impossible. Or is it that you underestimated the enemy, and carelessly let the extraterrestrial demon go, blaming the responsibility on me?"

"Fellow Daoist Fang, you can't be like this as a human being. You really disappoint me. I didn't expect you to be such a person, Daoist Fang. I really misjudged you, Fang Zixin."

With that said, the sixth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Zhao Yuanying rolled his sleeves and looked at Fang Zixin angrily, asking him to give an explanation.

Seeing his expression, Fang Zixin knew that he was serious and didn't look like he was pretending. He thought to himself, "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Zhao didn't encounter the Extraterrestrial Demon, but the Extraterrestrial Demon escaped in the direction of Fellow Daoist Zhao?"

So Fang Zixin said: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, maybe I misunderstood you, because after I discovered the demon outside the territory, I released the communication talisman to inform the fellow daoists in the surrounding areas and let them besiege from all directions."

"That extraterrestrial demon is only on the second level of Nascent Soul. When he saw me, he ran for his life and didn't dare to fight with me."

"The direction in which he escaped was toward the realm that you, Daoist Fellow Zhao, were patrolling. However, Fellow Daoist Zhao, you did not encounter the extraterrestrial demon. It seems that the extraterrestrial demon escaped in another direction after evading my pursuit."

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, I misunderstood you. I'm very sorry."

In the end, Fang Zixin sincerely apologized to the sixth-level immortal cultivator named Zhao Yuanying.

Seeing that he was sincere, Fellow Daoist Zhao softened his expression slightly and said, "As soon as I received your summons talisman, I came with all my strength and wanted to surround the demon outside the territory with you. According to what Fellow Daoist Fang said, it seems that This extraterrestrial demon should have gone to the realms of fellow Taoists on the left and right."

"The boundary on the left is Fellow Daoist Qi, and the boundary on the right is Fellow Daoist Tian. Both of them are at the fifth level of Yuanying. The demon outside the territory is at the second level of Yuanying, so he should be able to stop it."

"Fellow Daoist Fang, let's do this. You go to help Fellow Daoist Qi, and I will help Fellow Daoist Tian. Whoever discovers the extraterrestrial demon first will trigger the talisman notification."

After hearing what Fellow Daoist Zhao said, Fang Zixin nodded and said, "This method is fine, just follow what Fellow Daoist Zhao said."

Fang Zixin was about to fly to the left to help Fellow Daoist Qi, and Fellow Daoist Zhao was about to fly to the right to help Fellow Daoist Tian on the fifth floor of Nascent Soul, but at this moment, a ray of light flew from both sides.

"It's Fellow Daoist Qi and Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​why are they here?" Fellow Daoist Zhao looked confused.

In the blink of an eye, two rays of light stopped in front of Fang Zixin and Fellow Daoist Zhao, and two figures appeared. They were two Nascent Soul fifth-level immortal cultivators, Fellow Daoist Qi and Fellow Daoist Tian.

Fellow Daoist Qi looked around, but did not see the figure of the Extraterrestrial Demon. He only saw Fang Zixin and Zhao Daoyou, and said with a smile: "It seems that the Extraterrestrial Demon has died under the joint siege of the two Daoists. We are on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture. There should be no more invasions by extraterrestrial demons in this realm.”

Fellow Daoist Tian was also very happy. After they received the summons talisman from Fang Zixin, they rushed over immediately. Although it was a little late, fortunately, the extraterrestrial demon had been eliminated by Fang Zixin and Daoyou Zhao.

It would be great if you don't have to take action yourself.

When Fang Zixin and Fellow Daoist Zhao heard what Fellow Daoist Qi said, they looked at each other and knew that Fellow Daoist Qi and Fellow Daoist Tian had also misunderstood, just like Fang Zixin had misunderstood Fellow Daoist Zhao before.

So Fang Zixin explained it again. Daoist Qi and Daoist Tian looked surprised after hearing this. They said: "How is it possible? We have not encountered the extraterrestrial demon at all. Could it be that the extraterrestrial demon escaped and escaped?"

As he spoke, Fellow Daoist Qi lowered his head and looked at the mountain and forest boundary below.

"The aura will be exposed when he escapes from the ground, but he can't sense any aura." Fang Zixin refuted this statement and shook his head.

Fellow Daoist Zhao pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, this extraterrestrial demon must have practiced a secret technique of condensing aura, so it can avoid our induction."

"If that's the case, we need to search carefully." Fang Zixin said in a deep voice.

"The demons outside the territory are extremely cruel and will destroy the sect at every turn. We must search out the demons outside the territory and kill them, so that we can feel at ease. Fellow Taoists, summon all the fellow Taoists and start searching inch by inch. Even if he has the secret technique of condensing his aura, he can't. Avoid our intensive search."

"Unless he can disappear into thin air!"

Finally, Fang Zixin said decisively.

And just as he said, Wu Tao really disappeared directly and returned to the War Merits Hall. After returning to the War Merits Hall, he immediately came to the War Merits List, took a look at the War Merits List, and then saw that there was no one else in the War Merits Hall, so he came to the third floor. Double acceleration in the training room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao thought to himself: "I didn't expect that I would be hunted down like the master. The master should still be practicing in the training room of the War Merit Hall at this moment."

"Okay, then I will also practice. I still have cultivation resources, especially the star streamer, which is enough for me to break through to the fourth level of Yuan Ti. After I break through, I will go out to deal with you."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao started practicing.

There are two ways that can give him the strength to kill the sixth level of Yuanying as quickly as possible. One is to practice the seventh level of Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing to perfection, and the other is to cultivate the third level of Yuan Ti to the fourth level of Yuan Ti. realm.

With the combination of Dharma and Body cultivation, the sixth level of Nascent Soul will not be his opponent.

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