Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 807 The Way of Refining and Fighting at the Nascent Soul Level

In the triple acceleration training room of the War Merit Hall.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and continued to practice.

Time flies, and one day has passed. He has practiced the Jiuyaotian Dushen Shenfa and the Zhoutian Stars Body Refining Technique, Yuan Ti Chapter, and practiced various spells.

He also practiced the shamanistic fighting method of the Yuan Ti level called Breaking the Stars.

Now that his level of physical cultivation is higher than that of legal cultivation, he naturally wants to use this Yuan-Ti level shamanistic fighting method to shatter the stars, practice it deeply, and then he can take advantage of the opportunity to be invincible in close combat.

After practicing all these, Wu Tao felt that his strength had improved a little bit. He was now on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture. The Nascent Soul Sects on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture had set up a dragnet and were waiting for him. Woolen cloth.

There are immortal cultivators at the sixth level of Nascent Soul, but he can't deal with them yet.

Of course you can escape by running.

However, if there are six-level Nascent Soul cultivators waiting for him from all directions, it will be a little difficult to escape.

Therefore, it is better to stay in the War Merit Hall to practice first. Anyway, the master was also practicing in the War Merit Hall at this time. He also encountered the pursuit of immortal cultivators in Dongyun Continent. The master and apprentice worked together in the War Merit Hall to improve their strength.

After his strength increases, he will go out and kill those cultivators who are chasing him.

This is the most correct approach.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao did not continue to practice, because today's homework had been completed, and he began to deduce the value of Qi Luo Bao Qian. Now Luo Bao Qian is only a fourth-level low-level level, which is not enough when meeting immortal cultivators at the sixth level of Nascent Soul. See the magic weapon that is difficult to shoot down the opponent.

If you reach the fourth intermediate level, you can shoot down the opponent's magic weapon faster. Once the opponent loses the magic weapon, their combat power will also be reduced.

This is also a way to improve your combat power.

Wu Tao stopped thinking about it and concentrated on the deduction.

With the bonus of the main professional weapon refiner, Wu Tao has made rapid progress in the professional deduction of weapon refinement. He believes that it will not be long before he can deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

However, while deducing, he also had to understand the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method. Because he was not proficient in the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, how could he deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

There is a triple acceleration training room, which is very helpful whether it is to understand the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method or to deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

One day passed quickly, and Wu Tao continued to practice. He planned to practice for a month, practice until the date agreed with the master, and then go out to the triple accelerated practice room.

Time flies very fast, and this kind of practice is very fulfilling. It has been a month in the blink of an eye.

Wu Tao took off a jade slip from his forehead. This jade slip was the fourth-level inheritance of the complete weapon refining method that Master Wen Xingrui had given to him from Palace Master Xiong.

Putting the jade slip into the storage bag, he said helplessly: "If I were still in the Star Palace, I should be preparing to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner at this time."

It's a pity that there is no way, the road to immortality is so unpredictable, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

With this in mind, Wu Tao opened his personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 119/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Second Level]

[Kung Fu: The second level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (11%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (70%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fifth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (0%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Proficiency (99%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutian star body training·Yuanti chapter: third level (9%), shamanic tactics that shatter the stars·Proficiency (6%), omitted]

"I'm one year older, now 119 years old." Wu Tao took a look at his lifespan. He no longer valued age so much. One year was as short as a month to him.

He looked at the progress of his Jiuyaotian's divine magic.

In terms of the triple acceleration training room bonus, as long as there is no shortage of resources, one month is equivalent to three months of training, which can increase nearly four levels of progress.

The main reason is that he broke through the third level of Yuan Ti and brought an increase to the cultivation of Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun's divine method.

"According to this calculation, it takes two years to break through to the third level of Nascent Soul. This is done while practicing in a three times accelerated training room, not in the outside world."

Wu Tao was delighted. This triple-accelerated training room was really useful. If he were outside, it would take him six or seven years to break through a small realm.

"Master Ding, Master Ding, if I have enough resources, it will be a great blessing for me. Maybe I can reach the state of becoming a god in twenty or thirty years."

If it were outside the War Merit Hall, it might take Wu Tao more than 100 years to break through to the state of becoming a god.

More than 100 years is considered very fast. It would take an average Nascent Soul cultivator at least two to three hundred years to reach the ninth level of the Nascent Soul. For those with less talent, it would take six to seven hundred to eight hundred years.

Wu Tao's cultivation talent is average, but he cultivates both law and body, and his body cultivation profession drives the speed of law cultivation, so he appears to be faster than ordinary people.

Then Wu Tao's eyes fell on the spell column.

Seeing the progress of the 7th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual this month, a smile appeared on his face.

"One month, no, in three months the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual has increased by 10 levels. The further you practice, the slower the progress will be. If you give me another half year, I should be able to complete the seventh level of cultivation. "Wu Tao was extremely happy.

Because the whole day is spent on cultivation, instead of having to spend 4 hours refining the war boat when doing tasks with the Lingxu Immortal Sect, I spend a little more time every day, on top of practicing the Tianyan God Refining Sutra. , the cultivation progress is greatly improved every day.

"Okay, here I will complete the seventh level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, and then break through the third level of the Yuan Ti to the fourth level of the Yuan Ti, and then go out and give a big surprise to the Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture. A small shock.”

Saying this, he continued to read. This month, the fourth level of the red eye fire mask was only two steps away, so he successfully refined the fourth red flame divine fire mask.

Once the four dimensional divine fire shields come out, whoever competes with them will become like Wu Tao besieging others.

"The Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape is still 1% short of reaching another level. By then, even the seventh level of Yuan Ying will not be able to catch me." Wu Tao was full of confidence.

Finally, he set his sights on the physical training column.

If you follow the usual practice and practice with the star streamer, you can increase your progress by three points a month, but now you are practicing in a triple accelerated training room, and you can increase your progress by nine points in a month.

Cultivation of Yuan Ti can be said to be a rapid development.

"Okay, it will take more than 10 months to break through to the fourth level of Yuan Ti. I will train in this War Merit Hall for 10 months before leaving!"

Wu Tao made up his mind, got up from the futon, and left the triple acceleration training room. He was going to the main hall of the War Merit Hall to wait for his master Wen Xingrui. They agreed to meet today.

When I arrived at the main hall of the War Merit Hall, I found that there was no one there.

It seems that there are no immortal cultivators from the Three Realms coming to the War Merit Hall today. Maybe they are exchanging resources or in the training room.

The training rooms not only have three times accelerated training rooms, but also have two times, four times, five times to nine times.

"Nine times accelerated training room, it would be great if I had a token for the nine times accelerated training room. One year of training is equivalent to nine years of training."

"Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to get something for nothing in the War Merit Hall. You must accumulate war merits to exchange for any training resources." Wu Tao felt a little regretful in his heart. He also looked at the token of the Nine Times Acceleration Training Room. It takes a lot of war merits to practice one time. Perhaps only the Transformation God Lord can afford it.

He came to the battle merit list to check the battle merit list. Now his ranking is no longer last, but behind.

Although military merit is not the only way to obtain cultivation resources, killing immortal cultivators in this world can also explode the cultivation resources from the other side. Wu Tao had previously killed 12 Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Eastern China, and then from There are a lot of resources among these 12 Nascent Soul cultivators.

It allows him to maintain his practice for two years.

However, some of the magic weapons that were revealed cannot be used by him now, because Master Wen Xingrui has not deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuanying level. He can only use one magic weapon, or It's a dual purpose.

"It seems that I should find some time to work with my master to deduce the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level. In this world, we are most likely to be besieged by immortal cultivators from this world."

Wu Tao was thinking like this. The footsteps behind him were very familiar. He knew it was his master Wen Xingrui without turning around.

Turning around, he saw his master Wen Xingrui walking towards him. Wu Tao quickly shouted: "Master."

Wen Xingrui looked at him and said, "Let's go over there and talk in detail."

Wu Tao followed his master Wen Xingrui to the corner of the hall, and the two set up a soundproof and anti-peeping array. Although there was no one in the hall, it had become a habit. This is a habit that every cultivator has.

Wu Tao asked Wen Xingrui: "Master, have you left the War Merit Hall during this time?"

Wen Xingrui shook his head and said: "No, my master is being hunted. The immortal cultivator is stronger than my master. I plan to deduce the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level, and start practicing. I will go there for a while." That cultivator."

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Master, I am also being hunted on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, so I plan to break through another level in the War Merit Hall and then go out of the War Merit Hall to solve the danger of their siege."

"So during this period, Master, we will practice together in the War Merit Hall to improve our cultivation, and then we will deduce together the methods of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level!"

"I also plan to deduce the treasure money to the fourth-level intermediate level. I need to understand the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, and I have to ask the master for advice on the weapon refining method."

Wen Xingrui saw that Wu Tao was also being hunted, and heard his plan, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then you and I, master and disciple, will practice quietly in the War Merit Hall, and then go out after our cultivation has improved, and give them a little surprise. .”

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui then discussed some other topics in detail, and then left, planning to stay in the War Merit Hall to practice for the whole year.

Anyway, the War Merit Hall does not stipulate how long a cultivator from the Three Realms will stay.

But if you don't have military merit, you won't be able to enter the practice room to practice. There is basically no spiritual energy in practicing in the hall. And if you don't strive for war merit, you won't have the cultivation resources to practice.

Therefore, if you want to lie flat in this War Merit Hall, you can do it, but if you want to quickly improve your cultivation level, the War Merit Hall can really help you, as long as you strive for more war merits.

However, none of the immortal cultivators lie flat. If they did, they would not leave the Three Realms. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to just stay in the Three Realms?

The edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Time goes back to a month ago, when Wu Tao escaped from Fang Zixin's hands.

In the next few days, Fang Zixin and other Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture really searched this area inch by inch, even if it was underground, they would use their Nascent Soul mind to sense it.

However, it took three days to search this area inch by inch, but no one found where Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, had gone?

"Did he really disappear out of thin air?" This time, these Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Continent could not be dealt with.

How could a living immortal cultivator suddenly disappear in this place? He must leave some traces, right?

At this time, Xiao Tiandao of Guyang Sect finally led people to the edge of Dongyue State. When he came to the edge of Dongyue State, he naturally wanted to summon the Nascent Soul Lords from the edge of Dongyue State.

When Xiao Tiandao heard that Fang Zixin and other Nascent Soul cultivators said that the extraterrestrial demon had disappeared in front of them, Xiao Tiandao scolded him as a waste. He personally led people to search, but the result was just like Fang Zixin and them. After the search, they could not find any trace of Wu Tao.

At this time, Xiao Tiandao made a judgment and said that the extraterrestrial demon may have left this area and entered the central area of ​​Dongyue Prefecture.

So Xiao Tiandao directly led the immortal cultivators from Guyang Sect into the central area of ​​Dongyue Prefecture.

When Fang Zixin and other Nascent Soul Lords saw that Xiao Tiandao had left, they also said that the extraterrestrial demon was no longer on the edge of their Dongyue Continent. Therefore, even though Fang Zixin said that they had to continue to form an alliance and continue the search, the other immortal cultivators were unwilling. Because they are searched every day, there is no way to practice.

It is said that Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple of the Guyang Sect, has already said that the extraterrestrial demon has left, so he must have left. You must trust the judgment of the true disciple of the Shenzong of the Guyang Sect.

Fang Zixin had no choice. He didn't have the final say on the border areas of Dongyue Prefecture, so he had to go back to each sect to practice on his own.

Time flies quickly in the Hall of War Merits.

Every day of practice, Wu Tao felt that his cultivation was improving bit by bit, and his strength was becoming stronger bit by bit.

Moreover, he and his master Wen Xingrui discussed the art of weapon refining every day, and each of them improved rapidly in the art of weapon refining.

Together they also deduce the methods of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level.

One person is short-sighted, and the other two are wise. Both the master and the apprentice have very high talent in weapon refining. Finally, three months later, the master and the apprentice deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level.

"Master, hard work pays off. You and I worked together and finally deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level. It is not easy." Wu Tao sighed with emotion.

Wen Xingrui also expressed emotion and said: "From scratch, relying on the powerful soul secret techniques of the Tianyan God Refining Manual to deduce a fighting method that suits our weapon refiners, it is normal to be difficult. .”

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Master, this is not something from scratch. You have previously deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the golden elixir level, using this as the basis. Master, after you were promoted to the realm of Yuanying, you began to deduce the method of Yuanying." In terms of the level of weapon refining and fighting methods, the master accounts for 90% of the work, and I account for less than 10%."

Wen Xingrui said: "You and I, master and disciple, don't have to compete for credit. Since we have deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level, we must practice quickly. Only after we get started can we break through in this world." In case of siege crisis, you and I, master and disciple, will join together."

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