Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 808: Divine Mind surges, breaking through the fourth level of Yuan Ti

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui were sitting cross-legged in the sound-proof and peep-proof array. The master and the apprentice had already deduced the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level, and they were about to start practicing this method next.

Although the two of them are in the War Merit Hall, any weapon refining materials need to be exchanged at the War Merit Hall, which is not as convenient as in their own sect in the Three Realms.

Once you get started with the art of fighting and refining weapons at the Nascent Soul level, you will need more magic weapons to enable you to fight.

However, the two of them did not need to refine new magic weapons, because after arriving in this world, the master and the disciple also killed many Nascent Soul cultivators and obtained many magic weapons from them.

Therefore, as soon as they learn the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level, the master and disciple's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Moreover, in the past three months, the master and the apprentice have not only worked together to deduce the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuanying level, but also taught Wu Tao the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, and worked with Wu Tao to deduce the fourth-level intermediate level art. Lost treasure money.

It is estimated that in more than half a year, the fourth-level intermediate level treasure money can be deduced. At that time, coupled with the weapon refining and fighting methods at the Yuan Ying level, any siege is equivalent to non-existence for the two masters and disciples. .

The treasure money can knock down the opponent's magic weapons, and then one person on his side can control three, four, five, six, or even seven or eight magic weapons. Why should he fear siege?

"Master, then we will start to retreat and practice the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui.

"Okay." Wen Xingrui nodded, stood up from the futon, raised his hand and removed the soundproof and anti-peep circle.

The master and apprentice stood side by side, planning to enter the training room of the War Merit Hall to practice.

It was at this time.

Li Jingxing's body gathered in the main hall of the War Merit Hall and met Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui.

In the past three months, Wu Tao had met Li Jingxing several times. Every time they met, Li Jingxing's Nascent Soul aura seemed to be getting more and more perfect, and he should soon be able to break through to the state of becoming a god.

"Senior Brother Li, your aura is getting more and more perfect, are you ready to break through to the realm of divine transformation?" Wu Tao asked Li Jingxing, hand over his hand.

A smile appeared on Li Jingxing's face, he nodded and said, "In a year at most, I will be able to gather the resources to break through to the realm of divine transformation and officially break through to the realm of divine transformation."

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately raised his hands and congratulated: "Great, Senior Brother Li has broken through to the realm of God Transformation, and our Xingchen Immortal Palace has added a God Transformation Lord. In this world, the cultivators of our Star Immortal Palace will be able to survive." More."

"Junior brother is here to congratulate Senior Brother Li in advance on his successful promotion to the God of Transformation."

Li Jingxing smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Junior Brother Li."

Wen Xingrui also raised his hands to congratulate him: "I also congratulate Senior Brother Li on his successful promotion to the state of becoming a god."

Li Jingxing looked at Wen Xingrui and said, "Thank you, Hall Master Wen."

For the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Li Jingxing and other Xingchen Immortal Palace cultivators still have a very favorable impression, because they do not think that Ning Qiudao was involved in any plan regarding the Zhan Gong Palace. They all think that it is the plan of Emperor Shenjun alone.

After all, Emperor Shenjun is an outsider who cultivates immortality and does not know his roots. And Ning Qiudao is an immortal cultivator in the Xianyuan world. He knows the basics and it is impossible to possess an immortal weapon like the War Merit Palace.

But now, the immortal cultivators and demons in the Three Realms have gained so many benefits from the War Merit Hall. In a short period of time, everyone's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. They don't have any resentment towards the Emperor God Lord, but are grateful.

Because the War Merit Hall allowed them to see hope that they could not see in the Three Realms.

Those God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Realm Demon Lords also see the hope of reaching a higher realm. In the Three Realms, they still stay in the God-Transforming Realm and Demon Lord Realm until their death, but here, there is a way forward.

"Junior Brother Li, Hall Master Wen, I'll take the first step!" Li Jingxing was busy with promotion to God Transformation during this period, so he didn't have any free time to chat with Wu Tao, so he nodded lightly and left.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui also came directly to the training room.

Wen Xingrui exchanged his military exploits for a token that doubled the speed of the training room, but the number of times was limited.

Wu Tao's triple acceleration training room token has no limit on the number of times, but it can only be used by him alone. The token has his brand, so he wanted to give it to his master Wen Xingrui, but Wen Xingrui couldn't use it.

Wen Xingrui knew that Wu Tao could actually practice in the triple acceleration training room, and that his apprentice's combat achievements were not as great as his own. He suddenly thought that there was someone taking care of his apprentice behind his back.

But he didn't ask. Anyway, the apprentice was strong and the apprentice would protect him. It was not too late for him to be happy.

Who in the world of cultivating immortals doesn’t have a secret?

The master and the disciple each went back to their respective training rooms.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the triple acceleration training room and took out a jade slip. This jade slip was inscribed with the method of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuan Ying level.

"I also participated in the deduction of this method of weapon refining and fighting at the Nascent Soul level, so it is easier to comprehend. I will try my best to comprehend this method and start practicing within a month."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao immediately put the jade slip on his forehead, penetrated it with his spiritual thoughts, and began to comprehend.

Time flies, another month has passed.

But for one month, Wu Tao studied and practiced in the triple accelerated training room, which is equivalent to three months.

On the edge of Dongyue Province, during the four months Wu Tao was practicing in the War Merit Hall, not a single extraterritorial demon appeared, so they were even more certain that the extraterritorial demon had left the edge of Dongyue Continent.

Time is a very good thing, it can heal everything, so in the past four months, there has been no trace of the extraterrestrial demons. All the Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture have entered into their own cultivation, as if the extraterrestrial demons have never been It's like he hasn't arrived at the edge of Dongyue Continent.

As for Fang Zixin, although he initially insisted that the extraterrestrial demon was still on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture and was just hiding, as month after month passed, and now four months have passed, Fang Zixin no longer insisted on his idea.

He also felt that Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple of Guyang Sect, was right, but Xiao Tiandao took people to the central area, so he didn't know if Xiao Tiandao had caught the extraterrestrial demon there.

Of course, there are so many Yuanying immortal cultivators from the Ancient Shen Sect whose cultivation is higher than him. This is not something he has to worry about. It would be better if he catches it. If he can't catch it, as long as the outside demons don't come to the edge of their Dongyue Prefecture, It has nothing to do with him, Fang Zixin.

What Fang Zhixin didn't know was that Xiao Tiandao brought the immortal cultivators from the Guyang Sect to the central area, and did not encounter the extraterrestrial demons. Instead, he met Gu Tianling from the Taiyue Shen Sect.

He and Gu Tianling searched the entire Dongyue Prefecture, but did not find an extraterritorial demon. They also heard that an extraterritorial demon appeared in Dongyun Continent. However, the Shenzong was also searching Dongyun Continent, so Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling stopped interfering.

Moreover, after searching for so long, Xiao Tiandao was not a cultivator from Dongyue Prefecture after all. There were also three divine sects in Dongyue Prefecture, so Xiao Tiandao was politely invited out of Dongyue Prefecture.

Xiao Tiandao had no choice but to withdraw from Dongyue State and return to Eastern China.

But before leaving, he ordered Yuan Gang to stay on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, saying that he would send him a message as soon as there was any news. Yuan Gang was the Yuan Ying cultivator on the edge of Dongshen Prefecture.

Yuan Gang didn't really want to stay in Dongyue Prefecture, but he didn't dare to disobey what Xiao Tiandao said. After all, the Ancient God Sect was too powerful. If he refuted it, Xiao Tiandao would lead people to suppress his sect and his sect. The goalkeeper ceased to exist.

Therefore, Yuan Gang had no choice but to pray not to encounter that extraterrestrial demon again.

For Wu Tao, he didn’t know all this. He was cultivating wholeheartedly. In the past month in the triple accelerated training room, he had thoroughly understood the weapon refining and fighting methods at the Nascent Soul level and entered them into his personal life. The message is in.

Nascent Soul Level Weapon Refining and Fighting Method Level 1: (0%)

He and his master have deduced the Nascent Soul-level weapon refining and fighting methods to the ninth level. With each perfect level of practice, he can control nine magic weapons at the same time. When he reaches the ninth level, he can control 81 magic weapons at the same time.

But in fact, according to Wen Xingrui's deduction, the divine thoughts blessed by the divine soul secret technique of Tianyan Divine Refining Manual cannot be cultivated to the 9th level. Cultivating to the 7th level is already reaching the sky.

But the reason why Wu Tao was allowed to deduce it to the 9th level together is because according to Wu Tao's dual cultivation of body and law, physical cultivation will also increase spiritual thoughts, so it was deduced to the 9th level.

To be precise, this technique was tailor-made for Wu Tao.

For this, Wu Tao is very grateful to his master Wen Xingrui, who considers everything for him, so he cannot live up to his master Wen Xingrui's expectations. He must practice this method to the 9th level and reach the 81st level. The degree of magic weapon.

"The next time is to update the progress!" Wu Taoxin said, and then took a look at the other progress in his personal information.

Level 7 of Tianyan God Refining Scripture: (98%)

Seeing the progress of the 7th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, Wu Tao had a smile on his face, because according to this progress, he will be able to complete the 7th level of training in this triple accelerated training room for another month. His spiritual consciousness will increase by 1,000 miles, reaching the level of 7,800 miles.

At that time, he was only two hundred miles away from those who were cultivating immortals at the sixth level of Yuanying. With his confidence in cultivating both law and body, he was definitely not afraid of those cultivating immortals at the sixth level of Yuanying.

"And when I come out of seclusion, not only will I have completed the 7th level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual, but the Yuan Ti will also break through another small level, from the early stage of Yuan Ti to the middle stage of Yuan Ti."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao looked at the progress of Yuan Ti's cultivation.

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter·Level 3: (45%)

"9 progresses a month, and there are 55 progresses left. It only takes more than half a year to break through to the fourth level of Yuan Ti. I'm very looking forward to it." Thinking of this, Wu Tao started practicing again.

Time passes day by day.

The Nascent Soul level Dou Zhan weapon refining method has been deduced, so usually Wu Tao and his master Wen Xingrui are learning to understand the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, and deducing the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

Wu Tao has the bonus of the main professional weapon refiner, and Wen Xingrui, a fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, teaches him the art of weapon refinement every day. His progress in understanding is rapid, and his progress is rapid.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Wu Tao was practicing the 7th level of the Tianyan God-Refining Manual. As the 7th-level method of the Tianyan God-Refining Manual was operating, he felt that his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was surging like a tidal wave, and it seemed that something was about to happen at any time. A transformation, reaching a critical point.

As long as he reaches that critical point, his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts will expand, and his spiritual thoughts will also grow once.

Although the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts surges like a tidal wave, it cannot shake the coffin nail in the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. The nail in the coffin is still suspended quietly, falling into silence.

Wu Tao concentrated on running the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual and ignored the coffin nail in the center of the Divine Mind Sea. He pretended that he did not exist and would not interfere with his cultivation.

Finally, at a certain moment, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts began to vibrate slightly, finally breaking through to that critical point, and the seventh level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual was completed.

As the seventh level of cultivation was completed, Wu Tao felt that his spiritual thoughts were growing.

Getting stronger and stronger.

As time passed bit by bit, the spiritual thoughts grew a thousand miles and finally stopped.

Wu Tao opened his eyes, his eyes shining brightly. He released his spiritual thoughts at this moment, and the 7800-mile divine thoughts swept out, but they hit the wall of the triple acceleration training room and could not get out.

But he was not surprised, because the War Merit Palace was an immortal weapon after all. If his 7800-mile divine sense could break through it, what kind of immortal weapon would it be?

Feeling his 7,800 mile powerful divine will, Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh: "Only the second level of Nascent Soul, my divine will is already so powerful."

After feeling his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao put away his spiritual thoughts, stood up from the futon, and walked out of the training room.

Every day, he not only practices in the practice room, but also goes out to Wen Xingrui to exchange the art of refining weapons and deduce the treasure money of the fourth-level intermediate level.

When Wu Tao met Wen Xingrui, Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao in surprise and said, "Good disciple, I feel like you have made another breakthrough in your cultivation, and your aura has become much stronger."

Wu Tao said with a smile: "Master is very discerning, and he did make a little breakthrough. The seventh level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual has been completed, and the spiritual mind has increased by 1,000 miles."

Wen Xingrui gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are indeed my disciple. How strong is your spiritual sense now?"

Wu Tao had nothing to hide from his master Wen Xingrui. He told him about the intensity of his spiritual thoughts. Wen Xingrui was immediately shocked, but his expression was very calm and he said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad!"

Wu Tao looked at his master Wen Xingrui without any sign of shock, and thought in his heart that master Wen Xingrui's spiritual thoughts must be stronger than his own, so he secretly praised his master in his heart.

Without further ado, the master and the apprentice began to understand the art of weapon refining and deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money. Now both the master and the apprentice are in a critical situation of siege, so they must try their best to improve their cultivation in the War Merit Hall.

Because the master and the disciple practiced at very regular times, they did not encounter too many cultivators and demons from the three realms who came to the War Merit Hall in this period of time.

However, every time cultivators and demons from the Three Realms enter the War Merit Hall, they do not agree to enter at the same time. They all want to improve their cultivation, so they enter the War Merit Hall to redeem their cultivation resources, so they rarely encounter each other.

Time passes day by day.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui's weapon refining skills are becoming more and more sophisticated. Wu Tao is getting closer and closer to being promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, and Wen Xingrui is getting closer and closer to being promoted to the fourth-level senior weapon refiner. For the fourth-level intermediate level The deduction of treasure money is also becoming more and more perfect.

In the blink of an eye, half a year later.

Half a year is 6 months. Wu Tao practiced in the triple accelerated training room, but he did not practice for 6 months, but for 18 months.

Therefore, his cultivation level was able to improve rapidly.

On this day, Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged on the futon in the triple training room.

He felt his own Star Yuan Ti. The breath of the third level of the Star Yuan Ti had reached perfection. If he continued to practice, he would break through to the fourth level of the Yuan Ti.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and a jade bottle flew out. Wu Tao opened the restriction on the jade bottle and absorbed a star stream inside.

"Today, I broke through to the fourth level of Yuan Ti."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts and mana immediately wrapped around the floating star streamer in front of him, running the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Kung Fu, refining the star streamer.

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