With the bonus of three times the training room, Wu Tao refined the star streamer very quickly, and his star yuan-ti had already reached the critical point of the third level of the yuan-ti.

With the operation of the Yuan Ti chapter of Zhou Tianxing's physical training, this critical point has begun to shake, and there is a feeling that it is about to collapse at any time.

Wu Tao has a calm mind and is not impatient. He refines the star stream bit by bit and accumulates strength. When enough strength is accumulated, he can break through the shackles of the third level of Yuan Ti in one fell swoop and advance his body cultivation to Yuan Ti. Four floors.

As time passed bit by bit, the star streamer in front of Wu Tao became smaller and smaller, and was refined by him into the star Yuan Ti.

If it is full, it will overflow.

Therefore, at this time, the star Yuan Ti on the third level has reached the state of perfection, and the star stream that has been refined is dissipating.

But Wu Tao used the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique Yuan Ti Chapter to force these scattered star streams into the star Yuan Ti.

So this critical point seems to be broken soon.

Finally, half a day later, this critical point finally broke through. These countless streams of stars were like floods, leaking into the star body that had broken through the fourth layer.

Wu Tao did not stop refining the star streamer, but continued to refine the stream of star streamer, refining it into the 4th layer of star yuan body that he had just broken through to stabilize his realm.

When he broke through the fourth level of the Star Yuan Ti, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts also began to grow at this moment.

The sea of ​​divine thoughts is also expanding to accommodate more divine thoughts.

Finally, when the spiritual thoughts grew to 800 miles, they stopped growing, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts slowly returned to calm.

Another hour later, Wu Tao finally stopped practicing. When the star body on his body moved, his whole body bloomed with endless starry brilliance like a star.

Standing up from the futon, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and his spiritual thoughts emanated directly.

After completing the 7th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts increased by 1,000 miles, reaching 7,800 miles, but now he has broken through to the 4th level of Yuan Ti, and his spiritual thoughts have increased by 800 miles. That’s 8,600 miles.

A sixth-level Immortal Cultivator of Nascent Soul only has eight hundred miles of spiritual thoughts, which is not as powerful as Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts.

"With my current cultivation level, I can leave the War Merit Hall. Immortal cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Province will no longer be my opponents." A wave of self-confidence burst out, and Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

Then he sat cross-legged on the futon, opened his personal information, and checked the progress of his training in the War Merit Hall for nearly a year.

"If you practice in the training room three times faster, everything will be improved by leaps and bounds."

He said in his heart and looked at the personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 119/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Second Level]

[Kung Fu: The second level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (49%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (100%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fifth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (71%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Mastery (29%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), First Level of Nascent Soul Level Weapon Refining Fighting Technique (100%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Intermediate Divine Restriction·(90%), Falling Treasure Money Level 4 Intermediate (90%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutian star body training·Yuanti chapter: fourth level (0%), shamanic tactics that shatter the stars·Proficiency (60%), omitted]

Wu Tao's eyes first looked at the Nascent Soul Cultivation column, and he didn't even need to look at the life span.

"The second level of Jiu Yaotian's Divine Law has been cultivated to 49%. According to the previous practice progress, nearly 4 progresses are made every month. But now, my physical cultivation realm has broken through another level, and I can also give Jiu Yaotian All have magical powers that bring about growth.”

"It should be possible to break through to the third level of Nascent Soul in more than a year."

"It would be great if there is no shortage of resources for training in the War Merit Hall."

Wu Tao's eyes continued to look down. Needless to say, the Tianyan God-Refining Manual has been cultivated to the 7th level. During this period, in order to break through the fourth level of the Yuan Ti, he did not practice the 8th level of the Tianyan God-Refining Manual.

The Red Flame Divine Fire Shield and Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape have also made great progress.

It is already remarkable that Yuanying-level spells can make so much progress in such a short period of time.

After all, a Nascent Soul cultivator has a lifespan of a thousand years, and his cultivation is very slow.

"The Hall of War Merits is truly amazing!" Wu Tao exclaimed with emotion.

Then his eyes continued to fall. During this period, he and his master Wen Xingrui studied the art of weapon refining together. With the help of his master Wen Xingrui, Wu Tao's fourth-level intermediate weapon refining technique improved by leaps and bounds, reaching 90%. progress.

Within a year, he is sure to be promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner.

The fourth-level intermediate level Luobao Money has also worked together to deduce it to 90% progress.

Looking at the progress of the fourth-level intermediate treasure money, Wu Tao thought deeply: "I am a dual cultivator of law and body, but the master is not a dual cultivator of law and body. His method of fighting the enemy relies on the art of weapon refining and fighting, and The powerful Tianyan God Refining Manual, a divine soul secret technique, brings a powerful increase to the divine soul."

"Now that the master is under siege in Dongyun Continent, there must be many immortal cultivators in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Therefore, we should work with the master to deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money before leaving the war palace. This is safer."

Wu Tao then continued to look and saw the art of weapon refining and fighting at the Yuanying level.

Extrapolating this method, Wu Tao and his master Wen Xingrui have been practicing this method in the past few months.

Wu Tao has perfected the first level of this technique and can use 9 magic weapons at the same time.

Once the nine magic weapons are released, plus the fourth-level low-level treasure money, no Nascent Soul Lord on the edge of Dongyue Continent will be his opponent. All the Yuanying True Lords on the edge of Dongyue Continent will besiege him together. He will no longer be his opponent. The ending will be like the Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Eastern China. He will fight back.

"Leave the training room first, meet with the master, and discuss whether to go to the War Palace now, or wait until the fourth-level intermediate treasure money is completely deduced, and then go out after I refine it."

Having made up his mind, Wu Tao went straight out of the triple acceleration training room. He was going to meet his master Wen Xingrui.

Arriving at the main hall of the Battle Merit Hall, Wu Tao did not see Master Wen Xingrui. Thinking that Master Wen Xingrui might still be practicing and would not be able to come out for a while, Wu Tao went to the Battle Merit List, looked at the list and waited slowly.

Arriving in front of the merit list, Wu Tao spotted a figure. This figure was that of the Heavenly Demon King. Hearing the footsteps behind him that day, the Demon King turned around and saw that it was Wu Tao who ignored him and continued to focus on the merit list.

The moment Wu Tao turned around, he already knew who this Heavenly Demon King was. It was the Heavenly Demon Ancient Quan who was currently ranked second on the battle merit list.

It is also the most powerful demon among the original gods and demons.

Although it is said that the immortal cultivators and the demons in this world from the Three Realms should be on the same camp, the struggle between the immortal cultivators in the Star Sea and the demons in the demon world has been going on for a long time, and they have a deep understanding of the demon race. Even in the In this world, the same camp cannot achieve cooperation without barriers.

Therefore, Wu Tao took a look at the battle merit list, then left, waiting in the corner of the battle merit hall for his master Wen Xingrui to leave.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, Wen Xingrui's figure appeared in front of Wu Tao.

The Nascent Soul aura on Wen Xingrui's body was very powerful, and a trace of it leaked out, which should be the reason for the breakthrough. Therefore, Wu Tao sensed it as soon as he sensed it. He congratulated, "Congratulations, Master, for breaking through to the seventh level of the Nascent Soul."

During this period of time, Wen Xingrui has been practicing in the double acceleration training room. He has no shortage of training resources, so he has reached the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

At first glance, this cultivation speed seems to be faster than Wu Tao.

But this is not the case. Wu Tao's cultivation speed is faster. He cultivates both body and law, and his physical cultivation has reached the fourth level of Yuan Ti.

He estimated that he had broken through to the realm of the divine body, which was equivalent to the realm of spiritual transformation in Dharma cultivation. Master Wen Xingrui might not be able to reach the realm of spiritual transformation yet.

When the time comes, it will be up to him to protect his master Wen Xingrui.

There is no need to subdivide the master and the disciple, whoever is protecting the other is the same.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "Thanks to this War Merit Palace, without this War Merit Palace, it would be impossible for me to break through to the 7th level of Nascent Soul so quickly."

Wu Tao agreed upon hearing this and said: "The Palace of War Merits is too powerful. It is an immortal weapon. If our Starry Palace possesses this magical weapon, then our Starry Palace will have to reach the level of a great god."

Wen Xingrui smiled, shook his head and said: "How can the weight of the immortal weapon be a blessing that the Star Palace can bear? If the immortal weapon falls into the Star Palace, will it be a disaster for the Star Palace? blessing."

Wu Tao said: "Master is absolutely right."

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and felt that Wu Tao seemed to be stronger than before. He asked: "Good disciple, have you also made a breakthrough?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "I was sensed by the master, and I broke through the Yuan Ti realm."

"Master, let's continue to deduce the fourth-level intermediate level treasure money, and deduce the fourth-level intermediate level treasure money. After I refine it, master will have more means during the siege."

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said: "Disciple, based on your current progress in understanding the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method, it may take a year to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining master."

"Our cultivation resources are not enough, we have to go out, otherwise it will be difficult to make progress in cultivation. Don't worry, I think that the master's current cultivation, plus the way of refining and fighting at the Yuanying level, has been cultivated. When you reach the first level of perfection, you can control nine magic weapons at the same time, and you are not afraid of the siege of those Nascent Soul Lords."

Wen Xingrui was telling the truth, Wu Tao still had the Star Streaming Light on him, because the Star Streaming Light given to him by Master Ding at that time was enough for him to practice for 10 years.

Although he is practicing in a three times accelerated training room, the amount of star stream consumed in one day of practice is the usual three days, but there is still some left.

However, the cultivation resources for cultivating Jiu Yao Tiandu's divine method are already slightly insufficient.

He originally considered Master Wen Xingrui's crisis, and his own crisis could actually be solved with his current cultivation level. But when he heard Master Wen Xingrui say this, he felt relieved and nodded: " Okay, master, let’s go out to the battle palace.”

So Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui activated the mark of the War Merit Hall, and their bodies disappeared into the War Merit Hall.

In Dongyun Continent, Wen Xingrui just appeared.

He sent out his spiritual thoughts to sense and found no aura of Nascent Soul cultivators in all directions, so he immediately flew towards Dongyue Prefecture. After flying for half an hour, he sensed numerous Nascent Soul auras.

One of the Nascent Soul auras was from the 7th level of the Nascent Soul.

The two paths are the 6th level of Nascent Soul.

The seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivator also sensed Wen Xingrui's aura for a short time. He shouted "Outside Heavenly Demon" and immediately released the communication talisman. Then he entangled the two Nascent Soul sixth-level immortal cultivators and asked Wen Xingrui. Xingrui comes to kill.

"The person I am now is not the person I was before."

Wen Xingrui snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and slapped his waist, and nine streams of light flew out at the same time, attacking the seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivator at the front.

The nine magic weapons were all offensive magic weapons. They were as powerful as a bamboo and carried great momentum. The pupils of the seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivator were shocked and he shouted in shock: "How is it possible to break through to the seventh level of the Nascent Soul in less than a year?"

He used a defensive magic weapon to resist Wen Xingrui's attack, but Wen Xingrui was also at the 7th level of Yuanying like him, and had also practiced the secret soul technique of Tianyan God Refining Manual, which was Yuan Ying. Wen Xingrui can also kill the eighth-level infant.

Therefore, these nine offensive magic weapons instantly destroyed his defensive magic weapons, shattering the man's body into pieces, and not even the Nascent Soul could escape.

When the two Nascent Soul sixth-level immortal cultivators saw this scene, they were horrified and immediately used the Nascent Soul-level escape skills to escape, but how could Wen Xingrui let them go? All are military exploits. Therefore, with four offensive magic weapons on one side and five offensive magic weapons on the other, these two Nascent Soul sixth-level immortal cultivators were killed in the blink of an eye.

After the killing, Wen Xingrui put away the three storage bags and quickly left this area, because the seventh-level Nascent Soul had already released the communication talisman. When the communication talisman was used, there would be a steady stream of Dongyunzhou. Immortal cultivators come here.

And on the edge of Dongyuezhou.

Wu Tao's body slowly condensed. He glanced around and immediately used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape. The direction was also the direction of Dongyun Continent, but he still bypassed the Taiyue Divine Sect, the Three Divine Sects of Dongyue Province.

Although with his current level of cultivation, he might not be afraid at the seventh level of Nascent Soul, but the Shen Sect has a God-Transforming Lord, so he still shouldn't be too arrogant.

Wu Tao used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and flew across the sky at the edge of Dongyue Continent. His speed was extremely fast. At this moment, Wu Tao sensed an aura from the sixth level of Yuan Ying, which was also heading towards him. Come flying.

This breath was very familiar, and a smile immediately appeared on his lips as he said, "We are really enemies on a narrow road. Isn't this the sixth-level Nascent Soul who was chasing me before?"

When Wu Tao thought of this, he immediately accelerated his speed and rushed towards that breath, and in a blink of an eye he collided with that breath.

Fang Zixin suddenly felt the breath of the extraterrestrial demon, and was startled. His eyes fell on Wu Tao, and he felt that Wu Tao was still at the second level of Nascent Soul. He laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect you, the extraterrestrial demon, to still stay with me." How dare you appear on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture."

"If you meet me again today, Fang Zixin, I won't let you escape so easily."

After Fang Zixin finished speaking, he immediately stirred up his whole body, and the spiritual thoughts of the sixth level of Nascent Soul were pressing towards Wu Tao. He also immediately used the spells of the Nascent Soul level to attack Wu Tao.

"Who said I wanted to escape?"

Wu Tao finished speaking calmly, stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and nine streams of light flew out of the storage bag, all attacking Fang Zixin.

"Conquering nine magic weapons at the same time? How is it possible? You are only on the second level of Nascent Soul. It is impossible to have such a powerful divine will?" Fang Zixin looked horrified, and immediately activated the fourth-level defensive robe on his body, and also took out a shield to resist.

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