Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 810 The recycling function is turned on

Fang Zixin was extremely horrified. He never imagined that in less than a year, he would encounter this extraterrestrial demon from the second level of Nascent Soul, and he could control nine magic weapons at the same time.

It's so shocking. Even the true chief of Shenzong cannot have such a powerful divine mind.

You must know that when we met before, this extraterrestrial demon was still at the second level of Nascent Soul.

How could he suddenly become so strong?

He was so horrified that he screamed, feeling that the nine magic weapons Wu Tao attacked him carried an irresistible power.

When Wu Tao heard Fang Zixin's horrified voice, he sneered in his heart. He was different now. He had completed the 7th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, and with the breakthrough of the 4th level of the Yuan Ti, his spiritual thoughts had reached 8,600 miles.

And Fang Zixin, a sixth-level immortal cultivator of Nascent Soul, only has eight thousand miles of divine thoughts, so how can he be his opponent?

So after hearing Fang Zixin's words, Wu Tao decided to give him a little shock.

So his 8,600 miles of spiritual thought directly pressed towards Fang Zixin.

Nine offensive magic weapons hit Fang Zixin's defensive shield in an instant, and the defensive shield shattered instantly.

At the same time, Fang Zixin felt Wu Tao's powerful 8,600-mile divine will. The horror in his heart escalated to a higher level, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "How is it possible, the second level of Yuan Ying's divine will is stronger than me?" ?”


After his fourth-level defensive shield counteracted an attack from Wu Tao's nine magic weapons, Fang Zixin felt Wu Tao's 8,600-mile divine will again. He didn't dare to stay any longer, used his escape technique, turned around and ran away.

While fleeing, Fang Zixin directly took out the summons talisman and activated it.

When activating the communication talisman, Fang Zixin was very worried that this extraterrestrial demon would knock down the communication talisman. With the other party's divine will being stronger than his own, there was no problem in knocking down the communication talisman.

But what surprised him was that Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon, did not get rid of his intention to use the communication talisman. Instead, he allowed him to activate the communication talisman and fly into the sky.

Fang Zixin thought about it and realized that now this extraterrestrial demon was not even afraid of him. Naturally, he was not afraid of other Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue State. Therefore, he deliberately wanted to use the communication talisman he inspired to send Dongyue to the border. All other Nascent Soul cultivators from the edge of Yuezhou gathered together and caught them all in one fell swoop.

"It's a good idea, but how did you know that Xiao Tiandao, the chief successor of the Shen Sect, has kept his ears and eyes. Once traces of the demons from outside the territory are found here, he will definitely bring people over."

Fang Zi thought with confidence that he felt that he should be dead this time. The extraterrestrial demon was stronger than him and would definitely not let him go, because the purpose of the extraterrestrial demon was to kill the immortal cultivators in their world.

If he had the chance to kill him, he would definitely not let it go, just like if he had the chance to kill Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon, he would not let Wu Tao go.

Wu Tao saw that the communication talisman had flown into the sky, turned into rays of light, and scattered in all directions. These scattered rays of light would fall into the hands of other Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Continent, and then they would know At this location, an extraterrestrial demon appeared.

"This is good. I don't have to go one by one to kill these Nascent Soul Lords. That would be too time-consuming, and it might attract the Shen Sect cultivators from Dongyue Province. At that time, it would be a bit difficult."

Yes, Fang Zixin guessed what Wu Tao was thinking, and that was really what he thought.

And Fang Zixin's role was only to activate the communication talisman. After activating the communication talisman, Wu Tao did not intend to keep Fang Zixin. Fang Zixin used Yuan Ying level escape technique to escape quickly, but Wu Tao also immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, chasing closely. Written by Fang Zixin.

When he had not broken through the fourth level of the Yuan Ti, nor had he perfected the 7th level of the Tian Yan Shen Lian Sutra, Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was not something Fang Zixin could catch up with, so at that time he could catch up with Fang Zixin. He escaped from the pursuit and entered the Hall of War Merits.

This shows that Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape is faster than Fang Zixin's Yuan Ying level escape.

After more than 10 months of training in the War Merit Hall, Yuanci Aurora Escape has improved a bit.

Therefore, Wu Tao quickly chased Fang Zixin, and nine fourth-level magic weapons surrounded Fang Zixin from all directions.

Fang Zixin was horrified. He already knew that Wu Tao would not let him go. He would die this time, so when these 9 fourth-level attack magic weapons bombarded him from all directions, he immediately activated The fourth-level defensive robe on his body also immediately left the Nascent Soul.

He was very decisive and gave up his physical body without hesitation, hoping to escape with the Nascent Soul as quickly as possible.

When Wu Tao saw Fang Zixin being so decisive, he couldn't help but admire him in his heart, but Wu Tao would not let him escape.

Yuanying couldn't let him escape either.

Therefore, while using nine offensive magic weapons, Wu Tao also used four red flame divine fire shields to chase towards Fang Zixin's Nascent Soul. The speed of the red flame divine fire shields was also very fast.

In an instant, Wu Tao's nine offensive magic weapons blasted Fang Zixin's fourth-level defensive robe and his body into pieces.

In fact, when he attacked Fang Zixin for the first time, Wu Tao had the ability to kill Fang Zixin directly, but he held his hand back in order to let Fang Zixin release the communication talisman.

Now that Fang Zixin's role has been played out, there is no need to hold back.

The body was destroyed, and Fang Zixin's Yuanying, who was fleeing, felt it. His Yuanying felt sad in his heart, and looked at the four red flame divine fire shields chasing after him, and became even more sad.

These four red flame divine fire shields were extremely fast and quickly surrounded Fang Zixin's Yuanying. One red flame divine fire shield directly covered Fang Zixin's Yuanying, and the other three also covered Fang Zixin's Yuanying.

In this instant, Fang Zixin felt the powerful power of the flames, and his Nascent Soul screamed as it was burned.

Wu Tao took back 9 offensive magic weapons and controlled 4 red flame divine fire shields to quickly refine Fang Zixin's Yuanying. In just a moment, he had completely refined Fang Zixin's Yuanying.

Once the Nascent Soul is refined, it means that Fang Zixin has died.

There was no more Fang Zixin's breath in this space.

Wu Tao searched with his mind and felt a storage bag from the forest below. This storage bag was Fang Zixin's storage bag. When Fang Zixin's body was bombed just now, one of the attack magic weapons was attacking Fang Zixin's waist. The hand was left alone, so the storage bag on Fang Zixin's waist was not destroyed.

Because according to Wu Tao's attack power, once a legitimate attack is made on the storage bag, the storage bag will also be scrapped.

Any treasures inside will be scrapped.

There are also monsters in the forest below. At this time, a second-level high-level monster has a storage bag in its mouth and is running around in the forest below, trying to escape.

It has to be said that this second-level high-level monster is really skillful and bold. While Wu Tao was fighting with Fang Zixin, he actually picked up the storage bag that Fang Zixin dropped, trying to take the opportunity to pick it up.

If it were an ordinary fight between Nascent Soul cultivators, it might take a long time, and they might actually be missed by this second-level high-level monster. However, Wu Tao's strength was overwhelming to Fang Zixin, and he had already eliminated Fang Zixin within three moves.

Therefore, his spiritual thoughts directly swept through the mountains and forests below, and he had already seen the figure of this second-level high-level monster at a glance.

"Yes, the road to immortality, whether it is a cultivator or a monster, strives to be the same. You, a second-level high-level monster, are quite good, but the road to immortality is full of ups and downs, and you will fall at any time."

With a thought in his heart, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts pressed towards this second-order high-level monster. With his current 8,600 miles of spiritual thought, this second-order high-level monster was only equivalent to the late stage of foundation building. How could it resist Wu Tao? The pressure of divine thoughts.

Feeling the pressure of divine thoughts, this second-level high-level monster immediately dropped the storage bag in its mouth, and then ran away immediately. This monster thought that it had dropped the storage bag, and Wu Tao should let him live. .

It's just that Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts were too powerful. The 8,600-mile spiritual thought lightly brushed against the second-order high-level monster and annihilated the soul of the second-order high-level monster. A corpse was lying on the ground and completely dissipated. breath.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts shot up Fang Zixin's storage bag and fell into his hands.

This second-level high-level monster really guessed wrong, thinking that Wu Tao would let it go, but Wu Tao had no intention of letting this second-level high-level monster go.

It's not unreasonable that a mere second-level high-level monster dares to challenge him, the Nascent Soul Lord.

Holding Fang Zixin's storage bag in his hand, Wu Tao quietly waited in this world for other Nascent Soul Lords from the edge of Dongyue Prefecture to come over.

Fang Zixin's communication talisman turned into dozens of rays of light and flew to the Nascent Soul Sects on the edge of Dongyue Continent, and flew into the hands of the Nascent Soul Lords of these Yuanying Sects.

"It's the communication talisman from Fellow Daoist Fang. Could it be that the demon from outside the territory has appeared again?" Fellow Daoist Zhao was the first to receive Fang Zixin's program, because Fellow Daoist Zhao was also at the sixth level of Yuan Ying. He held the communication light in his hand and immediately learned that Fang Zixin was there. The messenger talisman sent from that place.

Thinking of this, Fellow Daoist Zhao immediately stopped practicing, called the other two Nascent Soul Masters from the sect, and immediately flew to the location where Fang Zixin sent the communication talisman.

One after another at the edge of Dongyue Province, other Nascent Soul Lords also received Fang Zixin's communication talisman. After thinking for a moment, they also left the sect one after another, intending to assist Fang Zixin.

Fang Zixin's sect also received three Nascent Soul Lords, one of whom was Yuan Gang. Yuan Gang of the Tianming Sect, a fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, was Xiao Tiandao's eyes and ears on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Yuan Gang's mission is to immediately send a message to Xiao Tiandao whenever an extraterrestrial demon appears.

At that time, Fang Zixin kept Yuan Gang in his sect so that he could tell Yuan Gang in time when he discovered the demon queen from outside the territory, so that Yuan Gang could send a message to Xiao Tiandao in time.

Yuan Gang looked at the communication talisman of Fang Zixin in his hand. After thinking for a moment, he took out another communication talisman from his storage bag. This communication talisman was given to him by Xiao Tiandao before he left, telling him to be in time. Don't let the extraterrestrial devil escape again.

"Fellow Daoist Fang sent us a message. If nothing unexpected happens, he must have encountered an extraterrestrial demon again." Yuan Gang said, activating the communication talisman Xiao Tiandao left for him. The communication talisman immediately turned into a ray of light and flew into the sky. Flying towards the direction of Guyang Sect in East China.

The speed of this communication talisman is faster than that of Zhenjun Nascent Soul in the later period. It can reach the hands of Xiao Tiandao of Guyang Sect of East China in half a day.

After Yuan Gang had activated Xiao Tiandao's messenger talisman, the other two Nascent Soul Lords from this sect had already come to the door. They cupped their hands to Yuan Gang and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuan, Senior Brother Fang has sent a summons. He should have encountered someone from outside the territory. Demon, let’s go to help quickly together.”

They were thinking that Yuan Gang was at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul, and the assistance role of the fifth level of the Nascent Soul was still very great.

"Of course we need help." Yuan Gang nodded and immediately flew out of the sect with the two Nascent Soul Lords.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged in the void and waited quietly. He released his spiritual thoughts. Only half an hour later, he felt three Yuanying breaths heading in his direction, and a 6th layer of Yuanying breath rushed towards him. Two rays of Nascent Soul 4th level aura.

After dozens of breaths, these three Nascent Soul Lords finally arrived in front of Wu Tao.

It was none other than Fellow Daoist Zhao and his two fellow disciples, True Monarch Nascent Soul.

Fellow Daoist Zhao looked at Wu Tao sitting cross-legged in the void and frowned. He felt that the aura on Wu Tao's body was indeed the second level of Nascent Soul, but Fellow Daoist Fang Zixin was not there.

For some reason, Fellow Daoist Zhao had an ominous premonition in his heart.

With Fang Zixin's character, when he met Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul, he would definitely take action as soon as possible, and would not wait until they came to support him.

But now, there is no trace of Fang Zixin.

A ridiculous idea popped into Daoyou Zhao's mind: "Did Daoyou Fang die in the hands of this extraterrestrial demon? But how is it possible that he is only the second level of Nascent Soul?"

At this moment, fellow Daoist Zhao, who was about to take action, was a little hesitant.

He looked at this extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul, but closed his eyes tightly and did not look at them. This seemed to be a bit confident.

"Is it possible that this extraterrestrial demon really killed Fellow Daoist Fang and felt that he was very powerful, so he wanted to wait for all the Nascent Soul Lords from the edge of Dongyue Province to come over and kill us together?" Fellow Daoist Zhao thought. this possibility.

Instead of being angry, he smiled in his heart. He felt that if this was really the case, then this extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul was really seeking his own death.

Can he kill Fang Zixin who is on the 6th level of Nascent Soul? Can he also kill 4 people who are on the 6th level of the Nascent Soul? Can he also be besieged by more than 30 Nascent Soul Lords?

In addition to him, and Fang Zixin, who does not know whether he is alive or dead, there are five Immortal Cultivators at the sixth level of Nascent Soul in the entire Nascent Soul Sect on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

He only needs to wait for the other three cultivators of the sixth level of Nascent Soul to be able to besiege this arrogant extraterrestrial demon together.

At this moment, Wu Tao opened his eyes, glanced at Fellow Daoist Zhao and said, "Don't rush to take action. You are too weak. It is better to wait for all the Nascent Soul Lords from the edge of Dongyue Continent to come over, so that I don't have to take action one by one." .”

Wu Tao just wanted to act arrogant so as not to scare away these Nascent Soul cultivators.

Sure enough, when fellow Taoist Zhao heard what he said, he felt that he was even more arrogant, and he felt more at peace in his heart. As long as he didn't take action now, that would be fine. If he did, Fang Zixin would live or die. He was alone here and had to run for his life.

Now that Wu Tao doesn't take action, he can quietly wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and then together they can surround and kill Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon on the second level of Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao's words were so arrogant that even the two fellow Nascent Soul Masters next to Daoist Zhao could not bear to listen. One of them said bitterly: "Brother Zhao, please take action now and kill him. Let's see how arrogant he can be. A Nascent Soul second level!"

"Yes, please take action quickly, Senior Brother Zhao, to kill this beast. It's so hateful. We, the Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongyue Prefecture, simply don't take it seriously!"

Hearing the words of these two fellow Nascent Soul Masters, Fellow Daoist Zhao felt extremely helpless. Didn't he ask me to die? Didn't you realize that it was Fang Zixin who sent the summons, but Fang Zixin is not there at this moment?

"Wait, don't be impatient!" They were really two idiots, but since they were fellow disciples, Fellow Daoist Zhao had no choice but to say this.

However, while Wu Tao was waiting quietly, a piece of information suddenly entered his mind from the Zhan Gong Palace brand on his wrist.

[The War Merits Hall has enabled the magic weapon recycling function. Any magic weapon can be taken to the War Merits Hall for recycling and exchanged for war merits. 】

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