The mountains and forests on the edge of Dongyuezhou were quiet.

Only Wu Tao stood in the void.

The remaining aura of fighting in the space made it known that a great battle had occurred here.

Wu Tao cleaned up the place because his attack was too fierce. Even if he kept his hand, some magic weapons still fell into the forest, and some magic weapons were damaged by Wu Tao.

Now that the War Merit Hall has a new magic weapon recovery function, Wu Tao still felt a little distressed when he saw the magic weapon he had destroyed.

"These are all military exploits!"

After cleaning up, Wu Tao looked at the mark of the War Merit Hall on his wrist, activated the mark without hesitation, and entered the War Merit Hall.

Because of this battle, he has now accumulated more than 3,000 battle credits, which can be exchanged for many training resources he needs.

Please ask again, he has captured so many magic weapons, and if he goes to the War Merit Hall to recycle them, he can also get a lot of war merits, which can satisfy his cultivation for a long, long time.

And just when Wu Tao entered the War Merit Hall and left this area, streams of light appeared. This stream of light showed the figures of immortal cultivators, all of whom were at the golden elixir level.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators on the fringes of Dongyue Prefecture, except those in retreat, came to besiege Wu Tao.

These golden elixir cultivators are all golden elixirs from various sects on the edge of Dongyue Continent. They know that the demons outside the territory are at the Yuanying level, so they can just let the Yuanying True Lord of their own sects besiege them. They are just Golden elixir cultivators would not dare to participate in a battle at the Nascent Soul level.

Otherwise, just the aftermath can cause them to be seriously injured, or even worse, they will die, their golden elixir will be shattered, and their lifelong cultivation will be reduced to nothingness.

"Where is this extraterrestrial demon, and where are our Nascent Soul Lords of Dongyue Province?"

Each of the golden elixir cultivators looked puzzled and completely confused.

When they had a fight here, they felt that the momentum here was very shocking. They felt the intense fight even though they were thousands of miles away.

But after the fighting here calmed down, they, the golden elixir cultivators, came over and found that there was no one there.

The demons outside the territory disappeared, and similarly, the Nascent Soul Lord on the edge of Dongyue Province also disappeared one by one.

As for the Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture going to hunt down the demons outside the territory, that is impossible, because there are golden elixir cultivators from all directions who are feeling the battle here. If they go after them, there will always be golden elixirs watching. Arrived.

But the current situation is that no one has seen it, so it does not exist.

"Could it be that the demons outside the territory died together with our Nascent Soul Lords of Dongyue Prefecture?"

"How is it possible? According to Uncle Zhao, the demon from outside the territory is only at the second level of Yuanying, but my uncle Zhao is at the sixth level of Yuanying. There are other Yuanying sects who have true kings at the sixth level of Yuanying. More than 20 How can it be possible for people to besiege a second-level Nascent Soul to the point of dying together."

"Although it is recorded in our sect's classics that the extraterrestrial demons are indeed very strong and can often cross borders to kill enemies, they cannot cross the four realms. They still have to cross the four realms under the siege of so many True Lord Yuan Ying."

"Then tell me, where have Master Nascent Soul Master and Uncle Yuan Ying gone?" Someone retorted.

"Look for it first. If we really die together, we can always find some traces!"

"Okay, then let's search carefully. If we can't find any trace of the Yuanying masters, we can only go back to the sect and ask those Yuanying masters who have been in seclusion to come out of seclusion and come here to investigate!"

As a result, these golden elixir cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture began to search this area.

There is no trace of the energy in the sky, the aftermath of the battle has dissipated, and the aura of any Nascent Soul cultivator has also dissipated.

But there are always corpses after death, so they found broken corpses one after another in the mountains and forests below. Some corpses could not be seen as human shapes at all, and were scattered in pieces, or just pieces of meat. , mainly because Wu Tao's nine offensive magic weapons came out at the same time. Even if he was wearing a fourth-level defensive magic weapon, he would still be blasted to pieces by Wu Tao.

The defensive robes and body were shattered together, which is why Wu Tao felt distressed. Many of the fourth-level defensive robes were in tatters, and they would definitely be greatly damaged if they were taken to the War Merit Hall to be recycled.

The more they searched the mountains and forests below, the more thrilling they became, because the broken bodies of the Nascent Soul Lords below exuded the aura of their lifetimes. Some of the immortal cultivators of their own sects, for their sect's Yuanying masters and uncles, The smell is still very familiar.

"Uncle Zhao, why did you die in the hands of the demon outside the territory? How is it possible? Uncle Zhao, you are at the sixth level of the Yuanying. The demon outside the territory is only at the second level of the Yuanying." The golden elixir cultivator from Daoyou Zhao's sect found the body of Fellow Daoist Zhao. .

Fellow Daoist Zhao was not killed by Wu Tao's nine magic weapons, but by four red flame divine fire shields, which turned him into a coke.

It may be that the cremation was not thorough enough, and some bones were not completely cremated, but the breath of Fellow Daoist Zhao remained, so they were found by the golden elixir cultivators of his sect.

Half an hour later, all the golden elixir cultivators fell silent. They found all the minced meat residues and scorched remains that carried the aura of the True Monarch Nascent Soul and put them in one place.

The breath of their sect's Nascent Soul True Lord can be sensed in these scraps of meat and scorched remains.

There were more than 20 people, but no one was lucky enough to escape. They were all here, and not even the fragments of the magic weapon were left behind.

Since we didn't sense the remains of the extraterrestrial devil left behind, there was only one possibility. The Nascent Soul Lords of their sect besieged the extraterrestrial devil on the second level of Yuanying, but they were all killed by the extraterrestrial devil on the second level of Yuanying. killed.

The magic weapon on his body was naturally taken away as a trophy by the demon from outside the territory.

"Impossible, how can the extraterrestrial devil on the second level of Nascent Soul be so powerful?"

Some people dared not accept this reality and shouted with crazy faces.

There is a golden elixir cultivator, but he is more rational. He pointed to a wreckage and said: "This is Yuan Gang Yuan Zhenjun of the Yuanying Sect on the edge of East China. He is Xiao Tiandao, the chief true successor of Guyang Sect of East China Shenzhou. Xiao Zhenjun left behind His presence here must have been reported to Chief Xiao of Guyang Sect before his death."

"Then Chief Xiao will come here to search soon after receiving the summons. In this case, the extraterrestrial demon will definitely die."

"I hope Chief Xiao will come soon to avenge my Yuan Ying uncles on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture!"

Another golden elixir cultivator said: "It's too slow to wait for Chief Xiao to come over. You and I should act separately and report the matter of the extraterrestrial demons to our three major divine sects in Dongyue Prefecture and ask the three major divine sects to come forward!"

"Then I'll ask a few fellow Taoists to go to the nearest Taiyue Divine Sect first. Last time I heard from Chief Xiao that Chief Gu of the Taiyue Divine Sect is also searching for traces of demons outside the territory."

So these golden elixir cultivators were divided into two groups. Some stayed here, waiting for the arrival of Xiao Tiandao, the chief successor of the Guyang Sect, while some went to the Taiyue Shenzhou Sect to report to the Taiyue Shenzhou Sect that the demons from outside the territory had arrived on the edge of Dongyue Continent. information.

The messenger talisman Xiao Tiandao left for Yuan Gang would take half a day to send a message from the edge of Dongyue Prefecture to Guyang Sect, and it would also take more than half a day to get from Guyang Sect to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Therefore, half a day later, a ray of light from Guyang Sect flashed across the sky, passed directly through Guyang Sect's fifth-level sect-protecting formation without any obstacles, and entered the retreat place of Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple of Guyang Sect.

The place where Xiao Tiandao retreated was guarded by Aunt Lin, the Nascent Soul Lord. Aunt Lin felt the communication talisman in the sky, her eyes moved, and she reached out and took the communication talisman in her hand.

The communication talisman fell into her hand and turned into a talisman. Aunt Lin inspired it a little, and there was a message from Yuan Gang on it, saying that the extraterrestrial demon had appeared on the edge of Dongyue Continent.

When Xiao Tiandao was practicing in seclusion, he had already told Aunt Lin that once Yuan Gang came over and confirmed the news about the demon outside the territory, he must be asked to come out of seclusion immediately.

As Xiao Tiandao's protector, Linyi naturally took Xiao Tiandao's words as her order. She immediately entered the main hall where Xiao Tiandao was retreating, bowed to Xiao Tiandao who was practicing with his eyes closed, and said: "Tiandao, there is a border on the edge of Dongyue Continent. The news is coming!”

Xiao Tiandao, who was practicing in seclusion, heard Aunt Lin's words and immediately stopped running his exercises, opened his eyes, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and said in surprise: "Seriously?"

Aunt Lin stepped forward, handed the communication talisman in her hand to Xiao Tiandao and said, "Tiandao, this is the communication talisman you left for Yuan Gang."

Xiao Tiandao took the messenger talisman and after reading the message, his eyes showed joy. He immediately stood up from the futon and said to Aunt Lin: "Aunt Lin, you go and gather the people immediately. Let's go to Dongyue Prefecture together. This time it is determined We can’t let that extraterrestrial demon escape.”

Aunt Lin immediately bowed to accept the order and went to gather all the people. They were all Yuanying Zhenjun of the Guyang Sect who had followed Xiao Tiandao to Dongyue Province.

Many of these Nascent Soul cultivators are more powerful than Xiao Tiandao, and even have the ninth level of Nascent Soul. Although the last trip was in vain, less than a year later, Xiao Tiandao asked them to go to Dongyue Continent again, saying The demon from outside the territory appeared. Although he didn't want to run away, Xiao Tiandao was the chief true successor of Guyang Sect after all, and he was very likely to take over as the sect leader in the future.

Xiao Tiandao still needs to be given face.

So under the leadership of Xiao Tiandao, these Nascent Soul cultivators from Guyang Sect rushed toward Dongyue Prefecture with great momentum.

"If I don't kill the demon outside the territory this time, I swear I won't return to Guyang Sect." Xiao Tiandao said these words when setting off.

The last trip to Dongyue Prefecture was in vain, but Xiao Tiandao was very angry. As the chief true successor, he had never encountered an extraterritorial demon. He especially wanted to test whether the extraterrestrial demon's gold content was as recorded in ancient books. .

The soldiers are very fast, and he doesn't want those Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Continent to report the news of the extraterrestrial demon to Taiyue Divine Sect Gu Tianling. Once Gu Tianling takes action, the extraterrestrial demon will definitely die.

Because Gu Tianling has the same cultivation level as him, one is in Dongshenzhou and the other is in Dongyuezhou, and they are both the chiefs of Shenzong's true successors. Naturally, they have fought several times, with back and forth, wins and losses, and no one admits defeat. who.

When Xiao Tiandao entered Dongyue Prefecture, the golden elixir cultivators on the outskirts of Dongyue Prefecture also successfully met Gu Tianling, the true successor of the Taiyue Divine Sect. Gu Tianling became excited when he heard that extraterrestrial demons appeared on the outskirts of Dongyue Prefecture. He also immediately ordered all the people from Taiyue Shenzong and rushed to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

The Taiyue Divine Sect is in Dongyue Prefecture, so Gu Tianling arrived at the edge of Dongyue Prefecture earlier than Xiao Tiandao. As soon as he arrived, he began to inquire about the situation of these golden elixir cultivators at the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Then he did some investigation and found out that these Nascent Soul Lords on the edge of Dongyue Province were all dead, and died in the hands of the extraterrestrial demon.

"This extraterrestrial demon is only at the second level of Nascent Soul, but he was able to fight back and kill more than 20 Nascent Soul Lords when they were besieged. He is truly worthy of being an extraterrestrial demon. I am really looking forward to searching you out." This day." Gu Tianling's face showed anticipation.

At this time, Xiao Tiandao also came over with the immortal cultivators from the Guyang Sect. When he saw Gu Tianling, he frowned slightly, but he still brought the people to Gu Tianling.

When Gu Tianling saw Xiao Tiandao, his face was a little unhappy, and he said: "Xiao Tiandao, this is the boundary of our Dongyue State. The extraterritorial demons that appear in the Dongyue State's territory do not bother you, the chief true successor of the Shenzong of the Eastern Divine State, to come here."

A smile appeared on Xiao Tiandao's face and he said: "If it were an extraterritorial devil who came to the edge of Dongyue State, I would naturally not bring anyone here to disturb fellow Taoist Gu's elegance. But this extraterritorial devil escaped from our Eastern Divine State and killed him. We, the Eastern Divine Region, have so many Nascent Soul Lords, and as the leader of the various sects in the Eastern Divine Region, I, the Guyang Sect, naturally want to avenge them."

When Xiao Tiandao said this, Gu Tianling really couldn't refute him. He snorted and said: "This extraterrestrial demon is very powerful. Even though he is only at the second level of Yuanying, four Yuanyings at the sixth level add up to 20 Many Nascent Soul cultivators were unable to surround and kill him, but were all killed instead."

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, I wonder if you have this kind of strength when you are at the second level of Nascent Soul?"

Hearing Gu Tianling's question, Xiao Tiandao felt a little unhappy, but he still admitted openly: "Don't say that I don't have this strength at the second level of Yuanying, even the fourth level of Yuanying doesn't have this strength."

What he meant was that he would have this strength when he reached the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

Seeing his generosity, Gu Tianling admitted it himself: "I am just like Fellow Daoist Xiao. Therefore, Fellow Daoist Xiao, this Immortal Cultivator on the second level of Nascent Soul, you and I may not be able to kill him in a single fight."

"Fellow Daoist Gu, you didn't necessarily say that. You must have some thoughts when you said this, right?" Xiao Tiandao frowned slightly, and he heard the interesting meaning in Gu Tianling's words.

He knew Gu Tianling very well.

Gu Tianling looked at Xiao Tiandao and said with a smile: "I heard that Fellow Daoist Xiao got a spiritual elixir. I want to make a bet with Fellow Daoist Xiao. You and I will fight against the devil outside the territory alone. Whoever can kill the devil outside the territory alone will get this A magic pill.?"

Seeing Xiao Tiandao frowning, Gu Tianling continued: "Of course, fellow Daoist Xiao, I will also give out treasures of the same value. If Gu kills the extraterrestrial demon, fellow Daoist Xiao's elixir will belong to me. If Daoist Xiao kills the extraterrestrial demon, my treasure will be mine." How about returning to fellow Taoist Xiao?"

Xiao Tiandao looked at Gu Tianling and said, "Fellow Daoist Gu, is that treasure of yours?"

He didn't finish everything, but he knew that Gu Tianling knew what he was talking about. Gu Tianling nodded towards him and said: "Exactly, your elixir and the treasure I obtained must be used together to achieve their full potential." Get the most out of it.”

"Now that we are separated, although it is helpful to us, it is not the greatest help. Therefore, I thought of making this bet with fellow Daoist Xiao."

"What do you think, fellow Daoist Xiao?"

Xiao Tiandao pondered for a moment, and something moved in his mind. He thought that the extraterrestrial devil was only at the second level of Yuanying. With his current cultivation level, he should be able to kill him alone, and the temptation of Gu Tianling's bet was too great. .

After a while, Xiao Tiandao finally nodded and said: "Xiao took this bet!"

"As expected of Fellow Daoist Xiao, Gu admires him."

Xiao Tiandao snorted coldly and said, "Then let's see who finds the extraterrestrial demon first!"

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