Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 813 The Third Level of Nascent Soul

Wu Tao's figure slowly appeared in the main hall of the War Merit Hall.

Because he did not enter the War Merit Hall just after adding the magic weapon recovery function, he only had a chat when he appeared behind the War Merits Hall. Several immortal cultivators and demons appeared with him.

Those demons stopped talking and didn't know how to say hello.

But those cultivators are cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. They are not cultivators from the three Immortal Palaces, they should be from the Nine Immortal Sects.

Wu Tao has not seen it, but Wu Tao, as one of the deputy hall masters of the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace and a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Nine Immortal Sects, has naturally seen the portrait.

Therefore, these Nascent Soul cultivators from the Nine Immortal Sects all bowed their hands to Wu Tao and saluted: "Hello, Deputy Hall Master Li."

Although he didn't know each other, Wu Tao returned the favor and said with a smile: "Hello, everyone."

Both are cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage. Although he is the deputy master of the Nascent Soul Lord's Artifact Refining Hall of the three major immortal palaces and has a higher status than them, he can also be called a Taoist friend in terms of realm.

Unless he is a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, the lower sect of Xingchen Immortal Palace, if he is in the same realm, he can be called Junior Brother.

After greeting these Nascent Soul cultivators, Wu Tao directly followed the information given by the War Merit Hall and went to the place where the magic weapons of the War Merit Hall were recovered.

There is also a special hall where magic weapons are recovered. There are small recycling rooms under the four walls of the hall. Every cultivator with the mark of the Hall of War Merits can enter a recycling room to recycle magic weapons.

Wu Tao came to the door of a recycling room, activated the mark of the War Hall on his wrist, opened the door of the recycling room and entered the recycling room.

After a while.

He already understood how the War Merit Hall recovered magic weapons.

In the recycling room, there is a recycling formation. As long as the magic weapon that needs to be recycled is put into the formation, the formation will give an evaluation of how much combat merit will be obtained. Once the recovery is confirmed, the merits will be issued by the merit hall.

Before Wu Tao recycles the magic weapons, he must first sort out the magic weapons on his body, so he took out a futon, sat down, and began to take out storage bags one by one.

These storage bags were gifts from those Nascent Soul cultivators on the fringes of Dongyue Prefecture.

However, before giving away, the Nascent Soul restrictions on the storage bag still exist, and Wu Tao needs to break them one by one.

The Nascent Soul stage immortal cultivators who surrounded him on the edge of Dongyue Continent were only at the sixth level of the Nascent Soul. Their spiritual thoughts were only eight thousand miles, while Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts had reached 8,600 miles. It was simply a matter of effort to break open their storage bags. Easily.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao had broken the Nascent Soul restrictions left by the original owners on all the storage bags, and sorted out the magic weapons one by one.

Now he has only completed the first level of the Nascent Soul level weapon refining and fighting method, and has not yet completed the second level, so he only needs 9 fourth-level magic weapons.

He left behind nine fourth-level intermediate attack magic weapons, and placed all the remaining magic weapons in the recovery formation. Text immediately jumped out of the formation light screen.

[The evaluation of the magic weapon is completed. 3100 combat merits can be obtained by recycling it. Do you want to recycle it? 】

After Wu Tao came to this world, he killed nearly 40 Nascent Soul Masters. Basically every Nascent Soul cultivator has two magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense. However, some are Incomplete, so these magic weapons can obtain more than three thousand military achievements, which is not bad.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao reached out and touched the formation light screen to confirm the recovery.

After the recovery was confirmed, the fourth-level magic weapons in the array light curtain disappeared directly.

He looked down and saw the Zhan Gong Palace brand on his wrist. The numbers in the Zhan Gong Palace brand were jumping.

It didn't stop until it became 6491.

Seeing this military exploit, Wu Tao was very satisfied. This military exploit was enough for him to redeem a lot of training resources and practice for a long time without having to fight life or death.

However, he is not in a hurry to redeem the cultivation resources now. He first needs to sort out some of the cultivation resources he has obtained from the Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao had a smile on his face as he looked at the cultivation resources that he had summarized and sorted out that were useful to his current state.

"These resources are enough for me to practice in the triple acceleration training room in the War Merit Hall for a year."

"The star stream on my body is enough for me to practice in the triple acceleration training room of the War Merit Hall for a year."

"If that's the case, then let's practice in the War Merit Hall for a year and improve our cultivation first."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao opened his personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 119/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Second Level]

[Kung Fu: The second level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (49%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (100%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the fifth level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (71%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Mastery (29%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (80%), First Level of Nascent Soul Level Weapon Refining Fighting Technique (100%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Intermediate Divine Restriction·(90%), Falling Treasure Money Level 4 Intermediate (90%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutian star body training·Yuanti chapter: fourth level (0%), shamanic tactics that shatter the stars·Proficiency (60%), omitted]

He looked at the progress of Jiuyaotian Ducun Divine Law. Before he broke through the fourth level of Yuan Ti, he practiced in the triple accelerated training room and could reach nearly 4 progress every month.

It takes about a year to break through the third level of Nascent Soul.

But now that it has broken through the fourth level of Yuan Ti, it will definitely bring an increase to those who practice Jiuyaotian's divine method. It will not take a year to break through the third level of Yuan Ying.

And when you have cultivated to the 4th level of the Yuan Ti, the 4th level of the Yuan Ti is the middle stage of the Yuan Ti. In the early stage of the Yuan Ti, you practiced with the star streamer. In the triple accelerated training room, you can reach 9 progresses every month, but the Yuan Ti The middle stage is ultimately the middle stage of Yuan Ti, and it cannot be as simple as the early stage of Yuan Ti.

Therefore, it takes a month of practice to know how much progress can be achieved in one month.

"Okay, now go to the triple acceleration training room to practice."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately got up from the futon and walked out of the recycling room.

He walked out of the recycling room and happened to see the door of the recycling room opposite also open, and a figure came out. His eyes lit up and he shouted: "Master!"

Yes, that figure is Wu Tao's master Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui was also very happy to see Wu Tao. He solved the Nascent Soul cultivators who besieged him. He did not see Wu Tao when he entered the War Merit Hall, so he was somewhat worried because Wu Tao was also under siege.

Now that all this worry was gone, he called Wu Tao, and the master and apprentice went to the corner of the main hall of the War Merit Hall to start talking.

"How is it?" Wen Xingrui asked.

Wu Tao said with a smile: "After practicing in seclusion for so long, my realm has also broken through. Naturally, I have killed all the Nascent Soul cultivators who besieged me. This time, I have earned a lot of military exploits."

"Furthermore, the newly added magic weapon recycling function in the War Merits Palace has solved our current problem. By recycling magic weapons, I have also gained a lot of war merits."

Wen Xingrui nodded and agreed: "Indeed, once this magic weapon recovery function is released, the strength of the immortal cultivators and demons in the three realms will inevitably usher in a stage of rapid advancement."

Wu Tao said: "The master of the War Merit Palace, Di Shenjun, wants us to kill more immortal cultivators in this world. He must want our strength to increase quickly."

"Master, although you and I have not met in this world yet, we will still encounter more dangers on the road after a week from Dongyue State to Dongyun State. With our current cultivation level, it is still a bit difficult."

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "It is indeed difficult, so disciple, what do you think?"

Wu Tao said: "Master, my idea is that now that we have solved the siege crisis, killed so many immortal cultivators, and gained so many military exploits, it is time to settle down and improve our cultivation."

"I plan to practice in this War Merit Hall for a year, and then leave after breaking through the third level of Nascent Soul."

Wen Xingrui smiled and said: "Good disciple, I have exactly what I want. By the way, do you have enough combat achievements to redeem your training resources? If not, I will help you redeem some if you need them."

Hearing Wen Xingrui's words, Wu Tao was very moved. He shook his head and said, "Master, I have a lot of military exploits, and there are also a lot of cultivation resources in the storage bags seized from their Nascent Soul cultivators, which is enough for me to practice. Master If you need military exploits, just tell me!"

Wen Xingrui laughed and said: "Okay, okay, from now on, we master and apprentice, whoever needs war work can just tell us."

After the discussion, both the master and the disciple planned to practice in the War Merit Hall for another year. Of course, this year will not only be about practicing, but also continuing to understand the art of weapon refining and deduce the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

So the two of them stopped talking and went to the training room to start practicing.

This time, because he had earned enough battle merit, Wen Xingrui also exchanged the token for the triple acceleration training room and entered the triple acceleration training room to practice.

However, the triple acceleration training room token he exchanged has a limit on the number of times and time. Unlike Wu Tao's triple acceleration training room token, there is no limit on the number of times and no time limit. You can practice as long as you want.

Wu Tao entered the triple acceleration training room, sat cross-legged on the futon, and immediately began to practice.

Time flies, and one month has passed quickly.

In the triple-acceleration training room, Wu Tao opened his eyes. He had just completed the practice of Jiuyaotian Ducun Divine Law. He opened his personal information and checked the progress of the dual cultivation of law and body this month.

Jiuyao Tiandu’s Divine Law·Layer 2: (54%)

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter·Level 4: (7%)

Seeing these two progresses, Wu Tao calculated in his mind:

"Sure enough, as the Star Yuan Ti breaks through to the 4th level, the cultivation speed of Jiu Yaotian's Divine Law has increased to 5 progresses per month. Of course, this is the progress in the triple acceleration training room. If there is no triple acceleration In the training room, the progress can be made at most a little more than a month. According to this progress, it will take more than 9 months to cultivate Jiuyaotian's divine magic to the third level."

"As for the Star Yuan Ti, which has been cultivated to the fourth level of the mid-Yuan Ti, even if it is practiced with the star streamer, the progress will be reduced by two per month in the triple accelerated training room. Based on this calculation, if you have cultivated to the fourth level of the Yuan Ti, Level 4 will take 15 months, which is one year and three months.”

"It's quite fast to break through the first level in one year and three months. It's worthy of being called the Palace of War Merits. It's so powerful."

"If I had this immortal weapon, I should be able to cultivate to become an immortal faster."

It's a pity that the Immortal Artifact of the War Merit Palace does not belong to him, but the Immortal Artifact of the Emperor Shenjun.

Speaking of Emperor Shenjun, Wu Tao had a strange feeling in his heart. He didn't know why a cultivator with such a big background as Emperor Shenjun would give him a strange feeling. He couldn't help himself every time he faced him.

Wu Tao couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face. The reason for the wry smile was because he remembered that he had a strange feeling in his heart when he saw the Emperor Shenjun when he was at the golden elixir level. At that time, he was still thinking that as long as he cultivated to the state of becoming a god, If you can sit on an equal footing with the Emperor God Lord, you can find out why there is something strange about the Emperor God Lord.

But now it seems that the Emperor Shenjun is an immortal cultivator who owns the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Palace. An immortal cultivator who owns an Immortal Weapon must also be an immortal.

Above Nascent Soul there is Transformation God, above Transformation Soul there is Lianxu, and there should be other realms above Lianxu.

Now that Wu Tao has to cultivate to become an immortal, he may be able to face the Emperor Shenjun face to face, an immortal who possesses immortal weapons.

"The road to cultivating immortality is long and arduous. Take your time. There is no need to rush." ​​Wu Tao calmed down and continued to practice.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao continued to practice in the triple-acceleration training room, and then went out every day to understand the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method with his master Wen Xingrui, and together they deduced the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

Finally, half a year later, the master and apprentice deduced the fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

Wu Tao has also fully understood the art of level 4 intermediate weapon refining and can be promoted to level 4 intermediate weapon refining master at any time.

And Wen Xingrui is getting closer and closer to the fourth-level senior weapon refiner.

But now in the War Merit Hall, in this unfamiliar world of immortality, the profession of weapon refiner is not of much help to the two masters and disciples.

Therefore, Wu Tao did not immediately promote himself to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner. Instead, he asked his master Wen Xingrui to refine the fourth-level intermediate treasure money. The spiritual materials for the weapon refining could be exchanged in the battle merit.

Two fourth-level intermediate treasure coins refined by Wen Xingrui, one each for the master and the disciple.

With this fourth-level intermediate treasure money, the master and the disciple's combat power in this world has been greatly improved.

There are still 5 months left before the one-year retreat, and it is impossible to practice cultivation all day long during these 5 months. Such cultivation will not be relaxed and moderate, but will be harmful to cultivation.

So Wu Tao continued to come out on weekdays and continued to deduce the treasure money of the fourth-level advanced level with his master. He also learned the knowledge of the fourth-level advanced weapon refining method.

Although every time a weapon refiner advances to a level, it takes several years of practice before he can continue to learn the next stage of weapon refinement.

But Wu Tao has the bonus of the main professional weapon refiner, so this is not a problem for him. He will first start to learn the fourth-level advanced weapon refinement method. The impact will not be too big, and it will not be said that the foundation of the weapon refinement method will be unstable.

Every day that passed, Wu Tao felt that his cultivation level was improving rapidly.

In more than three months, he will be able to break through to the third level of Nascent Soul.

During this period of time, Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling had a bet on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, so they sent Nascent Soul cultivators from their respective sects to search for traces of Wu Tao on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

But Wu Tao was practicing in seclusion in the War Merit Hall. Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling were destined to be unable to find traces of him unless he came out of the War Merit Hall.

After searching for half a year, Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling were a little doubtful as to why they had not found out the same thing as last time. However, they thought that the extraterrestrial demon appeared again after they left last time.

Therefore, the two of them wanted to get the other's cultivation treasure because of their stakes, so they both resisted their desire to leave and stayed on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture to wait for Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, to appear again.

Level 2 of Jiuyao Tiandu’s Divine Law: (99%)

In the Triple Acceleration Training Room of the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao looked at his personal information and saw the progress of the second level of the divine method stored in Jiu Yao Tian, ​​with a smile on his face.

Now, three months and 10 days have passed, and he has reached the second level of Divine Law in Jiu Yaotian, and he has finally reached 99% progress in cultivation.

The aura of the second level of Nascent Soul has been perfected and can be broken through to the third level of Nascent Soul at any time.

Therefore, Wu Tao planned to break through the third level of Nascent Soul on this day.


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